Golden Snidget (Harry Potter...

By awakeninq

261K 9.5K 4.9K

{COMPLETED} She gave a sickening laugh and turned to stare at her four friends. "I was never normal! Do you h... More

Meeting the Marauders
Hogwarts and the Marauders
Making Friends
Quidditch Tryouts
First Practice
Really, Black?
The Marauders are Annoying
The Potion is a Lie
Almost Friends
Detention with McGonagall
My Saviors
I Cheated Death
Back to Normal.. Or Not.
How did we come to this?
Love is Dangerous
What's Going On, Gracie?
Good Morning, Sirius
Can't Face Him
10 Facts About Me Challenge
Meeting with Dumbledore
The End.

Tanya Gills... What to Say about Tanya Gills

5.1K 205 142
By awakeninq


well i am highly offended. of course not!




i am so terribly sorry you guys. honestly i didnt think it was that long since I updated. the reason(s) for this absence of mine is because I am writing an new book, on paper. It's called Two for Two, and isn't an HP fanfic.




"Tanya Gills," I said, looking at Beatrice, "What to say about Tanya Gills..."

Beatrice chuckled.

"She's too nice, too pretty, too smart," Beatrice said.

I looked at the girl I had met only an hour previous.

"Does she like you?"

"Tanya likes everyone, you penguin."

"Well, apparently not me,"

"What do you mean?"

"She's so rude to me. Like, I don't get it,"

"Seriously? I want to see," Beatrice said.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Sorry, but I can't,"


"She's with Sirius,"

"Ah," Beatrice breathed, looking at me in slight understanding.

"I haven't spoken to Sirius in months,"

"Exactly. You don't know if he's changed,"

"Him and Tanya had their five month anniversary yesterday," I said.

"Well, maybe he hasn't, but you guys can still talk,"

I rolled my eyes again.

"Fine, I'll try today. But only when he's alone,"

"I'll be looking out, girlfriend. I totally ship Girius,"

"No. Just, just no,"

"Fine," Beatrice sighed, getting up. "We'd better get to class."

"Yes please," I said, linking my arms with hers.

We walked to class. We had History of Magic today, which happened to be as boring as usual. Afterwards, Beatrice suddenly jumped and squeezed my arm.

"Ow," I hissed, "You're cutting off the blood circulation in my arm."

"Sorry," She whispered, "Sirius is alone for once now,"

"Bea," I said quietly, "As I said, I haven't talked to Sirius in a good four months. I certainly don't want to now."

"You said you would!"

"I don't want to. If you're really my friend, you'll respect that,"

"No," Bea said suddenly, "I'm tired of this stupid grudge you have on Sirius when he had literally no idea you had a crush on him!"

"We kissed, Bea, we kissed. How would he not know that I like him?" I whispered, yelling. In a whisper, of course.

"I don't know, maybe he's stupid. But you're going to march the frick over there and speak to that boy,"

"Will you leave me alone?" I asked suspiciously.

"If you talk to him,"


I took a breath and walked over to him, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Hey," I said, quietly.

He looked up in surprise.

"Who are you?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Gracie. Gracie Dumbledore,"

His eyes widened.

"Gracelyn?" He said in slight shock.

I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear.


He put his hands around my waist and hugged me, picking me up and spinning me in the air.

"Sirius!" I laughed, smacking his shoulder once he put me down.

"You look like you've grown in the past four months," He said, giving me that to-die-for smile.

Suddenly, I feel like I'm falling in love again.

"Yeah..." I said, now feeling a bit awkward.

"It's not a bad thing," He rushed, giving me an apologetic look.

"No no, It's fine. Really,"

"So... how have you been?"

He scratched the back of his neck as he asked and I smiled slightly, trying to ease his nervousness.

"Not too great," I replied honestly.

"Why?" He asked.

The worried side of him that I honestly did love came out as I said that, and I felt my heart drop.

"It's nothing, Sirius,"

"It's never nothing, Gracie. If you're feeling unhappy I want you to talk to me," He said.

Sirius put his hands on my shoulder and gazed into my eyes.

"Gracie," he said softly, "you can trust me."

Right when I was about to tell him everything I've been wanting to tell him since four months ago, Tanya came up to us.

"Sirius?" She asked, "Why are you talking to this... scum?"

Her tone was slightly disgusted and I saw her face crinkle slightly as she looked at me.

"Tanya," Sirius said, growling slightly, "don't talk about Gracie like that."

"She ignored you for four months and suddenly you're all protective over her?"

"It's fine," I whispered, "I'll go."

Sirius looked at me worriedly.

"Gracie, no-"

"Trust me, it's fine. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Without giving him a chance to reply, I walked back to where Beatrice was, staring at me.

"What happened? It looked like things were going alright until-" Her face got a sudden look of realization. "Oh."

"Yeah. It's alright, though. I'm fine. As always. Merry, happy Gracie without a problem in life,"

I felt the tears rushing to my eyes and Beatrice quickly fanned them.

"No! This make-up is not  waterproof!"

To others, she might seem like a terrible friend right now, but she was just trying to make me laugh. I could tell by the way she glanced at me after she said it, to check if I smiled. And I hadn't.

"I know he tried to defend me and all, but it had to be her? Sirius could do so much better- like, like..."

"You?" Beatrice finished softly, rubbing my back.

I sighed and nodded.

"Let's go back to the Common Room,"

After me and Sirius fought, I had moved into the Ravenclaw Common Room, oppose to the Gryffindor room. Of course I missed it, but me and my previous best friends have drifted apart since. James, Remus, Sirius, Lily and I rarely talk anymore.

I may sound like a clingy teenager and a terrible role model, but my life practically fell apart when I left my friends and Sirius. But I was making do, and I now had many new friends in Ravenclaw. I never admitted it to anyone, but a piece of me felt as  though it were missing when I left. Now, speaking to Sirius, just for a few minutes, I felt whole again.

But guess what? It was me, on the Ravenclaw couch, sobbing, instead of Tanya, who, in the scenario I pictured in my mind, should be crying terribly on the Slytherin couch because Sirius let her go.

Well, I guess this is just how life works.


In case you're wondering why Gracie looks a bit more... mature in the photo above (media) that's because I wanted to sort of showcase how she's grown up in the four months without Sirius or any of her previous friends for her.

I don't know if you guys really know what she's going through at the moment. You can say she's, as she herself said, a 'clingy teenager and terrible role model' but honestly, if Gracie was real, she would be my perfect role model to me.

This boy who she honestly loves, adores, and wants so terribly bad to be with is with another girl who, above all, despises her and drags him away from her. She's left some of her best friends, and she's no longer a Marauder (although never mentioned, the boys always thought of her as a Marauder and always had). She's left all of these amazing people and started over, and guess what? She's slowly getting her life back.

To me, that's an ideal role model. Someone who, after disaster in their mind, can still have the bravery and heart to start over after something so horrible to them and something that would affect them that much.

If anything, Gracelyn is wrong. She's not being a clingy teenager and a terrible role model- she's going through this thing we humans call life. And she knows it'll be over soon, as all the bad moments usually are. Even if things seem terrible for her know, she knows it'll get better and is trying to live through it and be happy, but sometimes even the happiest people can hide hundreds of secrets in just one glance.

Gracelyn, to me, is as human as people in stories really get, especially in fanfictions. She may seem perfect, she may seem absolutely flawless in personality and appearance, but she's not. She goes through the good- and bad- moments, as everyone else in this world does. No one's world is perfect, no matter how much it may seem. And honestly, I think Gracelyn is the perfect sort of definition for this. That even through the worst times, you can find happiness and it will get better. You just have to wait.

Gracie will be mature when this is over, I can tell you that now. She won't be the childish girl she is now- she'll be a strong, passionate woman who can share her stories and her times. Gracie is a bit more of a teenager right now, going through the life/emo phase in her life, but once it's over, Gracie will, of course, still have that childish side of her, but she'll be more defined, more adult, more grown up then she is currently, in the middle of her Hogwarts years.

Now that my little rant is over, I can tell you guys I'll be seeing you soon. I plan to be more active and all.

Bye now!


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