NCIS: Arendale

By inactive_jelsa

22.2K 636 211

Elsa Arens, is the queen of Arendale. But no one knows what she looks like, or what her real name is. One day... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Story

Chapter 17

547 17 2
By inactive_jelsa

*Anna's POV*

The director of NCIS called me in. Said it was important. It better be, the prime minister wanted to meet with me since Elsa was leaving for the Southern Isles.

One person helps me find director Walts office. He opens the door for me. "Thank you." He smiles and closes the door.

The inside is a mess. There are papers everywhere. Walt is picking up papers when he notices me. "Ah, princess Anna. Glad you could make it."

"What in the world happened here?" I ask gesturing to the entire room. "And what happened to your wall?" There are 3-5 small holes in the wall.

"That's uh..part of the reason why I called you here."

"Because someone busted your wall?"

"Not entirely. There's a reason why that happened. And the person who caused that is going to be here to talk to you why he did it."

I'm still confused but sit down in front of his desk. He straightens a few more things before sitting down himself on the other side. "Now, before he gets here. I hope that you don't react the same way he did."

I smile. "Don't worry, I highly doubt that." The door opens as if on cue to my statement. When I turn around, it's Jack.

He looks at me for one moment before looking away. His expression is sad, and angry. Jack sits next to me. His eyes looking right past me. "Mr. Overland, I believe you have something to discuss with Anna."

Finally he looks at me. "Today, around 7:36 pm. When, Elsa Arens was about to board her plane, three unknown assailants had the entire airport under their control. Threatening people with their weapons. The killed four people, and injured twelve.

One assistant was killed, the other is in our custody. Unfortunately, during their escape, the leader had kidnapped Elsa. They managed to escape after a long car chase. At this moment we don't know where she is...I'm sorry."

My eyes tear up. I rest my head with my hand, propped up on my knee with my elbow. My other hand covers me mouth. Elsa is gone? She can't be.

I don't even know how to react right now. "Anna, I'm truly sorry."

"I want to see Kristoff. Other than that leave me alone please." I say quietly, trying to keep myself under control. "Anna-"

"Just leave me alone Jack." I close my eyes and look away. He sighs, a moment later I hear him get up. The director does as well.

I hear both of them mumbling a few words to each other. They're too quiet for me to hear anything. At the moment, I'm just trying not to have a mental breakdown.

Why would someone want Elsa? No one outside of the castle knows that she's the queen. All of this is too much for me to wrap my brain around. The sound of the door opening and closing reaches my ears. I look and the only person there is Kristoff.

I get up from my chair, tackling him in an embrace. He holds onto me tighter when I start to cry. "I know about Elsa. I'm so sorry Anna."

"There's probably a good reason why they took her." I whisper.

"What do you think it is?" He asked looking back at me. Elsa and I agreed not to tell anyone for our safety. But it's time to break some rules. "You may want to sit down for this."

I let go from our hug and sit down at Walts meeting table next to Kristoff. "Promise me not to freak out."

"You have my word. Now what's your theory?"

"It's not theory, it's fact...Elsa is...she's the queen." I bite my lip, twisting my hands. Kristoff smiles and does a small laugh. "You're messing with me right?"

When I don't answer his face falls. "But if she's the queen, that would make you..."

"The princess.." I finish for him. Kristoff gets up from his chair and turns around, rubbing his chin. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you. After our parents died, parliament made a decision to keep us hidden from the public. To protect us."

Kristoff still doesn't say anything, so I continue. "They gave Elsa, a new name and picture. Same for me, but people were more focused on the queen."

"Why did they want to hide you?" He asked. Still not looking at me. At this point he might as well know everything. "Elsa said that they thought our parents were led to their deaths. And wanted to know for sure. But until then, they kept us under lock and key."

Kristoff turns around, smiling at me. He sits back down in front of me, taking a hold of my hand. "I'm not mad. I understand why you couldn't tell me."


"Really really." Kristoff smiles, I smile back. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me. It's sweet and soft. The best kind of kiss.

I'm so happy that he isn't appalled at the fact that I'm the princess. Most people would run away. Kristoff pulls away slowly. "You know what the best part of this is right now?"

"No. What?"

"I'm in love with a princess. My very own fairy tale."

"I love you too." Kristoff kisses me again, he pulls away quickly and takes me into his arms. The door opens, it's Chris North and Walt.

"Sorry to interrupt. We need to speak to you alone."

"No need. I've told him, he knows that I'm the princess." The both look surprised for a moment then share a look. Walt is the first to speak. "Oh, well okay then. I was wondering if you were willing to call in some help from other kingdoms."

"Which one's?"

"The kingdom of Corona, and Queen Anastasia."

"I'll make the call."

*Elsas POV*

I can't tell how long I've been here. It feels like a few hours. But who knows? Without a clock, or light, there's no way for me to tell.

One person keeps running through my mind over and over again. Jack. I wonder what he's thinking about right now. Is he thinking of me? Is he okay? How is Jack taking this?

I just hope that he doesn't think that this is his fault, because it's not. The fault is mine. If only I could actually tell him that. Right now, if I could see the moon, I'd know that Jack is looking at it too. And somehow, it would make everything better.

Even being here, chained, a prisoner. Unable to help myself. I hang my head. I am never going to measure up to be the great ruler that Dad was. With each day that passes, I miss him more and more.

A tear slips out of my eye. God I miss them both so much. If only I could get out of here. I move my wrists around, maybe I could find a weak spot. And slip out of these chains, cuffs, whatever they are.

My sweat makes it easier to move my wrist around. Just when I'm about to get past the middle of my hand, the door opens. I stop what I'm doing immediately.

I expect to see Hans walk in, but I'm floored when I see that it's the prince of Pride Rock. "Scar..."

"Good to know that I'm still recognized. That idiot of a ruler takes all the attention."

"Mufasa is an amazing ruler. Better than you could ever be."

"You are blind your highness. He is merely a fool." He says slowly. I spit in his direction, it lands on his shoes. "You'll never measure up to him."

He raises his fist, it connects with my jaw. The blow is so hard I land on my side. "Don't, insult me."

"Couldn't resist." I say sarcastically. This time, Scar doesn't do anything. He puts his hands behind his back. "You said that she would be difficult."

I completely forgot that someone else is in the room. It's Pitch of course. "Yes, well I would hope that you could something out of her. You're a very persuasive person."

"If I was that good, I could've convinced my parents to give me the throne. Instead they give it to Mufasa. Poor man can barely control his son." I roll my eyes. Geez, talk about childhood angst.

"Hey. Mind the attitude."

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot I'm supposed to be a well behaved good girl when I get kidnapped. That was something my parents left out." Pitch kicks me in the stomach. I lean over from the blow.

"Now, it's high time I told you something..." Pitch leans down to my ear. "Do you remember that day in the garden?"

Everything freezes at the moment. My body, and my brain. This can't be happening. "Yes, Queen Elsa, it is I the man who made those threats. And if you don't answer all my questions..truthfully, and without an attitude..I will follow through on it."

His accent, similar to the brits, but not quite. For now, it's the only thing I can wrap my head around right now. "Don't think I won't." He stands back up and straightens his jacket.

"That feels great to get off my chest. You have no idea how long, I've been itching to tell you." He sounds proud of himself. I narrow my eyes at him. "Did you kill all those people?"

"Excuse me. You're going to have to speak louder than that."

"Did you kill those people!!!" I yell as loud as I can. Scar whistles, the same way all guys do seeing a nice car. I keep my eyes on Pitch.

"Yes. I am, the silent killer."

"You've been trading the navy secrets." I can almost not believe it. One of my own people. "Not just that, any secret that I could get my hands on."

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. My head falls. "All those people...with wives, husbands, children.."

"Yes yes, tragic isn't it? Anyway, let's get on with it. Shall we?" Scar brushes me off like a worn paper bag. How can this not affect him?

Right I forgot, he's crazy like Pitch. "Now my darling..." Scar removes a knife from the inside of his jacket. He puts it under my chin, making me lift my head up. "You're going to tell me everything that I need to know."

*Jacks POV*

I search and search for something that will lead me to Elsa. In fact, I'm typing so hard on the keyboard, it's moving around.

The fact that it won't stay still makes me even more agitated. I think back to the airport. Elsa doing everything she could to hide her face. I even covered her hair. But why?

Those men said that they looked everywhere for the queen, except for Elsa. And that they saw her walk in. Elsa was the only one that I saw get into her car. That could only mean...

"Oh my God.." I whisper. All at once, everything falls into place. This all to much to take in. Why didn't she tell me? I must have so sounded so stupid to her!

Anna, she'll give me more answers. Just to prove that I'm not completely insane. I go up the stairs that lead to the second floor. She hasn't left that room, I just know it.

When I open the door, Kristoff, North and Walt all stand inside. (btw Chad is with Mavis and Sven) They all turn to look at me. Carefully, I close the door making as little noise as possible. Anna is on the phone.

She hangs up when she sees me. "Jack. What are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you..alone please."

"I'm afraid not, I have some important calls to make. And I need them in here too."

"Alright, fine. I'll just ask you in front of them. Since they all obviously already know." I'm a little hurt that Elsa would tell Kristoff and North before me.

Walt is the director, so he was the one who probably called her here. They all look confused at my words. "What are you talking about Jack?" North asks.

"You know. Don't you?" When he doesn't answer, I say it again. "Don't you?...about Elsa."

"What about her?" Walt looks as composed as ever. "How important she is. Why those people wanted her?" I'm close to angry tears.

She could be dead right now. But I would feel it. Right? "Jack what are you-"

"Elsa is the queen!....Isn't she? And don't lie to me." Anna looks the most stunned that I figured it out. "Jack I really need to work-"

"You're avoiding me. Elsa is the queen, and you're the princess. You're making calls to other countries, asking for help. When we need to be out there. Looking for your sister."

"This is the safest plan." Walt says.

"But it's not the best."

"Alright, where do you suggest we start at?" Anna puts the phone.

"With the one guy who can point us to where Elsa is."

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