Recovery [ON HOLD]

By sun_bean_

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Part Two of Therapy. Read Therapy first...and then Recovery More

Chapter One: Recovery
Chapter Two: Happy Birthday...To Me...
Chapter Three: No Shame...
Chapter Four: Postcards and Polaroids
Chapter Five: Meets and Greets
Chapter Six: The Date
Chapter Seven: Bookworms
Chapter Ten: Sleeping in The Day
Chapter Eleven: Mood Swings
Chapter Twelve: Tour
Chapter Thirteen: Hospitals Are Never A Good Thing
Chapter Fourteen: Short and Sweet
Chapter Fifteen: Stay, I've Seen it All Before
Chapter Sixteen: D.R.U.G.S
Chapter Seventeen: Rings
Chapter Eighteen: Self Destruction is Such A Pretty Little Thing...
Chapter Twenty: Remember Rue?
Chapter Twenty One: Dysfunctional
Chapter Twenty Two: Letters To You
Chapter Twenty Three: Wedding Planning and Sluts
Chapter Twenty Four: Deals With The Devil
Chapter Twenty Five: Alicia
Chapter Twenty Six: Banana Slut
Chapter Twenty Seven: She's Still Breathing
Chapter Twenty Eight: Crazy...

Chapter Nine: Getting Back

587 22 0
By sun_bean_

POV from Ben

Where was she?

I turned to see Andy walking back towards us, rubbing his arms. He smiled sadly at us and jogged up to me. "Bruce, there's something I gotta tell you!" he called, reaching us with a few long strides. 

"Have you seen Jordyn?" I asked, not really caring about what he was going to tell me. 

"Yeah, its about Jordyn." Andy sighed. "I went to go to the bathroom, and she was crying on the ground. I didn't know what I was supposed to-" 

I clenched my jaw and started off to the bathroom. Why was she crying? What was wrong? Did I do something wrong? Shit! 

I walked to the small room, her sobs now loud and undeniably broken. I frowned and opened the door. 

She shrank back and covered her face. "ARE YOU DONE WITH ME? CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?" She screamed at me. I blinked. 

"Jordyn?" I whispered. She peeked through her fingers and started to cry again. 

"Ben..." She whispered. I bit my lips and went to sit next to her. She scrambled into my lap and held onto me tightly. I felt my breath being forced out of me, but I didn't dare complain. 

"What's wrong?" I murmured. She didn't answer me, her wracking sobs too much to handle. "Hang on. I'm gonna go grab James, okay?" 

She nodded and rolled off me. James was the best at comforting girls. For some weird reason, he was the most personable. I'd like to be that one, but I know that sometimes, I'm kind of a dick-head. 

"James?" I called out, shutting the door behind me. A lot of the guests were leaving, saying goodbye and shit. I needed to find James. I found him talking with some slag and they were about to make out when I grabbed him by his arm and yanked him away. 

"What the fuck?" He snapped at me. I just glared at him. 

"Jordyn's crying." I told him simply. "And I don't know what to do-" 

James cocked his head up, his mouth in a straight line. "Where is she?" 

"The bathroom-" 

"Stay out here." he ordered, and before I could protest, he was off and away. I followed him and had the bathroom door slammed in my face. I leaned against the door and listened to them talk. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. Jordyn started blubbering and it sounded like she was hitting something. "Ow! Stop, Jordyn...please, stop hitting me!" 

"I'm-I'm sorry, I thought you were some-someone else..." She groaned. I heard a shuffle and then James spoke again. 

"Who'd you think I was?" James' voice sounded tired. Jordyn started sniffling again, loudly. I wish I could hold her in my arms and tell her everything would be okay. 

"I...I can't tell y-you..." she moaned. I felt my stomach twist and I crossed my arms over my chest. Who sounds like James? Deep voice...accent? No...who...who could she think-

"What happened?" James' voice quivered. 

"He came in and-cornered me...and-and-he-he touched me..."

My fists clenched. Who the fuck touched her? Who the fuck would do that to her? 

"Holy shit, Jordyn, are those bruises?" James gasped. Instantly I was on my feet. I had to find Andy to ask him if he saw anyone around the bathroom. Who would touch Jordyn like that and leave bruises? 

I stumbled into Ashley and Cam. 

"Ash, where's Andy?" I gruffed, my mouth frowning and my fists clenched. 

"Outside, why?" Ash asked. Cam frowned. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off angrily and bit at my lip rings. 

"No. Someone hurt Jordyn!" I snapped. Cam hissed in a breath and Ashley rolled his eyes. 

"Fucking hell." Ash sighed. He went to the exit and turned to me. "Are you coming?" 

"Where are you going?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"We're finding Andy. I knew he was going to do something stupid." Ash sighed, pulling out cigarettes. I opened my mouth. 

"What do you mean Andy would do something stupid? I don't think he-" 

"He was gone when Jordyn was gone, and he was back and said he found her. Their past would give him a good reason to do something." Ash peered at me cautiously. "You do know 'bout their past, right?" 

I frowned, shaking my head. Ash rolled his eyes. "There's no time to explain. I'm going to go ask Andy if he actually did what we're accusing him of." 

Ash walked out of the door and I followed him. 


Andy was smoking a cigarette, a smug smile on his face. His fingers were to his nose and he snickered. 

"Andy?" Called Ash as we marched up to him. Andy lowered his hand and he looked at us wearily. 

"What's up?" he asked, eyeing me. 

"Did you do something to Jordyn?" Ash asked, lighting his cigarette. Andy's blue eyes never left mine as he sucked on his cigarette.

"Nope." he breathed the smoke from his nose. "What makes you think I did?" 

"She said you did." I blurted out, trying to see if he actually did something. I mean, he would 'fess if I lied about it, right? Andy grew red. 

"Fucking bitch." He sighed, flicking his cigarette. "Yeah. I did something." 

"What'd you do?" I asked, anger replacing my worries. 

"She didn't tell you?" He asked, his eyes weary. I frowned and drew back my fist. I slammed it into his face and he lurched back. 

"YOU FUCKING TOUCHED HER DIDN'T YOU?" I shouted on top of my lungs. I felt hands grab me and pull me back. I knew they were Ash's, but I didn't care. I struggled against him and spat profanities at Andy. Andy smirked and rolled his eyes.

"She didn't stop me. She liked it." Andy said, standing up. 


"She does?" He whispered. I nodded and tried to pull out of his grasp once more, and to my surprise, he let go. 

"Don't kill him." Ash muttered. I advanced at Andy, his eyes widening. I was going to have fun with this.

A/N I don't know if I should continue this. Read, vote..comment if you want to i love reading comments.:)

<7 Nina

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