Royal Blood: Mikayuu

By flxrxsxj

138K 5.7K 2.3K

The queen and king of the vampire kingdom have arranged a marriage for Mikaela Hyakuya, the vampire prince, t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chaper 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

5.3K 173 148
By flxrxsxj

"Prince Hyakuya?" Yoichi requested.

"Yes?" Both Mika and Yuichiro responded simultaneously before exchanging flustered glares at each other.

The couple have barley been married for less than a week, yet they still act like hopeless high school romantics. They weren't quite used to sharing the same last name, and Yuu wasn't used to being referred to as 'Prince Hyakuya', but the name was like pleasant music to his ears.

And besides, Hyakya was a difficult name to make fun of. There was a time where his surname, Ichinose, was a laughable name to his so called "friends". When Mitsuba was first introduced to Yuu, she swore she heard 'Your Itchy Nose' instead of 'Yuichiro Ichinose'. This misheard mistake was a vulnerable target his taunting friends could use against him, but there wasn't any way Mitsuba would let this slip out of her fingers. Once she met Shinoa, they bonded over Yuu's stubbornness and recalled every humiliating moment that ended with Yuu kicking them out of his home.

Hyakuya. What a delightful name. Why does that name sound so–

"Answer when he's talking to you,
punk," Kimizuki growled as he slammed his bare hands together, causing a loud awakening from Yuu.

"Don't scare me, you piece of shit!" Yuu hollered in aggravation as he stood up from his chair, leaning oddly close to Kimizuki's petrifying expression; the expression he always wears when Yuu pisses him off. His usual creased pink eyebrows, the normal clenched teeth, revealing the dazzling whiteness of his teeth, so white Yuu could probably see his weary reflection, and of course, the intensifying burning passion of fire growing in his eyes. "Fetch me some water, would you?," Yuu demanded as he waved the man away. "What did you want to tell me, Yoichi?"

"Oh! Right! Our majesty wanted me to deliver an important message to you!" Yoichi replied enthusiastically while Yuu raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Well? What is it!?" Yuu excitedly questioned as he pumped his fits out in front of him.

"He told me to tell you that! He will not allow you to get a demon weapon" Yoichi responded as his high-pitched voice lowered down in disappointment after he reached the climax of the message. As astonished as Yuu was, he sat back down in his seat without a single sound escaping his mouth. He eyed the table arrangement before him and started to clench the arms of the chair. Still not a single sound or word was heard out of him.

"Yuu-Chan?" Mikaela questioned, worried about his lover.

"What the hell!" Yuu hollered from the top of his lungs as he made a run for it up the stairs while Kimizuki arrived then announced the ice cold water he brought for Yuu. He sprinted past Kimizuki as the trio proceeded to follow him up to Guren's office. The raged boy barged into his father's office without a knock of consent and roughly caught his breathe before his rant.

"Let me posses a demon weapon!" Yuu begged hopelessly on his knees as he buried his face in his thighs. The crowd was expecting an excruciating back-to-back argument from the two, but of course, they were all too quick to judge.

"And this is why I think you're not ready," Guren sighed as he turned his back to everyone in his desk chair.

He wasn't wrong; Yuu wasn't emotionally stable enough to handle the demonic power that is a demon. All the dominant traits Yuu carried and not a single one indicated that he's ready for a challenge so complex.

Possessing a demon weapon gives great power to it's wielder, but chances of one obtaining such a weapon is slim for the process's difficulty is wicked. There's many weapons one can chose from, and once they lay a hand on a weapon of their choice, it knocks the daylights out of them until their met with their troubling past, insecurities, anyway that'll leave you vulnerable and helpless. Which is why, the task is difficult. No one knows what the horrifying demon will use against a person, nor does the person know if they can handle what the demon throws at them. These demon's goal are to let the emotions get the best of one, to let their soft vulnerability awaken and take the place of their dominance. Once it has, they find the perfect change to permanently posses, take over their body, and there is no turning back.

"How am I supposed to protect the people I care about?" Yuu mumbled  as he looked down at his feet with his black hair falling in his face.

"You let them protect you," Guren proclaimed. He let a heavy sigh and massaged his temples, adding pressure to them. This argument was going nowhere. All the begging and complaining wasn't convincing enough to grant Yuu the permission he yearned.

"Bullshit! I felt so defenseless at the wedding! I wanted to protect every person in that damn room, but I couldn't!" Yuu argued with every last bit of emotion he locked inside of him. "I don't care if I get hurt. I don't want to be a burden anymore! Let me help you guys," he continued to beg until that awkward silence floated through the room. Soon enough, Guren got up from his desk.

"Fine. All of you, follow me."


The moist pathway was dark, so there wasn't a shed of light gleaming through anywhere. It seemed like a hostile place to be at without company or a sharp weapon of some sort. Water droplets were spilling from the top as they landed in a tiny puddle beneath, which was the only thing that could be heard besides the fast pace footsteps behind Guren.

Once they turned the corner, Guren kicked open two wide doors as they violently propped open. A heavy light source lit outside the doors as a burning sensation hit the group's faces. All the way in the back was a stone carved into a brutal lion with a strong fire burning inside it's starving mouth. With that being said, the place was surrounded with it's own unique, strange rock carvings with a weapon placed in front of it like a trophy placed in a glass window for people to view.

A distinct, green sword was the first weapon that caught Yuu's full attention. He always had a way with  a sword for he's been training since he was just ten years old. His skill with a sword was impeccably advanced, and the only person who could lay a clean slash on Yuu was his father Guren, the man who's been training for years. The ambitious boy was ready to go since his sword skills with a regular sword were swift, imagine him with a demon sword possessed with destructive power and strength.

"I'll leave you to it then. Make sure to hold him down," Guren warned as he walked off carelessly.

"Your highness, you want us to watch over your ignorant son?!" Kimizuki asked in annoyance, though, he already knew the answer. He let out a heavy sigh as he and Yoichi followed the pair to the intriguing sword.

"Yuu, are you sure about this?" Mika anxiously asked as he put a hand on Yuu's shoulder.

"Yes, I need to protect you the way you protect me," Yuu answered without turning around to look at Mika's worried gaze. Mika backed away to where Kimizuki and Yoichi were standing and patiently waited for Yuu to proceed with his idiotic demand.

No one can blame Yuu for his repulsive choice, but the thought of watching his family being slaughtered before him wasn't something he wasn't going to witness if he had a say in it. He was exhausted of guards hovering over him and shielding him with their last bit of strength when the people he loved were leaving themselves wide open. This demon sword is the only chance Yuu has to be that protection Guren and Mika need but are too determined to admit.

He let out an alarming, heavy sigh and quickly grabbed the sword before him and examined it without leaving a single spot unseen.

"Okay, now what–" a loud thud interrupted Kimizuki's concern as Yuu collapsed to the floor, still gripping tightly onto the mysterious sword.


"What the hell?" the boy groaned as he wearily challenged himself to fully open his eyelids. The forced struggle wasn't as difficult for the room he was in was surrounded with intense darkness.

Once he was awake, his attention led him to a bright, eye-catching tunnel. If the tunnel was a metaphor, it'd be hope.

*Maybe, just maybe if I go to the tunnel, I could find help.

He dashed towards the sparkling entrance of hope and demanded answers from it. Where he was, why is he here, why can't he run as fast?

The dazzling light illuminated his unfamiliar outfit as he scanned the room to find a beautiful women with a ravishing shade of violet, straight hair. Why was she here?

"Yuichiro!" Mahiru yelled as she sprinted towards her son, lifting him off the ground to twirl him around like she just found the world wonders. "Did you miss me?" She asked in a gushing tone. She set the boy down and took a few, huge steps back as if the boy carried a treacherous disease.

"I'm sorry," the poor women mouthed as a familiar green sword impaled his mother from the back. Blood oozed out of her wound as trickles of blood spurt onto Yuu's shirt and cheek. His evergreen eyes dilated in fear and shock for whoever decided to murder his precious mother in front of him.

The angle of which Yuu was looking at suddenly shifted in a circular motion to reveal the person responsible for such a horrendous attack.

The stranger had his head down with his raven hair framing the sides of his face and covering his secretive eyes. His eyes didn't lay off the ground as his body was paralyzed in time.

His arms began to fidget and twitch every time he tried to force himself to turn to the frightened boy before him. Once he fully turned around, his insanely dilated, evergreen eyes pierced his eyes from the intensity he was rubbing off. "We killed her," it trembled with a chattering response.

"No, you killed–"

But wait. We're the same person.

"No," Yuu breathed as his pulse augmented more every second. He could've collapsed right then in there for his breaths shortened terribly, but a sweet voice called out from behind him. The boy quickly turned around to see his mother in perfect shape. Not a splatter of blood, not a single tremble in her smooth voice, and not a single shiver ran through his spine.

This must be some sort of sick allusion. His mother was stabbed in front of him. Yuu quickly turned back around to see nothing at all, and the terrifying scene vanished in thin air. Warm arms wrapped around his shoulders and gave off a sweet scent of innocence.

"It's good to see you, honey."


"Shit, what the fuck is he going through?" Kimizuki complained as he attempted to hold down Yuichiro's right wrist. Yuu was surprisingly tougher when he was unconscious.

"I don't know, but it must be bad," Mika added as he held down both of Yuu's legs with ease, though that didn't help the squirming and wiggling of his torso.

"Shiho, I can't do this any longer," Yoichi huffed as he tried his best to hold down Yuu's left wrist to the floor. He decided to sit on it before, but that wasn't enough weight to settle it down. Yuu's left arm was his least dominant arm, so the image of Yoichi holding down Yuu's right arm, or worse, his legs, was exhausting just thinking about it.

"Come on, Yuu. Don't let it get to you," Mika whispered in a slightly worried tone while catching the way Yuu's eyes tighten shut and the way his nose scrunched up in displeasure.


"I'm glad I got to see you again, Yuu," Mahiru cooed as her arms grew tighter around his pressured shoulders. Her voice was sincere with a hint of delicacy, meaning no harm to her puzzled son. The tone in her voice seemed unrecognizable since she's never showed Yuu the side everyone in the household is familiar with.

"M-mother?" the boy breathed out with the remaining breath he had in his lungs.

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

That's a complex question that involves a lot of thought and carefulness. It's not that she was a horrible mother who refused to aide him and support him. It was that she was a strict mother, that carried profound rules, and one who probably deleted all his sorrowful memories and torments with a deep push of a needle into the child's swelling, scarred skin coiled with goosebumps and bruises.

"Yuichiro?" The sugarcoated voice rang in his ears once more before a morbid voice replaced the delightful emptiness he's been enduring for the past years. "Why did you get rid of me?" The deadly, ice cold stranger accused him.

Yuichiro quickly shoved the women away from him and back peddled away from the wicked women before him. The calm family reunion turned into a noxious animosity that he had to escape.

"You dirty bastard," a well-known voice reached out to him. Gazing up, he quickly recognized the man standing next to Mahiru, his father.
"You shouldn't have left your room!" Guren shrieked in discourage.

"Why did you do it?" Mahiru chimed in, her voice back to that hurtful, innocent tone.

"You killed the love of my life, Yuichiro," the monotone of Guren weakly reached Yuu as the boy fell onto his knees and covered his ears with as much pressure as he could. He could still hear the muffled sounds of sorrowful accusations coming from the pair.

"SHUT UP!" Yuu cried from the top
of his lungs as he stretched out the phrase.

Guren would never be as brutal as to torment him with such words, with such aggression. Never.

At last, the voices distant themselves from the troubled boy, which gave him a signal to open his eyes.

"They're gone," he breathed in relief before he sucked in his breath. "Wait this isn't-"

He scanned his surroundings, hoping to find a familiar face. As he turned around, a tall figure with blond locks was staring off into the same direction. "Mika?!" Yuu called out. He pondered of something great, the figure being Mika. The blond turned around and waved gently at Yuichiro. As animated as the boy was to finally see someone that's normally stable, he dashed towards his lover and embraced him in a tight hug, wrapped his arms around his neck, nuzzling in his unusually warm, bare neck.

"I missed you, Mika," Yuu huffed, recalling the tremendous events that occurred not too long ago. While letting his arms loosen around Mika, he realized his beautiful cerulean eyes glistened in the remaining light they had under them. "M-Mika?" the puzzled boy questioned, and as before he could finish his confusion, Mika vigorously fell onto his knees as his clenched fists punched the surface below him.

The blond gazed up at Yuu with tears streaming down his tinted pink cheeks, one after another.
"Blood. I need blood. Blood. Blood. I need it. Help me," Mika breathed under his breath repetitively in craving agony.

"Mika, what's wrong?"

"If you give me your everything, I'll
be okay. How does that sound, Yuu-Chan?" Mika suggested with a false, quivering smile as he extended his twitching arm out to Yuu.

"Stop," the angry boy deadpanned as the false figure of Mika let out an insanely loud, mocking laugh. The boy was breathless of the disbelief he had encountered.

Mika's luscious, blond locks turned into long, deep violet waves, and his eyes bloomed into a deep red color. His height was cut in half as he wore a worn out, white, flowing outfit. "I hit a soft spot, didn't I, Yuu-Chan, is it?" The boy before him mocked.

"Don't fuck with me!" he violently roared at the demon who refused to grant him power.

"Well that didn't take as long as I planned. It only took 5 hours of entertaining torture." Asuramaru rejoiced with a mischievous side grin.

"Give me power! Give me the strength that'll help me protect my loved ones! I passed your tests. I demand power!" the demand bluntly escaped the devoted boy's mouth. That same ambition that's welling up inside of him can be the trigger for future chaos he ponders about.

"You're not even going to ask me for my name?" The boy pouted. His voice was raspy and deep, yet it could tell horrendous tales behind those beaming, sadistic eyes. "I'm
Asuramaru. I'll tell you now, Yuu, if you let your emotions get the best of you, I'll find every opportunity to take over your body," Asuramaru explained cautiously about his warnings.

"Say my name, and I'll give you all the power in the world!"

"Enough power to save my family?"

"More than enough, Yuu." Asuramaru boasted to the grinning boy, who was pumping his fists excitedly. "I'm not letting you off the hook so easily next time," the hoarse voice warned with many cynical thoughts running in Yuu's mind. "One more thing."

"Turn around," Asuramaru demanded. Yuu quickly turned around to find Mika right in front of his face with their foreheads touching. Mika cupped both sides of Yuu's cheek and rubbed the soft skin. Before he had a chance to react, the oblivious boy allowed Mika to nearly close the gap between them, but before their lips met, Yuu shot his eyes open and felt the pressure on his poor limbs.

Mikaela laid his back on Yuu's legs peacefully while reading a French cook book while Kimizuki was holding down Yuu's wrist with his hand. Yoichi, on the other hand, was dripping with sweat, his teeth were chattering as his determined eyes eyed Yuu's wrist as he held it down with both hands.

"Prince Hyakuya, you're back!" Yoichi cheered as he quickly wiped off the new sweat beads forming around his temples where his chocolate brown hair framed his face.

Yuu forced a smile on his face when he heard the rejoice of Yoichi. He took a glance at Mika's RED eyes and recalled when he almost kissed the devil in disguise before he woke up. Quickly, he turned around to avoid the augmented tint of pink forming on his cheeks.

The group made their way back to the castle for Yuu's exhaustion carried the hugest burden. Once they arrived, Mika scooped up Yuu, who nuzzled into Mika's cold neck, and carried him up the stairs and into his room. Mika tucked in the half awake boy into bed with his piles of comfortable sheets and blankets.

"You'll tell me what happened tomorrow, right?" Mika whispered to the drifting boy. Humming in harmony to confirm Mika's question, he bend over and plant a soft kiss on Yuu's moist forehead.

"What the hell happened to you?"

AN: I'm sorry, I'm so salty when it comes to Akame Ga Kill. Forgive meh lolz I JUST SHIP AKAME AND TATSUMI SO HARD SORRY
Anyways, sorry for the delay! Here is a new chapter!
You guys should check out my new MikaYuu fan fiction called, Transparent Love I'd really
appreciate it! I'll update that one this weekend probably :)


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