Overprotective | Wattys2017

By leslymm

49.7K 1.2K 246

Carolina's life has taken a 360 degree turn when she makes one mistake that she regrets for the rest of her h... More

Chapter 1 | Brothers
Chapter 2 | Andrew Parker
Chapter 3 | A Day With Parker
Chapter 4 | Facing Parker
Chapter 5 | The Almost Kiss With Parker
Chapter 6 | Sneaking Out With Parker
Chapter 8 | An Angry Parker
Chapter 9 | A Sorry Parker
Chapter 10 | Math Class With Parker
Chapter 11 | The Real Parker
Chapter 12 | Waking Up to Parker
Chapter 13 | Oblivious Parker
Chapter 14 | Embarrassing Myself in Front of Parker
Chapter 15 | Problems with Alice Because of Parker
Chapter 16 | Bonfire with Parker
Chapter 17 | Football with Parker - Part 1

Chapter 7 | Saving Parker

2.5K 72 12
By leslymm

The one in the picture is Xavier.

Sorry for not updating. There was a lot of things I had to do and I am so happy that I could get them done. I am also happy about the many reads and comments! Thank you so much. And as a token of my gratitude, here's the next chapter!


"What do you mean he's lying on the floor unconscious? And you're telling me that he's been stabbed?!"

"I-I don't know how and-" I stuttered, as my tears were still falling.

"You were out with a guy at night, went to an arcade, and now he's unconscious? Wow, you really know how to pick them," Xavier whistled.

"I'm telling you that he's been stabbed and that he is probably dying, and you're telling me that I have horrible taste in guys?" I snapped at him. "Xavier, you better tell me what to do or so help me God-"

"Fine, fine. Okay, did you check his pulse? Are you making sure that his wound is covered so that he doesn't lose as much blood?"

I quickly checked his pulse, then sighed in relief once I felt it. After, I took off my shirt, thank God I decided to wear a tank top underneath, and put it around his waist to stop the blood from flowing.

"I'm done, what do I do now?" I asked Xavier.

"I need you to call 911. Just stay where you are and wait for me to come," he replied.

"Parker said he didn't need and want to go to a hospital," I protested, realizing where this was going.

"Carolina. You have no other choice. The guy is practically bleeding out and unconscious. Call 911 and that's final," Xavier firmly replied.

I looked over at Parker, still worrying.

"Fine. But just get here quick. I don't know if he's still even breathing," I told him, leaning over towards Parker and brushing a strand of his hair away.

"Just remember to check on his pulse every thirty seconds, or even one minute if you want. You passed the CPR unit in health class. I believe that you can keep him alive till me or the ambulance gets here," Xavier replied.

"What?! He didn't fall down of a heart attack Xavier, he got stabbed! Why would you need to help his heart if his wound is in the stomach?" I worriedly asked.

"You never know Carolina. Anything can happen right now. Im almost there. I'll give you a chance to call 911 now. Make sure he stays alive Carolina. His life is in your hands."

And with that, he hung up.

I started to dial 911. Before I pressed on the call button, I looked over at Parker.

"I'm sorry Parker. But I have to call 911. If not, you'll die," I whispered to him in tears.

I pressed on the call button.

"911, what's your emergency?"


"I'm sorry."

Those were two words I kept repeating every thirty seconds, after I checked his pulse.

I just betrayed him while he was unconscious. His only wish was to not call he ambulance. And what did I do?

Called the ambulance.

Twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty.

I leaned over towards him, and pressed two fingers on his neck. Once I felt his pulse, I sighed in relief.

Taking a glance at his face, I noticed that he looked a bit peaceful, for a guy that is unconscious.

His parted lips and eyelids made him look like he was just sleeping.

I wish.

I looked at his wound, then silently, burst out crying again.

I didn't know if this was all my fault or not, but I guess the rumors about Andrew Parker were true. He is dangerous.

But is it weird that I kind of find it thrilling and comforting just being by his side?

My thoughts were interrupt when something grabbed onto me and put their hands on my mouth.

Struggling, I tried to break free.

What's going on? I thought.

I silently whimpered when I saw that there were two guys around Parker. I'm guessing that the one holding me is going to be three.

As the two guys started take off the shirt I had around his waist to keep him from losing that much blood, I struggled even more against the guys that had me.

I bit his hand, and as predicted, he let his hand go.

"No!" I yelled out the guys. "P-Please don't! Leave him alone!"

One of the guys looked over at me.

"Hey, isn't it that girl that was at McDonalds with Andrew the other day?"

The other guy looked at him, then at me.

"Carolina, wasn't it?"


These were the same guys that tried to assault me.

I looked closely at them, trying to identify the guys that wanted to get with me. I remember Parker calling the blonde guy Bruce.

I gasped once I realized that the two guys that had black hair were around Parker, and Bruce, is holding me.

"Did you finally recognize me?" Bruce asked behind me, trailing his finger down my arm.

I shivered in disgust.

"Get away from me," I told him, pushing him.

His hold tightened around me. He leaned in towards my ear and whispered.

"No one to save you now, huh."

I nearly died when the other two guys took off the shirt completely and took out a knife.

"W-What are you guys doing? No, no, please don't. Don't kill him," I pleaded, struggling from Bruce's arms.

Tears started to fall down my face when I saw that the guys took the knife and pressed it against his wound.

Blood immediately started to pour again.

"No! Please stop!" I yelled at the two guys. "Just leave him alone!"

Bruce turned me around to face him. He grabbed my jaw, making me look at him.

"Your Parker is going to die right in front of our eyes if you keep on yelling."

"Why are you doing this to him?" I cried, hitting my fists against his chest.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Bruce responded. "If I told you, you would end up exactly like him."

"You disgust me," I sneered at him.

Bruce just gave me a crooked smirk.

I silently prayed that Parker would stay alive a bit longer. I prayed that the ambulance could get here fast.

Please hold on! I pleaded silently.

Before I could process what I was doing, I brought my knee up and hit his prized jewels.

Bruce hissed and instantly let go of me.

I then tried to help Parker out. But before I could take a step, a hand grabbed onto my foot making me trip and fall.

Quickly getting up, I ran towards Parker and the two guys. I then grabbed my laser tag gun and hit one of them with it.

"Son of a-" he started.

Before I could hit the other one, Bruce grabbed me from behind and made me turn to face him again.

"Stop," he ordered, pointing a finger at me.  "One more move and I won't care what happens to you."

"Let him live then," I pleaded once again.

"Not a word Carolina. None of your pleading while change my mind."

I brought my knee up to hit his prized jewels again, but Bruce grabbed my knee before I could.

"Don't test me," he growled.

"Then don't test me," I replied, spitting onto his face.

Bruce then raised his hand, I instantly looked away and flinched.

But before he could lay a hand on me...

"If you ever try to raise your hand at her, you will regret it," a voice.

I looked towards where the voice came from, and nearly fainted.


He was standing up, but with his hand on his stab wound. His face was really pale from losing a lot of blood. It looked like he knocked out the two guys, because they were on the floor.

"Well aren't you the hero," Bruce smirked.

"Leave her alone," Parker responded, slightly wincing.

"Please Parker, stop. You're hurting yourself," I protested and pleaded.

"No," he replied, determination in his eyes. "I got you into this mess, I'm taking you out."

Parker walked closer to Bruce and lifted his fist in the air, swinging it at Bruce. Bruce caught it easily and smirked at him.

"Such a tough guy, aren't you? Haven't you ever learned to not mess with someone when you're weak?"

Parker glared at him.

I let out a scream once Bruce punched Parker. I heard that sickening crack, that led to another crack.

Stupidly, I went towards Bruce and tried to pull him off of Parker. Since I was smaller than Bruce, he was able to push me off of him, causing me to fall back.

I groaned once I hit the hard floor. Luckily, only my back hit the ground hard. My head, thankfully, didn't hit the ground as hard.

"Carolina!" I faintly heard from afar.

I turned my head and saw Xavier running towards me. I turned to look at Bruce and his men, but saw that his men cowardly left without him.

I wasn't the only one who heard Xavier. Bruce turned his head towards the sound then glared at me.

"You foolish girl," he spit out. "I will meet you once again, don't you ever forget me."

He then looked at Parker.

"And you. You better pay me what you owe me or else..."

Bruce whispered the last part, not letting me here him.

"Carolina!" Xavier yelled, getting closer.

"I'm here," I weakly responded.

Bruce turned to look at me and glared once again.

Xavier got here and turned to look at Bruce.

"Who are you?" Xavier angrily asked.

"No one you'll ever see."

And with that, Bruce ran.

"Don't," I told Xavier, once I saw him try to run after Bruce.

Xavier's eyes softened once he saw me.

"He did this didn't he? Was it just him?" Xavier asked, once he was by my side.

I sat up, slightly wincing.

"Yeah," I lied. "Just him."

I didn't want to give away anymore information that would lead Xavier onto finding out the truth. Especially if he found out that I already met these guys.

"I can't believe he did that to that guy," Xavier told me.

My eyes widened once I realized Parker needed help like now.

I quickly got up, slightly wincing once again, and went towards Parker. I checked his pulse and sighed in relief once I found it. My eyes drifted towards my bloody tank top. I grabbed it and tied it around Parker, making sure that the blood would stop pouring out of his wound.

I looked at Parker as he laid unconscious. He looked so peaceful for an unconscious guy. I brushed his hair away from his eyes to take a better look at his peaceful face.

"You're starting to like him aren't you?" Xavier's voice said, startling me from my thoughts.

"No," I replied, almost stuttered. "I can't and I won't."

"I agree. He's too dangerous," Xavier warned.

"Don't you think that's a bit obvious now?" I responded, rolling my eyes.

Xavier sighed. "I mean it."

"I know."

"If Hunter would've found out-"

"He won't. You will most certainly not tell him Xavier," I told him, standing up to look at Xavier.

I crossed my arms. "I don't want anymore arguments than I have already gotten from Hunter. He thinks that I've been hanging out with Blake. I'm clearly not."

I pointed at Parker.

"Either way, you have to focus on your education only. I won't tell Hunter, but only if you promise me that you'll stay away from him," Xavier reasoned.

I looked at Parker, then at Xavier.

Sighing, I responded,"I promise."

"Now when is the ambulance coming?"

"Right about...now,"Xavier said. 

And just as predicted, two men came in with a stretcher. And along with them came three woman with either equipment or a clipboard.

"Ma'am are you in any pain?"

"Can I ask some questions about the patient?"

And just like that, my evening became very stressful.


"Thank you," the woman told me. "Mr. Clark will me receiving the best treatment."

I gave her a small smile.

After talking to both officers and doctors, I felt very exhausted. I know I was offered help with my minor injuries, but they needed to take care of Parker, not me. I was taken with Parker to the hospital for further questioning about his identity. Xavier stayed with me of course, since it was really late.

To anyone who finds out about Parker being injured, they would just figure out that he was assaulted for his money. Some guy just randomly came at him for his money, which is partially true, and threatened him with a knife. Parker, being supposedly stubborn, rejected his threat and said no. The guy impaled him with his knife and left him to die.

Me, being an innocent bystander, watched from afar as this happened and called Xavier so that I could help Parker in anyway that I could to keep him alive.

It was a pretty good cover up that I came up with in about ten minutes. Other than that, Xavier has agreed to keep it low key and not say anything.

The only thing Hunter believes is that I was helping a guy that just got stabbed. He was kind of mad that I was helping a guy that was at our school, but other than that, his anger slowly subsided.

I was currently in the hospitals waiting room, waiting to see if Parker would wake up. Xavier had gone somewhere to find me some coffee or something. Anything that would calm me down and stop me from this nervousness I have.

What would Parker say? Would be yell at me? Would be leave me alone?

During the time I was in the waiting room, I was constantly thinking about what Xavier would say.

"Either way, you have to focus on your education only. I won't tell Hunter, but only if you promise me that you'll stay away from him."

It's not that I promised Xavier so he would not tell Hunter, but he kind of had a reason. From meeting up with those same guys a second time, it kind of brought me back to reality.

"Carolina," Xavier said, walking towards me with a hot beverage. "This is hot chocolate, not coffee."

I stared at him in disbelief. "Why would I want hot chocolate? Is sent you to get me some caffeine not hot chocolate."

Xavier sighed. "I just spoke with the nurse and she told me that Reece is sleeping and will wake up the next morning-"

Yeah. Reece.

I couldn't tell Xavier his real name because if he decided to back stab me and tell Hunter, he'd thing it's some nerd named Reece. And believe me, Parker isn't a nerd.

"-so she said that we can go home to catch some sleep," he finished.



"I'm staying here till he wakes up," I argued.

"No, there is no way you are. You are coming home and hopeful you'll see him tomorrow at school and and say your final goodbyes."

"Xavier, please," I pleaded.

"Let's go," Xavier repeated.


"Fine!" I huffed. "Let me talk to the nurse and then we'll go."

"I'll see you in the car. Hurry up and do not stay too long," Xavier told me before leaving.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever," I mumbled once he left.

I walked towards the lady at the counter. She was scribbling something down and typing away once I got to her.

She looked up and met my eyes.

"Hello," she smiled. "How may I help you today?"

"I just wanted to know who brought in or came with Reece Clark?" I smiled back.

"Um, that information is restricted," she responded after she typed away on her computer.

"No, its nothing like that. I know who the person is. I just want to be certain that Annie Stevens was the one who brought him in."

Caught in another set of lies.

Annie Stevens. Sounded like a good name once I told the doctors who I was. Xavier didn't know I faked my name, he still stated his real name.

"Yeah, she did?" The lady said, catching up with what was really really on.

"I just wanted to tell you that if anyone asks, I didn't help, I didn't know him, and I was never seen around him. I want Annie Stevens to not be known to anyone," I replied in a low voice.

The lady looked at me. "You're her, aren't you. And Annie Stevens isn't your name."

Caught. That's what I was.

"Let's just say, that I don't want to be seen with him anymore and I don't want him to now that I helped him. Simple as that. Please tell that to the other doctors and nurses. It is really important for him to not know," I told her.

"Okay," she hesitantly responded. She typed something on her computer, than looked at me. "Done. Anything else?"

"Nope. That'll be all. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it," I said.

"No problem," she replied.

"I have to go. My brother is sort of waiting for me in the car, so..."

"Don't worry. Everything has been taken care of. Good night," she responded.

I smiled and left.

When Parker wakes up next morning, he is going to be pissed.

Good thing we have school tomorrow. He'll either be discarded from the hospital and taken to his house, or stuck in the hospital.

Either way, they'll be no way I'll get to see him.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Read, vote, and comment.

Tell me about how you feel in the comments, vote if you liked the chapter, and keep on reading!



Sneak Peek of the Next Chapter:

"L-Liz," I sobbed.


"Yeah, i-it's me."

"Wait a minute, don't hang up."

I heard some distant talking and then a door being closed.

"Carolina what happened?" She asked, concern laced in her voice.

"P-Parker, he-"

"Of course it had to be him," she sneered. "Where are you Carolina?"

"I'm at my mothers grave."

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