Fae, Ema and Family (Brothers...

By Burple560

61.5K 1.8K 278

13 brothers and 2 girls. What could go wrong? Apparently a lot. Moving to the Sunrise Residence to live with... More

The Chart!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
#2 Chart
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
3# Chart
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

1.8K 92 13
By Burple560

||| Two Days Later |||

Fae carries her coffee in hand, approaching the precinct with Ishida in tow.

"You still not going with my plan?" Fae has the inkling to be passive-aggressive right now as she sips her coffee, watching people pass her by.

"Even if I don't agree, we know we'll have some lawyer up our ass about it. Best to tie up any loose ends now before we put the dirtbag behind bars." Ishida said as he opens the door to the police department.

"We both know Kaname slept with the girl, it is obvious." Fae says as they entered their office. "And Modeko gave us an alibi too, so that end is tied up." She adds quickly.

"Modelo is known for lying." Ishida retorts back.

"But we have a lead, which is better than none." She points out. "I'm going home to get changed and have a shower. Call if you find anything!" She smiles as she walks over to the car park and and jumps in her car. Hopefully the suspect wouldn't get away.

Fae stretches as she walks down the stairs into the living room. A hot shower had renewed her, and now she is sure Kaname isn't going to be tied up in anything else. She flicks on the news and browses through her phone. She raised her eyebrow at the message popping up in her screen. She furrows her brow, scoffing at it.
sighing in exasperation. She is going to have to get Hikaru's help with this.

|||At 10pm||

Ishida stands in the living room of the Sunshine Residence, various brothers around him.

"So, why are you here?" Tsubaki asks, eyeing him over. Tsunami couldn't help the annoyance seeping into his words. Fae spends a maximum of 40 hours a week with this guy. This guy who is almost twice her age.

"I'm taking you're sister somewhere." Ishida answers shortly, scowling, before he looks back up the stairs. He had been waiting for over 10 minutes, and if that hadn't made him impatient enough, a group of boys were staring at him.

"You're taking Fae on a date?!" Tsubaki raises his voice, panic flashing in his eyes.

"No." It is short and annoyed. "It's work."

"For your case?" Azusa asks, interested.

"That's none of your concern." He answers, rudely not looking at him. Ema appears in the living room moments later, handing Ishida a cup of tea with hot cheeks before settling next to Yuusuke on the sofa. While all this went down, Fae was scowling at her reflection. Hikaru had done what she asked of him, and she did look... Like what she asked. She groans, annoyed that she is the only person available to fulfil this shift. Fae rolls her head, thinking about the pay slip. This would boost it substantially. She could take Ema to a restaurant and have a sisterly meal. Then Fae looks at her reflection and flushes. This outfit didn't suit her. Maybe someone could pull it off as classy, but the right red dress kept riding up her thighs. She wasn't even walking yet. She grabs the trench coat from her chair and begins her march to the lounge. The moment the door opens, she rushes out and stands on the balcony.

"Ishida." She grits her teeth.

"Let me finish my tea first. Your sister was kind enough to make me one." Ishida said blankly. She couldn't tell if he was actually showing a kind gesture towards her sister or winding her up.

"Fae!" Tsunami eagerly pops up. "Show us what you're wearing, then!" He grins up at her. Fae's face turns red as she contorts it into a frown and a grimace.

"No." The boys that where currently there blink at Fae and her blatant response.

"I'm sure you look lovely, Fae. No need to be shy." Azusa tries to comfort. The idea of her not showing her outfit just made them want to see it more.

"I'm not showing you it." She answers as she looks at her painted nails.

"Where are you going, Fifi?" Ema asks.

"Secret." Fae grins. Instead of looking like a shy mess, she decided to take the secretive approach.

"How long will you be out for?" Ukyo asks. Fae looks for up for a couple seconds before answering.

"Before 12, but don't wait up." She answers. Ukyo nods to himself. Meaning, she was expected to be back by 12, but something may occur. He strains a polite smile. He easily understood her lingo, and he worried even more. But he understands her job would put her in these situations. It's probably why Fae was refraining herself from saying anything. No one needed a Asahina running in on the scene.

"Can you tell us where you're going?" Azusa asks.

"That's confidential, Azusa." Fae sends him an apologetic smile before facing Ishida. "Finished your tea yet?"

"Almost." She could hear the amusement in his voice now.

"Are you alright, Fifi?" Ema asks as she looks at Fae's gritted jaw.

"I'm fine, Emmy. Thanks for your concern." Fae smiles brightly, reassuring her sister. Ishida sighs, getting bored of winding up his partner and speaks up.

"Let's go, Himata." Ishida stands up and stares down at his phone. Fae follows and smiles to her brothers and sister, saying her fair well to everyone present.

||| Mini Time Skip |||

"So he's here?" Fae asks as she reads the sign. A speedy club, great. Shed only ever occupy a place like this on this weekend 3 years ago, but it is only Tuesday.

"Hopefully Chika's lead was right and we can catch the guy tonight." Ishida holds out his arm, waiting for Fae to pull herself up. Those high heels looked awfully hard to walk in. Fae removes her long coat to reveal a very short red lace back dress. Ishida looks her over, jutting up an eyebrow before turning to enter.

"No!" Fae said as she grabs his arm, stopping him from entering. A few heads turn.

"What?" He asks agitatedly, a scowl clear on his face from her shouting. Fae eyes the crowd before turning her head down bashfully and pulling his hands towards her, placing them in her hips. Ishida stiffens, glaring.

"Take off your blazer and undo some buttons." She orders under her breath. He sends her a scowl before noticing her dipping her head in a direction. He catches on, his eyes shifting. A bouncer is stationed outside the club, letting in a customer before the bouncer looks over at them. Fae sighs, realising Ishida won't do as she asks. At least it will add to their act. Ishida's nose twitches as Fae begins undoing his top button.

"Remember the plan?" He asks.

"Yeah." Fae focuses on his top button, fiddling with it before looking up at him through her lashes. "Aproach. Pursuade. Lead on." She then focuses on his blazer and pushes it back off his shoulders, trying to get him to take it off. "Be drugged - the same as Tamashima - or offered." Ishida holds his blazer in a clenched hand. Fae sighs before throwing it over his shoulder, moving his hand to clasp the top of it. "Then cuff." She realises how close they are, so she takes a step away gingerly, rubbing her forearm. She turns and begins to walk away, peering over her shoulder to him. "Try smiling. They might think you're a mobster with that face." She teases as she enters. Music is blaring, and lights are flashing as the dance floor fills with bodies and the bar is laid out, various men sitting around. Across the back corner are multiple booths. Ishida gets drinks as Fae approaches the dance floor.
Because why the hell not?
The room is humid as it is, and being pushed close to other bodies doesn't help with keeping cool. Fae pushes her hair back, her brown hair still in neat curls against all odds. She smiles, her hair falling into a middle parting. She pushes gradually to the edge of the floor, nearer to the booths and VIP area. She spots a man covered in various girls having a good time. Another set of bouncers stand outside, blocking her view of the man within. But if what their source said was true, then that is what she'd investigate. Fae tilts her head, approaching the booth with half-lidded eyes.

From the amount of humid sweat and the strong scent of alcohol in the air she knows she smells of, she stumbles over to the booth. Fae is cut off by the bodyguard.

"Come on, mister. You have to let me through to that guy." Fae throws her hand out, pointing to the man. "Haven't you seen how hot he is?" The guard goes to push her away until the guard felt a hand on his shoulder.

"How can you deny me such a beautiful lady?" The man from the seats is now stood up, eyeing Fae like she's food. Her surprised face changes into a giggling mess as she walks over to him.

"What's your name, miss?" He asks as he leads her to sit with him. All of his girls are gone.

"Only if you tell me yours first." She replied coyly.

"It's Aoi." He smirks.

"Mines Fae." She giggles. "What are you doing here?" She brushes her hand up his chest and places them on his collar, playing idly with his collar. He chuckles as he places his arm around her, pushing her breasts onto his chest. He then lays his hand on her hip, brushing his finger in circles.

"I'm just having fun." He said, leaning closer.

"I guess you and me came for the same reason." She grin.
Over at the bar, Ishida is waiting patiently for his drinks as he stands with his hand on his hip. The man next to him looks him over and spots the metal glinting at his hip.
What's an officer doing here?
He brushes it off and lets his eyes wander back to his sister. The ginger-haired male opens up his phone and quickly text one of his twins.

Natsume: Is Fae at home?
Tsubaki: Nope :,(
Natsume: She's at the club flirting with some guy
Tsubaki: SHE WHST?!!!!
Natsume: she came in with some guy and now she flirting with another at the back. Is she working?
Tsubaki: she went out with someone from work you know about the Kana thing right
Natsume: Yes. But why did you let her leave?
Tsubaki: ???
Natsume: she's wearing something very revealing

Natsume sighs, rolling his eyes at his brothers' antics that is riddled with spelling mistakes, no less. Nonetheless, he raises his phone and tried to focus on Fae. Even from his spot at the bar, it's hard to seen her past all these bodies. Tsubaki explodes.
Natsume: Why would she be hanging with a guy like that?
Tsubaki: she has her brothers for cuddles not some STRANGER

Ishida carries the drinks in his hands, looking around for his partner. He cocks a brow when spitting her. She's already shifted in phase 3, but he couldn't help the annoyance at watching her. She had gone forward without his supervision. She is a junior on the squad and if she got hurt then he'd be responsible. She'd never left time for dilly-dallying. She was a fast worker. Ishida tried his best to smile and approaches them both with drinks.

"Fifi!" He calls. It came out as demanding, but he thought that surely the use of a nickname made it more friendly. But not only did Aoi scowl at the man, Fae cringed. That smile on his face just seems weird.

"Who's he?" Aoi whispers in her ear, leaning towards her neck. A mischievous smirk came onto her face.

"He's my boyfriend," she runs her finger up his jaw, "for now." Aoi smirks at her response and allows Ishida to pass his bodyguard. Fae takes both drinks off Ishida and passes one to Aoi and herself. She downs it quickly and fluttered her eyelashes at Ishida.

"Can you go get me another one?" She asks with pouty lips, fluttering her lashes. Ishida looks at her blankly, gritting his jaw, but gets up. Fae's eyes widen as she sees the flash on Ishida's belt, metal glinting from the lights flashing. She feels Aoi tense under her and the bodyguard visibly shuffles in front of them both. But instead of being brash, Aoi turns to look at Fae. She blinks at him, curious.
"You're a girl, right?" He asks, a grin forming on his face. He seems to have control, wanting to gain the high ground. Fae purses her lips, pushing her chest out.
"I'm all women." She cocks her head.
"You love to gossip, and your boyfriend is a cop." Fae flutters her lashes at Aoi, seemingly not understanding.
"Maybe there's some secrets you're not meant to know, but it would be so much easier to share them." He shrugs. "Y'know, 'cause it would lighten the burden. It must be so hard to date him: not knowing if he'll come back?" Aoi shuffles closer to her, brushing his nose against her neck. Fae hums softly, nuzzling back.
"It's so hard, but I'm not meant to talk about it." Aoi moves away, not appreciating the words. "But-" Fae coos "-I'll tell you if you promise that later, we can go back to your place."
"You've got yourself a deal there, little girl." Fae bristles at the name and Aoi knows it.
"He's working on this murder case right now. Someone drugged a girl and she's dead." Fae faces him, looking into his eyes. Aoi's expression drops, his face morphing into sadness.
He's going to play this card, is he?
"You mean Nori?" He questions.
"Yeah!" Fae shuffles, bringing her foot up in the sofa. "Did you know her?"
"She was a client of mine..." Aoi looks away.
"Oh, that's terrible." Fae shakes her head, looking down. "She was killed so badly. Left alone in an alleyway." Fae looks up at him through her lashes. "Tonight, I won't let you be alone."
"Can you, can you tell me about the case?" He turns, clasping her hands in his and looks into her brown eyes softly. Fae blinks in surprise.
"Yes, of course." She says softly. "My boyfriend has had real trouble with the case, but from what he's told me, the guy that killed her is a local drug dealer." She nods slowly to herself, her thumb running across the back of Aoi's hand. "He caught a big lead tonight, so he's come down here with me. Good thing I begged him, otherwise I'd be stuck a home and wouldn't have met you." She smiles brightly. Aoi raises a brow.
"He caught a lead and came here?"
"Yeah, he had to check around before calling it in. He said something about it being very thin? Like, it might not fall through because it's straneous?"
"Nice." Aoi nods, his face falling into a neutral expression as he watches Ishida walk back over. He walks past the bodyguard, placing a glass down on the table before Aoi calmly pulls out a gun, his bodyguard blocking the view from anyone else. Aoi tightens his hold on Fae, and Ishida could do nothing but hold the glasses. The boy guard is partially hiding both Fae and Aoi from Ishida's gun, but Ishida couldn't take the risk of shooting Fae.
Fae gets an idea. A very stupid idea. She giggles loudly as she flutters her eyelashes at Aoi.

"Aoi? What are you doing?" She asks.

"What the fuck do you think your doing, you whore?!" Aoi simmers at her under breath. She whimpers under her breath and Ishida catches in quickly.

"I'm not working with her. I just simply forgot to remove my badge." Ishida announces. Aoi glares at him as his grip tightens around Fae's neck.

"Like I f*cking believe that!" Aoi spat. "This Thot of yours told me everything. You're following a lead, and whats even better is that you brought her with you to go undercover." Aoi jostles her.

"B-But Aoi, I don't understand." Fae whimpers as tears fill up her eyes, his grip harsh now. Aoi's glare softens slightly but then he whips his head back to Ishida.

"If you go, I won't hurt her." Aoi bargains. Ishida clicks his tongue and lowers the glasses onto the table. Ishida locks eyes with Fae. "And I mean if you go-go. I don't want to see you again, or this girl gets it." Fae tilts her head forward slightly, and slowly brings her leg back. Aoi is too busy watching Ishida to notice.

Fae flings her leg forward and kicks the bodyguard in his privates. Before Aoi could do anything, Ishida runs forward to cuff the bodyguard. Fae grabs Aoi's arm and twists it, causing him to drop the gun. Fae takes out her badge as she cuffs Aoi's wrists.

"Police, homicide department. I'm arresting you for the murder o-"

||| Time Skip |||

It is 12:40 at night as Fae exits the car. She sighs as she stuffs her phone into her coat pocket, taking the elevator up to the living room. She enters the kitchen and walks to the fridge, taking out a drink. She sighs as she undoes the cap and chugs down the drink quickly, parched.

A hand curls around her waist and in panic Fae drops her drink, jamming her elbow back into the perpetrator's stomach. A low grunt is a response to her action, and she whips around to see white hair.

"Tsubaki!" She panics, leaning down and grabs his shoulder."I'll get you some ice." She rushes over to the freezer. She takes out ice cubes and wraps them in a cloth, gently placing it onto his stomach. Tsubaki groans as he holds it in place, his hand atop hers and he walks back, seating himself on the side of the counter. She follows and stares down at his hands on top hers as she forces a small amount of pressure. She looks up only to meet the violet eyes of Tsubaki.

"Nice outfit." He compliments blankly. He held no amusement. Then she remember she wasn't wearing her coat. She widens her eyes and laughs nervously.

"Tsubaki, why did you do that?" She asks as she slowly removes her hands from his, changing the subject quickly as she moves both arms in front of her - trying to cover up her body.

"I was trying to scare you." He says gently as his eyes follow her. She raises an eyebrow at him and crosses her arms.

"Scare me? That's never going to happen." She said smugly, her confidence regaining.

"Where did you go to?" He asks with an equally smug look.

"Work." She replies shortly.

"In that?" He asks, leans back on the one hand. Fae rolls her eyes at the question.

"Yes." Tsubaki stuffs his hand in his pocket and removes his phone, showing Fae a picture on the screen. She peers at it, scrunching up her face as she tilts her head. Upon realising what's on the screen, she reaches out to grab it. She's too slow. Tsubaki chuckles and puts it back in his pocket.

"You're acting like Fuuto." She comments. Tsubaki sends her an offended look.

"I'm nothing like that pop star," Tsubaki mumbles with a pout. Fae chuckles as she steps towards him, extending one leg in front of the other. Tsubaki is instantly distracted. She places her hand on his shoulder, and Tsubaki is immediately enraptured. She flicks her tongue over her lips, leaning forward as her wavy brown hair brushes his chest. Tsubaki doesn't know where to look. First, it's at her chest, the high collared dress covering her cleavage but the lace allowing little peaks. Then it's at her hair, the only thing other than her hand touching him. He licks his lips, his eyes loitering on her painted red lips. Her top lip is thin, but not unpleasingly. He wonders how much kissing it would take to make them such an intense shade of red. Then his eyes flicker to hers, drowning in the creamy brown. How he got seduced by this detective is unknown to him, but she had always had a piece of his heart. From the moment she entered with an icy look when he laid a hand on Ema.

"You're right." She agrees. Tsubaki is confused, his brow creasing, before he remembers the conversation.

Fuuto. And I'm like Fuuto. But I'm not. I'm Tsubaki and--she's licking her lips.

"So, are you're going to tell me what you were really doing?" He grins crookedly. Fae tilts her head innocently.

"Only if I can hug you, I feel bad for hurting you." Tsubaki is weary for a moment but brushes it off and grins. He jumps down off the side and pulls Fae into a hug. She giggles as she wraps her hands around his body, a mischievous smile on her face. She steps back from him slowly after a few moment, smiling happily up at him. Tsubaki gives her a soft smile as he places his hand on her head, messing up her hair.

"Going to tell me?"

"Yeah, I am." She grins as she stands on tip toes, leaning up to his ear. "At work." She breaths, making him shiver. She spins on her foot and prances away from him.

"Hey, you can't--!"

"Catch!" She grins, throwing his phone at him. He catches it and looks at it in shock. His head snaps up as he stares at her retreating form. She laughs giddily as she kicks her leg back, winking at him over her shoulder. Never had Tsubaki been teased this badly by another person. And oddly, Tsubaki found it very attractive.

||| Time Skip |||

Fae sits at the table, poking at her scrambled eggs as the television plays the morning news.

"Morning, Fifi." Ema smiles, seating herself beside Fae.

"Morning, Emmy."

"You're up late." Ema points out, reading the clock. It was the weekend, and Fae hadn't been to pester her sister yet. Ema had only left her room at 9.

"I don't need to go in till 11, so I slept in."

"Did you have fun yesterday?" Ema asks. Fae thought for a second.

"It was work." She shrugs. They continue to eat as the TV fills in as background noise.

"At a popular club in the suburbs: Aoi Sakito, a small-time drug dealer, was arrested by Japan's homicide depart last night and convicted of second degree murder. He sold illegal drugs and in the process, killed Nori Tamashima, a young lady who was killed three nights ago. Last night at around 11, he had a gunfight with a member of the detectives pursuing him and held one of them hostage. We have footage from after they'd arrested him." Fae's eyes widen as her eyes flicker over to Tsubaki, Kaname, then the TV. It is a video of Fae leading Aoi in handcuffs towards a police car with Ishida holding the bodyguard. Fae's head drops to the table as she groans in annoyance. It is fine that she had arrested him and he was now on his way to prison: but the outfit! The one that made her look like a prostitute.

"Wow, Sis! You're on the TV!" Wataru marvels as he pulls at her sleeve. She lifts her head up and sends him an uncomfortable smile.

"So you were at work." Tsubaki mumbles. Fae rolls here eyes.

"Course I was. Where else could I have been?"

"On some guys lap." Tsubaki mumbles. Fae rolls her eyes.

Someone is jealous.

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