The Bet.

De MariaFiallo_

77.8K 1.4K 308

(Before you read this, as my own experience while writing this story, don't let the cliche title fool you. Em... Mai multe

Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
title of your story
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter twenty Four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
The Bet is on hold.
There was a mixup.
It's 2020.

Chapter Twenty Six

1.5K 43 20
De MariaFiallo_


Chapter Twenty Six


Christine's p.o.v

"What?" I said as my shoulders got numbed, my face felt heavier and my bones weakened.

This Is outrageous, this is propitious, this is absolutely positively insane! where could he possible go to, and why would he even leave knowing that I need his existence right here, right now.

Lorraine shook her head slowly, I could see bags under her eyes as well but I could mostly see the reflection of hurt in her eyes.

I got slightly closer to her and embraced her with a warm hug. I don't know why I just did that but all I know is that she's as hurt as I am for her son leaving.

"If it isn't too much to ask, why did he go to his Grandparents?" I asked

She rubbed off dried tears from her cheeks. "I don't know, we had a big argument and he decided to leave and its just heart breaking because we've never fought before."

What type of Mother never fights with her Son?

"I understand. Sorry for taking time of your busy schedule." I said as my voice soften, truth is... I think I was hurt even more from what I just heard.

As I was about to turn my body around and walk away, she suddenly placed her hand on my shoulder. I could feel her cold hand travel shivers through my body.

"Wait" she said as she walked inside her house and grabbed an enveloped that was placed in one of her bookshelves.

"He l-left th-this for you." she stuttered as she blew her nose with a tissue.

My eyebrows narrowed. "For me?"

Lorraine nodded slightly.

I gave her a quick hug and left her property.

But one thing that didn't go off my mind was this: If he's the Father of Julie's baby, why would he leave?


"Hey" I said as I walked to the living room and sat down next to Dylan.

He tilted his chin up, gave me a slight smile and went back to watching television.

"Um, so you like watching.." I turned my head to face the tv. "Oh you like watching The Grownups huh? Best movie, its hilarious." I said as I changed conversation. I didn't bother to go into the Lucas conversation or to even read the envelope he left for me just yet.

He nodded and continued watching tv.

"Is like anything new or-"

"Why are you doing this?" Dylan asked as he interrupted my sentence.

I narrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I said as my full attention was now on him.

He shrugged. "Stop making conversation with me, I don't want to talk to you."

As with that he turned his attention to the tv and ignored me. -- what did I do now?

"Guys, dinner is ready!" Mom said as she yelled from the kitchen..

The weird thing is that my Family aren't the regular one's who just sit down at the table and wait for the delightful mother to bring food to the table. I mean, don't get me wrong.. we do eat but just not at the table. Most of us just take our food and leave. Dad goes either to his room or the basement since that's his 'Man Cave', Mom stays in the kitchen and cooks the food for tomorrow evening, John goes up to his room, and I, Christine eat in the living room as I watch tv but the only day that we all sit on the couch while eating is on superbowl sunday - other than that, that's pretty much about it.

"Here hun" Mom said as she handed me a plate of food. Today Mom cooked her special meatball and spaghetti dinner. - Yum.

I shook my head. "Mom I'm not very hungry."

Her face softer as she held my hand. "You found out didn't you?" she said as she embraced me for a hug. "I'm so sorry for your pain."

My eyes widen. "You knew" I said as I broke away from the hug.

"Lorraine called me this morning.." she said as she drove her fingers through my hair. "You know, you're growing up. You're starting to like boys now.. and better yet, boys are starting to like you!"

"Mom seriously.."

"I'm just trying to light the evening up, but I just remembered when you where just a little girl and you loved going to exciting places. Your dream was to go skydiving and do some bridge drops. I also remember that when you watched that movie where the witches jump off the roof with umbrellas and then they land safely on the ground as if the umbrella where to be a para-shoot - you wanted to do it so bad that you took my black umbrella and jumped off the stairs."

I laughed a little. "I remember that! I broke my leg and had to wear a cast for a bunch of months."

She smiled. "I knew you wouldn't forget.. my little skydiver. That's why everyone called you ChrissyClums or Chrisy the clumsy." she laughed.

I gave her a quick smile. "I'm going for a quick nap okay?"

As with that I walked upstairs, went inside my bedroom, locked the door, and fell asleep in bed.

*4 and a half hours later*

-Yawn- "What time is it?" I said as I spoke to myself.

I looked at my alarm clock, it was 2:00 AM and now that I have woken up, Im pretty sure I'm not able to fall asleep either.

"Is it regular to feel as if your throat is as dry as the desert? I need some water." I said as I spoke to myself again..

Then go get some water.

Oh brain how much I missed you! where have you been when I needed you!

well, you don't even use me so..


Just go get some water Christine.

But it-its dark down there.

Just do it.

I tip toed out of my bedroom real slowly since my floor creeks from time to time and I wouldn't want to wake up anybody.

I walked downstairs even slower since the stair parts are the hardest. They always creek.

When I got down safely I quickly went into the kitchen and turned on all the lights. I grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets, poured some water in and sat at the kitchen island.

"I should probably go back to bed." I said as I drank a bit of my water.

Suddenly my eyes landed on the envelope Lucas left for me. I haven't bother to opened it but since I'm here alone, I see it as the perfect time.

I ripped off the tape from the envelope and there it was.. a white piece of paper that said

'To the girl that deserves more than what I give'

Some tears fell off my cheek but I knew that if I wanted to read this I needed to be strong.

I quickly turned the paper and the letter that Lucas wrote for me revealed:

"My beautiful Christine, Gosh it hurts so much to leave you. I have to tell you so many things but not by letter. What I first got to say is that I love you so much, I think about you constantly, But since I'm not coming back I have to tell you that I'm-----"

Suddenly the water dropped on the paper and the writing got smudged.

"No! No! I didn't get to read what you had to say Lucas!" I cried to myself.

I then felt footsteps behind me. It was Dylan.

"What's going on here?! I heard a loud yell."

I turned to face Dylan. His face soften as he saw my eyes red and the tears on my face.

"Are you okay?" he said as he walked up to me and gave me a side hug. I quickly got up and embraced him for a long tight hug.

"HE LEFT ME DYLAN!" I said as I sobbed into Dylan's chest as he held me.

"Who left you?"


He took a few seconds of silence but then spoke.

"If he left you.. He hasn't realized he left the most greatest thing on earth Christine."


"Wake up! come on Christy!" Dylan said as he grabbed my arms for me to get up but I refused.

I shook my head. "No just leave me alone.. please." I begged.

I didn't want nobody to talk to me, nobody to give me a talk, nobody to say things are okay because they're not. I don't want nobody caring for me right now, I just want to be alone.

"Really? Chrisy Clums.. you want to play that game now?"

My eyes widen. "How do you know people called me that. - No wait! you where snooping on me and my Mother's talk earlier weren't you!"

He smiled. "Get up!"

"I'm really depressed, just please."


-Next Day-

"Get up."


"Christine I'm not playing with you. You have to get over him!"

I looked at him with a devious look. "LIKE ITS THAT EASY!" I said as a tear dropped from my eyes.

"I'm s-sorry oka-"


He shook his head abruptly. "He was a jerk to you. He didn't even love you! he played with you! get over it .. YOU WHERE PLAYED! YOU WHERE HIS LITTLE SLUT!" he yelled.

A rain of tears where falling from my eyes.

"That's the meanest, most cruelest thing I've ever EVER heard." I said as my voice broke. I've been crying and screaming so much that my voice was going away.

"Listen okay I'm so-"

"I just have one THING to say to you. Saying sorry doesn't mean ANYTHING to me." I said as I threw a pillow at him.

"But I said I was sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Answer me this, If you broke a glass... Would it still be broke?"

"Where is this coming from?" he said as he drove his fingers through his perfectly combed hair.

"ANSWER." I yelled.


"And if you said sorry to it would it make any difference? - NO. If you glued it would it work?"

He sighed. "Yes"

"But would it still have its value? ..

"Where are you going with this!" he said as he exclaimed his hands in the air.

I got up from my bed and got face to face with him.

"Where I'm going with this is that even though you'll say sorry to the glass it will ALWAYS be broken. It can be fixed but it will never be the same cause you'll still see the cracks and THATS what's going on with me right now. What you just told me was the most cruelest, coldest thing I ever heard.. AND I DID NOT need that from YOU! NOW LEAVE, GET OUT OF MY ROOM! YOU'RE EVEN WORSER THAN LUCAS HIMSELF."

He walked away from the room slowly but as he opened the door and was about to leave he spoke.

"I could never fix the glass.. but I'd give it more value and use than when I did before, I'd treat it more careful. I may have broken it.. but I wasn't the first one."

As with that he left me there.. crying. Guess no school for me."


Next week.

I have been through a hell of a week. Finally my mom has forced me to school cause she says that study and education is way far more important than anything else. Plus, Adriana has gone crazy calling me.

"Hey.." I said to Adriana who was stretching. We had P.E and I'm sorry to say this but it was plain bull. We didn't even do exercise when most of the people here need it! This generation is full of fatties.

Without saying a word as soon as Adriana's eyes landed on me she quickly stopped stretching and ran up to me for a big bear hug. That's what we do when we are separated for a long time.

"I was absolutely worried about you! I kept on calling and you never answered!" she cried.

I gave her a quicken laugh. "Its okay.. I'm... fine." I lied.

She huffed. "Right and I do be snogging with Jake at the library, wait actually that is true but still..Why didn't you call me? I could have done so much to help." she reassured.

I sighed. "I like your attempt but there's nothing you can do about this feeling of emptiness inside of me."

She broke off the hug and looked at me.

"And he left me a letter explaining why he left me.. I'm pretty sure Dylan told you about Lucas.."

She nodded. "And I feel so bad for you mate. I really do. When my parents left.. and I was at that foster home I didn't know what to do.. they walked out on me, atleast you got a letter."

"Yeah but atleast you have a good aunt who acts like your own Mother. I know she couldn't take care of you where you where little but she is still a good person. And things are different. water got on the paper and it got all smudge and I could barely understand what it said. Anyways lets ..change the subject." I said as I nodded in comprehension.That's all I could do. I never oddly talked about Adriana but her story was that when she was only four, her parents got drunk really badly. The worst part was that her Father decided to drive that night and he lost control of the vehicle.. sadly they both died. Her aunt couldn't take care of them either.. so he was left with her older Brother Robbie, then they both got sent to a Foster home. But now that her brother is grown up.. she lives with him.

"I have big news to tell you." she said.

I shrugged my eyebrows.

"Jake gave me a promise ring!" she said as her voice got higher which meant she was super excited.

I mean who wouldn't be? the love of her life gave her a promise ring.

I gave her a quick hug. "Congratulations! I'm really happy for you!"

"Ladies, cut the chit chat.. give me 10 jumping jacks each wall."

And yeah I just remembered why I hated gym so much.


"Please stop crying" Adriana said through the phone.

We where talking on the phone since I've gotten home from school. She's the only one who knows how it feels to be left.. alone. But now, my problem wasn't about being left alone.. my problem was that the fact of Lucas is getting more and more realistic.

Everyday I dream of him coming back. These past weeks have been bloody hell. I still haven't bothered to talk to that douche Dylan.

"But how?" I said as I sobbed through the phone. My eyes where red and my nose was stuffy. "The love of my life.. is gone. And he isn't.. COMING BACK!"

"Do you want me to come over? I'll bring some tissues and we can eat some popcorn and do whatever you want."

"That sounds delightful but I cant. Mom is on a date night with Dad and John is at some kid's house. I'm stuck in the house and god knows where Lucas is. I mean that's what I believe. I'm in my room so god knows who's here."

"Okay.. oh and my Mom is calling. I'll call you back later babe. Hope you feel better love!" she said with the most sweetest tone as possible.

"Doubt it. But thanks love you." I said as I clicked the end call button and threw my phone in a pile of dirty clothes.

"I just wanted love.. that's all I wanted.." I said to myself.

Maybe you need some fresh air.

Yeah brain, you're right.

I quickly got up, put my hair in a pony tail and took my car keys.

"Now where could an 18 year old go alone to relax?"

The beach? - nah

bar? - no

ugh forget it. I have no where to go!

As with that I threw my car keys on the dresser and fell back onto the bed. I'm such a loner, I need friends. I wonder what Julie could be doing? Why do I ever care what Julie is doing. She's still who she is.. she's not going to become more responsible. I wouldn't even be surprised if she even left that baby.

My thoughts got interrupted as someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"Leave me alone whoever you are.."

Dylan abruptly opened the door and sighed. "Get your things. We're going out."

I narrowed my eyebrows at him. As if. I am not going anywhere with him. Who does he think he is?

"Psh. Yeah, right."

"Just do it. I'll be in the car."

The heck is he up to?


"We're here" he said as he parked my car.

"Where are we?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his neck slighty and then drove his fingers through his hair like bad boys do.

"We are at SIC. Skydiving International Center. We may not be allowed to sky dive but we are allowed to in dive." he said as he smirked.

I narrowed my eyebrows again. "In dive?" I said in monotone.

He laughed. "Yeah, like flying but inside a big blob of air. Something like that."

I took a few seconds of silence as I stared into his luscious thriving deep blue eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked curiously.

He made no eye contact with me and then spoke. "Cause I heard you're mom talking about skydiving Chrisy the Clumsy."

I sighed. "Lets go then. But do not get things twisted. Just because you're doing this for me does not change anything." I reassured him.

* * * *

"Oh my god! that was amazing! it was as if I where flying!" I said over excited.

This has been the first time I've actually had fun over these past weeks. Its an amazing feeling to feel wanted and carefree.

"I'm glad you had fun." he said as opened the passenger car door for me.

We where in that place for over three to four hours. Its night time and I reassured my parents who where going crazy that me and Dylan where fine. But ofcourse we didn't tell them were we where. They'd kill us.

I entered the car as he did as well.

"So where to miss? home or the stars?" he asked jokingly.

"Take me to never land!" I said with my sarcastic funny tone.

He then started laughing. The worst part is that his laugh is so tremendously hideous that who couldn't laugh at it. Its contagious.

"Hey.. chill. Never.. SAY NEVER HAHAHA" he said as we both laughed.

"You are really corny, you know that?" I said as I turned my head to face his. It was just me and him in my car. Face to face.

He suddenly pulled away some streaks of hair that where loose in my face.

"I could have gone to a zillion dates with a bunch of people but you and only you made this day better." he admitted.

"Thanks." I said coldly. I couldn't help it.. he still said horrible things about me.

"I really am sorry.." he said as I felt the hurt by the sound of his voice.

I kept quite and ignored him as I pulled away my face and faced the front as I tried and ignored the tension.

"What else can I say! please believe me when I say I'm sorry Christine. The least i'd want to do is hurt you."

I continued to ignore him.

"Oh lord jesus!" he said as he banged his hands on the driving wheel. "I'm crazy for you okay! weird things have been going on with me and I don't know if its wrong or if its right? I tried acting rude to you before but it didn't work as I quite explained because I still kept coming back to you.. I - I cant stop thinking about you."

By the impact his words just made on me I turned to face him.

"Wait now you're just confusing me. Aren't you gay?"

He shook his head. "Yes, ugh, I mean no and yes at the same time." He said, as he hesitated . "Let's just say, I'm not gay at the moment. I'm just going to thank god because now I can do this."

As with that he landed his right hand on my left cheek and leaned into me and he gently placed a kiss on my lips. No tongue, no forcement. Just a gentle delightful kiss.

"I'm head over heels for you.. because I think I'm in love with you."






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