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Dear amazing Readers,

I'm writing this just to simply say how I'm so thankful you guys still read, comment, and vote! my heart just fills with joy every time a "New vote" pop up comes on my news feed. I know I haven't been updating but you guys already know my reasons..but the main REASON IS SCHOOL. No worries because on June 19, SCHOOL IS ONCE AND FOR ALL COMING TO AN END!

Yes, thank god that time passes by so quickly.

So let me get to my point. Recently I've been re-reading my book all over because I've gotten so many comments which told me that I made mistakes, which I CERTAINTLY DID. And so, I'm re-reading my book so I can do a new chapter and explain some things that I didn't get to.

DONT BLAME ME THAT I FORGOT ABOUT THE STUFF THAT HAPPENED ON MY BOOK OKAY? LMAO.  It's just so sad how I had a totally amazing idea on the new chapter, then a few weeks past by, I took some tests and then I totally forgot about my book! I'm a horrible writer, I know haha.

THIS IS WHY IM GOING TO RE-READ THE BOOK, EDIT ALOT OF CHAPTERS AND THEN ONCE AND FOR ALL FINISH THE BOOK!  trust me there's like 4 more chapters to go. I'm still reading so yeah I'm pretty sure even a better idea for a new chapter will come. I even remember OTHER things I planned and I'm going to add them to the new chapter. DONT WORRY ITS ALL GOING TO BE ESPECTACULAR! I WILL ONCE AND FOR ALL GIVE YOU GUYS THE AMAZING ENDING THIS STORY DESERVES BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE A TOTAL JERK FOR NOT MAKING MORE CHAPTERS AND TAKING TO SO LONG!

P.S thank you guys for getting me up to 30,000+ reads. I know by comparing my book to others, 30,000 reads is NOT a big deal, but to me it is because I'm about to be Fifteen soon and this book just means a whole ton to me. I can say its sad to say I've been on this book for like a year now but when I promise to finish something, It takes long but I WILL FINISH IT.


Ways to contact me:

KIK: Riaa.___.  (3 UNDERSCORES.)

TWITTER: Mariefiallo


and lastly, vine: Maria_xoxo

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