A Normal Life

By hyperactivegigglefit

4.4K 219 39

Dean Winchester is a high school senior who never pays attention in class and is on the football team. He fee... More

A Normal Life
The Winchester Family
School Life
Tutoring Sessions
Dean's Thoughts
New Friends Are Hard to Make
A Place to Belong
Anger, Love and Confusion
Dreams Into a New World
The Truth Comes Out
Having Someone to Care About
Dreams Finally Come True
On the Road
Confronting the Parents
Accepting of the Truth
A Plan of Action
Don't Get Bitten
No More Goodbyes
Going Home
All is Calm, All is Safe

Unknown Feelings

172 14 1
By hyperactivegigglefit

Here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy. 


Dean’s POV

Dean stood with his friends and watched Cas walk away; he seemed to sulk a little bit. He didn’t say anything to his friends though. They were already talking about the party that was being held at James’s house that weekend. Dean grinned and nodded, he was game for it.

“Winchester!” Michael said slapping him on the back. He was an inch shorter than Dean and had mussed blonde hair. His face was usually constructed into a sneer and his eyes were dark with a mean glint to them. “I saw you over there with that weird kid.”

He raised an eyebrow “What weird kid?”

Michael gestured over to the lockers, “The one who pays me and Fernandez every day!”

Fernandez was another one on the football team. His actual name was John, but if you tried calling him that he would happily pull your arm out of its socket and stab you with the pocket knife he always had on him. The guy was terrifying and the one person Dean couldn’t stand on the team.

The information that Michael had just laid on him though finally sunk in. They were talking about Cas; they picked on the poor guy... How had he not heard about this before? Standing up a little straighter he looked Michael in the eye and said “You leave him alone Mike. The guy is my tutor for History and I need him. If I don’t bring my grade up in that class I’m off the team.” He paused and stuck his finger on the other boy’s chest and got closer to his face “You don’t want that now do you?”

Michael drew himself up to his full size (which was still frankly unimpressive to Dean’s height) and glared at Dean. He was obviously pissed off and Dean was ready to fight him if necessary. “Fine Winchester, we’ll lay off your play toy. We’ll just get our money from some other loser.” He turned to walk away and called over his shoulder “Someone like...Your brother?”

That was the last straw for Dean.

He ran at Michael and knocked him to the ground, full on football tackled him. He heard Michael grunt as he went down. They hit the hard school floor, Dean on top of Michael. The other boy groaned in pain and Dean couldn’t help a small gasp of air escape his lips. He had been comforted a little bit by Mike but to be fair the boy wasn’t the most comfortable person.

Dean turned the boy over and began wailing on him. Punching him in the face until his nose bled. He got closer to his face and hissed in his ear “You will not harm my brother, or Cas. Leave them alone you little bitch. Stop putting other people down to make yourself feel higher.”

He stood up and walked away.

People whispered and muttered around him but he ignored them. He focused on the hallway in front of him. He had to get to class and pay attention so he could keep his spot on the team. He ignored the snickers and the threats that Mike shouted down the hall at him. There was no way the guy would be able to take him at practice today. He was just trying to act tough; truly the guy was a low life wimp.

Grabbing his books from his locker, he pushed past the crowds and crashed into his desk seat. Cas looked up as he sat down. He obviously hadn’t heard about the fight outside because he just gave Dean a small smile and turned back to his notebook.

Dean stared at him for a few minutes then shrugged and crossed his arms on his desk. He placed his head on them and closed his eyes, waiting for school to start.

The first bell rang and a swarm of students hurried around the halls, shouting and calling to each other.  People started crowding into the classroom and Dean didn’t open his eyes once. It was all the same every day; class would start in about five minutes, he would wake up then.

“Good morning class.” His teacher announced her presence.

Dean jerked awake and raised his head to stare at the front of the class. Mrs. Jonson walked to her desk, sat down and began to take attendance. Dean raised his hand when she got down to the bottom of the list and called his name. She seemed mildly surprised that he was there. He supposed that shouldn’t be a shocker. His record for attendance was anything but spotless.

The class was another yawn jerker and Dean fought to stay awake and present. He made sure to take notes down so that he could show to Cas that he was really trying. It was hard but he managed.


Sam POV:

Not far down the hall Sam was sitting in his first period class with Jason. Their teacher, Mr. Perez, was trying to explain to them the difference between simile and metaphor. Of course Sam already knew this from the year before but the teachers insisted on re-teaching them. He didn’t quite understand why but who was he to question teaching methods?

He supposed that some kids had trouble remembering. Jason sure seemed enthralled and was nodding his head along with the lesson. Sam could see he was jotting down copious amounts of notes. He heaved a sigh and wrote down what was being written on the board. If anything they would be a good reminder for when he had to study for a test.

Sam always put academics ahead of everything else. He was determined to get into a good college, university if he was lucky! He wanted to make a change in the world. Prove to himself that he wasn’t just a shadow next to his athletic brother.

Of course, he supposed he wasn’t really living in Dean’s shadow. He shined around his brother in other ways. Academically he was the better son.

He sat there silently, taking notes and trying not to stand out too much. Sam wasn’t the most social person in his classes. Not that anyone took any notice, they all just saw him as his Dean’s little brother. Someone they didn’t want to mess around with. He was pretty much protected for life.

“Sam?” Jason whispered, poking him lightly in the harm,

Sam looked over “Yeah?”

“Do you... Do you have extra money for lunch?” He looked embarrassed to be asking but Sam knew why he was. Unlike him Jason was a target for bullies. They took his money all the time, leaving him with nothing for lunch. He could bring a lunch but his family hardly had money to buy them food for dinner and to keep a roof over their heads. It hurt Sam to know that his friend was suffering so much, he slowly nodded and reached into his pocket.

“Here, I have a lunch.” Sam handed him a ten dollar bill that would be more than enough for his lunch and maybe even his lunch tomorrow.

Jason stared at his friend and a grin broke across his face “Thanks Sam, you really are the best friend a guy could have!”

Sam smiled at him shyly. He didn’t do complements. Besides, he was just doing what anyone should do! What was so special about that? But he couldn’t deny the look of complete gratefulness that was displayed on Jason’s face. He didn’t see that look very often and when he did it made his heart break every time.

“It’s no problem Jason, really.” Sam said shrugging it off, figuring he really should say something to him. He deserved at least that.

His friend’s face broke into a grin again and he sat back in his seat. Class was almost over; Sam couldn’t wait for the day to be over. He’d had another rough night. Dreams that kept him tossing back and forth, dreams that made him shiver in fear; they were of a life that could easily become his.

It was a more terrifying life; that was for sure. He couldn’t understand why his mind was showing him these things but he ignored them as best he could. And that was hard, really hard.

He didn’t want the life he saw in his dreams. It was dark, scary and frankly really lonely. Sam wasn’t sure how many more nights he could take of it. The waking up in sweats, the fear that maybe his life now was the dream, that he was trapped inside a world of Hell. He hoped the dreams weren’t some crazy shit that was telling him the future.  Of course, even in his parents’ line of work that was farfetched.

Taking a breath he pushed the thoughts of his dreams out of his mind and turned his brain back to the lesson. It was time to focus.

The bell rang, releasing him from class. He packed up swiftly and followed the stream of students out into the hallway. Jason walked with him halfway down the hall, like he did every day. Then slipped into his classroom, waving goodbye to Sam and saying they’d meet up in the cafeteria for lunch. Sam waved back and then would hurry on to his class.

It was time for math. He didn’t mind math, but it really wasn’t his favourite subject. Sure he aced it all the time but he liked history a lot more. His mind trailed to his dreams and quickly shook them away. No, it was not for those reasons. It was just his own personal interests.

Sam sat in class trying to focus, but he kept seeing two seniors on the football team with Dean keep passing by his door. He stared at them as they passed for the tenth time. Each time they passed they would eye him, a malicious grin on one of their faces and then they would disappear for a good five minutes.

He stared at the door for most of the class, watching the boys walk by. He didn’t know what they learned today but he could get one of his friends in the class to give him the notes. They would look at him weird sure, but they wouldn’t ask questions and that’s what he needed.

The class ended and he rushed out of the room, hurrying down the hall to the cafeteria. He wanted to get as far away as he could from the football players.

But they still found him.

“Hey there, it’s Sam isn’t it?” The taller one said. He had blonde hair and was look down at Sam with a menacing glare. The guy beside him was a little shorter and had dark hair with brown eyes. Both of them were on the football team, Sam knew that much at least.

Slowly he nodded “Yeah, I’m Sam.”

“Well Sam I am, since we’ve been banned from our usual target by none other than your brother; we’ve decided we teach him a lesson.” The black haired one said “Is that okay with you?”

“Would it make a difference if it wasn’t?” Sam asked already knowing the answer.

The boy raised his eyebrow “No, I guess not.” He walked toward Sam and pushed him to the ground.

Sam landed hard on his ass and stared up at the boy with confusion. He wasn’t sure why they were taking this out on him; it was Dean who had caused the trouble right? Why not take it up with him? Of course that wasn’t how cowards like these two idiots worked. They went after those who their target cared about. That would be Sam.

The two football players knelt down in front of Sam. “So, where’s your money big shot?”

Sam glared at them “I have none. I bring a lunch instead and unless you want that I suggest you go right now.”

“Or what?”

He stayed silent. He didn’t have an, or what for them. Sam wasn’t able to fight these two and there was no way empty threats would work on them. He was literally screwed.

They laughed “You don’t have one do you boy?” The blonde one asked glancing over at his friend “See my friend here is a little dangerous. Doesn’t play nice, you know?” He paused again grinning “So I suggest you give us whatever we ask for.”

“But I already told you!” Sam cried out softly, he was really starting to get scared now “I don’t have any money with me. I didn’t bring any today; didn’t need it.”

The boy with the black hair flicked out a pocket knife with a soft ‘swoosh’. He hovered it in Sam’s face with a playful smile. It wasn’t a game Sam wanted to play, he wanted to get out. The knife trailed dangerously close to his face and for the first time Sam wondered where the hell all the students and teachers were. For once there was no one in the hallways, they were absolutely clear.

“See I think you’re lying.”

“I’m not I swear!”

The black haired one look at his buddy “I think he’s lying, don’t you Michael?”

“I do Fernandez, I really do.” The one called Michael nodded with a nasty grin.

Sam cowered lower on the floor as the knife came closer to his face. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the cold blade to pierce deep into his skin. But all that ever came was a small nick before he felt the pressure disappear and opened his eyes.

There stood Castiel. He was glaring at the football players, his face a full mask of disgust and horror. “What the hell is wrong with you? Picking on a freshman who didn’t do anything to you!”

The boys looked up at him and Fernandez spat “What do you think you are? His guardian angel?”

Castiel looked at Sam and then back at the boys “Just a concerned party. Leave the boy alone, you torment enough people don’t you think?”

Michael smiled evilly at Castiel “Maybe.” He stood up with his buddy and they walked away down the hall. As they turned the corner Michael called over his shoulder “See you tomorrow Cassie!”

The other boy watched them go with a look of pure dread on his face. He sighed and then turned to Sam. He reached out a hand to help him up and Sam took it gratefully.

“Uh, thanks Castiel.” He said awkwardly looking down at his shoes. Sam wasn’t used to being the victim; he was usually the one helping others. They were all afraid of the small amount of power he held over their heads with having an important brother. Things seemed to be changing.

“You got hurt.” The boy stated simply.

Sam shrugged “No big deal. It’ll heal.”

Castiel regarded him with an almost scrutinizing look, and then shrugged “Okay then. Have a good lunch Sam.” And he walked off without another word.

Sam watched him go, looked down either hallway and then ran to catch up with the other boy. Safety in numbers right? He would stick with Castiel till they got to the cafeteria, maybe he would invite the boy to eat with him and Jason too. He hoped that wouldn’t be awkward for him but Sam couldn’t remember a time he hadn’t seen this boy alone!

“Do you want to eat with me and my friend Castiel?” Sam asked, making his decision.

The other boy looked shock for a moment and then small smile spread across his lips “You don’t have to be nice to me Sam. I’m okay on my own.”

Sam blinked and then said “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Please come and have lunch with us.”

Castiel’s smile widened “I’d like that.”

“Good.” He tugged on the boys denim jacket “Come on, we sit over here.”


I hope you are liking the story right now. I am going to continue with this one so please rate and comment what you think of it :) Thanks !!

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