Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to...

By Fangirl4Many

61.2K 1.2K 166

From being bullied, to being abused. All by the one she loves. Thought Roc, and Rain had a happy ending? Nope... More

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")


844 22 3
By Fangirl4Many


After just 2 hours Rain started to complain about her heels and said she wanted to go home.

"Just hang on a little longer." I told her, eight in front of Prince who was at the bar with me.

"No. I don't wanna 'hang on' anymore Roc. I didn't even wanna come to begin with."

I felt like she was embarassing me in front of Prince, the way she sounded so demanding. Maybe it was my pride that turned me into a jerk, or maybe it was the alcohol in my system...

"I'm staying Rain. Ask someone to take you home."

She sighed. "Really Roc? Seriously?"

"I don't wanna leave yet."

"Oh! Well pardon my rudeness, how dare I ask YOU to leave MY party early."

"Was that an apology?" I asked. "I accept your apology baby."

Rain turned to walk away and Prince grabbed her arm. "I'll take you Rain, I haven't had much to drink."

Rain glared at me. "Good to know Prince, but I think you need to stay and be my husband's designated driver when he's done getting wasted."

She pulled out of Princeton's grip and dissapeared into the crowd in search of a ride.

A few hours later Prince brought me home in my car and Angie left with him to get her car back from the club parking lot. I stumbled into the house and didn't even make it up the stairs before a pillow and blabket was thrown at me.

"Stay on the couch!" Rain yelled and slammed our bedroom door.

I put my pillow and blanket on he couch and struggled to climb the stairs.

"Rain." I said, opening the door. "Baby I'm sorry."

"Go away!" She yelled.


She crossed her arms and stepped close to me.


"I said No." I repeated.

"Then I guess you'll have to hit me. Cuz you're not sleeping in here as long as I can help it."


"No!" She yelled again. "Hit me Roc! Do it! I know you want to!" Her face was full of anger and pain and tears rushed from her eyes. "Hit me Roc!"

"Damn it Rain! I'm not ganna hit you!"

I wrapped my arms around her fragile frame and she let me hug her for a short time before pushing me away and slapping me across the face.

"I hate you Roc!" She yelled with nothing but pain in her voice.

"Well I love you."

"No, no you don't." She whispered.

She pressed her palm to the center of my chest and slowly pushed me through the door. When I was in the hall she shut the door and I made my way down to my new room.

I had a massive headache and it made me drowsy. I layed with my arms wrapped around a pillow instead of Rain and fell asleep not to the sound of her whispering she loved me in my ear, but to the faint sound of her crying.


Rain stayed in the room all morning, I could hear her walking around and I heard when she ran the water in the shower. I wanted to go to her more than anything, but Rain was stubborn and needed time to cool down...a lot of time in this case.

I had just sat down with a plate of pasta when someone banged on the door like the police. It scared me, and Rain who ran down the steps.

"Stay there." I told her. She nodded and I went to open the door.

I opened the door and instantly caught her in my arms. It was Angie who had banged on our door and her body was bloody and bruised.

"Oh my god!" Rain screamed.

"Angie. what happened?" I asked. laying her on the couch.

"He hit me." She mumbled.

"What? Who!?" I asked.

"Justin. He said if Roc could do it and still have Rain he could do it and still have me."

Rain's eyes filled with terror and mine did to.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me." Angie snapped at Rain.

"Rain." I distracted her. "Grab the keys and open the doors she has to go the hospital."

"O-ok." She stuttered.

Rain sat in the back seat holding Angie's shaking body in her lap. They cried together and I could hear Rain whispering something repeatedly in her ear, probably telling her she'd be ok. I was terrified to be going to the hospital. Rain was mad at me and Angie probably was too, what if they had me arrested?

Rain went with Angie and I waited in the waiting room, a million things rushing through my head. Would Angie be ok? Would Rain leave me? Was she ganna turn in Justin? Would Justin snitch on me? Would I ever get to see Destiny again?

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