Summer Love (a one direction...

By i_luv_boobear1

8.6K 242 50

Lexi is just a normal 18 year old girl living in Paris. That is until Eleanor Calder moves in next door for t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

127 8 0
By i_luv_boobear1

(important authors note at end. Please read!)

Lexi's POV


The next day I was over at Eleanor's house watching a movie. The boys had to go back on tour so of course we were mostly texting them instead of watching the movie. When the movie was over, we were deciding what to do next.

"Do you want to come look at baby stuff with me?" Eleanor asked.

"Sure!" We then got into the car and drove to the baby store.

"This is so adorable!" Eleanor held up a pink tutu.

"Yes it is. However you don't know if your having a boy or a girl yet," I pointed out.

"True," she sighed looking down at her ever growing belly.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" I asked.

"As long as it's healthy I'm happy. Louis wants a little girl though. If we have one she'll have him wrapped around her little finger."

"I could see it now. Daddy can I have a pony? Daddy could I meet the Queen of England? Daddy can I have car? Anything for you babe," I joked.

"It's funny because it's true," Eleanor laughed. "She'll get anything she wants. I just hope that the baby doesn't have to worry about any bullying  or problems like that because of who it's Dad is. I know I have had people use me just to get closer to the boys."

"I don't think you're going to have to worry about that. I kind of think the boys will be a little behind their time. If anything you have to worry about the parents and older siblings. Now what do you think of this stroller?" I showed her a nice black stroller.

"I like it. It could work for a boy or girl and we could use it again if we have another baby," Eleanor explained.

"Wow, let's get through this baby before we start planning the next," I warned her.

"Besides. We have to work on your wedding! I just know Niall is going to propose soon!"

"You really think so?" I asked. "We have been talking about it for a while and I thought he would've done it by now."

"Well I just know the one thing Louis regrets is having to leave right away after the proposal. We only had like one day to enjoy it. Maybe he's just waiting for the tour to be done," she shrugged.

"Yea, maybe. So what do we have to look at next?" I asked trying to change the topic. I don't know why but it always makes me sad thinking that Niall hasn't proposed yet. I love him so much and don't know what he's waiting for. We then go and look at other miscellaneous baby products until we get to the cribs and bedspreads.

"So, we can pick out a crib but should probably wait to pick out a bedspread until we find out the gender," she thought out load.

"Yea that's smart. When are you going to find out the gender?"

"In 2 weeks. I'm so nervous! I always get nervous before an ultrasound. What if one day the baby isn't ok?" she asked nervously.

"Well you're healthy. You take your prenatal vitamins and exercise regularly at an easy intensity. It is very unluckily anything will go wrong and if it does it is not your fault. You are doing everything right. I promise you," I reassured her.

"Ok thanks," she smiled. We then turned to the cribs.

"What do you think of this one?" I asked pointing to a crib with delicate details.

"I think a little to girly and fancy. Once again I'm going to want to use this stuff for multiple babies," she reminded me.

"Ok. Like this?" I asked pointing to a simple black one.

"I don't like black. Too depressing."

"Wow your demanding. Ok this one is perfect right?" I begged pointing to a white crib with just a little detail on it.

"Yes! We'll have to put all this stuff on the registry when Louis and I come back. He has to approve all this stuff too."

"Yea. So are we done? Can we go home?" My hopes increasing as I check the list she gave me.

"Yep. Want to go get some lunch?" she asked.

"Fine," I sighed. I'm actually really tired but I'll do anything for El. We decide on pizza and find the nearest pizzeria. When we got there, we got our seats and looked at the menu.

"What are you getting El?" I broke the silence as we were deciding what to get.

"I think 3 slices of extra cheese, spinach, anchovies, and black olives. O and a side of pickles!" she shouted. I just looked at her weird. "I'm pregnant give me a break! I have to eat for two and I have weird cravings!"

"Get whatever you want El," I laughed. When we ordered, Eleanor got her crazy pregnant order and I ordered two pieces of pepperoni pizza. We got our orders and ate them and then it was finally time to drive home. When we were walking to the car, Eleanor stopped to grab her phone out her purse while I ran to cross the street.

"LEXI!" I heard Eleanor screamed. I looked back but it was too late. An incoming speeding car hit me. I was laying on the street trying to stay alive. I try to speak but I can't. Niall I love you was my last thought before I blacked out.

Eleanor's POV


Oh. My. God. Everyone around the scene of the accident is flipping out. I need to call 911. I quickly do and wait for someone to pick up.

"911 what is your emergency?" the voice at the other end asked me as soon as they picked up.

"My friend. She got hit by a car. She's lying on the street unconscious. There's blood everywhere. I don't know what to do," I cry into the phone.

"Ok. Is it on Majestic Drive? If so we already have people on their way and everything Is under control. You just need to be calm," the lady informed me calmly.

"Ok. Thanks. Well good bye?"

"Bye. I hope everything is ok with your friend," she said sounding more like a real person then someone who follows a script.

"Thanks. I hope so too," I sigh as I hang up. Niall! He will be devastated. I need to tell him though. I dial his number and after the third ring he picks up.

"Hey El. Did Lou not pick up or something?" Niall asked, obviously surprised I called him and not Louis.

"No Niall. It's Lexi. We were getting lunch, she ran to cross the street and this idiot came speeding and hit her.."

Niall's POV


"No Niall. It's Lexi. We were getting lunch, she ran to cross the street and this idiot came speeding and hit her." Those words were all it took for my entire world to come crashing down.

"WHAT! ELEANOR HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN!" I scream quickly regretting it. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I know you would've stopped it if you could've. Your in London still right?"


"I'll be on the first flight there. Go in the ambulance with her and text me any updates and the address of the hospital." I then run and throw clothes in a bag for the trip. I don't even know what I'm doing at this point I am so distraught.

"Niall. Calm down. What are you doing? What's wrong?" Liam asked while the rest of the boys saw me.

"It's Lexi. She got hit by a car and is in critical condition. I need to go to her," I explained.

"But we have concerts," Harry sighed.

"Are you serious Haz!" Louis screamed. "His girlfriend is on her death bed and your worried about a couple fucking concerts!"

"Sorry. You're right. Go for her," Harry mumbled.

"Lou. It's ok. I'm taking a taxi to the airport right now and calling Simon on the way to explain everything," I reassured him.

"Ok. We send our prayers and text us any updates," Harry said almost crying. Wow he's bipolar with this. What ever he probably wasn't thinking straight at the beginning. I then haul a taxi and tell him to go to airport. Now I have to call Simon. He picks up on the fifth ring.

"Hey Niall. What do you need?" Simon asked quickly.

"A week off."


"No let me finish. It's Lexi. She got hit by a car and is in critical condition back in London. They don't even know if she'll survive. She is literally on her death bed," I sobbed.

"O Niall. I'm so sorry I obviously didn't know. Of course you need to go to her. We will deal with the concerts without you. The fans will understand. I have it all under control don't worry about the band. You need to be worrying about her."

"Thank you Simon. I'll keep you updated. I'm driving to the airport now so I can't talk much," I inform him.

"Ok. And Niall?" he asked.


"I really hope she's ok. I know how much you love her and you would not be the same if anything happened to her," he sounded like a concerned father at this point.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it Si," I cry as I hang up. Once I get to airport I run up to the ticket booth.

"I need the first plane ticket to London," I try to catch my breath from the run.

"Ok sir. The next plane is in an hour. Lucky for you we have one plane ticket left but it's in business class so it is pretty pricey. Is that ok?" She asked.

"Yes that's fine. I just need to get on that plane."

"Ok. Here is your ticket and the gates right over there," she pointed to the left.

"Thank you so much." Only one more hour till I can get on a plane and go see my beautiful wounded girlfriend. She has to be ok. She can't die. Come on Lexi do it for me. Do it for us.



So.. couldn't update yesterday but I am going to update tomorrow also to make up for it. I think you'll be happy about that after this chapter? So yea this chapter leads to the sequel a little.. so yay for that! DRAMA! How cute and protective is Niall though? Anyone else sobbing? I am! Ok one last thing if you guys would read my friend's (NiallChica_27) story called Broken I would love you! It's really good and I'm going to be in it! Thanks!


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