A Cheaters Nightmare: A Dilme...

By ashleyyy321

54.5K 2.5K 331

Demi Lovato, three years sober, four successful albums, movies, TV shows, and most importantly, dating her fi... More

A Cheaters Nightmare
The Story
Baby Shower!
The Blowup
Julian Josias!
Going Home
The Fight
Starting Fresh
Mom Talks
Plane Ride
Her Parents
Goodbyes and Hellos
Moving On?
Thanksgiving morning
He's Gone
Julian's First Christmas!
Custody Battle
Just Let Me Go
Who's Fault?
Aria and Exams
Birthdays and Revalations
Dr. Drew
Trust Me?
The End
Stone Cold

Baby Steps

980 58 9
By ashleyyy321

Wilmer POV

Ring Ring Ring

I reach over and turn my alarm clock off. I feel arms around my waist and turn around to find Aria.

"Good morning." I say.


"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

"Surprise me."

"Okay." I get up and go into Julian's room. He's still asleep so I go downstairs and start cooking breakfast. I cook scrambled eggs for Julian and a fried egg sandwich for Aria with bacon on the side.

"Smells good." Aria says walking in with Julian.

"Can you grab a plate and I'll fix it up for you?" I ask taking Julian from her. I sit him in his high chair and put his eggs on it along with a bottle of milk.

Aria gives me a plate, I make her plate, make me a plate and then we sit down and eat breakfast. After she's done she goes upstairs to get dressed and I clean up.

"Bababa." I hear Julian say. I turn around and look at him.

"Want a banana?" I ask getting one for him. I cut it up and give it to him. A put a whole piece in his mouth.

"Julian..." I say in my voice cause he knows what he's doing. He has a tendency to put more in his mouth than he can handle. "I don't want you to choke bubba... Chew your food." I say cutting the pieces in half again.

As I'm doing that, Aria's phone dings. I go over to look and it's a voicemail from Auden.

Who is Auden? I ask myself. I know I shouldn't but I pick up the phone and listen to the voicemail.

"Hey baby girl. I'll be over around five later tonight. I know I said I'd be there earlier but I have a lot of work to do. See you soon. Love you. Bye." I put the phone down and look at Julian who's staring at me. He's giving me this look that I swear makes him look like he knows what's going on even though he's only one.

"Hey, I'm gonna head out. I'll see you tonight okay?" Aria says walking in.

"Are you sure? I think Auden's coming over a little earlier today." I say causing her to freeze where she's at.

"You read my messages?"

"No..." I say honestly. "I listened to your voicemail."

"Why would you look through my phone?" She asks like I'm in the wrong.

"Why would you see someone else when your with me?"

"Oh please, like you and Demi haven't done anything since we've been together."

".... We haven't. She wouldn't even stay here when she needed a place to stay because of you. She respected that and so did I."


"You know what..." I say starting to laugh as I realize something. "I gave up the most important person in my life for you..."

"Karma's a bitch, isn't it."

"Yeah... It is." We look at each other for a few moments. "You need to go... Now." I say calmly.

"Goodbye." She says huffing as she walks out.

I look at Julian and he's staring at me with that same look.

"Wanna go see mommy?" I ask. He starts to kick his feet and do his baby talk telling me he wants to.


We get to her house and knock on the door. She doesn't answer. I get the spare key that I have and open the door.

"Demi?" I yell inside. No answer. I smell an awful smell and follow it. I get to the kitchen and see a pile of dishes in the sink that look like they've been there for weeks. "Goodness..." I say sitting Julian in the high chair Demi has here. I get her dishes done and an air freshener in the room before checking the rest of the house. When I realize she's not here but all of her cars are I start to panic. I get to the living room and sit down on the couch. I sit Julian on the floor and he stands up against the table and starts to play with things on top of it.

"No." I say taking the candle he has. It's not lit but I still don't want him playing with a candle.

"Hey." I hear Dallas say as she answers.

"Hey. How is everything?" I ask.

"Everything's good. I feel like I'm gonna pop though."

"I'm sure... Have you talked to Demi? She's not at her house, all of her cars are here and she won't answer her phone."

"Um... She's in rehab."

"What?" I ask kind of surprised.

"Yeah she didn't tell any of us either... Phil was the only one who knew."

"Your serious?"

"Yup... Its a good thing though. Everything that's happened recently really played a toll on her... We didn't even know."

"I did..."


"She told me everything."

"And you didn't do anything?"

"What was I suppose to do?"

"Okay. Were not gonna have this fight. She's in rehab now and seems to be doing really good. When I talked to her she said she really liked her therapist, she has some friends there that she can talk to and she said she slept straight through the night after the first week."

"When did she go?" I ask trying to think back to the last time I talked to her.

"The day after Julian's party."

"So a little over a week ago?" I say quietly to myself.

"Yup." Dallas says thinking I was talking to her. "She really misses you guys... Especially Julian. I still can't believe she didn't tell you. I can't believe she's gone this look without talking to and seeing Julian."

"Where is she?"

Dallas tells me where she is and what rehab facility she's in and then we hang up.


Demi POV

The past two weeks here at the rehab facility haven't been as bad as I thought they would be. My therapist is amazing, she's help me a lot. I've started to sleep through the night without waking up which is something I haven't done for awhile. I was physically exhausted from not being able to sleep. I still have a few bad nights but its definitely not as bad. I've met people here that are really inspiring. One girl, Sarah, who lives in the room next to mine has three little girls and left them with her parents while she's in here. She's a single mother and widow who has suffered with mental illness almost her entire life and its crazy to see how she has the strength to come and get help now after all the years she's lived with it.

Were outside now and she has a picture of her girls with her while I'm holding one of Julian.

"This is Hanna." She says pointing to the oldest one who's about 6 or 7. "Then this is Harley." She says about her three year old. "And this is Henley." She smiles as she mentions her youngest, only four months old. I can tell this is hard for her to be away from them so long.

"What was your husbands name?" I ask considering all of her kids names start with an H. I'm guessing there has to be a reason.

"Holden." She says. "What about your son?"

I show her the picture of Julian.

"Do you plan on having more?"

"I definitely want more. Now isn't the right time though... If I find somebody. As much as I love my son, he wasn't... Planned." I say trying to find the right words. She nods understanding. "I want to find somebody that I know I want to be with forever and then expand my family."

"What about his dad?"

"We're friends..." I say shrugging. "He has a girlfriend."

She smiles.


"How long were you guys together for?"

"Five years... Then we broke up almost two year ago so we've been close for seven years."

"That's a lot of history together."

I look at her and then look down, not realizing how much history Wilmer and I really have and how many memories we have together.

"Demi..." She says.

"Yeah?" I ask looking at her. She looks at my picture of Julian in her hand and then looks up, pointing behind me.

I turn around and see Wilmer and Julian walking over here.

"Oh my god." I say to myself as I stand up. I walk very fast, almost running to them. Julian puts his arms out and I immediately take him from Wilmer and wrap my arms under his butt for support and then put my hand on his head, holding him against me in a hug. I look at Wilmer and put my arm out, wrapping it around him as he gives me a hug too.


"You have no idea how much I miss you." I say to Julian as he stands up in front of me with help from my hands. "Is he walking yet?" I ask Wilmer.

"No. We've been working on it with him but not yet. He's getting there though... How are you?" He asks completely changing the subject.

"I'm okay. I'm glad I came but I miss being home."

"Who were you with before I came?"

"That was Sarah. She's in the room next to mine." I say.

"You guys talk a lot?"

"Yeah. Whenever we're not at therapy or a class or something..." I decide to change the subject again. "How did you find out I was in here?"

"I went over to your house and found dishes piled up from weeks ago... Your house smelled like a garbage truck."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. After I cleaned your home for you..." He says sarcastically. I shake my head. "I called Dallas and she told me... How come you never called me?"

"I don't know... I thought it was a good idea at first to just come in by myself so when I got out I was fixed and everything could go back to how it was before all of this happened."

"How many times have you told me that you are not materialistic... You are not like a car and can go into a shop and be fixed after an hour... You need to constantly work on your health and that involves having people around you to help and motivate you."

"And you think you can be that person?"

"I know I can... Because I was seven years ago, and I'm still going to be no matter what."

"And how does Aria feels about that."

"Aria and I aren't together. We broke up a few days ago actually."


"She was seeing someone else... Karma's a bitch right?"

"No?" I say looking up at him. "Nobody should have to feel that way. No matter what that person did in the past."

"Do you realize I threw away five years for her... I guess I didn't see what I had right in front of me was what I really wanted. So, I'm sorry... For everything."

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing. It doesn't change anything that happened. I already forgave you, awhile ago."

"But I don't think I ever really forgave myself... I see how that affected you and can't help but put the blame on me."

"Wilmer you gave me the one thing on this earth that I am genuinely happy and proud of. My music, my awards, the money... None of that means anything compared to what you gave me."

"Well if it means anything, Julian is the only thing in actually proud of as well... We did good, even though I can take credit for the looks." He says cocky.

"Yeah okay..." I say laughing. "I do appreciate you bringing him today though. I missed seeing these chunky cheeks all day." I say the end in a baby voice as I playfully grab his cheeks making him laugh.

"JJ..." Wilmer says. Julian looks at him. He holds his hands out and I pick Julian up so hes standing. I keep my hands around him but slowly take them off of him, keeping them an inch away from him as he starts to walk over to Wilmer. He makes it and falls once he gets to Wilmer but Wilmer picks him up.

"Good job bud..." Wilmer says tickling him, making him laugh.

We work with him for a little while and have him walk back and forth and every time he does it we both freak out, making him laugh and scream with excitement.

The sun starts to set which means its time for them to go.

"I wish I could walk you to the car." I say.

"I wish I could walk you to your room." Wilmer says. "Do you have your phone on you?"

"I get it everyday between two and four."

"Okay. I'm gonna call. Answer..." He says since I haven't answer his calls for awhile.

"I will." I give Julian a kiss and a long hug before handing him over.

"Thanks again for coming."

"No problem... I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah." I give him a hug but don't let go. He doesn't either and I start to cry into his shirt. He rubs my back and kisses my forehead. I pull back and rub my eyes. "I don't want you guys to leave." I say taking Julians hand. He can tell I'm upset and starts to get a little fussy too.

"It's only for another two weeks... I'll call every day, we can face time... It's okay. Stop crying." He says rubbing my eyes.

I nod. "You guys better go." I say noticing the Bell rung through the facility telling us it's time for dinner.

He leaves and I go inside to the cafeteria and find Sarah.

"How did it go?" She asks.

"Really good..." I say smiling, already missing Julian and Wilmer both.

"How's his girlfriend?"

"They broke up." I say looking at her.

"Really?" She says giving me a look. I shake my head and put another piece of chicken in my mouth, not paying any attention to her.


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