The Alpha's Little Omega (Seq...

By Blue_Flame24

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The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Epilogue

Chapter 24

9.8K 424 22
By Blue_Flame24

Chapter 24-

Courtland's POV:

"Prom night!"I squealed happily dancing around my room. I was waiting for Michelle to come do my hair and make up. I just showered and shaved my legs and I was so happy to be going to prom with Dimitri. It was going to be so fun.

I heard a chuckle behind me and I turned and Michelle was waiting for me by the chair with all of her make up and hair tools. I blushed and laughed.


"That's okay my dear. You're excited don't worry."She assured. Winter ran in happily just then and she hopped up on my bed and laid down starring at us.

"Someone wants to help?"Michelle asked rubbing her head. She turned back to me and began doing my hair. She curled it and placed it all up into a bun shape, leaving my bangs down and tiny strands by my face. She curled these strands and then she did my make up. My make up was quick clean and simple.

She made my skin almost glow. I looked amazing. I then slipped into my dress and stepped into my heels. Since my dress was white I spiced up my heels and got yellow ones. Although you couldn't see them because my dress was down to the floor. I still liked them.

"You look beautiful."Michelle gawked as I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was stunning and I was so excited my stomach did flips.

The boys were already gone to their dates' houses to pick them up while I stayed with mom,dad and the younger boys.

"Oh my God! You look so beautiful."My mom said as I walked down the stairs. I hadn't realized Dimitri was already here. He wore an all black suit with a white tie and black dress shirt. He held a corsage case and I smiled as he gawked at me.

My mom was snapping pictures away of me as Dimitri walked over. He took out the corsage and I gawked myself. It was so pretty! There was a rose that was white and little silver things came out the middle. I didn't know what it was called. Silver ribbon was around it with white and silver hearts with little diamonds. The corsage band was a white bracelet. My mom just casually took pictures while he slid it onto my wrist.

"Mom.."I said a bit embarrassed.

"Oh come on let's take pictures!"She said excitedly. We took at least a hundred photo's before we were allowed to leave. Dimitri held my hand as we walked to his car.

"You look so beautiful."He said kissing my head as he opened my door for me. I blushed and looked down.

"Thanks."I said sheepishly. He closed my door for me and ran around to his side.

"Want me to hold your ticket?"He asked me as I held my ticket in my hand.

"Oh...yea.Thanks."I said passing it to him and sliding it into his pocket. We drove to the hotel hall. Prom was always in the big fancy hotel. This place had a huge banquet hall and the saff allowed students to order rooms. We are werewolves. Werewolves produce. A lot.

We came up to the hotel and lights were flashing outside with a big banner saying "Werewolf Academy Prom Night!" This was so fancy they even had valet parking. Dimitri gave the keys to the guy and he took my hand as he handed our tickets to one of our vice principles. We walked in but had to stop to get our picture taken.

"Come on let's see a good pose. I need a new cover poster for my work."The camera girl said. I whispered in Dimitri's ear what I wanted to do and he nodded approvingly. I bent down in front of him so I was facing the camer and put my corsage hand out while he stood out with his hands up almost telling someone to come to him.

"That's perfect!"She said. She snapped the picture and I stood up. The pictures would be ready at the end for us to take.

The music pulsed through the whole banquet hall. Large tables were around the dance floor. Prom king and queen awards were on a table at the stage. Balloons, lights and other festive decorations were set up around the room. We were sitting at a table with my brothers and two of Dimitri's friends and their dates. Brett and Andrew. The boys were already there.

Tyler was with a girl that was a grade lower then us. I didn't know her name though. Austin was with his one month girlfriend, Cassandra Vallenwood. Jeremy was with a girl who attended university. I knew she was an omega from what Jeremy was saying but I never caught her name. Mitchel was with Isabela Drozdov and Nick was with Taylor.

Taylor had on a short puffy,pink sparkly dress with no straps. She had extensions in but her hair was curled.

"Oh Courtland. You and Dimitri look so good."She smiled.

"Thanks Taylor. You look so pretty even with Nick."I smiled. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"I have been waiting for you to get here. Nick won't dance with me."She whined. I smiled and left Dimitri's hand to go dance with Taylor.

"Nick got a room."She said as we were dancing.

"What?"I asked shocked. She nodded kind of nervously.

"Court. We have been dating for over a year. I'm pretty sure we are mates.What about Dimitri?"She asked.

"I don't think so.He wouldn't rush me into that."I said shaking my head.

"Well some couples got it to spend the night because it would be late."

"I think Dimitri was going to spend the night at my house."

"Oh?"She asked seductively.

"No.Not to have sex.Probably just cuddling."I smiled sweetly.

"One of these days."She sighed.

"You guys are using protection though?"I asked her.She shrugged.

"Taylor." I said.

"Courtland it is normal for female werewolves to get pregnant at this age. Besides if me and Nick get married I would be at the palace."

"I wouldn't be there."I said. She looked shocked.

"Why?"She asked.

"Because there is a high possibility that I will be the next Lady. They will move Dimitri and I to the new palace being built for the next Lord or Lady."

"Well when will they find out?"

"Soon. They are giving me a chance to enjoy my last night as a "Teenager.""I said using air quotations.

After that we had dinner which was steak and a salad and after that some people left because they knew they wouldn't be prom king or queen. But no one left from our table. After dinner we had a slow dance.

"Dance with me?"Dimitri whispered in my ear making me shiver.I nodded blushing and he held my hand and brought me out to the dance floor. It was so weird how he could still manage to make me blush.

It was just like christmas when he first asked me to dance. Except now I was more close to him and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You don't know how beautiful you look."He whispered.

"Thank you,Dimitri."I smiled lifting my head up.My face was inches apart from his and I could feel his cold and minty breath on my face.

"C, so many people are starring at you the whole night.Some are guys and I don't want them starring."He said possessively putting a protective arm around me.

He will be more possessive after he turns eighteen and he will be forceful. Becareful Courtland.

Taylor's words rephrased through my head and I froze.I wasn't ready for sex.

"What's wrong?"He asked worriedly.

"Dimitri?"I asked.


"You didn't...get a room...did you?"I asked.

"No...why did you want one?"He asked confused.

"No. I was just asking."I said nervously.

"Courtland.I would never push you into something you didn't want to do. I care for you too much and I don't want to hurt you."He whispered.

"Oh Dimi you make me so frustrated."I growled lightly.

"Why?"He laughed.

"Because I really really like you and I think I might actually be in love with you. Especially how you waited that whole year for me and you stayed faithful and how I am weird and you still want to be with me-"

"Say it."He said cutting me off from my nervous word vomit.

"Say what?"I asked confused.

"I want to hear you say you love me."He said starring into my eyes with his icy blue ones. They only turned warm when he looked at me.

"Dimitri...I love you."I said. A smile appeared on his face.

"And I love you too."He whispered kissing my head and hugging me tightly.


Aww,,,bit of a romantic chapter. I wanted to make two or three chapters about their relationship progressing then next chapter I may continue with the dark angels.

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