The Rejected Mate

By lonelysummerdays

1.2M 18.3K 1.4K

Leah Roberts is thrilled to find out that her mate is the very sexy Alex Snider also the alpha of her pack. B... More

The Rejected Mate
The Mating
The Inevitable
The Indecision
Chapter 6: Troy's Party (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Troy's Party (Part 2)
All Kinds of Hurt
Home, Sweet Home
The Teasing Game
The Plan
The Unraveling

The Aftermath

100K 1.8K 121
By lonelysummerdays

Hey guys!

Again I'd like to start out by thanking those who read, commented, voted fanned, liked and added this story to their library. You have no idea how overwhelmed I am by all your support. In the light of things, i thought i owed you guys another chapter.  Thanks to all your support this story reached #200 and something on what's hot (for which i'm super gratefull for and owe it all to you guys!). So i thought you guys deserved a reward and i felt bad for telling you guys to wait 2 weeks. 

Firstly, as you will soon notice this chapter is in third person omicent. I said on my last chapter that i would write from third person for now on for  various reason and told you that if any of you perferred first person to let me know and i would try to keep it in first person. But no one did and i'm kind of reliefed because i find it way easier to write in third person. So thanks for understanding and i'm really sorry for changing it. I know how frustrating it is to read the same story with different point of views. Don't hate me!

Secondly I know this chapter is kind a blah but the next chapter is really good and you will find out why when you get to the end. So hang in there and bear with me. 

Don't forget to fan, comment and vote!

Well here it is! Enjoy!



Chapter 4: The Aftermath

Leah sighed as she realised that she must return soon to the pack house for school. The fact that she must face Alex dawned on her and after the horrible confrontation they had the other day, she was startled for a moment. Before coming to the conclusion that she shouldn’t care. Just like he didn’t and doesn’t care. Deep down, she knew she was lying to herself and that she cared. A lot. He was her mate after all. Nothing could change that, not even Alex.

After recovering her clothing or better, what was left of her clothing, she began to make her way back through the familiar woods of Clearwater. The woods were always a sign of comfort to her, just like they were to any other werewolf, but this seemed to change for her. They were now a symbol of her despair and an ever-standing reminder of the rejection she had received from Alex.  Anger boiled in her blood at the thought of him. He had ruined the woods for her and all the beautiful memories she cherished inside it: her and Blake playing as kids, the first time she shifted into a werewolf, her first hunt and so many others. They were all now overshadowed by one horrible memory she wished she could forget.

She always thought that when she found her mate, her happiness would be complete. What a joke that turned out to be. It seemed to have had the exact opposite effect. It shattered the happiness from her life completely and left her in bubble of despair. She felt like life was mocking her by giving her a mate that couldn’t be with her. Not couldn’t. Doesn’t want to.  She corrected. She let out another sigh and continued her walk through the deep woods, hoping that Alex had changed his mind about them. She laughed at her silly wish. Alex wasn’t the kind to make such a crucial decision and then suddenly change his mind. Once he made up his mind about something, it stayed that way. It was something Leah used to admire in him. She liked a person who could live with the decisions they made in life despite the consequences. Alex had done just that countless times as Alpha and it always seemed to be okay in the end. Though she doubted there would be an “okay” for her in this decision that he made.


Alex watched as the sun rose slowly across the horizon. Little rays of sunlight began to enter through the blinds. He was extremely tired to say the least. He had got no sleep whatsoever last night. All he could think about was Leah and nothing he did seemed to change that. He was extremely worried when he found out that she didn’t come home. He even sent Blake after her to avail. At one stage he complemented using the bond they had, but thought better of it. That would only make their connection stronger and Alex was sure if it got any stronger, he would cave in.

Alex was this close to going into the woods and finding her himself.  He decided that if she didn’t come back in time for school, that he would allow himself to go look for her. Not as her mate, but as a responsible Alpha who cared about his pack. Who am I kidding? If she went missing a few days ago, I would have just said that she was probably just being a teenager and having fun, and not have given it a second thought after that. At the thought of Leah “having fun” with some other guy, he cringed. Could she have been with someone else? He questioned and decided that no, Leah was not that kind of girl.


Leah walked into the house as quietly as possible, hoping no one would hear her enter. She wasn’t up for making up a story to explain her absence. She crossed her fringers that everyone was asleep in their sound proof rooms. Slowly she climbed the stairs and took a little peak at the hallway to make sure no one would see her sneaking in her room. When she was sure that the coast was clear, she approached her room and entered. Closed the door behind her and let out a sigh.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She turned around to find Blake with a mocking disappointed face staring at her. Oh great, just what I need! She thought.  

“What are you doing in my room?” Leah asked.

“The more appropriate question here I think sis is where have you been the other night? I expected better of the goodie-two shoes Leah.” Sarcasm filled his tone and Leah was simply not in the mood to play games with Blake.

“Listen Blake I always put up with your crap, but today I simply am not in the mood, so if you please can just leave my room and leave me alone for a few hours, that’d be great.” Blake stared at his sister. There was something missing in her. The sparks in her eyes were gone and the carefree sister that he was so used to seemed to have left.  Blake was worried about her. Something had happened in the space of today and yesterday. He could feel it. He knew that sounded stupid, but they were twins. They had that twin bond thing. He contemplated asking her what was wrong but he knew that she would not tell him now. Deciding that he’d ask later, he walked out of her room and made his way to his own room.

Leah made her way to her bed and just collapsed on it. Shutting her eyes and trying to relax, she thought about the turn that her life took in the space of just twenty-four hours. After receiving a massive headache from trying to make sense of life, she turned to look at her clock. It was 7am and if she wanted to have a shower before going to school, she knew she should hurry. Sighing she walked to the bathroom. Maybe a relaxing shower would make her feel better.


Alex was walking up the stairs after breakfast. Relived to find out from Blake that his sister was safely home, he decided to go to his room and save Leah (and himself) the awkwardness of having breakfast together. He wondered how long this would last. When he and Leah could move on. At the moment he found that impossible and felt very stupid for thinking that either of them could move on. This wasn’t just some break up, this was mates. Neither of them would ever find someone who they can share with the connection they had. He felt guilt for denying Leah that right. He shook the thought away this was for the best. He knew that.

Looking up he saw a stunned Leah standing at the top of the stairs. Well there goes my plan of avoiding the awkwardness. Her eyes burned through him, reaching to the depths of his soul and beyond. It was like she was reading every thought he was having and this made him feel extremely uncomfortable. And her scent was attacking him again, holding him prisoner.

Both of them stood staring at each other but not saying anything. Leah’s heart was beating at million miles per second at how close she was to him. She could feel herself being drawn to him, yearning to feel his touch.

Touch Him. Her wolf commanded. Leah made a mental disgusted face at her wolf’s suggestion to show her what Leah thought of that idea. Leah knew that if someone found them in this situation questions were going to be asked and she was not up for lying. She hated lairs and she wasn’t about to become one. So tearing her eyes away from Alex and making sure to look at where she was going she made her way down to breakfast. All the while, her wolf protested loudly. She refused for Alex to have such a strong control over her emotions, her being. Mate or not he was being a complete jerk.  And her wolf was not helping matters.


Don’t you understand? He rejected us. He doesn’t want us. It’s hard as it is without you complicating things and yelling at me to touch him. She told her wolf.

Alex felt a jolt of disappointment at the retreating form of Leah. This made him annoyed at himself. He was not supposed to feel disappointment. To make things worse, his wolf was being awfully loud this morning and the need to touch Leah was taking over again just like the other time. Damn that scent! I swear it will be the end of me. He reflected.

At the top of the stairs, Jason was staring at Alex and then at Leah and back. Could it be? That Alex had found his mate? And that mate was … Leah? He wondered. But wouldn’t Alex have told me? I’m his best friend. Surely he would of. Stuck in a hassle to whether ask Alex about what he just saw or not, he watched as Alex made his way to his room and slammed the door loudly. Still bothered by what he saw, he finally decided that honesty was the best policy and made his way to Alex’s room. He knocked and waited for an answer.


“What?” Alex answered rudely. How was Jason going to begin this conversation, when Alex was in such a bad mood. Rule one of being a wolf, never, ever approach a wolf when their angry. But being Jason, he decided to ask anyways.

“I need to talk to you.” Jason simply said and went inside Alex’s room without asking permission. This made Alex growl. Jason knew that Alex got mad when some over stepped his privacy. Well he wouldn’t mind if Leah did so… He brushed the thought away, getting frustrated at himself for thinking about her in that way for the millionth time today.

“Well?” Alex almost growled the word. Jason stepped back, startled by Alex’s hostility.

“I was just… uh… wondering about the mate issue. You know I’m soon going to be twenty one and I was uh curious.” Alex raised his eyebrow at this. Knowing Jason, he was certain that the thought of having one person and only one person scared the crap out of Jason. The whole mate idea did. Alex knew this. So cautious not give away anything, he played along.

“And what about it?”

“Well… uh… how do you know that someone is your mate?”

“As you can see I haven’t found my mate yet, but when I do I’ll be sure to let you know.”

“Cut the crap Alex, I saw the little episode at the stairs with you and Leah. What was with all the staring?”

Alex was taken back at his best friend’s nerve to ask so directly. Well he doesn’t beat around the bush does he? He thought.

“What do you mean?” Alex deciding that playing dumb was his best (only) option, gave a confused look. Though he doubted that for a second it fazed Jason. After all, they were best friends.

“Come on Alex! Don’t play dumb with me. I’m your best friend for God’s sake. I know when you’re pulling shit like this with me.” Alex sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

“Sit. I’ll tell you everything. But I swear if you tell anyone, especially Leah, anything  you're going to be six feet under.”

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