The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)

By Jaee_101

4.1M 152K 41.6K

Zaria is young girl with big dreams. Beginning her senior year in high school, she has to balance graduation... More

Cast Call.
My Typical Morning
The Day Goes On.
The Day Goes On Pt.2
"Relationship Status" P.1
Meet up.
Relationship Status Pt.2
Relationship Status Pt.3
After The Fact .
After School Ends
Where Did You Come from? (Just Dewayne's Pov)
Friends Pt. I
Friends (Part II)
New Beginning
It's Over
It's Over (Part II)
The Name Game.
Run Away .
Run Away Pt.II
A Small Piece Of Rebellion
Z's Rebellion
Fairy Godmother.
Suspicious Behavior
Making It Official Pt.1
Strike One
I Got Chu
Reunited (Making It Official Pt2)
Mall and Chill (Dewayne's Pov)
A New Outlook
Click Out
The Invite
Crunch Time
What Happens now?
The Dilemma.
First Day on the Job
Ugly Truths.
A/N (Not an Update)
Business And Such.
Date Night Pt.I
Startin Somethin' (Date Night Part II)
Before I Release This New Update..
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)
Guess Who? (Pt I)
Guess Who (Part II)
Conclusion to the Beginning.
Conclusion to the Beginning Pt.II
A Slight Shift
Trying Again
Trying Again Pt. II
Let's Go
Old Memories Equals New Ideas
The Start of Big Things
Start of Big Things Pt.2
Catch up
Catch Up Pt.2
Game Day
I'm Glad You Came
Calculations Pt.2
I'm Right Here
The Day Off Pt. 1
A Simple Conversation
What Goes Around...On the Other Side
So About Tonight...
The Preparation
Something About The Night (Pt.1)
A/N & Face Reveal
Something About The Night (Pt.2)
Back to the Norm

Out My House!

36.9K 1.8K 797
By Jaee_101


Zaria's Pov

Just as I picked up the phone, I heard a knock on the door.

That's weird, I am not expecting anyone. But then again it might be Ms. Evans. Damn times like this I wish I had a peephole on my door.

I guess it's time to go check to check the door.

I made my way to the front and opened it only to come face to face with the last people I ever imagined would find me, I felt the color drain from my face.

"Well, well , well. Long time no see ." My mother said coldly, with a glare that could slice souls.

How in the hell did they find me?


 Zaria's Pov

I looked at them incredulously, why in the hell are they here? "Why are you here?" I said abruptly, trying to understand just how they found me, unless they did some bat shit crazy stuff like follow me.

"You aren't as good at staying lowkey as you think. Did you really think I wasn't going to find out your ungrateful ass ran away. " Janice snarled at me, with a deadly glint in her eye.

Ungrateful?  Bitch how?

"Imma ask this again , why are you here, you weren't invited." I said with a small strike of confidence, realizing this isn't even their place and they were a long way from home.  

"Bitch don't get smart like you own this place and what not, who knows what nigga you fucking just to stay here." Mikeyla said barging into my place like she oned the place. 

But bitch you can't even afford a section of the carpet. -_-

"Well I am the only one here right? " I said looking around, "Yea thought so. And just because that's all you do to get ahead in life doesn't mean I do it." 

I am not even front like I was cool with them in my place. "If y'all done popping up at peoples places uninvited , go ahead and leave. " I said bluntly, getting pissed.

Janice surveyed around the living room with a scowl on her face . 

"Nah I'm not going anywhere. And you can chill with the attitude cuz baby I'm not the one." Mikeyla said rolling her neck. 

"You must have forgotten how stuff went down last time, don't get cute." I added in quickly. But she knows I will beat her ass like, I already did. Stop being cute.

Why in the hell are they still here?

I felt eyes drilling in the side of my head. I turned and say Janice looking at me with pure hatred. Lord here comes the shit talking. 


"You didn't even want me there! " I began incredulously " You treat me like I am trash, ever since dad died, it got worse. I don't have to deal with it and I won't deal with it, simple."

She got all up in my face. "You are NOT grown. You are my daughter, therefore you still are supposed supposed to be under my roof and do whatever the hell I tell you to do. Got me all around the city looking for yo ass, inconsiderate ass bitch."

"You literally told me you don't want to deal with me. You make it very clear that you don't want me there, I leave, and then it's a problem? That makes no sense. Y'all don't want me there and the feeling is mutual. This is my life not yours.  And I seriously need you guys to leave. "

I walked towards the door to let them out, but I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back after what felt like someone's fist connected with my back. 

I turned around only to see Janice regarding me coldly while Mikeyla was snickering and recording the whole scene , "You don't necessarily have to leave here conscious." 

I regarded her in disbelief. I don't understand how someone who birthed you could get off on making your life a living hell. I just want all of it to stop.

Dewayne's Pov

I pulled up on a garage next to the lofts. I had a cool smile playing across my lips, I couldn't wait to surprise her. 

I got out the car and made my way to the elevator. I can't help but wonder how she got a spot this damn nice, on this side of town. But I decide not to dwell on it, because the longer I am around Zaria the more I realize that she is independent . 

As the elevator dinged and the doors slid open I stepped out into a empty lobby, like shit was deserted. 

Mhm that's weird, Stacey said usually it's someone sitting at the desk.

 But whatever, Stace gave me directions to Z's place anyway.  So I hopped my ass on another elevator . Once I did that shit, once again I made my way down the hallway .

Because I wasn't paying attention , so I passed up the door the first time. But I walked back to the number in question. I paused at the door, reminding myself I have to try and keep control, not letting my emotions get too far ahead of me. I don't want to push her to do anything she isn't comfortable with. But it's easier said than done.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, because I heard screaming behind the closed door. 

What in the fuck? 

I checked my phone to make sure I got the right number and it was then when I heard more yelling and commotion on the other end of the door. 

"Just leave!" I hear Zaria yell.

"You fat ungrateful bitch!" I heard someone scream and I heard something being thrown.

Oh hell nah, they better not being throwing shit at my babygirl and I know that. I busted through the door, straight adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Mikeyla I guess was standing in front of the door, when I busted through the door, because she flew slightly against the wall. Oh damn.

She looked at me and her eyes got wide as hell. "Why are you here?" she said rudely with her annoying ass voice . 

"Where is Zaria?" I asked bluntly not wanting to talk to her at all. 

I tried to walk away nicely but she moved in front of me. "I think you should come back later. Go home with your girl." She said mugging me.

I gave her a screwface. See, people just want to bring out reactions from a nigga. She better chill the fuck out, round here shaped like spongebob's long lost sister, weave looking like burnt ramen noodles. 

 "Move." I said brushing past her, and she came running behind me screaming. 

"You aren't supposed to be here!" she said tryna get in front of me. 

I heard the glass breaking and screaming down the hall and I quickly went back there, stunned at what I seen...


I saw a older woman and Zaria fighting. 

It was crazy , so crazy I had to blink just to make sure I wasn't tripping. 

"Either you gonna walk out with me right now, or imma drag you out unconscious ." The older lady spat coldly lunging at Zaria. 

Zaria moved in lightning speed, dodging her mother's fist and punching her in the stomach making her mom fall. Her mom grabbed a vase and threw it at Zaria making it shatter on the floor. 

"Look ," Zaria said breathing hard, sounding close to tears, "I shouldn't have to fight you. I haven't done shit to you, and you told me you didn't want me anyway."

"You took away my happiness from the second you were born. You are the reason why I lost my husband. No matter how much you try to play victim, you aren't the one suffering. " She said in a venomous voice, while spitting out blood, "As much as you try to get away from your past, it won't work. As your parent I will hold you accountable."

I was shocked that her own mother was addressing her in this manner. I have never experienced anything like it.

"I am not to blame for what happened. And if you are so done with me why don't you just go home with Mikeyla? In light of what happened with dad, I tried to be with you, I tried to help." She said , bluntly, but I saw a tear slide down her cheek. 

"It will never be enough. And don't bring your sister into this. Unlike you, she has a future. Unlike you, she isn't a fat, worthless, whining little bitch who constantly makes me regret giving birth ." She said coldly and getting up off the floor.


I looked over and saw Mikeyla recording this shit like it was a movie. And it was disgusting to watch, how can a woman do this to their own child? I walked up to her and snatched the phone out of her hand, "Do you have any type of respect?! The fuck is wrong with you!! " I growled feeling my anger swell up, "I will personally make sure you get yo ass beat if record anything else. I want to see it anywhere, anywhere in school, I promise you I will make you regret living.  Do yourself a fucking favor and take yo grimy outta here."

She looked scared as hell but I didn't give a fuck. 

I narrowed my eyes. I took the time to delete the video before placing the phone back in her shaking hands. 

I turned around and saw Zaria and her mom looking at me with shocked expressions. "I think it's time for you to dip." I said looking down at this sad excuse of human being.

I walked over to Zaria and wrapped an arm around her, she looked up at me and I almost broke at the cluster of emotion that shone from the depths on her eyes. Hurt, pain, anger, and confusion. I hate what she was experiencing but I finally was beginning to see where the source of her issues come from. 

Her mom laughed a loud, spine-chilling, like Disney movie evil character type laugh, " Oh so that's how you got this little place. I swear you can never keep your legs closed. Enjoy it while it lasts, because a nigga like him, ain't gonna stuck with a nobody like you." 

She is making me want to throw this whole damn book shelf at her. 

"With all due respect, you don't know what the hell your, talking about. This whole situation is sad and I guarantee you, you are going to regret the shit you put this girl through. But honest your pissing me the fuck off, so I kindly recommend you taking your annoying ass daughter, fake ass red bottoms and get the fuck out." I said trying through my clenched jaw.

She looked at me surprised and then she rolled her eyes standing up. I tightened my grip on Zaria, as she felt her shaking. "Frankly nigga I don't know who the fuck you are talking to but you need to mind your damn business."

"I know you need to leave and are invading someone else's place." I said pointedly, feeling Zaria tense. I wasn't phased by her disrespect but I knew she could be unpredictable and I didn't want to see anything happen.

Just as the lady turned away I felt Zaria tense and then , that crazy ass woman turned around and lunged at Zaria. I stopped her abruptly. "Get out!" I barked at her.

She gave Zaria one last ugly glare and limped out the room, I followed behind her and Mikeyla. "I'll be right  back," I whispered to Zaria, as I followed after them.

 I made sure they didn't touch anything. And followed behind them to the door. "Leave." I said bluntly.

The mom rolled her eyes , "Don't get cut-

I slammed the door in her face and locked it. 

I took in the newfound silence. It was my first time in her place, and despite the newly shattered glass on the floor I could see just now nice the loft was. Zaria must of worked pretty hard to get this place, and I hated the idea of unwanted people coming in trying to ruin it. 

I walked back to the room , and saw her sitting on the bed staring out into space. She looked numb. I felt my heart swell up when I saw the silent tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"Zaria?" I said 

She looked up at me, "Hey." she said sniffling, "I um- I think you should go, we can talk tomorrow." She said quietly.

I made my way towards her and she backed away, shaking, with more tears falling down her face. 

I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, "I don't think you need to be alone right now." I said gently, staring in her eyes.

"Dewayne I can't-" she began but she broke down, sobbing.

I pulled into my arms and wrapped her into a secure hug. "Shh, it's okay babygirl." I said gently , smoothing down her hair.

I sat down with her in my lap and she clung to me as she sobbed into my shirt. My shirt was soaked from tears, but I didn't care. I knew she needed to let her emotions out, and I couldn't just leave her after something like that.

I slightly tightened my grip on her making a silent vow to myself, I was going to be there for Zaria and protect her. I wanted to assist in finding peace from all the drama. She deserves it and I can't help but feel like it's the least I can do because of how she was there for me. 


That's it for now sorry for the  delay but I have had a horrible week. But I hope you guys liked it. How do you feel about Dewayne?

Let me know in the comments. 

Be sure to read, comment, and enjoy! I lovee you guys! :*

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