Avengers Texts

By Can_you_nawt

1.2M 47.6K 7.8K

Someone gave Thor a phone (it was Tony) Steve learned how to use Apple Maria Hill is a fangirl Phil Coulson i... More

Fury To Tony
Thor To Fury
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Steve
Tony To Steve
Bruce To Tony
Fury To Tony
Tony To Steve
Natasha To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Clint To Nat
Natasha To Bruce
Tony To Sam
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Phil
Bruce To Tony
Maria To Bruce
Tony To Bruce
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Phil
Fury To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Pepper To Maria
Pepper To Tony
Tony To Natasha
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Thor
Tony To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Maria To Phil
Bruce To Clint
Tony To Bruce
Phil To Maria
Loki To Phil
Phil To Maria
Steve To Tony
Phil To Loki
Phil To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Melinda To Pepper
Steve To Tony
Maria To Phil
Pepper To Tony
Pepper To Thor
Natasha To Clint
Sam To Steve
Pepper To Maria
Maria To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Maria
Pepper To Natasha
Pepper To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Peter
Pepper To Tony
Steve To Tony
Tony To Natasha
Bruce To Thor
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Sam
Bruce To Tony
Sam To Steve
Steve To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Bruce To Tony
Tony To Steve
Pepper To Tony
Maria To Phil
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Natasha
Fury To Pepper
Pepper To Tony
Natasha To Clint
Melinda To Maria
Maria To Natasha
Maria To Tony
Maria To Bruce
Bruce To Pepper
Tony To Fury
Tony To Fury
Bruce To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Clint To Bruce
The Kitchen
Steve To Tony
Natasha To Tony
Clint To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Bucky
Steve To Tony
Steve To Bucky
Natasha To Maria
Maria To Clint
Melinda To Maria
Peter To Bruce
Maria To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Phil To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Natasha To Thor
Clint To Natasha
Loki To Thor
Melinda To Maria
Natasha To Clint
Clint To Bruce
Peter To Tony
Tony's POV
Tony To Pepper
Tony's POV
Sam To Tony
Tony's POV
May To Maria
Melinda To Natasha
Melinda To Tony
Tony To Steve
Tony To Bruce
Fury To Tony
Pepper To Tony
Snapchat: Clint To Natasha
Snapchat: Clint To Bruce
Snapchat: Clint To Marie
Snapchat: Clint To Loki
Maria To Bruce
Snapchat: Maria To Phil
Snapchat: Sam To Clint
Bucky To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Fury
Snapchat: Clint To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Loki
Natasha To Tony
Fury To Natasha
Natasha To Maria
Tony To Natasha
Tony To Bruce
Natasha To Melinda
Bruce To Loki
Loki To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Tony To Steve
Clint To Natasha
Steve To Sam
Sam To Clint
Clint To Natasha
Clint To Sam
Loki To Phil
Tony To Peter
Fury To Tony
Peter To Wade
Shark Week
Clint To Natasha
Fury To Tony
Marie To Phil
Natasha To Clint
Third Floor
Natasha To Tony
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Clint
Steve To Tony
Bruce To Clint
Tony To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Pepper
Pepper To Tony
Clint To Natasha
Bucky's POV
Clint To Natasha
Natasha To Tony
Natasha To Pepper
Sam To Clint
Peter To Tony
Tony To Steve
Peter To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Coulson
Maria To Coulson
Natasha To Melinda
Clint To Maria
Bruce To Tony
Bruce To Sam
Bucky To Tony
Steve To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Steve To Tony
Clint To Tony
Natasha To Tony
Melinda To Maria
Melinda To Tony
Clint To Tony
Maria To Phil
Melinda To Maria
Tony To Clint
Bucky To Tony
Maria To Fitz
Tony to Bruce
Wade to Peter
Wade to Peter
Foggy to Matt
Tony to Natasha
Tony to Fury
Bruce To Steve
Steve to Tony
Matt to Natasha
Natasha Comes Inside
Steve To Tony
Tony to Bruce
Thor to Wade
Thor to Bucky
Bucky to Sam
Wade to Tony
Thor to Steve
Sam to Clint
The One Where Everything Is Explained And No One Is Confused
Clint to Sam
Wade to Peter
Tony to Natasha
The One Where Thor Comes Back
Bucky to Steve
Steve to Tony
The One Where Natasha Comes Back
Bruce to Peter
Bruce to Natasha
Wade to Peter
The One Where They Jump Off A Jet
Peter's POV
The One Where Wade Runs Off
Tony to Steve
Natasha to Steve
Peter to Bruce
Wade to Clint
The One Where More Drama Is Created
Clint to Sam
The One Where Clint Saves The Day (As Usual)
Tony to Bucky
Bruce's Room
Bucky to Sam
Natasha to Rhodey
[GROUP MESSAGE: Sam, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Pepper]
Tony to Wade
Peter to Natasha
Tony to Steve
[GROUP MESSAGE: Sam, Bucky, Rhodey, Natasha]
Steve to Natasha
Natasha to Sam
Clint to Bucky
Clint to Sam
Steve To Clint
Peter to Wade
Wade to Clint
Melinda to Thor
Clint to Rhodey
Bucky to Sam
[GROUPCHAT: Clint, Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Wade]
Peter's Apartment
Clint to Wade
Wade to Tony
Tony to Peter

The One Where Wade Finally Saves Peter

782 60 33
By Can_you_nawt

Wade slipped away from Natasha and Tony and into the for-sale office space. They can stand around talking and being responsible or whatever, he was going to break a window and get Peter.

"Fuck this window," he muttered as he swung to kick it open, but his leg was met with only air. Upon further inspection, he noticed all the windows were already broken. He shrugged and stepped through. "Window was already fucked. Ow! Glass!" He hissed, stepping through the lobby.

The floor was covered in glass from all the broken windows. He probably should have noticed that. As he worked his way through the building, he felt more and more like he was in a bad horror movie. Dark and creepy office, no people around, empty and unused desks.

"Your whole life is a bad horror movie, Wilson," he sighed under his breath, kicking a chair as he passed. "Fuck this chair. Fuck this empty office building. Nobody wants to buy offices anymore."

After a few more minutes of kicking abandoned pieces of officeware and working his way through the dark space, he found a slightly ajar metal door that had a broken lock on it.

"Bingo," he opened it all the way with his foot and pulled a gun off his belt. He walked quietly down the stairs (he can be quiet, in your face, Tony) and stopped halfway when he could see into the room. It was small, and also very horror movie like. He was beginning to think they were all being punk'd. There was a table where three ugly guys were playing cards, a flickering lightbulb hanging from a chain, and- his chest tightened- Peter, tied and gagged to piping on a wall. He inhaled deeply and rolled his shoulders as he stomped the rest of the way down. Natasha was totally right, the shoulder thing made everyone look cool and he was gonna do it from now on.

"Welcome to the Deadpool radio hour!" He shouted in a game-show voice, and the idiots playing cards jumped up in a panic. "Recorded in front of a live studio audience! Today's topic- What happens to three ugly cow-fuckers when they kidnap my sweet love cookie?"

"Listen, fuc-" one of them started. Wade shot him twice in the chest.

"Wroooooooong answer! Contestants two and three care to venture a guess? No? Disqualified, both of you!" He fired two shots into each of their legs. "The answer we were looking for was: they regret it."

"Ahrgfh," Peter muttered around the rag in his mouth. Wade threw himself over and pulled it out. "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" Wade began working on Peter's restraints. "Also, you all tied up is totally kinky and kinda turning me on."

"That's- I missed you."

"I was only gone for like, a few hours. These knots are-" he paused, and then pulled one of his swords off his back. "I'm so stupid." He cut Peter free and set it down.

"Thanks, Wade. You're not stupid," he added as he rubbed his wrists.

"What happened to your face?!" Wade exclaimed, grabbing Peter's head in his hands and inspecting the swelling pre-bruise under his eye.

"Oh, that? You didn't notice that earlier?"

"I was distracted by the fact that you weren't being eaten by giant lizards-"

"That's not even a situation-"

"What happened to your face?!"

"Kidnappers, Wade. They're not exactly worried about my well being."

"I'm gonna kill them," Wade went to stand up and Peter grabbed him.

"Don't. They're goons, and it's just a few bruises-" he tried.

"A few?! Wh- What else- I'm gonna kill them," Wade stood up, and Peter tried to follow him.

"You promised- Ow, ow!" He sucked in a breath and grabbed his side.

"What's wrong?" Wade forgot about murder for the moment and held Peter up.

"Idiot kicked me in my ribcage. And unlike some people, I'm not accustomed to doing that every week."

"I don't break it every week, and I am going to kill-"

Peter rolled his eyes and snatched off Wade's mask so he could lean up and kiss him.

"Boss is gonna get you idiots," one of the goons moaned in agony from the ground. Wade shot him in the side without turning around or moving away from Peter.

"Wade," Peter warned.

"I didn't kill him, I just shot him again. He's fine. Probably. But I don't actually care, because those three are assholes, and you're not dead," he leaned down to kiss Peter again.

"We should probably go, though."

"Yeah. Why do you taste like gas?"

"Dirty handrag."

"Ah," Wade glanced at the three men on the floor. "Real quick, which one of them hit you?"

"Uh, the one you only shot in the legs," Peter gestured at the one attempting to crawl away behind them. "Pretty sure his name is Mick."

"Well, Mick!" Wade turned around and strode over to him. Peter groaned. "You thought it'd feel pretty good to beat up my love cookie, did you?"

"Stop calling me that," Peter sighed, picking up Wade's discarded sword and wincing at the strain on his side.

"Whatever. Let me ask you this, Mick," Wade emphasized the last word and stepped on the guy's hand as he crouched down. Mick exclaimed in pain as Wade ground his hand into the floor. "How's it feel now?"

"Wade!" Peter scolded.

"Yes, sweetums?" Wade stood up and turned, 'accidentally' kicking Mick in the face as he did so. "Ready to go?"

"Stop harassing the help. They just work for the villain guy. Who, by the way," he reached and stuck Wade's sword in it's sheath on his back, "Is called The Red Owl, which I thought you'd like."

"I probably would, if he hadn't kidnapped my sugar muffin."

"Where are you getting these?" Peter snickered. Wade grinned.

"My nicknaming skills are bountiful. Let's go," he headed back to the stairs.

"Your boyfriend is hideous," Mick muttered. Wade paused and turned back to Peter.

"Oh, yeah, uh, mask," he stuck his hand out. 

"You are not," Peter handed it to him with a frown. "Mine's over here," he grabbed his mask, webs, and phone off the table.

"Let's go home. Also, I may have lost Nat and Tony," Wade said as he headed up the stairs. Peter waited til he was out of sight and reattached his webshooter.

"Boyfriend is not hideous," he muttered, kicking Mick a couple times before attaching him and the other two to the floor by way of webbing.

"You need some help?" Wade called from the top. Peter considered that.

"Could you carry me?" He called back in his best pathetic voice, leaning against the second step. Wade rushed back down and lifted him up bridal style.

"Pumpkin butt."


"Mmm, daddy's-"

"No, nothing with daddy."

"Poodle boy."

"Why poodle boy?!"

"Cos you're cute and fancy and your ears are floppy."

"They're regular ears."


"Stop biting my ear, Wilson."

"Sorry, prince peach."


"Peach butt?"




"Candy man."

"Like the Christina Aguilera song?"


"... I'll consider that."


{ sorry these last few chapters have been non-texting and also short and badly written, I'm trying my best over here! don't forget to vote and comment what you want to see more of! }

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