The Emo Girl Who's Afraid to...

By GrumpyKatx

20.4K 460 100

Jade has slight trust issues and has a lot of problems with her family, she is pretty broken. But when she me... More

The Emo Girl who's Afraid to fall in Love
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (LAST CHAPTER)

Chapter 18

397 9 2
By GrumpyKatx

Chapter 18

Jade's POV

we had ended up falling asleep after 3 hours of taking after watching Bambi. when i woke up the next day i slipped out of bed making sure that i didn't wake up Harry. i went into the living room of the hotel and saw Liam and Niall chilling. Niall wasn't wearing a shirt and he was holding a guitar, while liam was fully dressed and looked ready to go somewhere. I then remebered that it was my birthday today but I was hoping they would forget,I didn't know how tonight would work if there where to groups to completly diffrent people hanging out.

"are you going somewhere?" i asked Liam

"oh, no i just like being ready" he said while he and Niall turned round to face me, they hadn't noticed i was here until i spoke.

"so what are you doing?" i asked them while sitting on the sofa next to Niall

"we're trying to write a song" Niall told me i his cute irish accent

"Cool" I say trying to act casual

"Isn't tonight your birthday?" Liam asks me

"Yup" I say popping the 'p'

"Harry told us yesterday that you are having some mates over" Niall half asked

"Yeah,I didn't want anything too big" I say

I spend the next hour or so with Liam and Niall, I helped them with the song and we laughed a lot during it.


*half and hour before the birthday thingy"

"What mates are coming over to the hotel?" Harry asked as I slipped into a short black dress .

"Misty,Blaze,Sky and Ashley" I answer

"So Emm...I was kind of thinking and umm...." He said,he seemed nervous but it was kind of cute

"Yeah?" I say waiting for him to continue.

"Okay,I'm just gonna ask,will you be my girlfriend?" He said

I laugh lightly to myself it was so cute that Harry was so nervous to ask me .

"Of course I will" I said with a smile

I stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

"We could go swimming tomorrow,this hotel has an awesome pool" Harry says

"Yeah,sure" I say

"So what exactly do you wanna do tonight?" He asks

"I don't know,just have a few drinks and mess about,I really don't mind" I tell him

There was a knock on the door and I check the time,who ever it is they are 20 minutes early. I open the door and see misty and blaze standing there. They both give me a hug and we say our hellos.

"This is Harry,my...ehh..,boyfriend" I say to misty and blaze as I invite them in a we all sit down.

"Nice to meet you Harry" blaze says while Misty stays silent.

She doesn't like Harry I can tell ,she probably thinks he's using me to get more attention from fans but Harry wouldn't do that. After 20 minutes of me trying to keep misty from arguing with Harry every body else arrives.There are 10 of us;Harry,Louis,Niall,Zayn,Liam,Misty,Sky , Ashley, blaze and me.We all kind of hanged out in little groups ,none of my friends tried to talk to Harry's.Harry notices that everybody is acting stupid and hardly talking too, he pulls us all in and we sit in a weird circle. He pulls out some vodka (I don't really drink) and he passed it around.

"Lets play call or delete" Ashley suggests

(A/N for u lot tht don't know what call or delete is, its basically a game where you phone people and make up some random ass story,kind of like prank calling but if you dont want to call them then you delete their contact)

We all agree and start playing,Harry has to phone his sister and pretend that he lost all his money,Misty phones her cousin Emma and tells her that I have gone crazy and it goes on for a while until everybody has had a shot. We play truth or dare and by this time everybody is drunk except from me. I felt a bit left out but I didn't mind. We play a nice drunken game of truth and dare. This game included a bunch of drunk people being idiots.I check the time and it's ,everything was going great until Blaze has to kiss Ashley and Misty wasn't happy about that, she was in a pissed mood. It was all going great until zayn had to say something.

"You look different today Jade,you changing?" He was obviously joking but misty just had to blow up.

"Just because she dresses like that doesn't make her any different. You all judge by your eyes. Just because somebody dresses in a way doesn't mean anything. Jade can dress in a pink dress and I bet you would all think that she is just some every day pretty girl,you have no idea what she has been through." She said in a really pissed voice

"Chill mist he was just saying I look nice" I say trying to calm her down

"I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it" zayn said

We went back to normal but it didn't take long until we started another argument. It went on for so long I can't even remember how this one started but everybody ended up leaving. i laid back in bed and sighed.

"It's okay,we can have fun with out them" Harry said with a smile.

I looked up at him,getting lost in his green eyes.

"Lets go swimming" he says

I didn't really want to but  we might as well do something even though it is 3 am.We got our swimming costumes on and we went into the pool,of course it was empty and it looked really awesome.There were slides and stuff but they were shut, but Harry was in a bad ass mood.

"Come on" he said

He flips a switch and we climbed up some steps to the top of a slide.

"Badass" I say with a smirk

He grabbed my waist and we both went down the slide. It was a red tunnel and it was really cool,we went down a lot of slides and we went down a really step hill at the end. When we get to the bottom we were both laughing.

"I told you we could have fun with out them" he whispered in my ear.

The rest of the night,well early morning,was just the same,a bunch of laughs. We went into the jacuzzi after a few hours and just chilled.

"It's like 6am" I say to Harry.

"I know,i'll carry you up to the hotel room" before I can say no he grabbed me and took me into his arms and took me up stairs.

I get ready and put on my pjs and fall asleep watching a movie with Harry on the sofa.


Hey,I don't know if this chapter is good or not,I don't think it's tht good. I'm on holiday and I'm tired but Hufflepuff kind of made me. Plus I owe her one because she sent me a text she something and I showed some people,nothing like tht bad it was very funny and I bet she was laughing.  

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