The Emo Girl Who's Afraid to...

By GrumpyKatx

20.4K 460 100

Jade has slight trust issues and has a lot of problems with her family, she is pretty broken. But when she me... More

The Emo Girl who's Afraid to fall in Love
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (LAST CHAPTER)

Chapter 17

412 9 1
By GrumpyKatx

Jade POV

I woke up and moved my hand about to look for Harry but nobody was there. I looked about, I was in a white room that I had never seen before,it kind of looked like a hotel room. There was a bed which was really comfy and a tv,the rest of the room was quite plain. I got a little freaked out because I had no idea where I was. I looked for my phone but I couldn't find it,I could hear it ringing and I got it,it was my sister. Before I answered the phone I looked out the window and it was dark outside and I could hear a weird voice shouting 'Bring it to me' it was creepy.

"What do you want" I said as she answered the phone

"Is Harry okay?" she asked quickly

"What? why? what the hell is going on?" I asked and then my phon died and the power in the hotel went out. Right...this is all stupid,I'm just gonna get up and go find somebody. I checked my phone it was 5am nobody will be up,I still got up and then I heard noises around the room. So im not alone.

"H-hello" I called out

"Jade?" a voice said

Good so it's somebody I know..probably.

"Umm...Whats going on?" I asked

the person stayed silent and I felt somebody sneaking up behind me.I felt two hands on my waist and I think I was shaking a bit. The person picked me up and threw me on the bed and then started tickling me, I then realised it was Harry.

"You gave me such a fright!" I gasped in between laughs.

he got up and put the light on

"I thought it would be funny" He smirked

He came over and sat beside me

"What happened to you and why the hell are we here?" I asked

"Some crazy directioner found out where we lived and it all went bad from there but you and Zayn slept through it which I still find quite funny, Modest said there is no point in getting a new house because we have 6 days left here" he said

"Okay,some directioners are just too obsessed" I said(i would just like to say, directioners are not obsessed just dedicated:)-HUFFLEPUFF)

"And I know what we are going to do today" he said

"what?" I asked

"If it's alright me and the lads are going to this one direction thing surprise some fans so you can spend some time with Abbie if you want,I didn't think you would wanna to be around a bunch of directioners." he said

"Yeah that's fine,but its 5am,why are we awake?" I asked harry

"I just got up so I'm not tired,you can sleep if you want" He said

"Nah,I'm alright," I said

After a while of messing about with Harry and going to the hotel swimming pool he had to leave for work so I went off with Abbie.We went to the spa which was really funny,we totally messed about and freaked out the spa people,it was really funny. We photo-bombed some pictures and just had fun.After our long day out we went into Abbie and Louis hotel room and both lay on the bed.

"I'm so tired" Abbie  said

"Samers" I said

"Twinses" she said and we both burst out laughing

"Do you know when the boys are getting back?" she asked

"5" I answered, while checking my phone to see the time,it was half past 4.

"Half an hour" Abbie told me

We turned on the tv and watched an episode of Friends it was pretty funny but we were at the stage where you would laugh at anything. At about 10 past 5 the boys got back and Harry came and took me into our hotel room.

"Would you like to come to dinner with me" Harry said trying to act romantic and posh

"It would be my pleasure" I said playing along

We went down to a romantic restaurant but it wasn't posh which was good because I'm not into all this posh shit. We eat Tacos and drank pepsi,Harry seemed to have something against coke. After we had ate we went up and watched a movie,I have honestly never watched so many movies the lads like watching movies. He put on Bambi for some reason but it was a pretty sad movie. By the end of the movie we where snuggled up and all sad,but it felt nice snuggling up to Harry.


I wanna start making longer chapters but I don't wanna start half way though a story,this is my last chapter for a while hufflepuff will be writing the next chapter and then Im going on hoilday so it won't be updated for about a week but I will do an AN in the next chapter,love you guys. M xxx

GUYS!!!1D WORLD WAS AWESOME(over priced but still awesome) while we were waiting in the line i was just staring at all the boys faces, they are sooooooo beautiful. just so... ahaha too hot to describe. we went to claires after 1D world and M got a small Harry cut out and i got all 5 because i didn't wanna leave anyone out. now i got no money:( ah well it was worth it for 1D. ILYMTNANMNNBS HUFFLEPUFF XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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