Life with Tunechi: Third book

By StarCrossed81

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This is the third book, Loving Tunechi, Living with Tunechi and now this one!!I still sometimes feel like I'm... More

Life with Tunechi
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 8

1.3K 28 3
By StarCrossed81

I awoke the next morning to the blinding light of the sun coming in from the french doors. Everything in the room was white and that combined with the morning sun made everything seem like a dream. I laid their for a minute before reality came back to me. Wayne had his arm around me and my back was up against his chest. I moved to my back and glanced at Wayne and found he was watching me. I had to let out a laugh, he was the only dark thing in the room. Wayne rolled over on his side and leaned down kissing my forehead. "Morning baby." I groaned rolling over and burring my head in his chest. "I don't want to get up." Wayne laughed at me pulling me closer to him. "Lazy ass." I grinned as Wayne pulled me up and started nuzzling my neck. "Ugh your insatiable." Wayne laughed as he started biting and sucking on my neck giving me goosebumps. I pushed at his chest gently. "Don't pretend that you don't want me." I locked my arms around his neck. "So sure of yourself today, yesterday you was thinking I was done with your ass." Wayne arched his eyebrow. "You can't quit me." I looked up making a face at him and he quickly went back to distracting me with his lips and hands.

When we finally decided to get up we both took a quick shower. Wayne went to the terrace and smoked while I finished getting dressed. I wasn't ready to go, Wayne would be leaving the next day for LA and I didn't know how I felt about that. After I made sure everything was packed I walked out on the terrace. Wayne was just sitting there looking out at nothing in particular. I walked up to him and he held his hand out pulling me down in his lap. I wrapped my arm around his neck. "Do you have to go to LA." Wayne looked up at me for what felt like an eternity. "Yes." I sighed, but Wayne lifted my chin with his hand. "Look I'm going to be busy as fuck but maybe you can come and catch up with Adrianna." I frowned at him, "what about the kids." Wayne made a face at me, "well yeah they can come too." I rolled my eyes. "You remember Fallon's birthday is in two weeks." He shook his head. "How could I forget, we are going to have all 6 kids in the house at the same time." I groaned burying my face in his neck giving him gentle kisses. "6 don't you mean 7, cause you act just like one of them." Wayne nudged my face with his and when I looked up he kissed my lips. "Gotta keep them entertained."

Leaving the hotel I was kinda sad, I loved our little get aways, it was like I could forget about reality for a bit. Groaning I flipped through the radio channels. "There is never anything good on." Wayne glanced at me. "That's why I listen to Sirius or Pandora or the damn cds." I shook my head continuing to flip. Wayne grabbed my hand "hey go back one." I hit the back button and gave him a crazy look as I can be your hero baby by Enrique iglesias came on. He started cheesing reaching out grabbing my face singing. "I can be your hero baby, I can kiss away the pain." I shoved at his arm turning the channel. "Go on somewhere with that shit." Wayne busted out laughing. "You don't like my singing baby." I glanced back at him laughing. "I love your singing, just not that shit." Wayne shrugged.

It didn't take us long to make it back to the house. Wayne dropped me off and headed to the studio which kinda pissed me off. As I walked in the house Ms. Rosa was downstairs cleaning the dishes from lunch. I talked to her for a minute catching up before I paid her and thanked her for watching the girls. Heading upstairs I called Adrianna to let her know I would be in LA. I didn't think she would answer and as I was getting ready to hang up I heard her pick up. "You busy?" She told me not really that she was a work but was in her office. "Guess what." Adrianna groaned. "No, no guessing, just tell me, I'm so not in the mood." I frowned. "Adrianna what's wrong, I call to tell you I'm coming to LA and your all grouchy and shit." Adrianna's attitude changed instantly. "Your coming down here, like you can come over here with me." I laughed. "Yeah Wayne is going to be slammed so I was hoping me and the girls could chill with you when you get off until he decides to come home, and if he stays out too late we will just stay with you." Adrianna was game, she said she needed to talk anyways.

I had went in the girls room to start packing bags when Fallon woke up and started asking a million questions. "What you doing?" I grinned at her as she came and sat beside her bag. "We are going to go with Wayne to LA tomorrow and guess who we are going to go see?" Fallon's eyes got real big, "Who?" I jumped up and down causing her to get up and do the same. "Adrianna!" Fallon stopped jumping and started clapping. "TeTe, I'm going to go see TeTe!" I laughed at her and drug the bag to Maliyah's room. Fallon followed behind me still chattering away. Maliyah was still knocked out. It didn't take long to get the girls bags backed. I was halfway through packing my bag when Maliyah woke up. I sighed giving up, I would finish later.

That afternoon I was in the kitchen cooking spaghetti when I heard Wayne pull up. Fallon was watching a movie in the living room and Maliyah was in her bouncy seat. I had just added the onion and bell pepper to the hamburger meat when Wayne popped in the door throwing his keys on the bar. One look at him and I knew he was hyper, I eyed him as he gave me that crazy ass grin of his. I already knew he was up to something. I shook my head. "Go on somewhere with that shit. I'm trying to cook your ass something to eat." Wayne looked behind him like I was talking to somebody else making me laugh. Fallon came running up to him jumping in his arms. "We going to see TeTe." Wayne made a face at her. "You going to see Adrianna, I don't know who the hell TeTe is." Fallon made the exact same face at him. "You so silly." Wayne kissed her forehead putting her back down. She went and ran back in the living room. Wayne turned his attention back to me. I ignored him putting the noodles in the boiling water. I jumped when Wayne put his arms around me "Ymcmb bitches call me tunechi lee." I turned into his embrace. "Who calls you what." Wayne leaned down in my ear and I looked up waiting on him to speak but instead he nipped it. I pushed him back. "Why are you in such a good mood." Wayne shrugged reaching past me stirring the sauce. "Cause I'm home with my loves." I made a face grabbing the spoon from him. "I guess."

Wayne laughed "best know baby girl." Wayne walked to Maliyah bending down unstrapping her. "Mommy got you locked down." Maliyah started cooing to Wayne. He turned his head looking back at me. "Imma kick your momma ass she keep being mean." I rolled my eyes as I stuck the garlic bread in the oven. "Nobody being mean to that baby." It didn't' take long for everything to be ready and I decided we would eat at the table tonight. Fallon and Wayne both complained but I just rolled my eyes telling them to sit down and shut up. By the time we had eaten and I had cleaned up Wayne had fed Maliyah and had her asleep. I took Fallon upstairs and gave her a bath putting her a movie on in her room. Going back to the bedroom I finished packing my bag before going to look for Wayne.

He was right where I thought he would be, in his office on the phone. When I popped my head through the door he winked at me shaking his head making a motion with his hand letting me know whoever he was talking to would not shut up. I grinned walking in, Wayne pushed his chair back motioning for me to sit with him but I shook my head and sat on his desk in front of him. Wayne's eyebrow arched and he grinned rubbing his chin. "AIght man, I got to run." Sitting his phone down Wayne pulled my legs causing me to end up in his lap straddling him. He looked me in my eye biting his lip. "I fucking love you." I shrugged. "You love me or..." Wayne cut me off by standing up putting me back down on the desk. "You using my words on me." I grinned wrapping my arms around him. "Maybe, you going to just stand there are you going to take me to bed." Wayne laughed licking his lips. "Who said we had to go to bed." I let out a shriek as Wayne walked up on me.

Walking back to our bedroom Wayne opened the balcony doors. "I'm going to smoke before we lay down." I nodded collapsing in the bed. I could fall asleep right there, Wayne had worn me out. He laughed slapping my ass as he passed the bed. I turned my head catching Wayne wink at me before walking out. I sighed crawling to get in bed right slipping under the covers. I had drifted off to sleep and was woken by Wayne pulling me up against him, his lips found my neck sending goosebumps down my arms. "Wayne....stop." He chuckled in my ear. "Night baby girl." I turned to face him. "I love you." Wayne leaned in kissing me, "prove it." I laughed up at him. "Umm you're the one who has some proving to do." Wayne arched his brow at me licking his lips. "O I will, all night."

The next morning I awoke to a empty bed, I sighed rolling over. I could hear the shower running so I got up and interrupted his shower like he always did mine. I dressed casual for the flight throwing on a pair of white shorts and a bright pink trukfit shirt. Wayne put all of our bags in the car while I got both girls up and ready. Fallon was not a happy camper about being woke up and Maliyah took forever to eat. By the time the girls and I walked downstairs Wayne had everything ready to go. He walked up to me grabbing Maliyah. "You girls better be glad we are taking my jet or we would miss our damn flight." I rolled my eyes. "Your the one who took forever to get out the shower." Wayne laughed at me. "Bitch you crazy, you really want to go there with me." I opened my mouth to get on to him for calling me a bitch when he turned around kissing my lips stopping all words. Buckling Fallon up I watched Wayne put Maliyah in her car seat and buckle her up. He glanced up at me. "Ready?" I shrugged. "Might as well be."

Fallon talked nonstop on the way to the airport. By the time we arrived I had a headache. Wayne didn't help things at all because all he did was agg her on. I shook my head a them as I exited the car. I swear to God they better not keep this crap up on the plane. The first thing I did when we boarded the jet was put my headphones on and drowned out the sound of Wayne and Fallon. Maliyah had fallen back asleep and I closed my eyes as the plane lifted off. I felt something hit me and opened my eyes looking at Wayne he gave me a crazy look pointing to Fallon and she busted out laughing. "NO mommy Wayne lying on me." I grinned at them. "That's OK baby girl. Momma knows." Wayne made a face a Fallon. "You snitch on me." Fallon shook her head yes grinning. Wayne and I locked eyes and grinned at each other before I attempted sleep again.

When I awoke we were close to landing. Wayne had Maliyah and Fallon was beside me knocked out. I could not wait to see Adrianna. I had yet to tell her about Wayne and was already prepared for her to bitch me out for not telling her when it first happend. Adrianna was the one who always stayed on me for not being tough enough on Wayne and I was sure she wouldn't think I handled this last situation right. I glanced at Wayne as we walked to our waiting SUV. He was carrying Fallon and I had to grin at him. "That girl loves you." Wayne glanced over at me. "So does her momma." I made a face at him laughing as he winked at me. When we were all in the car Wayne pulled off taking us to our hotel. I kinda dreaded this trip for the simple fact Wayne had already warned me a million times he was going to be super busy and would be gone most of the time. Thankfully Adrianna managed to take a couple days off work.

As we entered our suite Wayne took Fallon and laid her down and I pulled Maliyah out of her car seat and went and sat down on the couch. Wayne walked in and sat beside me placing his hand on my thing. "I got to run baby, you want anything before I go. I shook my head disappointed that he was already leaving. He brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face. "Baby you know I don't want to leave you. Hell that's why your in LA with me and not at home." I nodded looking up meeting his lips. "I just I don't know, just behave please." Wayne frowned at me. "Is that what your worried about Maci?" I shrugged turning Maliyah around so she could see her daddy. "I don't know baby, I hate when you're gone period, but things are different now." Wayne leaned forward kissing my forehead. "I love you girl, trust that." I nodded. "Love you too, just promise me you'll be home sometime before the sun comes up." Wayne shook his head leaning in to give me one last kiss. "Promise you, you promise to be ready for me when I get home." I make a face at him hitting him upside his head. "Get your head out the gutta and go on somewhere with that shit." Wayne laughed at me as he got up winking before he closed the door. I heard my phone go off so I sat up grabbing it off the coffee table. It was from Wayne I shook my head grinning as I read it. "I meant what I said, be ready." Stupid little boy.

I sent Adrianna a text letting her know we were at the hotel and whenever she got ready to come see us. She sent me a text back saying she was on her way. I decided to feed Maliyah before she arrived. Maliyah had just started eating when Fallon came walking in the room. "Where's Wayne momma." I looked up at her. "He had to go but TeTe is on her way to see you." Fallon started turning circles yelling TeTe. Maliyah stopped eating and turned toward her. "Yeah Liyah, your sister is crazy like your daddy." I had just rocked Maliyah to sleep when I heard Adrianna knock. Opening the door Fallon jumped up in her arms. "OMG Maliyah has gotten so big." Fallon put her hand on her hips. "I gotten big too." Adrianna and I rolled our eyes at each other. She hugged Fallon, "I know auntie baby you have gotten big. You helping mommy out with the baby?" Fallon shook her head yes. Adrianna and I sat on the couch with Fallon between us. Handing her Maliyah I gave her a look. "Well you said you needed to talk and boy do I got some shit to tell you." Adrianna shook her head. "Mine is deep, yours?" I nodded my head.

It wasn't' long before Fallon was bored with us and went to get her ds. I turned sideways sitting Indian style and Adrianna did the same letting Maliyah lay on her chest. "Ugh she is already spoiled, you aren't helping." Adrianna rolled her eyes. "Shut up this is my baby." I shrugged, "whatever she can spend the night with you tonight." Adrianna laughed. "That's fine I'll take both my babies." I laughed at her. "Shit OK." Adrianna made a face at me. "OK so who goes first." I shrugged at her. "Umm well, I don't care." Adrianna let out a deep breath. "Then you go first." I bit my lip, "OK..well." I let out a deep breath. "The other night I got a blocked call at some ungodly hour and Wayne ended up answering it." Adrianna shook her head. "Let me guess Dhea?" I nodded, "Wayne got pissed and walked outside next thing I know he is chunking my cell at the wall." Adrianna gave me a look, "he did what?" I shook my head at her. "Then he is like we need to talk, I already knew something was wrong." Adrianna's face turned dead serious. "What the fuck he do?" I let out another deep breath. "When I had left him when I found out I was pregnant with Maliyah, after he left when he came down wanting me to come back, he ended up getting fucked up that night and had sex with Dhea." Adrianna stood up so fast I had to grab Maliyah out of her arms. "What! Maci what the fuck! How long have you known this?" I shrugged, "a couple of days." She shook her head, "why didn't you call me? Why the fuck you here with him, what were you just like o that's OK Wayne." I looked at her crazy. "Adrianna chill out. I didn't call you cause I knew this is how you would take it. Yeah I was pissed, I still am but it happened when we were separated, it was last year, I mean what... you think I should leave him." Adrianna shrugged sitting back down. "I'm just saying Maci you let that boy run all over you. Shit at least put him on restriction." I rolled my eyes at her. "I knew I shouldn't have told you." Adrianna sighed. "Maci I'm sorry, you handle things totally different than me. I understand I mean ya'll have a family together, Maliyah deserves for you to try and work things out."

We sat in silence for a minute before I looked up. "Well what about you, I already know you and Chris broke up whats that all about?" Adrianna sighed. "Chris is an ass." I made a face at her, "details?" She laughed, "have you met Chris he is a fucking ass, immature little boy." I laughed at her, "O you mean like Wayne?" She nodded. "Well as you know cause I told you already Chris and I broke up about a month and a half ago." I nodded. "Well I'm 3 months pregnant." I had been rubbing Maliyah's back but the minute she same the pregnant part I looked up at her froze. "Does Chris know?" Adrianna shook her head turning completely serious. "No and he isn't' going to, not right now and I swear to God if you tell Wayne I'm cutting you off. " I blinked my eyes. "Adrianna how the fuck you not going to tell me!" She shrugged. "I didn't know how, I mean do I text you and be like hey I'm preg by stupid ass Chris Brown, but he's an ass and I don't want him to know." I shook my head. "Adrianna you have to tell him, its his baby too he deserves to know." Adrianna stared at me. "I will tell him when I'm ready Maci, please do this for me and keep it quiet." I nodded already knowing if I told Wayne he would tell Chris before I even had a chance to finish speaking. "Fine, I wont tell Wayne but you have to promise me you will tell him." Adrianna shook her head. "I need you there when I tell him." I nodded OK. "Your my number one Adrianna, I will always have your back." She looked at me nodding wiping a tear out of her eyes. "That's why your my ll." I made a face at her. "Shh Wayne can't know." We shared a laugh at our secret joke but I could see the pain in Adrianna's eyes.

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