Avengers Texts

By Can_you_nawt

1.2M 47.6K 7.8K

Someone gave Thor a phone (it was Tony) Steve learned how to use Apple Maria Hill is a fangirl Phil Coulson i... More

Fury To Tony
Thor To Fury
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Steve
Tony To Steve
Bruce To Tony
Fury To Tony
Tony To Steve
Natasha To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Clint To Nat
Natasha To Bruce
Tony To Sam
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Phil
Bruce To Tony
Maria To Bruce
Tony To Bruce
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Phil
Fury To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Pepper To Maria
Pepper To Tony
Tony To Natasha
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Thor
Tony To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Maria To Phil
Bruce To Clint
Tony To Bruce
Phil To Maria
Loki To Phil
Phil To Maria
Steve To Tony
Phil To Loki
Phil To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Melinda To Pepper
Steve To Tony
Maria To Phil
Pepper To Tony
Pepper To Thor
Natasha To Clint
Sam To Steve
Pepper To Maria
Maria To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Maria
Pepper To Natasha
Pepper To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Peter
Pepper To Tony
Steve To Tony
Tony To Natasha
Bruce To Thor
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Sam
Bruce To Tony
Sam To Steve
Steve To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Bruce To Tony
Tony To Steve
Pepper To Tony
Maria To Phil
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Natasha
Fury To Pepper
Pepper To Tony
Natasha To Clint
Melinda To Maria
Maria To Natasha
Maria To Tony
Maria To Bruce
Bruce To Pepper
Tony To Fury
Tony To Fury
Bruce To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Clint To Bruce
The Kitchen
Steve To Tony
Natasha To Tony
Clint To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Bucky
Steve To Tony
Steve To Bucky
Natasha To Maria
Maria To Clint
Melinda To Maria
Peter To Bruce
Maria To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Phil To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Natasha To Thor
Clint To Natasha
Loki To Thor
Melinda To Maria
Natasha To Clint
Clint To Bruce
Peter To Tony
Tony's POV
Tony To Pepper
Tony's POV
Sam To Tony
Tony's POV
May To Maria
Melinda To Natasha
Melinda To Tony
Tony To Steve
Tony To Bruce
Fury To Tony
Pepper To Tony
Snapchat: Clint To Natasha
Snapchat: Clint To Bruce
Snapchat: Clint To Marie
Snapchat: Clint To Loki
Maria To Bruce
Snapchat: Maria To Phil
Snapchat: Sam To Clint
Bucky To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Fury
Snapchat: Clint To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Loki
Natasha To Tony
Fury To Natasha
Natasha To Maria
Tony To Natasha
Tony To Bruce
Natasha To Melinda
Bruce To Loki
Loki To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Tony To Steve
Clint To Natasha
Steve To Sam
Sam To Clint
Clint To Natasha
Clint To Sam
Loki To Phil
Tony To Peter
Fury To Tony
Peter To Wade
Shark Week
Clint To Natasha
Fury To Tony
Marie To Phil
Natasha To Clint
Third Floor
Natasha To Tony
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Clint
Steve To Tony
Bruce To Clint
Tony To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Pepper
Pepper To Tony
Clint To Natasha
Bucky's POV
Clint To Natasha
Natasha To Tony
Natasha To Pepper
Sam To Clint
Peter To Tony
Tony To Steve
Peter To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Coulson
Maria To Coulson
Natasha To Melinda
Clint To Maria
Bruce To Tony
Bruce To Sam
Bucky To Tony
Steve To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Steve To Tony
Clint To Tony
Natasha To Tony
Melinda To Maria
Melinda To Tony
Clint To Tony
Maria To Phil
Melinda To Maria
Tony To Clint
Bucky To Tony
Maria To Fitz
Tony to Bruce
Wade to Peter
Wade to Peter
Foggy to Matt
Tony to Natasha
Tony to Fury
Bruce To Steve
Steve to Tony
Matt to Natasha
Natasha Comes Inside
Steve To Tony
Tony to Bruce
Thor to Wade
Thor to Bucky
Bucky to Sam
Wade to Tony
Thor to Steve
Sam to Clint
The One Where Everything Is Explained And No One Is Confused
Clint to Sam
Wade to Peter
Tony to Natasha
The One Where Thor Comes Back
Steve to Tony
The One Where Natasha Comes Back
Bruce to Peter
Bruce to Natasha
Wade to Peter
The One Where They Jump Off A Jet
Peter's POV
The One Where Wade Runs Off
The One Where Wade Finally Saves Peter
Tony to Steve
Natasha to Steve
Peter to Bruce
Wade to Clint
The One Where More Drama Is Created
Clint to Sam
The One Where Clint Saves The Day (As Usual)
Tony to Bucky
Bruce's Room
Bucky to Sam
Natasha to Rhodey
[GROUP MESSAGE: Sam, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Pepper]
Tony to Wade
Peter to Natasha
Tony to Steve
[GROUP MESSAGE: Sam, Bucky, Rhodey, Natasha]
Steve to Natasha
Natasha to Sam
Clint to Bucky
Clint to Sam
Steve To Clint
Peter to Wade
Wade to Clint
Melinda to Thor
Clint to Rhodey
Bucky to Sam
[GROUPCHAT: Clint, Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Wade]
Peter's Apartment
Clint to Wade
Wade to Tony
Tony to Peter

Bucky to Steve

770 58 21
By Can_you_nawt

<Metal Arm Ho>

help me


what's wrong


is there trouble


what did you break

<Metal Arm Ho>

nothing I didn't break anything


where did you and Sam go

<Metal Arm Ho>

well see when I heard that bang downstairs I just grabbed him and ran upstairs

<Metal Arm Ho>

what was that btw


Thor came home. still no Peter or Natasha though

<Metal Arm Ho>

they're probably fine. natasha is, at least. she's bulletproof.


but is she wild hog or rocket launcher proof? bc Wade has some very out-there ideas about what could be happening to them. it's scary

<Metal Arm Ho>

i don't know


what's wrong?

<Metal Arm Ho>

well see. you made me kiss Sam



<Metal Arm Ho>



I'm sorry


is that really what's bothering you?

<Metal Arm Ho>


<Metal Arm Ho>

well. no.

<Metal Arm Ho>

I like him

<Metal Arm Ho>

but like. now he's gonna want to go out with me and he can't and it's gonna be sad

<Metal Arm Ho>

and also I put him in his room and then left so he probably thinks I'm VERY strange now


wait back up why can't he go out with you? you like him and if your overwhelming faith in your kissing skills is to be trusted he probably likes you too

<Metal Arm Ho>

you know why


you can't be serious

<Metal Arm Ho>

I don't need the speech right now, Stevie


but it's different now. it's 2016. look at me and Tony

<Metal Arm Ho>

that's completely different and you know it. and that's you and him. this is me and anyone. I'm just not. ready.


you're never ready, you never even told your parents. you're almost a hundred years old you have to tell someone other than me

<Metal Arm Ho>

I don't have to do anything and I'm not telling. I'm just not. It's no one's business.




I don't care. You wanna waste your life and stay hidden from the people who care about you, fine. Fine. But don't come to me asking for help when you know what my answer's gonna be.


I love Tony no matter what, just like I love you no matter what. No one will judge you. Honestly, no one will even care. They'll probably like you more if you tell them. Loki was a lot more likeable when they told us they were genderfluid.

<Metal Arm Ho>

I can't.


Yes. You can. You really honestly actually truly can. I love you. I believe in you. You're strong and it's your life and these excuses that you make up because you're scared are bullshit. I'm with you til the end of the line


and that means through this. I'll always be your friend but I'm putting my foot down here, I'm not going to coddle you and say it's okay when you're hiding and you're suffering because of it. At least talk to Sam about it

<Metal Arm Ho>

I don't know how


do you want me to come up there and stand behind you? because that, I can do. Or I can stand in between you so you don't have to look at him when you're talking. I know you hate looking at people during actual substantial conversations.




I hate that you can give me the silent treatment online now.


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