The Kissing Booth (Niall Hora...

By Gottalovecupcakes

78.4K 1.5K 191

High school was duh, high school. NO ONE WANTED TO GO. It was hell that every teenager had to wake up at 5 in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part One
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part Two
Check it Out

Chapter Twenty-Three

1.4K 25 3
By Gottalovecupcakes

"Esme, may we have a word?!" My mom spat. I sighed and started walking towards them. Shocked, I looked to my side to see Jack by my side and the rest following behind. Awe, why did it take so long for us to all be friends? "Yes?" I smiled politely at the two.

"Can you tell your herd to shoo, please." My dad growled. "Sorry, my herd goes with each other." I shrugged and Jack snorted a laugh. "This is not the behavior I expected from you, Esme! I thought you were done with this boy!" My mom yelled, luckily everyone went back to there own business.

"I'm so sorry that I fell in love." I replied with utter sarcasm. I felt someone intertwine there fingers with mine and I knew it'd be Niall. "In love? Esme, you're seventeen, you don't know what love is!" My dad said, sobering up. "Hey daddy, question, how long would one go to jail for domestic violence?" I smiled innocently at him and his face fell into a frown. Jack glared down at him with his arms folded like a body guard wise my mom stood cluelessly.

"Jack and I are going to Taylor's house for her birthday, we'll be back in time for dinner tomorrow and I'm hoping to get a good answer to my question by then. Or I'll just have to go ask the NYPD, your choice." I continued my fake smile with my sour words spilling out. "We out?" Matt asked after scooting in. I nodded and laughed when he and David both screamed "WE OUT!"

We made our way out, splitting into the many cars to drive to Taylor's. Before at Niall's we had told everyone to pack an overnight bag to go to Taylor's, so we were all ready. I was in a car with Niall, Louis, Taylor, and Jett, and everything was silent. I'm sure Niall was wondering what information we had collected and I think the rest of us were just worried. About everything, actually. We knew getting into this mess together would mean there was know turning back, and I'm sure some of them were regretting taking up the job. It would be a lot on our plate, but since May was nearing it's end, classes were beginning to finish up and all sports were done, there was a well enough room for it. It was crazy to think a bunch of seniors, and one sophomore, would challenge great lawyers to a suicide/death case. I'm sure the lawyers were chosen with certainty that Niall would end up in jail and just the thought of him there made my heart ache. He was such a sweet heart. A really bad reputation sweet heart, but whatever. When we pulled into Taylor's driveway, everyone else was lounging around outside. I mean, they had no where else since Taylor was with us and she had the key.

"My parent's are on some business trip. Humph, they sent a birthday package an I got it last night when I came back." She let out a pathetic laugh. "And lets just say, it wasn't the first time."

I realized just yesterday we were flying back to New York from our senior trip and now we were here, competing with lawyers.

"Can we throw a party?" West smiled deviously as we piled in. "On a Monday night? When we have to go back to school tomorrow? Are you nuts?" Taylor glared at him and he pouted. She was right though. Can't wait to see the "herd" run around tomorrow to get to school on time. Ha.

"What'd you guys wanna do then?" Liam asked, already looking bored. "I thought we'd have some beers and popcorn wise we watch a movie?" Taylor suggested. "You sure you're dad isn't going to miss his beers?" Fin questioned. "Nah, mostly because my big sister's my supplier." She smirked as she and Louis brought out four 6-packs and Will and Jesse brought back four large bowls of popcorn.

After debating a movie choice for an hour, we ended up watching stupid YouTube videos instead until we all crashed in her living room.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TAYLOR, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis sang in unison. And to everyone else's surprise, they sounded really good. Like they were made to sing together or something. Since they, along with Whinny, who might I add is really funny an smart now that I talked to her, Marie, who was actually already in college and had already finished her semester who was also really cool, Fin and I were the only ones awake, we made Taylor a birthday breakfast aka the girls made it, and the boys sang her happy birthday. So far, everything was looking bright.

"What the..? Why'd my mom call me fifty times?" Lucas though aloud as he check his phone. "Me too..." Jesse murmured. Wow, haven't heard his voice in forever. We all simultaneously checked our phones all giving weird looks at each other. I saw a missed voicemail from my dad and decided to play it out loud.

"Esme Rose, I know you're ignoring me and your mothers calls, and you probably won't get this till later, but I want to say that I forbid you to see those animals again! You and your brother both! They aren't a good crowd for you two! I took it upon myself to call each of there parents to tell them what you kids are getting yourselves in to! They all agreed that they don't want you all to be hang out any longer! It's dangerous Esme, Niall is dangerous! Say your last words to them all, because it's the last you'll be seeing them! Goodbye!"

" mum texted saying to stay away from you guys..." Zayn slightly whispered. We all exchanged looks, unsure what to do or say until a phone went off. We all scrambled at our iPhones since we probably all had the same default ring tone. "It's me." Niall announces, and sets it on speaker.

"Hello?" Niall says.

"Niall?! Niall! Son, I'm so sorry...they're here, at the house...they're looking for you." A man rambled, probably his dad. He did say son.


"The police, they want to take you into question...they barged there way I here with a search warrant and found a journal in your room...they won't tell me more have to come home!"

"Alright, I will be there in fifteen."

"I'm so sorry Niall..."

"Don't be, I'll be there soon, bye." And with that, he hangs up immediately.

"I need you guys to tell me everything you know about what's happening here! I don't own a journal, I never did! I'm obviously being set up!" He snapped. We were all pretty quite until David took it upon himself to tell him everything wise the rest of us stood, slightly scared of what Niall would do. He was very unexpected in messy situations and we were all just aware. Well they were, wise I was tightly against his body as he squeezed my hand every now and then with each word that left David's mouth.

"Well, I'm going back home then." Niall sighed after he functioned all of the news. With his words, everyone who was still in the floors, stood up and waited for his next move. He gave them all questioning looks before Harry says, "You don't think you're going alone, do you?" He smiled softly at everyone before chaos broke out with everyone running around. In no time, we were running out Taylor's house and into any car we could find.

I ended up in a car again with Taylor, Louis, but now Matt, Harry and of course Niall. "I'm sorry we're spending your birthday with this...craziness." Niall apologized to Taylor who sat next to him. "It's actually the best birthday gift given I'm gonna be pre-law in August. It feels like we're on a forbidden case, and it may sound corny, but it's really fun for me so far." She said with glee.

In no time we were at his house and we all chose to stay in the cars and let Niall go in alone, especially with my dad calling everyone's parents about...everything really.

I was growing impatient, and it felt like hours had passed till the front door opened. We all perked up to see Niall be carried away in handcuffs to the police car. My heart began to hurt as though someone tossed me a heavy brick on chest and I was struggling to get it off. As my eyes brimmed with tears, I held my tiny hand to the cold window and he looked up to our car and gave a weak smile. I felt someone hold my back and I could only assume it was Taylor. Maybe Louis, but he wouldn't reach far over here. The police car drove off but we didn't move. None of the cars did.

"What's our next move?" Matt finally broke the silence. "School?" Harry suggests. "There's no way in hell we can skip and go to the police station. Esme's dad's at work so we can't sneak into his office, so school it our only option."

"I'll text the others." Louis says and in moments we pull off. I don't look away from the window, I'm still trying to make the realization that my boyfriend was just taken away in handcuffs. Again.

School came in view and my heart began to hurt even more. I didn't know what to do. I didn't expect them to arrest him. Why would they? What the hell could be in that journal?

I was last out from anyone as we all zombie walked into the building. We were ten minutes late and not even the super nerds cared. We were confused and lost in thought.

"Great." A deep voice boomed in the quite halls. I looked up and saw Mr. Johnson with his arms folded, watching us enter the school at once. "I was hoping to get you all together. I received numerous calls, each from all your parents, stating why they want you all to stay away from each other. How it's effecting your studies. Now I want nothing but the best for you all, especially since most of you are my seniors. Therefore, I have talked to your teachers and they've agreed to keep a close eye on you, and to separate you all. This includes lunch. If we see you guys together, there will be consequence's."

My mouth hung open along with the rest of them. This can't be happening.

"Oh, and that includes you not sneaking chats in the planetarium." He says without turning back around.

Again we were quite, unaware what to do. Why does it seem like every thing's backfiring on us?

"Erm, before I met any of you, I used to go to the art room alone. Ms. Rose isn't in there during we could all meet in there?" Zayn mumbled out.

"Yea, some of us will go to lunch, others will just hang around fit awhile. Then slowly by one, we all leave without any eye contact. Sounds good?" Louis devised. We all nodded and said our goodbyes before parting ways. With this school as big as it is, you could easily get lost and no one would find you. That's why we have attendance every period, but I'm sure none of us care for first period. I stopped at a double door, staring at a unfamiliar sign on it.





My chest began to hurt even more and I couldn't stand up. I finally began to sob into my knees as I curled up into a corner. Prom was next Saturday and there was a chance the only guy that could be my date was in jail. I wanted to be stubborn and say no one's taking me, but knowing my friends, that's not happening. All I wanted is to see his face. I wanted to see his sea blue eyes. I wanted to hold his soft warm hands in mine. I wanted to hear to chuckle and see that beautiful smile on his face afterwards. I thought back to what my

dad said about me not knowing what love is. But I do. It's when you have the dying need to see that person every minute if the day. It's when you get into a fight with that person, you always find a way back to each other. It's when you see that person and have butterflies attack your stomach. It's when I kiss Niall, and it feels like the first time all over again.


Mr. Johnson literally went out if his way to break everyone apart. He told teachers to move our seats so we wouldn't have any verbal contact, but after countless switches, Matt and I had reached a low point.

"YO HARRIS, MIND IF I BORROW SOME INK?" Matt yelled from across the room.

"Excuse me Mr. Smith, I strictly said not to talk to--"


"Miss. Harris that isn't the tone--"


"That is it! You two--"

She was once again cut off my the bell and we both ran for the door. But this time, he went into lunch and I stayed outside. He looks back, confused that I'm not at his side laughing our heads off at pissing off Mrs. Samuels once again, but realizes the bullshit of reality. Not only that we were pretty much "forbidden" to see each other, but that we weren't as close as before. If he'd slung his arm around my shoulder as we skipped out of class, it would've been awkward. And I know that thought hurt him as much as it did me. Not only did I think I was loosing Matt, but I couldn't help but envy Zayn for taking up Fin's time. I love Zayn, I do. He's been nothing but supportive and kind, not to mention a sweet and caring boyfriend to my best friend, but I missed the trio that used to be Matt, Fin and I, and I know I wasn't the only one.

I realized I had been staring at an empty door that was swinging shut to show off yet another prom poster that made me remember Niall. God, I didn't think it'd hurt this much. I really didn't want to go to the art room to discuss our moves to get my boyfriend out of jail. My boyfriend, how crazy is that? I decide on the gym, because I was cool with the coaches, duh, I got out of so many gym classes, and just think. Something that's been occupying my time all day.

"Oh my gosh, you look so cute today!" A small freshmen smiled at me as we crossed paths in the hallway. She was along side another girl as small as her and memories of freshmen versions of Fin and I flooded in. "Thanks, you too." I smiled in return. I wonder if she's having a hard time in school. I doubt it if she had guts to talk to a senior. Yea, we weren't very friendly with anyone below eleventh unless you were in tenth like Jack and looked like he could pass for a twelfth.

"Where are you going? Art room's that way, silly." Zayn grinned. How long as he been besides me?

"I don't want to go. I don't want to talk about my boyfriend. I don't want to have to plan what I'll do if he can't make it to prom. I don't want to think that everyone's going to look at me and whisper, 'oh, it's that girl who's boyfriend's arrested for murder', I don't." I said as tears brimmed my eyes. In no time I was wrapped up in Zayn's arms, tightly against his chest.

"Babe, I dunno what I can say to make any of this okay for you, but just remember that I'm here for you through thick and thin, I'll be here." He murmured into my hair. As comforting as he made it seem, I was the least bit satisfied. But something changed in me. My sadness flipped into anger. Anger against my father, anger against Mr. Johnson, anger against the police and anger against myself.

(A/N: 2K reads I can't thank you guys enough <3 DID YOU SEE NIALL'S NEW NEPHEW?! Zeus i think it is? HE'S A ADORABLE AND MIGHT I ADD NIALL WAS SMOKIN!! Sorry for a lateish update I was caught up in reading After lol. Such a good story!


Love you all

Ox, Dee)

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