The Hood Will NEVER Love You...

By ashonthadon

200K 10.5K 2.8K

The Trilogy you'll all been waiting for is here. Tamel Richards, known to the world and all its' haters as Me... More

Chapter one
chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three

Chapter seventeen

6.9K 398 43
By ashonthadon

"Okay, you mind telling me why you just shot at the car and now we on a high speed chase down the damn street?" Tamel barked as he turned the steering wheel hard to make the car make sharp right turn.

"Um, because they're bad guys sent to kill us," Train informed putting a fresh clip in his Colt M1911 chrome .45 pistol. He snapped back the lever to put the bullet in the chamber and watched as it snapped back in place.

Train had just finished emptying out his first full clip from his gun shooting at the Chevrolet Trailblazer that he saw the same guy in the Muslim garb he encountered when he got Charmaine from Spelman was in. Train didn't wait for any retaliation before he was back in the Tamel's Toyota telling Tamel 'to step on it.'

"Yo, this car is not meant for this," Tamel noted. "It was meant to be inconspicuous and blend in, not be a damn getaway car for a bunch of motherfuckers with guns."

"Well, if you got a better idea, I would love to hear it" Train replied. "I'll wait."

Tamel just glanced at Train quickly and continued maneuvering his vehicle through the crowded streets.

"I thought so," Train said. "Just try to lose them."

"I can't lose them in this," Tamel said swerving the Toyota at the precise moment it was about to run into the back of another car. "Besides the traffic is too heavy and I can't keep dodging cars like I'm playing Frogger."

Train looked back at the two Trailblazers that were still on their bumper ramming into cars that they had just passed. Train knew these gunmen didn't care about any human life. Their objective was to get Train and Tamel and possibly Charmaine and this time they would not accept failure.

"We have to do something," Train tried to think of a plan.

Charmaine was looking back through the back window at all the carnage the two Trailblazers were causing trying to catch up to them, She never thought she would be the cause for all this destruction.

"What do they want?" Charmaine asked frantic.

"You," Tamel said bluntly.

"Cops going to be out here soon and then we going to have some real fun on our hands," Tamel said. "If you got any more magic tricks to pull out your ass, now would be the time to use them.

Train took a deep breath and tried real hard to come up with some kind of outcome that would benefit them or at least give them some time.

"Charmaine, you know how to shoot?" Train inquired.

"What kind of dumb question is that?" Charmaine snapped back. "Aren't you the one that has been shooting?"

"Well, yeah, but that was just fun on my part," Train answered. "But shit, you didn't learn shit the whole time you was with me and I was capping niggas."

"Yeah, not to get in the way," Charmaine replied back.

"Touché," Train nodded.

"Hey, what's the plan?" Tamel asked seeing through the vanity mirror above his head, the trucks were getting closer to them.

"Crash," Train said. "And give me your gun."

"What?" Tamel asked.

"I said, crash and give me your gun," Train repeated.

"Crash where?' Tamel asked confused. "Crash into what? What the fuck are you talking about? How is that going to help us?"

Train smiled. "Trust me, see that McDonalds up ahead. Crash right into it. But give me your gun first and buckle your seat belts. Charmaine, hold on tight. Look, baby boy, have I ever let you down? Just do it. I saw it in a movie once."

"Those were actors," Tamel reminded.

"No they were stuntmen," Train corrected. "And I bet you I can do it better. Now shut up, pass the nine and ram this bitch."

Tamel passed Train his gun and gave him one last look of concern then buckled his seatbelt.

Train clamped his seatbelt as well as Charmaine in the backseat who was beyond scared.

"I hope you don't get us killed," Tamel said.

"If you die, then I promise you can say 'I told you so'" Train promised. "Now step on it, they gaining on us."

As soon as Train said that, he felt himself go back in his seat. The first Trailblazer with the Muslim garbed gentleman in it was literally right on their bumper ramming into them.

"Now!" Train shouted.

Tamel pressed his foot hard on the gas to give them some space from their assailants.

Tamel spotted the McDonalds with the big glass windows and set his sight for it. He would have to make the turn at the right time for it too work.

"What about people in the McDonalds?" Charmaine shouted from the back.

"You're right," Train said. "Dawg, you better honk your horn."

Tamel pressed on the horn button and took a deep breath. Just as the truck that was behind him was about to ram him again, he turned the steering wheel extra hard to make the car swerve and come on the sidewalk. He honked one last time before running right into the McDonalds' big glass windows.

Tamel managed to crash the vehicle into two front tables but lucky one was sitting in them. Glass sprayed down on the car. The impact knocked the wind out of Train but not enough for him to plan his next form of action. He quickly unstrapped himself and got of the vehicle.

He looked back at Tamel. "I'm trusting you. Take her to the hideout."

The Trailblazers had to skid on their brakes to make them stop due to Tamel's quick turn. That little moment of confusion was all Train needed.

Train ran up on the two trucks, guns up and shooting.

He caught the first two men that tried to get out of the back of the second Trailblazer.

Train heard sirens in the background but knew this shootout would be long over before they finally showed up.

Train ducked under a mailbox as more men came out of the trucks aiming automatic weapons at him.

Bullets tore through his cover and he peeked out momentarily to see how the gunmen were going to flank him.

Train aimed his two weapons and caught another henchmen trying to get out of the truck at the last minute.

Train spotted Tamel running out of the McDonalds with Charmaine in tow. Charmaine looked at Train one last time then was dragged on by Tamel.

Tamel sighed then focused on the situation at hand.

The armed men were coming in close and soon he would have to deal with the police as well.

Train took another peek at the goons' formation. They were trying to surround him then close in.

Train leaned his back against the mailbox and counted to three. He couldn't believe he was actually was in this predicament. Train rubbed his assault weapons together then jumped up and fired at the first assassin that came on his radar.

Train could hear screams as he ran behind a parked car to check his ammunition. He had one six bullets in his gun and seven in Tamel's.

He spotted the sirens of police cars as they came scurrying down the street. Train's assailants didn't seem to care about the police that were showing up. They were shooting at the car he was holding under turning to total it with him under it.

Train saw the policemen getting out of their vehicles to run the rest of the way with their gun drawn. Train knew it was finally over. If those gunmen didn't get him from under this car, the police would damn sure arrest him or worse. Train was ready to accept his fate. Then he saw it, his escape.

"You're going to have to catch this Train later," Train mumbled to himself as he jumped up and ran straight for a manhole that was still open.



Thompson woke up with a jolt. His eyes took a minute to adjust to his surroundings. He saw the tubes that were connected to his body right away. He coughed and could feel the pasty grime on his mouth. He was laying down in a bed with his head propped up. He assumed he was in a hospital.

He tried to move which caused a horrible grunt to come from his mouth.

"Argghhhh!" he grunted after he tried to move again.

He heard movement but couldn't see where it was coming from until the person was right in front of him

"Thompson, so glad you made it," the man before him said.

"Captain," Thompson tried to say but Captain Whitmore just shook his head and told him to relax.

"Nurse! Nurse!" Captain Whitmore yelled. "Somebody get a nurse! He's awake."

Thompson could hear machines going off and beeping loudly as he tried to move again.

"Stay still," the Captain ordered. "You still in a lot of pain. You need to relax. You've been heavy sedated for a couple of days."

"Whah...where am I?" Thompson.

"You still in Atlanta," Whitmore informed. "I was called in by the police deputies here after an incident that happened at the college. They are going to want to ask a lot of questions but I figured you need a rep and at least some support since you came down here and was involved in a shootout. There is a lot of police tape and protocol down here so you're going to need all the help you can get."

Thompson tried to think but his brain hurt.

"Relax," Captain Whitmore said. "We're going to get a nurse in here to look at you. Then we will figure all this shit out."

Thompson's brain was thumping.

"Why did you come down here?" Whitmore asked.

"Char...Charmaine," Thompson answered rubbing his head. "I needed to speak with her."

"Wait, the daughter of the guy who killed himself in our precinct bathroom," Whitmore recalled. "The same girl that disappeared from our watch and made us look like a laughing stock in front of the whole city. You came down here looking for her?"

"Yes, I..." Thompson was about to say when Whitmore caught him off.

"No, no, no," Whitmore interrupted. "I thought the name they said who was in the dorm room sounded familiar. You just brought our shame down here. Now you listen to me and you do whatever I say from here on out. This shit will not be in the end of me. Now, listen up and listen good."

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