Do You Trust Me? (DISCONTINUE...

By rainyszn

4.1K 276 220

"Trust is a two-way road, right? That means we both have to have faith in each other equally. I trust you, Ja... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three: A Scream a Camera and a Walk in the Rain
Chapter 4: Nightmares.
Chapter 5: Getting to Know Each Other
Chapter 6: Mirror Mirror.
Author's Note: Anxiety Attacks
Chapter 7: Danger-Part One
Chapter 7: Danger-Part Two: What if You Could Talk to Angels?
Nearly 500 reads!?!? (And other shit, I guess...) :3
Chapter 8: Awake and Alive
Chapter 10: Guitar
Chapter 11: Late night
Chapter 12: Soulmate
Have a First Hand Experience of My Many Flaws (Author's Note)
Chapter 13: Fearless
Hey, it's been six months.
Chapter 14: Man In Shadows
Chapter 14: Markiplier's Visit (Part One)
Chapter 15: Working Girl
Chapter 16: Markiplier's Visit (Part Two)
Chapter 17: Illusion
Author's Note real quick

Chapter 9: A Walk Home, and an Awkward Conversation.

153 11 16
By rainyszn

  (I just thought I should say before we start this, in the few weeks between chapter six and the first part of chapter seven, Jack DID get his hair dyed. I just noticed I hadn't mentioned that bit yet, so yeah. On with the story, I guess! ^_^  ~Light)
  "What was her deal?" I hissed to Jack. I was still mad at the ignorant woman from the hospital. Her son seemed sweet as a cherry, but his mother was a completely different story altogether.
  Jack shook his head, adjusting his cap, allowing me to see his face better. He still had the same pale complexion, bright blue eyes, and giddy kid-like smile as always. However, now he had a mop of neon green coming down over part of his forehead, occasionally getting in his eyes.
  "I don't know, she had a stick up 'er arse or something." He commented, his Irish accent showing. I was beginning to develop a slight accent myself, but I still spoke too fast for people to understand me, and I still asked people, "Djyeetyet?", instead of "Did you eat yet?", like a typical Pennsylvanian.
  "The little guy was nice...sorry you had to just kind of take it like that." he apologized.
  I laughed. "What are you apologizing for? Wasn't your fault the kid has a bitch for a mom."
  He chuckled at that, which made me grin. I had definitely taken a liking to the Irishman over the month or two we had known each other.
  "Hey, I got a joke straight from the Death Star..." I remarked casually.
  A groan escaped Jack's mouth(get your minds out of the gutter you pervs. It's gross and icky in there. Stop that.), and he muttered, "What is it, Yoda?"
  I giggled. "Where does Darth Vader get all of his clothes?" I asked nonchalantly, poking him in the arm.
  "I don't know, Yoda."
  "At....the DARTH MAUL!"
  "I hate you so much."
  I poked his cheek. "You could never hate me, you love me to death!" I exclaimed. "How could you ever hate this face?" I asked, squishing my cheeks together and making a fish face.
  Jack blushed a little, but it was evident, mostly because his skin color was like three tones above he who shall not be named.
  He used his hands to copy my expression, puckering his lips together and squishing his cheeks. He then blew a raspberry in my face.
  "EWW! You're bloody disgusting!" I yelled, covering my mouth in surprise.
  Jack burst out laughing. "Are you British now?"
  "....You guys are weird." Bella said quietly.
  Jack suddenly started laughing harder, to the point where he was wheezing for breath.
  "Stop dying!" I scolded him.
  "No..I just remembered something...." He murmured in between wheezes, still laughing. "Our ship name is Snack."
My laughter diminished. "...No. Just...NO."
"People literally shouted at me from the comments as soon as the Vlog went up. They made up the name in a matter of minutes!" he shouted.
I laughed.
"You're cute when you're know that?"
The laugh caught in my throat. I glanced over at Jack, not sure if I had heard what I thought I heard.
He was looking at the ground, his lips twisted in a position that made a wince, or a grimace. The kind of face you make when you brace for impact, when you're prepared for the worst. He was blushing much harder now, his cheeks colored like a dark sunset.
"Thanks...I guess." I said, laughing awkwardly in the quietest voice ever. I felt a constriction build up in the pit of my stomach.
"Are you gonna slap me now?" Jack glanced at me through the corner of his eye, a small, uneasy smirk crossing his face.
"Why would I slap you? It's not like you just asked me to know." I muttered, nodding down to Bella who was staring straight ahead thoughtfully.
Jack chuckled breathily. Something about it was strangely....attractive?
Damn it, I'm blushing, I thought, feeling my face grow uncomfortable hot.
"You ever been slapped across the face? It sure as hell doesn't feel good."
I frowned. "Once or twice, yeah."
"Some girl once backhanded me because I said she looked nice." he continued.
I covered my mouth with my palm. "Ow!" I said.
Jack nodded. ", if I, hypothetically, liked would you react?" he asked shyly, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
I smiled a little. Cute motherfucker, stop making me smile!
Our houses were a few hundred yards away, I could vaguely make out the outlines of the windows and doors.
I thought. Not about one thing in specific, like the fanfics always say. I didn't pour over one concept, one sentence. I just thought, in general terms.
Bella would most likely stay with me for the most part, since there was much less stuff she could possibly get in to, like wires and tech and such. I just had my phone and my laptop.
I sighed slowly.'ll work out? Being friends would probably be better. No one gets a broken heart, in the end.
How do I know if I don't try?
I'll just ruin a friendship.
Or start something amazing.
Why take the risk?
Why not take the chance?
I stopped in my tracks. Looking at the Irishman, I grabbed his shoulders. You can imagine it was really awkward because he was literally half a foot, if not more, taller than me.
I looked him in the eyes, which were so full of unease and nervousness that I almost couldn't see their normal happy light. Of course, it was still there. It was always there.
"Do you trust that I will never let anyone slap you again?" I asked randomly, not exactly sure where this was coming from. "Do you trust that I will do my best to protect you?"
He seemed a little surprised by my words. "I'm supposed to promise to protect you, in any other story, right?"
"I've said it before, SCREW gender roles." I said, smirking.
Jack laughed. "Do you trust that we will both try to keep each other safe? Whatever argument we might get in, we will always protect each other." he responded.
I nodded, and he did too.
"Now..." I stood on my tip-toes, and pecked Jack's forehead lightly.
His face actually looked like it was in danger of catching on fire.
"Does that answer your question, hypothetically speaking?"
Jack was silent for a long moment. "I t-think so..." he stuttered out, finally.
Our houses came up from the foggy shadows. I leaned down to Bella. "You ok with staying with me for the weekend?"
She smiled, and nodded. "Thanks."
"No problem." I said happily.
(Jack's POV)
Bella began to chatter happily, capturing Snow's attention.
My brain kept getting stuck on that same fucking nightmare. Bella flatlined, Snow thought that somehow it was a good idea to try to go after the son of a bitch that tried to cut her when we met. I...died the same way Daniel did.
I looked over at her. She had strange blue and green streaks running through her wavy brown hair. Her eyes were the same captivating shade of blue, green, and tiny bits of light brown as usual. Sometime they changed colors depending on what she was feeling. She had her normal beautiful eyes when she was ok, when she was happy. They turned a strange shade of dark blue when she was sad, green when she was angry, and very dark greenish-grey when she was scared or when she was thinking hard about something.
I felt bad for both the girls. Both parents had left them both. At least Snow had one loving parent. Whenever she talked about her mom, she sounded like a nice lady. And a brave lady, at that. I didn't like seeing her cry.
I thought about the mother of the little guy in the hospital. It was really kind to have paid for Bella, but I doubted highly the mother did it out of the kindness of her heart.
Snow shouldn't have had to stand there and listen to her beat her down just because of what she was wearing, it was stupid to even do.
I actually kind of liked what she was wearing, it suited her.
Now, I thought I understood why she told me she was an outcast at her school. She didn't look like the most approachable person, but she was one of the nicest girls I'd ever come to know.
I...kind of loved her.

(Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of Do You Trust me! Ok, I wanna say a few things.
1. This story is almost at 1,000 reads, which is goddamn amazing! I love you guys so much, I really do. <3
2. I'm still kind of reeling from That Dragon, Cancer, which I finished watching roughly 24 hours ago. R.I.P little Joel Green. Be prepared for maybe a oneshot that has something to do with that. I won't recreate it, I promise. :)
3. I'm going to start working on a new Fanfiction sometime soon, hopefully. I won't reveal who is in it, but I think you guys might like it.
Ok, that's it for right now. I really love you guys, platonically of course, haha ^w^ Bye, guys. ~Light)

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