Unspoken - {A Larry Stylinson...

By Bellanote34

328K 7K 4.4K

Harry Styles is know world wide for singing with One Direction. So stress comes with the job right? After too... More

Unspoken - {A Larry Stylinson love story}
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Two

8.6K 218 64
By Bellanote34

Chapter Twenty-Two

Harry's POV

I groan slightly, my alarm clock going off, I didn't want to get up just yet. I hit the snooze button, rolling onto my back, my eyes were half open as I stared at the ceiling. I was to tired to get up right now, I had stayed up until about two in the morning packing, I was trying to find the best outfit for Louis' surprise. I didn't want to look too dressed up, so I went with a dress shirt and jeans, maybe.

I groaned lightly, pulling a pillow over my face, I couldn't stop thinking about what might happen tonight. What if Louis said he didn't love me? What was I going to do then? I groaned again, throwing the pillow at the wall, I was getting frustrated, I didn't know what to do right now. I was suppose to write something, a speech of how I'd tell Louis, but I didn't.

I sighed lightly, looking at the clock, I really needed to get up and get ready. I sat up in bed, lightly stretching out, time was getting on and I had be at the airport in an hour. It was seven in the morning, but I needed to be in Paris early, me and Liam had to get everything set up for tonight. I smiled softly, thinking about what could happen tonight, I was really excited about it.

I got up, heading over to my dresser, I decided to wear something comfortable for the flight and change later. I pulled off my pajamas, stuffing them into my suitcase, not bothering to pack it properly. I pulled on my clothes, fixing my hair a little bit in the mirror, once I was satisfied I went into the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth, fixing myself up a little bit, I planned on cleaning myself up at the hotel. I grabbed all of my bathroom things, shoving them into my toiletries bag, I ruffled my hair and went back to my room. Once I gather everything up, I picked up my bags, beginning to carrying them downstairs.

I smiled softly, thinking about the next time I'll bee here, I could be walking though the door with Louis on my arm to spend the night. I sighed happily, grabbing my keys and phone, I needed to hurry before I missed my plane. I carried my bags out to the car, shoving them into the trunk, I sighed lightly and looked at my house before getting into the car.

I got into the car and started it up, I was so nervous about tonight, what if something went wrong? I hadn't heard from Liam, so I didn't know if everything was arranged or not. I don't know why, but he didn't return any of my messages yesterday, I texted him a few times as well as called. I looked back at my house, pulling out of my drive way, things could be a lot different by tonight.

At least I hope. . .


I pulled into a park slot, turning off the car, I had about twenty to get checked in. I quickly climbed out the car, grabbing my bags from the trunk, I started jogging towards the main entrance. I was lucky enough to run into some fans, who happened to be in line, after a few pictures they let me though first. I love the fans, they were always so nice, I was grateful they let me though.

I smiled softly, going though security and baggage check in, I nearly run to my gate. When I got there, I found Liam glaring at me, I frowned slightly and slowed down my walking. Why was he looking so angry? I swallowed thickly, looking at him, I felt like I was about to die. I reached Liam, looking at him nervously, he had a cross look on his face.

"Come on, the flight is boarding." Liam said and turned away from me.

I sighed lightly, following him onto the plane, I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or someone else. I stepped onto the plane, following Liam to our seats, we sat together so we could discuss tonight's plans. Liam sat down in the seat next to me, arms crossed over his chest, I frowned slightly and looked at him.

Liam's eyes were looking a few rows in front of us, I could vaguely make out the back of Zayn's head, why was he glaring at him? I sighed lightly, shaking my head, they had probably gotten into another fight yesterday. I looked at the row in front of me, I could hear Niall and Louis' voices coming from it, which wasn't very helpful. What if Louis heard us?

I shook my head, trying not to think about that, Louis would probably put his headphones on anyways. I leaned back in my seat, looking out the plane window, it was almost time for take off. I could feeling mt stomach turning, I was extremely nervous about tonight, I didn't want something to go wrong.

"Li.." I whispered quietly, biting my lip "I-I'm not sure I-"

"Harry, relax." Liam said softly and rubbed my arm "It'll go fine. I promise."

I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath, I just had to relax and calm myself down a bit. Everything was going to be okay, I just needed to stop worring so much, things were going to go according to plan. I sighed lightly, taking another deep breath, I knew there was something I had to do. I had to read Eleanor's letter, even though I was scared to, I didn't want it to be something bad.

I bit my lip lightly, feeling the plane begin to move, this was it. In a few hours, we would be in Paris, and soon I'd be telling Louis I was in love with him. I was trying not to freak out, but I knew that was impossible, at least on the inside. Liam had stopped glaring at Zayn, which was good, but he was still sulking.

This was going to be a long day...


Louis' POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder, my eyes flying open, Niall was towering over me. I jumpd slightly, looking up at him, it was a bit for a scary sight, no one wants to see their friends towering over you when you just woke up. I yawned lightly, sitting up, people on the plane were gather their suff, I was guessing we had landed.

I stood up from my seat, stretching out slightly, I had fallen asleep the whole way to Paris. I yawned lightly, reaching into the over head compartment, from it I pulled out a small duffle bag. I slung the strap over my shoulder, following Niall off the plane, there was a small crowd over fans waiting for us. I sighed lightly, gripping onto my bag, I was tired and want to get to the hotel to relax.

Last night, I didn't get that much sleep, I kept thinking about Eleanor's letter. What if I didn't tell Harry in time? What if she came here to Paris and told him? I swallowed thickly, running a hand though my hair, I tried not to think about that as I followed Niall. We were soon outside, climbing onto our tour bus, Paul was waiting for us to give us room arrangements.

"Alright, Harry and Louis, you'll be sharing a room together." Paul stated.

"What?!" Harry said and dropped his bag "Why do we have to share a room?"

"The hotel double booked. It's not like you two haven't shared a room together." Paul said to him Liam and Zayn will get a room together. Niall, you get one to your self."

I frowned slightly, hearing Harry groan, what the hell had gotten into him? Sharing a room wasn't the worst thing in the world, it was only for tonight, what harm could there be. I swallowed thickly, looking down, I had to tell Harry what happened. I had to do it tonight, I couldn't hold it off any longer, Harry deserved to know the truth.

I sighed lightly, setting my duffel bag down on the floor, I didn't know what I was going to do. I leaned back in my seat, watching Harry, he was a little ways down the bus talking with Liam. What had gotten into Harry? He seemed fine yesterday, maybe he had a night of bad sleep, he tended to get a little cranky when he hadn't slept.

I sighed slightly, looking out the window, the hotel we were staying at wasn't that far away from the airport. I couldn't wait to get to the hotel, I planned on going straight to sleep for a few hours, if I was able to that is. I ran a hand though my hair, resting my head on the window, the glass was cool and felt nice on my skin.

I smiled lightly, my eyes lulling closed, I was trying not to think about what might happen when I tell Harry tonight. Maybe if I rest up, I'll have a clearer mind of what to do, especially what I was going to say. I felt the tour bus come to a stop, I could hear shouts coming from outside, I knew we had arrived at the hotel.

I sighed lightly, standing up from my seat, I reached down and picked up my duffel bag from the floor. As soon as we got inside, I was planning on having a nap, even if Harry wasn't happy about rooming with me. I didn't understand it, he had changed from yesterday, maybe something was bothering him.

I bit my lip, following Zayn off of the bus, I had to tell Harry the truth. I knew I was planning on telling him tonight, but this couldn't wait any longer, I had to tell him when we got to out room. I could feel my heart beating faster already, I was so nervous, what if he flips out?

Harry had a pretty level head on him, but some times, he got upset easily. There had been a few times, fan provoked moments, when Harry had broken down crying. It was hard to watch him like the that, what was I suppose to do? I could keep this a secret forever, Harry deserved to know what I did that night, and how I really fell about him.

I swallowed thickly, following Zayn into the hotel, Paul only took a few moments to check us in. I stood there nervously, my brain pounding in my skull, it was like it was trying to escape. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, but surprisingly, neither of them popped out.

"Right, here are your room keys. Don't loose them." Paul warned us all.

I nodded slightly, taking mine and Harry's room key, I glanced over towards Harry who was looking at me. I bit my lip, giving him a weak smile, he waved and came over to me. I swallowed hard, gripping my duffel bag tightly, here goes nothing really. I lead Harry to the elevator, pressing the button for us to go up, I was nervous as hell.

I chewed on my lip, nervously tapping my foot, the elevator seemed to take forever to carry us all up. I took a deep breath, following the others out of the room, I looked at the key and tried to find our room number. As soon as we get inside, I'm coming clean, even if both Liam and Niall have advised against it.

On the plane, I had told Niall what I was gong to do, he didn't seem to happy about the idea. We were going to talk more, but Harry had just came on the plane, which made us stop talking. Niall didn't know what he was talking about, none of them did, they didn't know what it was like to live with the guilt I did.

I sighed quietly, entering the room, there was one small problem with the room though. There was only one bed. Even though there was only one bed, I don't think Harry will want to stay with me, I am about to tell him the truth. I heard the door close, setting down my duffel bag, I took a deep breath.

"Harry?" I asked calmly.

"Yeah Louis?" I heard Harry reply.

"There's something I need to tell you." 


Ooh! Louis is about to tell Harry the truth! :O How did you guys like this chapter? Are you excited for the next one? Hope you liked it! 


- Katie xx

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