The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)

By Jaee_101

4.1M 152K 41.6K

Zaria is young girl with big dreams. Beginning her senior year in high school, she has to balance graduation... More

Cast Call.
My Typical Morning
The Day Goes On.
The Day Goes On Pt.2
"Relationship Status" P.1
Meet up.
Relationship Status Pt.2
Relationship Status Pt.3
After The Fact .
After School Ends
Where Did You Come from? (Just Dewayne's Pov)
Friends Pt. I
Friends (Part II)
New Beginning
It's Over
It's Over (Part II)
The Name Game.
Run Away .
Run Away Pt.II
A Small Piece Of Rebellion
Z's Rebellion
Fairy Godmother.
Suspicious Behavior
Making It Official Pt.1
Strike One
I Got Chu
Reunited (Making It Official Pt2)
Mall and Chill (Dewayne's Pov)
A New Outlook
Click Out
The Invite
Crunch Time
What Happens now?
The Dilemma.
First Day on the Job
Ugly Truths.
A/N (Not an Update)
Business And Such.
Date Night Pt.I
Startin Somethin' (Date Night Part II)
Before I Release This New Update..
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)
Guess Who? (Pt I)
Guess Who (Part II)
Conclusion to the Beginning.
Conclusion to the Beginning Pt.II
A Slight Shift
Trying Again
Trying Again Pt. II
Let's Go
Old Memories Equals New Ideas
The Start of Big Things
Start of Big Things Pt.2
Catch up
Game Day
I'm Glad You Came
Calculations Pt.2
Out My House!
I'm Right Here
The Day Off Pt. 1
A Simple Conversation
What Goes Around...On the Other Side
So About Tonight...
The Preparation
Something About The Night (Pt.1)
A/N & Face Reveal
Something About The Night (Pt.2)
Back to the Norm

Catch Up Pt.2

38.2K 1.6K 877
By Jaee_101

Why are these boys so fine???

Just a quick A/N.

Hey guys! I just wanted to take this time to again thank you for all your support, you guys somehow manage to put smiles on my face, I only hope by me sharing this story with you it brings you joy and a genuine smile.

But I want to apologize for one thing. And it is me not having a set updating schedule . I literally try to log in everyday after an update is posted and began typing up parts to another chapter. I want every part to be thought out and hold a meaning somewhat of the book.

So that why you get the drama you also relate to the story, so that you can take something away from it.

And while I don't update as fast as some authors I promise I would never ever go more than 2 weeks without updating ever. I wouldn't do that to you guys, since I understand what is like waiting for a person to update. This my first official book, ever, so let's just say it's hard for me to get used to adding another priority down my list of priorities. And I don't mind at all, but just be mindful of things that could possibly be going on behind the scenes .

When I am in the process of holding up my 4.0 GPA I also have a sick elderly grandma I care for 5 days a week, on top of it. I stay worrying making sure she is okay while my mom works long hours. And to make matters worse she has alzheimer's. So if I don't watch her she won't eat . Sometime I just worry if me and my mom aren't there, lord knows what will happen . So if you are ever wondering why my updates are spaced out unevenly , it's not due to me being lazy. No rather helping care for those who helped me when I needed it and support me whenever I doubt myself.

I am selfless and always have been , so I never want anyone to be unhappy if I could can help make them smile. I just want you guys to know when you see skylarrj doing something, she really means it, and she is a normal person, just trying to figure out life. Just like everyone else. And that from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate everyone putting in there time to check out my first attempt of writing.

Thanks a million. I Love you all,

The author.


Back to the update.



Zaria's Pov

I finished my first slice and took a sip of my drink. I was so focused on the game, I didn't realize someone had sat down next to me.

I heard them cough and I turned around suddenly, almost jumping in surprise.

"Well...well.well. I didn't think you actually have the balls to come to one of these games." I heard female voice say surprise I turned around only to be met by, the eyes of ..

*End Of Recap*

Still Zaria's Pov

I looked up into the blazing eyes of my arch enemy, Tracey, with her trapezoid, pterodactyl dinosaur, looking ass. Okay, why is she here, especially since her "man" ain't ever here?

I don't even know how I didn't hear her coming . But all I know I am not for it today.

I let my attitude set in but decided to just make her aware of her irrelevance before I ended busting a bitch in her mouth. I can only take so much of her bullshit. "So how about this? You don't sit here and play as though we're cool, knowing shit ain't even that sweet. Tell me why you really decided to "grace" me with the bullshit, but the insults you say, yea I heard them all before . " I said simply not even looking her way.

She sat there silently not saying shit, smart move. But if she try some shit, imma have to act a fool in this gym.

"Bitch please ," She began , but I cut her off swiftly.

"I thought this was already addressed, you will not call me that, this time there isn't anyone to hold me back, or save yo ass. So chill out so you won't end up in the hospital." I said while taking a sip of my drink, almost wanting her to swing, but I still was watching the game .

She smacked her lips, "Look hoe, I'm trying to stay civilized but I believe you must of forgot, who you is fucking with." unheard of anger surging the statement up even more , making me raise my brow up, but I refused to let her get to me, or make me get up from this bleacher and punch her.

I just got one question...bitch why you so damn angry??

I'll wait.........



Oh mmkay.

I hoped she would get the hint she was annoying me and fly her dinosaur looking ass on somewhere .

But you know who ignorant folks are. -_-

"Imma be straight real with you even though I had to address this already to you. Stay away from Dewayne , you look fucking desperate and sad. Do you think he would truly get with you, after he has been with a bad bitch like me. He would be crazy to ever fall for you. He may not see the fact you're throwing yourself on him but I do and I don't appreciate it . " At that point I turned around at her, looking at her like she was completely batshit crazy. She was definitely mad , but why?

"But y'all aren't even together , and I'm not even with him. " I said getting genuinely confused.

She seethed at me " As I said before Dewayne is mine and always will be mine. I was his first love, and that won't change. Think about it, what nigga in there right mind would get over their soulmate that easily. And what are you going based off what he said? I bet he didn't even told you I went over to his house, and let's just say things got heated. " By this time she smirked at me , her eyes blazing still, " I have access to him anytime I want as he does with me. Dewayne wants a girl the please him. You don't even know how, I see how you look at him and I know you like him. It's obvious, and I think its pathetic. He isn't even over me yet and when the smoke clears and he realizes I'm still the one, he'll forget about you. So save yourself right now, stay away from him."

My mind reeled back slightly . She slept with him recently? How come he ain't mention it?

I let my face remain neutral me, trying to stay strong. "We're just friends." I said firmly, ignoring the heartache I felt.

Her expression darkened even more, " One thing you'll know is I hate fake ass, lying ass hoes. I tried to warn you, but your ass is still gone lie. But since I'm here quick question when were you going to tell him about you running away from home? "

I felt my stomach drop, just the mention of my mom made me uneasy and how did she know about that?

One word... Mikeyla..

Oh no.

She drilled even more. " Or the fact you are fired, for sleeping around on the job? Trust me I know it all as well as I know your mom is just dying to see you again. Me being the honest person I am , I figure why not tell her about our little meeting tonight. I know she'd be thrilled."

I felt my face pale, she is truly evil. She smiled , and I just she realized she hit the nail right on the head. Besides the fact I supposedly "slept around on the job." I never did.

I felt tears build up but I refused to let them fall, I couldn't go back. Not after everything I did. But this shows me that I can't just seem to find peace.

"Speechless? What happened to all that tough shit." She said innocently.

"Tracey, why can't you chill out? I didn't do anything wrong to you. " I asked, relieved my voice didn't crack.

"Simple, because you are a weak ass person. You are beneath me and yet knowing from my initial warning to stay away, you refused. I gave you a chance, but always seem to slither your way right into my life. To my man. Which is a no go. Secondly it's bitches like you who think you bad cuz you fucking with the cool kids, you are and will always be a loser. And the fact you think for a second you even have a chance with Dewayne is sad. He is the finest nigga here, and you think he wants a nobody, posing ass person like you? Shame. But since you want to play it like you grown go ahead. But I bet I'll win. Because I go something you'll never have, his heart . What do you have? Exactly. So my mission is to make your life hell because my relationship was fine until you hoe ass came along. If I were you, I would get outta town. Because your life is gonna catch up sooner than you think , Imma make sure of it."

"Blackmail really?" I said annoyed, yet incredulously

She said and got up and stomped away I felt my anger surge up I followed behind her but the ended up losing her in the crowd. How the fuck you gon call me weak but run away after taking amped up bullshit.?She is so hateful, and honestly I can't even remember what I did wrong?

A tear fell , without me realizing it. I had been going through so much, and when I feel like its gone back to normal, it doesn't .

Am I wrong for liking Dewayne? I can't help I try not to, but I wouldn't go away. But I knew better than to tell him. I wasn't ready and scared.

I wiped my tears and decided to focus back on the game I started on my other slice of pizza.

I known for a fact JV won so I was kinda excited for the next game I felt myself relax and focus just on the game, I will not let this ruin the game. It's gonna be epic I could tell.

The JV boys were clearing when all of a sudden I saw all the varsity boys rush onto the court already looking hype. The gave the JV boys dap and cheered for them . Music started blaring through the speakers. It of course was "Jumpman." by Drake and Future . The crowd instantly got hype and I started jamming inside my head.

I found myself automatically looking for my friends. I spotted Tre and Dev they were both joking around on the court. I smiled knowing they was never a time they didn't make me laugh and be good friends. I'm happy I met them.

I felt someone cover my eyes and another set of slender arms hug me tightly.

"Guess who?" a familiar female voice said happily.

I knew who it was instantly, I felt a smile stretch across my face. "

"Hey divaas" I sang happily.

Candy and Stacey sat by me giving me hugs "Hey Bih." Stacey said .

"I am happily you finally got you ass out here to watch them play. What finally convinced you to do it?" Candy said happily wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I blushed. " Well let's just say I was somewhat forced." I mumbled remembering again the events from earlier.

Stacey smirked "Ooooh bitch, you gone you gone have to give me details right?"

"Mhmm . We know you here to support yo man. You betta go."Candy chimed in , laughing.

"Now I den told ya, he ain't my man."

"Nobody believe that shit but you." Stacey said fake mugging, and munching on some hot fries.

Her and them damn hot fries.

"Whatever." I huffed, as they laughed.

"Sorry we showed up all late we had to raid to concession stand this game bout to be hella lit." Candy said opening a pack of her favorite candy, Airhead Xtremes. No lie I eat those too, but she loves them.

"It's no problem I did too." I admitted as I finished my pizza.

The boys finally started and I saw Dewayne. I felt my heart start to beat faster and the world seemed as it slowed down . He took off down the court dribbling the ball and going up , shooting the perfect layup. My jaw dropped he made the shot so fast, I had to blink and make sure I wasn't tripping.

"Nah girl you ain't they raw as hell." Stacey said reading my mind.

Soon after when he finished Dev went afterwards making nice ass shot too. Stacey was being extra, "LET'S GO DEV!" she shouted along with the crowd.

He was dribbling but when he heard her voice he looked up and he was looking around tryna find her, when he did he winked at her smiling.

She waved winking back. AWW they so cute.

Next Tre went up and instead of making a layup he ran a defensive drill, making a lightning fast jump shot, that was nothing but net.

Candy was smiling so hard . She shouted, "GOOOO TRE!"

He looked up at searched for her. Once they locked eyes he smiled biting his lip at her. She giggled but there was a slight red tint going across her face.

As they got back in line, they looked back at us waving at me excitedly. I laughed and waved back.

Then Dev got Dewayne attention and motioned towards me in the bleachers. Dewayne looked towards us and he looked confused. Girls screaming at him and the others to get their attention. I was frozen confused whether or not I wanted to hide. And just as finished the thought his gaze landed on me.

I was staring back unable to move , think, or breathe.

I felt girls look up or towards me , and could feel waves of hatred , from far away, but I couldn't focus on it , because my eyes were trained on him .

"Who is she?" One girl asked annoyed.

"Why the hell my future bae looking at that hoe ?' another girl said.

But again I couldn't even react, because he broke into a full smile, dimples and all his eyes never leaving mine. They almost looked like they lit up when he realized he I was really there. I just gave him a small nervous smile, giving a thumbs up and mouthing "Good Luck."

He smirked and winked before he focused on the drill ahead o him. My heart was reeling and I flet a blush a blush evident on my cheeks as he zoomed down the court dribbling effortlessly, at a lightning speed and making another quick layup making the crowd roar.

"AWWWN" my friends said together in unison. They childish as hell. -_-

I was going to shush them but the buzzer sounded . And I focused back on the game feeling excited.

The boys hustled to the benches and took off the their shooting shirts. And man on man I am not gone even lie I focused on Dewayne. I saw his muscles flex from a distance and saw he had tattoos. I sighed, why this nigga gotta be so damn fine?

I was staring for so long, letting my imagination run, I didn't hear Candy call me.

"ZARIA!" she repeated again.

"Huh?" I said absently as I continued starting at Dewayne's fine ass .

"You should stop staring so hard, girl you starting to drool." Stacey said smirking at me.

I blushed and snapped out my trance. "Very funny ." I said sarcastically.

"Girl ain't nun wrong with admiring you man." Candy teased I flipped her off but stayed silent.

Imma let her have that.

I watched as they talked briefly to the coach . Afterwards they got in a circle and started getting hype for the game. The coach belted out loudly.


"OUR HOUSE!!" they responded

"WHOSE HOUSE?" the coach said louder.

"OUR HOUSE AND WE WANT THEM.!" They seat responded and pointed the other team.

The crowd was roaring and raging with excitement.

The coach motioned to Dewayne and he yelled out."WE SHOOT WE WHAT?!"

"WE SCORE! " The team and part of the crowd responded .

He smirked. "WHEN DO WE SCORE ?!" he yelled out.

"ALL DAY!" Everyone belted out.

"Mustangs on three! One..Two ...Three!" Dewayne said as the team were about to break.

"MUSTANGS!!!!" They yelled out and rushed onto the court.

The buzzer sounded.

It's officially game time.


That's a wrap for now. Guys I hope you enjoy it and be ready for the next part.

But wasn't the ending kinda cute. ;3?

Lol but please tell me your emotions on the chapter.








Let me know, and be sure to read , vote comment and enjoy. Until next time.

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