Give Me Courage (BWWM)

By KassandraVivu

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Give Me Courage is about a young African-American Woman finding out she has cancer? the shock almost leads h... More

Give Me Courage Intro
Chapter 1 The Nightmare
Chapter 2 Why Me?
Chapter 3 (Hitter POV)
Chapter 4 Open your eyes
Chapter 5 The third day
Chapter 6 You must fight
Chapter 7 Maybe
Chapter 8 My world
Chapter 9 Let Me In
Chapter 10 I'll Understand
Chapter 11 She needs Me
Chapter 12 For Better or worse
Chapter 13 understanding myself
Chapter 14 he wants in
Chapter 15 I want her
Chapter 16 I'll be here
Chapter 17 Can I do this?
Chapter 18 She's Strong
Chapter 19 I can do it
Chapter 20 Can't stand this
Chapter 21 Please LEAVE!!!
Chapter 22 I want in
Chapter 23 He's perfect
Chapter 24 I'm keeping you
Chapter 25 It's Time
Hello, Read Me
Chapter 27 I hope so
Chapter 28 For better or for Worse
Ch. 30 My story to you
Ch. 31 This gets interesting
CH. 32 All Of Me
CH. 33 You're all Mine
CH.34 You and I
Ch. 35 Just Us
SO here's the STITCH
Ch. 36 It Doesn't Matter
CH. 37 This Case
Ch.38 How did she survive
CH.39 Reasons why I love her
Ch. 40 There's nothing you can't tell me
The next chapter is private
Ch. 41 Wanting you more
Ch. 42 You're my one and only
Ch. 43 She's my heart
CH. 44 I trust him
CH.45 She's got this
CH. 46 This is Right
CH.47 Forever Baby
CH. 48 It's still up
CH. 49 Mama's Called
CH. 50 What was said
CH. 51 Time to start
CH. 52 The memories are here
CH. 53 Can I get closure?
CH.54 No, you're going to listen
CH. 55 Be Strong my Queen
CH. 56 Disgusted
CH. 57 Is she going to be alright?
CH. 58 No, he said tried.
CH. 59 What is she thinking
CH. 60 Thanks for being here for me
CH. 61 What is right?
Watty Award
CH. 62 Determination
CH. 63 We are going
CH. 64 Face to face with her
CH. 65 All for what?
CH. 66 I love you both
CH. 67 He is scary mad
CH. 68 Mercy & Nightmares
CH. 69 We'll go on
CH. 70 Closure & Hope
CH. 71 Pathetic Patient
CH. 72 Hurtful Words
CH. 73 Does she need to know?
CH. 74 I'm What?
CH. 75 We are Parents
CH. 76 Of course
CH. 77 All for you
CH. 78 "I can't believe it"
CH. 79 I love you forever

Chapter 26 our past

4.5K 271 90
By KassandraVivu

Chapter 26 Our Past

Olivia Pov

"So where are we going?" I asked Jake who was putting a coat on me.

"Well, it's a surprise. So I can't tell you cause what's the point of it being a surprise." He said looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"This guy" I said under my breath as he opened the door and held out his hand for me. I took his hand and we started walking out my apartment.

"Are we going on a trip on our favorite rocket ship?" I asked him smiling remembering when everyone use to say that, haha oh God. Everyone was making vines out of that and now it's all over.

"I can give you a trip on a certain rocket ship." He said smirking while swinging my hand back and forth while we were heading to the elevator.

"Jake you Nastah" I said laughing, oh my God leave it to Jake to change innocent meaning to a not so innocent one.

"Nah beautiful, I can be a freak. But only the right person can bring the freakiness out. It just happens to be you." The elevator door open and we got in.

I played with his fingers that were in my hand. I was scared; I was actually scared to tell him about my past. My past isn't rainbows and unicorns, heck it's far from that. I'm scared of what he will see when I tell him.

The elevator ding and the door open letting us into the lobby and we got out the apartment building.

In the apartment parking lot we headed towards Jakes car, he opened the passenger door for me and I was admiring his car.

"Your car is so hot." I said getting in; he closed the door and walked around opening the driver door and getting in.

"Hotter than me?" He asked staring at me and pulling my seat belt on. Than doing the same with his.

I started to giggle. "Well I don't know. It can go pretty fast. It's one of those fast cars Jakey." I said as he started pulling away from the parking lot.

"You know, I can go fast too, my speed shouldn't be comparing with this car speed. Just wait on it, you don't know speed yet." I looked at Jake like he was the craziest man in the world.

"But your car did leave an impression when we first met, you know" I said laughing, I notice Jake got quiet and I looked at him. I put my hand on his face and started caressing it.

"Jake do you believe in Faith?" I asked him.

"Not really." He said and I smiled.

"I do, I believe it's faith that caused you to hit me with your car. As silly as it might sound; I'm glad you're in my life. You're an amazing man. Whether you see it or not, I see it and I will make you see it." He glance at me and smiled, while taking my hand from his face and holding it, intertwining our hands together.

He started driving with his left hand and he pulled into this restaurant.

He stopped the car, putting it in park and getting out the car, going around it to open the door for me. I got out and stared at the Restaurant, it was the most beautiful restaurant I have ever seen. Jake held onto my hand and we walk towards it, when we got in the Restaurant. The hostess smiled at Jake and me.

"Ah Mr. Sanders how are you? Let me take you and your lady to your table."

I smiled at the Hostess and we followed her to our table and sat down, she gave us the Menus and told us to enjoy smiling and walking away.

"This is a beautiful Italian Restaurant, wow where'd you find it?" I asked Jake staring around the Restaurant admiring it.

"I own it." He said staring at me, I faced him so fast that I thought my neck would have crack.

"You owned it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes." He said

I nodded my head and smile.

"That's beautiful." I said really meaning it, I felt like me being here help me see another side of Jake.

"Thank you; I'm Half Italian and Half Greek. This Restaurant makes me feel warm because I feel close to my roots when I eat here. I'm glad that I own it; I wanted to show you a place where I could feel at ease. Before I met you, now I feel at ease when I'm with you."

I felt my smile widen as he said that.

"We should order Jakey." I said feeling my face get hot and he nodded looking at his menu.

When we figure out what we wanted. A waitress came and took our order.

She gave us some bread and told us our food would be ready soon and smiled at us and turn to walk away.

"Live, there are things I have to tell you about me; but I don't know how you're going to react to it. I'm also scared how you're going to take it." Jake said looking nervous talking to me.

It finally hit me that what Jake had to tell me was really scary for him; he was really scared to tell me this. My heart aches because I understood how he felt. I could completely understand his nervousness so I took his hand and I held it and smiled at him.

"I'll go first."

I said smiling and he look like he was going to object but I stopped him. Noticing the waitress bringing our food.

She served it to us with our drinks and told us to enjoy, I smiled up at her and said thank you lisa, reading her name tag and noticing a blush on her cheeks when I did. As she walked away, I faced Jake again and let out a breath.

"I had a horrible past, all of my sisters who you met did. But I'm going to tell you my story."

I said playing with my hair

"My mom was the worst human being in the world. She was worst then the devil his self. She could have made the devil tremble and shake his head and claim that he could never compete with her.

My mom hated me, I knew she hated me. It didn't take a genius to see that, she claim I ruined her life, that If I wasn't born she could've had a chance to shine." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"My mom was rape, she was walking home one day from work when it happened. She screamed and screamed

But no one came to help her, after the man rape her he ran away, leaving the woman on the floor crying her eyes out, the woman lived in Chicago for goodness sake, the worse area in the city she actually lived in the worse area in the city!, when people hear screams they act like they don't hear it. An old woman looked out her window and saw my mother on the floor. She ran down to my mother and called 911 on her phone."

I leaned back on my seat and stared directly at Jake.

"My mother was rushed to the hospital and they did a rape kit on her, the doctor's notice that there was semen from the rape inside of her.

The doctors knew that she might get pregnant; they did some test for her to see if she caught any diseases or not, she stayed in the hospital for a couple of week to recover. I always wondered why they didn't give her a pill that could terminate any chances of pregnancy, I didn't care if it meant I wouldn't be here right now. My mother was horrible, also Everyone in the hospital was wondering where was this woman family? How come they didn't come?

My mom was from Africa, Nigeria to be exact and she escaped her family, who didn't treat her like family because she was born out of wedlock and was born to a normal common man, her mother was part of this rich family but slept with a servant boy and had my mother. Her whole family looked down on my mother. So my mother was treated like Cinderella ever since her mother died. But she did escape and came to the United States."

I pushed my hair back.

"My mother left the hospital fearing that they would send her back to her country, she left before the doctor could tell her she was pregnant, and that she was pregnant with me.

I was the result of my mother's rape, imagine that, getting rape and finding out your pregnant with the man who raped you baby." I shook my head.

"When my mother realized she was pregnant, she tried killing herself; she actually tried killing herself at five months pregnant. I don't understand how she didn't realize she was pregnant sooner, I kept honking maybe she was those woman who were in denial.

She was rushed to the hospital because her neighbor was worried about her and came to check in with her to find her trying to hang herself. When she reach the hospital the police officers were questioning her, telling her she's a threat to herself and the baby inside of her. She could go to jail because the baby has a life and she would be taking away that life if she hurt me.

My mother screamed that the devil was inside her and then the doctor from before told the officers that the baby was a product of rape.

The officers looked shock at the woman who was crying her heart out, saying it's too late to have an abortion and that she would have to have me and if  she wanted. She could give me away for adoption."

I let out a sigh

"The woman later on had me but didn't give me up for adoption, the doctor was happy at that, saying that the child wasn't evil. That I was innocent. That he would help her raise me, if she wanted. My mom thought the young white doctor was crazy, but I think he took a liking to her and apparently too me. Because he later on made her move in with him, bringing the baby along.

He Signed up my mother for school and tried to get her on the right track, the doctor even named me.

He gave me the name Olivia Blessing, saying that I was a blessing, he wanted to give me his last name but said it didn't fit me and I deserve better. So he gave me my own last name." I said smiling at what the doctor did.

"The doctor always took care of me, but when I was Five, my mom started doing drugs, hanging with the wrong crowd, and she took me away from the doctor, saying he couldn't have me when he begged for her to let me stay. What's weird is I could hear the doctor crying, beging her too stop. But my mom took me anyways and that's when everything changed.

My mom left the doctor who would gave her everything and anything, the doctor who fell in love with her old self. But my mom was different, she was no longer the same woman he fell in love with. She became a sex addict and a drug addict.

My mom had a pimp she moved us with; he hired her to have sex with anyone he told her too, my mom being a sex addict enjoyed it. She never got paid, her pimp did. Her getting paid was the sex, she had sex with anyone, and she sometimes had sex with more than one person.

I started growing and seeing this type of environment.

What's worse is when my Mother made me watch." I shiver at the images.

"Some of her customers like having an audience so my mother made me their audience. She made me watch her have sex with these people, but that wasn't the worse part. I was a lily doll.

My mom used me as a child prostitute Jake."

Tears were falling out my eyes.

"So some of her customers asked to take videos with me, they started taking videos of them touching me and posting them to a website called,, they showed my child self to the pedophiles out there. I was molested by so many different men. My mother always reminded me, 'at least I didn't let them have sex with you' but she let them touch me, she let them molest me, she let them film me." I started crying my eyes out and I felt Jake get up and brought me to his arms bringing me to his seat with him.

"Why would anyone do that, I didn't do anything to her, I never did anything bad to her. She should have just killed me."

I felt tears falling on my face and that's when I notice Jake was crying too.

"Then My Mom, got pregnant. One of her customers got her pregnant she would say and she really didn't know which one did. Apparently she didn't know how long she was pregnant, Her pimp said she would have to have the baby, maybe there could be another lillydoll member for the million dollar website. It had three thousand members and could you believe that? The website made millions of dollars, that's how much sick people there were out there in the world" I said shivering.

"My baby brother was born nine months later. I named him Tucker Simmons, giving him his own last name. I made him this pretty bracelet that had my name and his on it.

It said Olivia Blessing loves Tucker Simmons forever.

Later on I found out who Tucker dad was.
I couldn't believe it when I did, I was so angry also.
I couldn't let my little brother go through that, I couldn't let him go through what I went through. So I had to save him,

So I waited for the right time. I knew when my brother was planning on starting everything. So I waited, I had a goal in my mind and I waited for everything to take set. When that time came I did what I had to do.

I took my 3 year old brother at that time and I burned that mother fucking house down, I forgot my mother was in there with some customers and her pimp. Who knows maybe I didn't forget.  Maybe I just wanted them to all die. I rushed out with my brother and you know the craziest shit ever happened. That woman ran out the fire towards me. I screamed in fear, she was truly a demon I tell you. She was on fire and here she was trying to get to me. I heard the fire truck sirens coming closer and the lady that was burning was dragging me and tucker with her. She was too strong for me; I was six years old for God sake. She tried dragged me and Tucker back in that house. I started crying my eyes out and then darkness took over.

I woke up in the hospital and they said I have been sleeping for two months.

I asked them about tucker but they gave me a sad look, I knew I lost him. My baby, my brother. I raised Tucker, my mom made me. She didn't have too. I would have, at first I thought he died in the fire, but I couldn't believe the boy I tried to save burned with that demon. I believed he was still alive and knew he was still alive, I knew they wouldn't give me answers because I was just a kid but I knew I would get answers one day somehow.

They put me in a foster home and that is where I met my sisters and we all grew up together having a horrible past that none of our innocent souls deserve.

So Jake that is my story." I told him. I felt him rubbing my back and I felt relax in his arms, I just told Jake everything and he didn't run away.

"My beautiful baby, my poor baby. I am sorry that happened to you. I'm here okay, I'm right here." I looked up and asked if we could leave. Jake nodded and called the waitress over asking if she could put the food in to go plates and she nodded her head and said she will.

We waited for her to bring the food back and she did and we wave at her good bye.

As we walk towards the car, Jake open the passenger door for me and I got in. he placed our food in the back seats. Went around and got in his seat and started driving off.

"I grew up differently, I saw many things growing up and when I was younger I witnessed many things that changed my life forever" He said to me, smiling sadly.

"I have two names, Jake Sanders is one of my names and my other name is Armino Luca Dino Sanders which is what my adopted father gave me.

I am a Leader; I've done things that I never use to blink my eyes about until I met you." He was gripping the steering wheel while driving.

"You're a Beautiful Woman and you have captured my heart and God baby I care about what you think, I want you to meet my parents, I want you to meet my people, I want you to meet my siblings,  I will protect you baby, I will always protect you. You will always be number one and because I am telling you this. I want to tell you something else.

I had people look up your past, I didn't ask anything about it and I wanted you to tell me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, his phone started ringing and he picked up. He was speaking Italian, he spoke Italian! He quickly hung up and we came to a red light and he stared at me.

"My people have all the man that hurt you, they have the creator of and they have your Father, the man who raped your mother. They have information on the doctor who wanted you in his life; they know where he is..... They also have information on your brother.

Tucker Simmons..... He's alive; Live your brother is alive." He said and I felt tears falling out of my eyes.

This was too much; all of this was too much. The lights turn green and he turned the car and we were passing a park. I needed to take a walk.

"Stop the car!" Jake immediately stopped the car.
This was all to much, I knew there's a lot he haven't told me. I knew there was so much he wanted to tell me but we both knew I wasn't ready to know everything yet. My heart could only take so much.

I hear Jake coming towards me and I held my hand to my head.

"Baby, don't hate me Live. Please don't hate me. I promise I will protect you, I won't leave you. I will help you reunite with your brother and the Doctor who loved you. I will help you get justice for the people who hurt you, just baby don't leave me." Jake came up to me and stares at me.

I was confused to everything he was saying.

I shook my head and I heard him say

"Baby no no don't leave me beautiful please understand." He gave pleading eyes and I shook my head again putting my hand on my mouth letting a cry out.

He kept saying 'I'm sorry baby I'm sorry'

"Jake STOP!" I yelled and he stopped talking and stayed silent as I stared at him, he gave me this look that resembles a scared expression on a little boys face.

I went up to him and tippy toed to kiss his tears away.

"Baby I'm not going anywhere. I Love You."

***Kassandra Speaks***

Woah what a chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you know what they were scared to tell each other, now you know about their past and life story. So the question is.

"What do you think?"

And who notice that Tucker Simmons was mentioned in this book?

Anyone? Shit yessss Y'ALL

To those of you who don't know Tucker Simmons, He's in the book I'm Innocent and he happens to be Olivia Blessing Half Brother!!!!!!!!!! Woah, it's a small world after all isn't it.

Tucker Simmons is Olivia little baby boy brother who she tried to save but she thought he was dead. She thought he was dead all this time but he wasn't he's alive and heck he's a detective his self at that.

Check out his story. "I'm Innocent."

Everything is starting to come out.


Can anyone make a educated guess with who the young doctor who fell in Love with Olivia Mom and wanted Olivia to be his daughter is? Can anyone put the puzzles together? Hmm?

And Olivia is going to see the bastard who Rape her mother!!!!!!!!! He's going to meet the man. "OH MY GOD"

I swear sometimes I get surprise about my writing, my characters speak to me.

Jakey told Live his secret and she still accepted him


Chocolate doesn't ask questions, chocolate understands.

There's going to be shirts I'll be selling soon with that Logo!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also going to sell #TeamJaylive

Jackets, Tanktops and shirts.

They will be posted on my website soon, just wait on it, and last but not least




Oh My God, I can't I can't.

Y'all know I been shipping these beautiful angels since day one!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's finally been said by her.

But the question is, what will Jake say?

Anyways hope you guys Love this heart bleeding chapter. I cried while writing this, I actually did and I just wanted to get it out there that if you cried or felt sad to the character past, it's okay. I'm here with you.


"MAIL ORDER BRIDE" it's out and I wrote it, it's about one of the Ohana girls, yes another girl story in the sister pact.

It's about Bella Banks!

Check it out, I'm going to work on my other boos, Byee xoxoxo Mwaha

-    Kassandra Vivu

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