Sisters after Misters

By certifiedcliche

324K 15.8K 1.7K

Aurelia Ellingson and Willow Ellingson are more than sisters. They're each other's best friends, cheerleaders... More

The new guy
The popular life
First meetings
Library coversations
Birthday invitation
The birthday party
Secrets of the past
Crushes and liking
The graffiti prank
The drive home
Midnight phonecalls
Museum visit
The book exhibition
The beach
High school insults
Night of the party
Knight in armour
Home visits
Post effects
Matters of the heart
Coming over
The game
Paper plane
The ex boyfriend
Heated conversations
The kiss
A new relationship
Sisters before misters
Late night texts
The party
Tryst with the past
Burger with a surprise
Dancing away
Lunch with his father
Bad news
The aftermath
Peace and blessings
A love like that
Realization dawns
Cheated upon
Old love is back
One step ahead
Forgotten girl codes
The story of us
The end
The middle
The beginning
Author's note

Jealousy and insanity

4.3K 251 16
By certifiedcliche

I turn around and walk away, Blake following me. But not before giving me a look with his eyes which meant 'I'm so proud of you.' Willow is stunned and so is everyone. A heavy silence hangs in the air and as everyone makes way to let me go, I note Blake isn't following me. As I turn around, I see him still standing there, staring at me.

"Baby, let's go home." I say and he grins, running over and keeping a hand on my shoulder as we strut away, into our own world, a place better than this.

Obviously, Willow wasn't going to leave us that. So when we entered the parking lot, Blake excused himself to go to the washroom, while I stood there and waited for him to come back. I saw her rushing towards me, all model like and the minute she was right in front of me, she threw the juice she was holding on me.

Cold orange smelling liquid made contact with my face and I gasped. I spluttered out,"A very bitchy move, suits you." Yes, I wasn't going to lose my sassiness at this point of time.

"What were you even thinking when you slapped me back there?" Willow asks as she folds her hands across her chest.
"Now that I think of it, it was something I should have done long back." I say as I lean against Blake's car and Willow glares at me.

"What do you have that I don't? I'm gorgeous, smart, well-loved; why doesn't Blake want me?" She asks, her eyes narrowed, filling with tears for a moment.
"Blake doesn't need gorgeous, smart or well-loved. He needs someone who he has fallen in love with and who can love him back. Because that is one thing he is denied, love." I say solemnly.

"But you, Aurelia, you're a cheater and a betrayer. You very well knew, right from the start, that I like Blake. You told me you'd set me up with him. And look at you now, what did you do? You ended up with the guy I wanted." Her voice drops to a slow tone and she looks like she'll cry. This is it, this Willow's vulnerable moment.

"Willow, don't Blake's feelings matter? Doesn't his opinion count for anything? If you know, he made the first move on me, he liked me from the start, without me trying to do anything to him! He kissed me, he asked me out. And I loved him too, so I said yes. Did you ever bother to ask if I like him? No, you just wanted him and you told me to get him. I was trying to control my feelings, for you! I did try, Low. I loved both of you equally. But I was willing to let him go, for you!" I finish my rant and the first drop of tear pours out of her eye.

But she hastily wipes her eye and gives me a menacing look, we're back to square one.
"Get this in your head Lia, I'm still going to get him. There is no other guy I've wanted more than him after Max and I always get what I want. I love him. Understand that, he'll love me back too. If he was serious about you, he wouldn't have let me kiss him in the first place. He wouldn't have been caring for me. He wouldn't have let me hug him at the church that day. I'm going to get him, by hook or by crook." She points her manicured finger at me and I scoff. "Keep wishing."

"Do you even know how much he enjoyed kissing me? How he held my leg the day he was applying Relispray on my ankle? How he held me in his arms that day at the church? You have no friggin' clue how good his chest feels under the shirt..." Willow talks as she literally swoons over him. Enough of this crap.

"Oh yeah?" I open my turtleneck sweater to reveal the tank top beneath it. "But you aren't the girl he made a portrait of. Your face isn't the one pasted on the walls of his house. You aren't the one he calls 'honey'. You aren't the one who met his dad. You definitely aren't the one he pins up against the wall to kiss. Don't even talk to me about his body Low, I know it better than anyone else. I've seen it and felt it." I smirk. I point down to my neck area. "You see these red marks? Who do you think has left them? Don't even get me started on how nicely he plays-" I am stopped midway when Willow screams loudly. "Aargh shut up!" She yells so loudly that I myself am shaken up.
"I'll get back at you! I'll show you!" She threatens me and turns back to go where she came from.

Blake appears beside me and asks,"What the fuck just happened there?"
I shrug. "Nothing much, jealousy just drove her insane."
"I told you she's crazy." He says and I nudge him.
"Come on now, let's go?"
"Anywhere. Just you and me."
"I see, you're quite in to me." He coughs suggestively.
"Trust me, I've been deep into you." I say and he starts coughing hysterically. I laugh.


He stops in front of the beach we came on our first date.
"Rewinding memories?" I ask as I take off my shoes and get down.
"Memories are shadows of the past. I'm not rewinding them, just making them all over again." He says and I smile at him.
"You should be a writer." I suggest as we walk down the sand.

"Nah. I just know a few dialogues here and there. I think I'll go for being an artist." He says and I squeeze his hand.
"Do you have a muse?" I ask quietly.
"Of course. It's my mum."
"She's beautiful."
"Yes. But after her, it's you."
"You're so beautiful too."

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