The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)

By Jaee_101

4.1M 152K 41.6K

Zaria is young girl with big dreams. Beginning her senior year in high school, she has to balance graduation... More

Cast Call.
My Typical Morning
The Day Goes On.
The Day Goes On Pt.2
"Relationship Status" P.1
Meet up.
Relationship Status Pt.2
Relationship Status Pt.3
After The Fact .
After School Ends
Where Did You Come from? (Just Dewayne's Pov)
Friends Pt. I
Friends (Part II)
New Beginning
It's Over
It's Over (Part II)
The Name Game.
Run Away .
Run Away Pt.II
A Small Piece Of Rebellion
Z's Rebellion
Fairy Godmother.
Suspicious Behavior
Making It Official Pt.1
Strike One
I Got Chu
Reunited (Making It Official Pt2)
Mall and Chill (Dewayne's Pov)
A New Outlook
Click Out
The Invite
Crunch Time
What Happens now?
The Dilemma.
First Day on the Job
Ugly Truths.
A/N (Not an Update)
Business And Such.
Date Night Pt.I
Startin Somethin' (Date Night Part II)
Before I Release This New Update..
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)
Guess Who? (Pt I)
Guess Who (Part II)
Conclusion to the Beginning.
Conclusion to the Beginning Pt.II
A Slight Shift
Trying Again
Trying Again Pt. II
Let's Go
Old Memories Equals New Ideas
The Start of Big Things
Start of Big Things Pt.2
Catch Up Pt.2
Game Day
I'm Glad You Came
Calculations Pt.2
Out My House!
I'm Right Here
The Day Off Pt. 1
A Simple Conversation
What Goes Around...On the Other Side
So About Tonight...
The Preparation
Something About The Night (Pt.1)
A/N & Face Reveal
Something About The Night (Pt.2)
Back to the Norm

Catch up

44.4K 1.6K 458
By Jaee_101

What Zaria ended up wearing to the game is in the Media.

Zaria's Pov

After 2nd period the day just seemed to speed past. Around lunchtime I was greeted by my friends. But we didn't eat lunch together because they left with Tre and Dev. But they wanted me to stay and spend some "quality" time with Dewayne. It was interesting of course, I mean I didn't do to much talking because I am still hella shy around him. We made some small talk for the most part and then I asked him was he nervous for the game. When he said hell no,  I believed him. Since freshman year all you hear about is how raw our school team is and how Dewayne, Tre and Dev were born to play. They are at the absolute top of the school food chain . Unfortunately, I never had any courage to go to one of their games. But I gave my word to him, and I can't go back on my word. That and I was slightly persuaded by the position I was in earlier, with my heart hammering heavily in my chest.

I really need to learn how to keep my shit together so I won't fall apart in front of him. By me keeping my composure, and not letting my true feelings show, I can maintain the friendship we have now  and not mess that up by telling him how much I like him.

Besides why let yourself fall when you seem to always get hurt. And why put yourself out there?

Shaking my head sadly, I leaned back into my leather office chair, taking a deep breath. I let swept over the papers I spread out across my desk. Since it's been almost 2 months here at the job I have acquired many tasks and gotten used to the work flow. Aside from me creating new designs I worked hand in hand with the event coordinator to set up shows, and over events to advertise the new collections. And I actually love it. I get to work in a field I'm personally interested in, so much sometimes later to flush out ides and prepare for the next day.

Ms. Evans was kind and patient with me at first hoping I got used to flow of things. But after I adapted she set her expectations up high, which I had no problem with. Although I was worried how I was doing outside of my personal evaluation of myself, so Ms. Evans said would get together with me and go over my progress as an employee once I was ready.

So I just continued doing my best, finishing up every sketch, report and presentation I could. I guess I was doing something right because the pay was amazing. I don't think I ever earned that much money ever, in my life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw my phone buzz. It was a text from Hayley.

Haybae: Zaria , Ms. Evans is on her way to your office, be ready! And when she is done let me know, so I can come get you and we can go on break. Good luck . 👍🏼😁

I gave my desk a look of alarm as I realized my sketches were everywhere. I organized them in neat piles and straightened up my junk (snacks ) inside my drawer.

Just as I replied to Hayley. I heard a soft knock at my door. I cleared my throat and hid , my phone in my handbag underneath my desk.

"Come in." I said politely.

The door opened revealing a strikingly, Ms, Evans dressed in a custom / tailored blue suit and Louis Vuitton shoes. Needless to say you could sense her authority .

"Good afternoon Zaria." She said politely with a excited gleam in her dark brown eyes.

She walked into my office and shut the door, quietly.

She then walked over to my desk and took a seat on the couch,where I do most of my sketches from.

"So you wanted to see me?" I questioned, while taking a brief sip of my strawberry lemonade I got one the way here.

"Yes. I came to give you some updates. " she said getting into business mode immediately ," I reviewed you and the coordinators draft schedule and report , which I was greatly impressed by. I wanted to give my few noes in person , and spoken self-evaluation, as well as some other jw dropping news."

She handed me the copy of the report and I instantly began overlooking it in my head, noticing there were no editing errors. SHe just added some additional events, no biggie.

"Okay so I will add these in right now and have them forwarded to you, before I leave today." I replied already beginning to edit the original planner. After 5 minutes I set it to the side.

"Also I am hear to give you a self evaluation . I know you asked me but I still in the process of evaluating you and your how you collaborate with the other department employees. " she began as she scribbled something down .

"Long story short, she began looking up at me with a smile, " you are simply doing amazing. Just as expected. Because of your working skills my projects are getting down faster and we can move production up farther giving us more time to get the new collection ready. Much thanks for that. "

I smiled happily relieved I was doing well. "Thank you, I try my absolute best " I said honestly .

" I know trust me. Which leads to my next idea. " she said thoughtfully, " I wanted you to be my right hand in helping design my pieces for my new collection. And with that will come some press, and you traveling with me to our big revealing of the collection as well as fashion week. If that isn't to much to ask. "

"No ma'am I would be honored." I said with shock evident on my face.

She smiled, " Good, because I know for a fact your sketches would sale without a doubt. Plus I want you to experience all the process that go into making a successful collection. No to mention the pay raise it gives you." she added in cheekily.

"I make way more than enough so I am just appreciative either way ."I said simply.

"I know, but I insist. So work on a pre sketched collection ad have it ready by next meeting. It has to have at least 15 sketches and you should be able to explain the purpose for the overall collection as well as each individual piece. And after you get approved you can start making the pieces. Be sure to notify me when you are finished so we and get this going . Sounds like a plan?" SHe instructed making some notes.

I nodded in approval.

"Good. I need you to drop by around 11 a.m Saturday . I have a pleasant surprise to show you. As far as today you can actually take the rest of the day off, since you're the only person in your department and you're ahead. I am leaving for a meeting, but go ahead head home and relax. I'll see you tomorrow ." She said finally, rising up from her seat.

"Thank you so much! For everything . I'll be on call if you need anything. " I said giving her a brief hug.

She returned it and I could just hear the smile in her voice. " I'm so proud of you." she said in a voice full of emotion and with that she gave one final wave and headed out of my office.

i texted Hayley letting her know I was finished .

She replied like 1 minute later. " Yay ! I'm on my way right now!"

I began putting my stuff in my bag, when my door opened revealing a very happy looking Hayley.

She shut the door and headed over to her usual spot on the couch. Well hello to you too nigga.

"Hello." I said waving and getting my stuff.

'Heyyy girl." she said cheesing and eating some cookies , I guess from the break room.

You can imagine as I been working here me and her relationship as friends flourished and she was becoming a very good friend. She knew things about me and vice versa. It is nice to have someone you can relate to and laugh with at work.

"So how did it go?" she asked expectantly.

"It went well. Nothing but positivity as well as she wants me to work with her on the big collection .!" I said excitedly.

"Wow that's amazing, usually no one gets to really work on the collection. You're so lucky." She exclaimed happily.

I just smiled, "I know I feel so special."

She finally noticed me packing up, "Oh you're heading out too. Cool. Ms. Evans gave everyone the rest of the day off. Wanna go get dinner? "

I shook my head remembering Dewayne's game.

"I would love to but I can't . I have a game to go to. I can't go back on that . " I said .

Her face changed to a smirk. I looked at her weird raising a brow. "What?" I asked baffled .

"Does it happen to be a basketball game." She asked.

"Yea.." I said focusing on my purse.

"Ohh I see you. Yo betta go support your man! " She belted out , making me blush.

"He isn't-

"Yea okay. He isn't you man , yet." she said smiling hard as hell. " And for someone you are just "friends " with yo sure do blush a lot when he is the topic of conversation. Like foreal who are you tryna lie to?" She said laughing.


"Exactly. But you go ahead and go get cute so y'all can spend some quality time together tonight after the game." she said winking at me.

"You are a mess. " I said shaking my head.

"I may be but you still talk to me though. " She said munching on a cookie.

True enough. I got the last of my things and followed behind Hayley.


*At Zaria's loft.*

After taking a long shower and pulling my hair into a quick bun, I went through my closet looking over what I could wear. I had no idea what to wear, I didn't dress up too much , but I wasn't stepping out looking like I rolled outta bed.After spraying on some perfume and lotioning up I made a decision. I will just dress casually, like normal. I decided on just some black leggings, a simple undershirt , a nike sleek pullover, and my huraches.

I looked at the clock and saw it was close to four thirty. I grabbed my wallet, phone and keys and was out the door.

I can't believe I am actually going to this game .


As I was driving I was jamming to August Alsina's new album, "This Thing Called Life."

I just just got finished jamming to song cry, when I decided to switch to another track .

"I've been around, I've been around the world

I've been around, I've been around the world
I've been around, I've been around the world
I've been around, I've been around the world

(First Verse)
First thing first, I'm off, freaks, all the honeys
Dummies, Playboy bunnies, hoes gettin' money
That's the one they like cause they only get the pipe
And if they act right, they might get to spend the night
These girlies wanna be with me
These hoes tryna trap a G, but I ain't with it
Money out there, nigga tryna get it
A lot them bitches tell me I be slippin', I admit it
Had my share of every kind of girl
But lately, this ain't what you need, not me girl
Cause you know they gon' hate on you
And they really gon' hate me too cause I'm too young to honest about it ...

I legit live for this collab between him and breezy. I fall in love everytime I hear how August started the first verse. He killed it, point blank period. And don't get me started on the beat.

Pretty soon, after listening to my favorites songs on repeat I reached the school.

The parking lot near the gym was already beginning to seem packed.

I found a good parking spot though , and before I got out . I sent Dewayne a quick text.

"Good luck tonight, Big foot." Referring to the time when he stepped on my foot, last week.

He hated I gave him that nickname, but I did it anyway, because it made me laugh.

I didn't use it all the time, but still.

I got out the car and locked it heading towards the entrance of the gym.

I put the keys in my back pocket which reminded me I need to go check up own my Camaro soon. I worked on it during my spare time and even found a person to hold in a shop for me. I couldn't wait until I finished it. I could finally have the car I always wanted.

Once I got to the gym, I paid the 2.50 for my ticket. Then I headed straight over to the concession stand, I decided to get my food now, so I wouldn't have to wait in a long ass line, as well as have a better selection of the stuff they had. I walked away with some hot chips, pizza, and a bottle of my favorite, brisk fruit punch.

I a look and saw a seat in the middle of the bleachers that was clear. It was kinda packed, but I knew when six o'clock rolled around it would be totally packed almost every seat filled. I kind kind of rushed to my seat knowing it would fill up pretty quickly.

I sat down and watched as the JV boys stormed down the court one player successfully making a layup, pushing y home team ever farther up in the lead. The crowd roared. I sat down thinking, I can't believe I am a senior already, it seems like high school flew by so fast.

I sighed taking a bite of my freshly made pepperoni pizza. I let myself get engrossed in the moment, enjoying the frenzy of players shooting around. I used to love going to basketball games with my dad. It was so fun and interesting to watch, and finally I would get to experience it once again.

I looked trying to see if Dewayne was on the sidelines but I didn't see him. Stupid he probably still in the locker room.

I couldn't wait to see him, I admitted to myself. And see how sexy he probably looked in his jersey.I know his arms are going to look heavenly, I thought having a fangirl moment in my head, I shook my head blushing. I might as well been drooling.

I finished my first slice and took a sip of my drink. I was so focused on the game, I didn't realize someone had sat down next to me.

I heard them cough and I turned around suddenly, almost jumping in surprise.

"Well...well.well. I didn't think you actually have the balls to come to one of these games." I heard female voice say surprise I turned around only to be met by, the eyes of ..


Dun Dun Dun. Major cliffy. XD

Who do you think it is?

Lol don't be too mad. Sorry for the delay I'm just testing all this week and I was trying to study. Part two will be up later this week.Stay tuned but for now be sure to vote, comment, and enjoy. Love y'all!


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