Silent Love

By UltimatelyIncomplete

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[GirlxGirl] Hayden was a happy girl, content with everything that she had, and everyone loved and adored her... More

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1. Pain
2. First Day of Senior Year
3. A Week Later
4. Smirks
5. What's Happening to Me?
6. Falling
7. Silence
8. Her Smile
9. Control
10. Real or Not?
12. Kiss
13. Explaining
14. Alive
15. Lies
16. Allison
17. You Belong With Me
18. What Love Feels Like
19. Shit Just Got Real
20. Apologies
21. Wrapped Up
22. Story Of My Life
23. Forgiveness Is Freedom
24. Crude Remarks
25. White With Stains
26. Ends are the Real Beginnings

11. The Talk

19.7K 777 372
By UltimatelyIncomplete

I was waiting for the door to open when I got a text from Kyle saying to bring flowers for Claire. I face palmed myself because I was already here. The door being opened snapped me from my thoughts and I looked at Mrs. Brown who had a frown on her face.

I waved my hand at her and gave a sheepish smile to which she just frowned at me.

I cleared my throat and then reached for the notebook in my back pack and a pen.

"I'm here to talk to Claire." I wrote on the notebook and showed it to her to which her frown deepened.

"I'm sorry but she's busy." She said and this time I frowned.

"But she texted Kyle that she was free." I wrote and showed it to her to which she shook her head.

"Well now she's not." She said and was about to close the door when we both heard loud giggling from inside the house and the next thing, I saw was a giggling Claire hung over someone's shoulder and the guy is laughing. Seeing her giggling with someone else caused something deep inside me and I feel the familiar stinging in my eyes.

Mrs. Brown cleared her throat loudly which brought their attention to her. When Claire saw me, she whispered something in the guy's ear and he placed her down.

They both faced me and I felt myself getting judged in the boy's gaze. Claire again whispered something in the guy's ear and he nodded before kissing Claire's cheek and leaving.

Ouch, that hurt.

"Mom, can I talk to her?" Claire asked more like stated to which Mrs. Brown looked at her with a worried look.

"It's okay, mom." She said and her mother faintly nodded before leaving Claire and I alone.

The moment she stepped inside the house and went to the living room or someplace, Claire glared at me.

"Why are you here?" She demanded and her voice was cold and hostile making me feel the hate she radiated.

"I wanted to say sorry to you." I wrote and showed her the notebook, she just bitterly laughed at me.

"Well you have a funny way of saying something. You haven't even moved your lips." She mocked me and I just felt my heart crack.

Ouch, that hurt more than her giggling with that guy.

"Please, I'm sorry. I can't stand seeing you mad at me."

"I don't care anymore, Hayden." She said with her head turned to the side.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know but please just don't be like this with me anymore." I kept feeling the stinging in my eyes and I wanted it to go away.

"It's not just about that, Hayden. I want you to talk to me and not just by your notebook or phone. I want a conversation with you like normal people!" Her voice raised at the end and I felt my heart constrict from the pain her words brought to me.

"You think that I'm not normal?"

"It's not that." She mumbled and I looked at her confused.

"Then what?"

"Nothing. Just forget it." She said frustrated and I felt more confused.

"No, tell me."

"I said just forget it!" She yelled this time and I heard laughter from behind her.

The guy who had Claire slung over his shoulder before, came over to Claire and kissed her cheek.

"It feels like you're talking to yourself, babe." He said and Claire nervously laughed.

"Who's this?" The guy turned his attention to me and I felt hatred for this guy. Nothing but hatred.

How dare he kiss her cheek? How dare he call her babe?

"This is Hayden, my friend. And this Hayden is my ex-boyfriend and best friend from the last town, I lived in, Zeke." Claire introduced me to him and he brought his hand in front me to shake.


"It's nice to meet you." He smiled towards me and I felt sick to my stomach by his boyish smile.

I wrote in my notepad and showed it to the both of them before turning around and walking to my car.

"I'm sorry but I honestly don't feel the same. Goodbye Claire."


"And you just walked away from there without shaking his hand, like a badass?" Kyle asked again and I nodded feeling my mood darken.

"Woah. I guess you can be jealous too." He said and laughed to which I frowned.

"Excuse me, but I wasn't jealous. I don't get jealous. They can have each other for all I care."

I showed him my notebook and he just smirked and laid down on my bed. He rolled over so that he had his face turned towards my direction. I was currently reading a book to keep my mind away from the horrible scene replaying in my mind of Zeke and Claire giggling and laughing with each other.

"Well, this Zeke guy is a good competition if he made Claire giggle because we both know that you can't even make her laugh." He mocked me and I smiled sarcastically at him.

I reached for my notebook that was beside me and wrote in it before handing it to him.

"Get out of my room if you don't have any ideas of how to make Claire forgive me."

"Ouch. Someone is mean today." Kyle muttered before getting up from my bed and going out of the room.


I sighed at the annoyance I was feeling, it came haunting me every time I closed my eyes and saw Zeke and Claire together.

I guess I was jealous.

I got up from my bed leaving the book I was reading on my bed and went downstairs with my notebook, to get some sleeping pills from aunt Carrie.

When I reached downstairs, I saw aunt Carrie on the sofa with her laptop on her lap.

She looked up from her laptop and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes?" She asked unsure of why I was downstairs after dinner.

I quickly wrote on my notebook before showing it to her to which she kept her eyebrow raised.

"And why do you want to take sleeping pills?" She asked me curiously to which I sighed.

"Because I can't sleep." I wrote on my notebook and showed her.

"You know, sleeping pills aren't the only answer. You can talk to me until you fall asleep." She said with a smirk and I sighed with annoyance before I wrote in my notebook and showed it to her.

"Forget it."

I walked up the stairs and went into my room slamming the door shut. I feel so angry and annoyed.

I laid in my bed and waited for my eyes to close from sleep but I just felt the stinging and my throat got stuffy. I knew that nothing would happen other than the stinging and the stuffy throat but I was wrong. I was so wrong.

I felt the warm liquid sliding from my eyes and I touched my cheek to confirm what I felt.

I was crying. I was crying after three whole years and all I felt at that moment was hurt. I felt pain and it wasn't the bearable kind.

I curled into a ball and began my silent sobs to ease my breaking heart which kept breaking whenever I remembered her happy without me. I liked her but the last time I checked, it never felt this painful when you saw someone you liked with someone else.

My eyes kept their rainfall and I kept myself curled in a ball waiting for my eyes to run out of water.

And after a few more minutes of silent crying, I fell in a deep sleep.


The worst thing about falling asleep after crying is the way your eyes feel after getting up from bed.

I wore sunglasses to school because I had red and puffy eyes which I clearly didn't want anyone to see. Not even aunt Carrie who kept reaching for my sunglasses to take off at breakfast.

I was sitting in class with my head placed on my folded arms and waited for the stupid teacher to come in, start teaching and get it over with but no he had to be late.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" Allyson asked as she sat beside me and Claire stood beside her seat.

See that's thing I was trying to avoid, I came into class early because I didn't want to talk to anyone even though I didn't talk but I didn't want any questions.

But the teacher just decided to be late and now I had a questioning Allyson.

Great, just great.

"Why aren't you sitting down, Claire?" Allyson asked Claire bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, I'm just trying to find a seat for Zeke, and it has to be close to ours." She said glancing at me after every word.

I tried to act like I didn't see her glancing at me and I brought my phone out of my pocket to play something.

"Hey babe. I'm not late, right?" His voice made my blood boil and I gripped my phone tightly, not wanting to look at the two of them together yet again.

"You are late dummy but you're lucky because the teacher is late too." Claire giggled and my heart skipped a beat at the beautiful sound and then I remembered who made her giggle and my heart constricted.

"Well, I'm your dummy so it doesn't effect me." He said and I internally puked at his cheesiness.

"So where do I sit?" He asked after a while and I kept my attention on my phone.

"Why don't you sit in front of Hayden, and Claire would just sit in front of me?" Allyson spoke up and this time I couldn't help myself but to look at Claire and Zeke.

"Uh okay." Zeke said and went to sit in front of me while I stared at Claire which she either ignored or couldn't see me doing.

She slowly sat down in front of Allyson and they both started conversing. Zeke turned around in his seat and looked at me with a smirk.

"Did you get a black eye or are you just trying to be cool?" He asked me and smirked. I only liked one-person smirking and it obviously wasn't him. So, I found him annoying and irritating right now.

I glanced over at Claire to see her attention at Zeke and I, while Allyson kept talking to her.

"Wow, you are seriously mute." He spoke and gave out an ear-piercing laugh.

When is the stupid teacher coming? I can't handle this guy any longer.

"What you did back there at Claire's house wasn't nice and I think if you want to stay in her life, you don't pick fights with me." He lowly said and I turned my full attention to the guy who was threatening me.

"See, Claire and I have this special bond and she does what I say, so if I tell her to stop talking to you. She might really do it. We aren't dating but I still have the boyfriend rights and honor so you better watch it with me." He threatened me and then gave me a fake smile before turning back around in his seat.

I was left stunned from the threat and I glanced at Claire to see her looking at Zeke and I with a frown. I just gave her a sarcastic smile to which she widened her eyes.

I guess she didn't know that I had started smiling.

"Allyson, why is Hayden smiling? I thought she didn't." Claire tried to silently ask Allyson but I guess she didn't try harder.

I internally smirked at the thought of her talking about me and it gave me a sense of happiness.

"Well, she just started smiling since that Jordan incident." Allyson spoke and Claire nodded before glancing at me.

Okay, wearing sunglasses had great perks. First being that no one could tell where I was exactly looking.

"I'm sorry students for being late." The teacher came rushing in the class and just dropped his bag on his desk and began his class.

And throughout the little time we had left in his class, Claire kept glancing at me thinking that I didn't notice but I did and I felt cocky because she was glancing at me and not at that Zeke.

When the class ended, I packed up my stuff quickly and went out of the classroom with Allyson, who probably thought that if she stayed with Claire and Zeke, she'd just be a third wheel.

I still felt the burning fire of hatred for that Zeke and I just wanted him to stay 50 ft away from Claire but I guess we couldn't have everything.

"So, do you mind telling me why you are wearing sunglasses in school?" Allyson asked and I turned to her before sighing.

"Do I have the right to not answer the asked question?"

I typed on my phone and showed it to Allyson to which she smirked and shook her head.

I groaned at her and then began typing on my phone.

"I have Red and puffy eyes."

"Why?" She asked confused and I typed on my phone again before showing it to her.

"Because I cried myself to sleep last night."

I bowed my head and looked at the ground to not look at the sympathetic look on her face.

"Because of Claire and Zeke, right?" Allyson asked or stated with a smirk plastered on her face.

"And why would you assume that?" I typed on my phone and showed it to her.

"Maybe because you are just too obvious." She kept her smirk and I coughed nervously.

We had reached our next class which we had with Kyle, Clayton and Josh. I was grateful to find Kyle in the seat beside mine and I speed-walked to my seat. Allyson chuckled behind me which I ignored. My only mission right now was to sit in the seat beside Kyle.

I practically jumped on top of the seat when I saw a boy walking to the empty seat. Giving the boy a sorry smile, I sat on the seat with a victorious smirk.

Kyle shook his head with a smile on his face while Clayton and Josh laughed at my behavior.

Allyson came and sat in front of Kyle with a blush which didn't go unnoticed by Clayton.

"Hey Ally, you OK?" Clayton asked with a smirk and Alyson glared at the tattooed boy causing his smirk to grow.

Kyle being oblivious to what was going on, began to converse with Josh who was seated behind him.

"If you don't want to die, you better shut up." Allyson quietly said still glaring at Clayton, who gave her an innocent smile before turning around to look at me.

"Why you wearing sunglasses, dude?" He asked and popped a piece of gum in his mouth which didn't go unnoticed by Josh who practically pounced on him.

"You said you didn't have gum!" Josh hissed and Clayton pushed him by his shoulders.

Even though Josh was skinny and pale, he still was stronger than Clayton which remained a mystery to me.

"Dude, I got the gum from a friend!" Clayton nudged Josh away from him which didn't work.

Half of the class was staring at the two boys yelling at each other for a piece of gum.

"But. If you want it, you can have it." Clayton smirked and opened his mouth. He brought his tongue out which held the piece of chewed up gum on it.

Josh looked disgusted by Clayton and was off of him in just a second. Josh cringed and then walked back to his seat before muttering a small 'whatever'.

"Ha-Ha. I win." Clayton fisted in the air which caused the class to laugh. And just at that exact moment Claire and Zeke entered the classroom together.

Everyone's attention fell on them and I averted my eyes from the two. I had enough images of the two together in my head already, I didn't need more.

"Who's the stupid looking guy next to Claire?" Clayton voiced out his thoughts quietly and Kyle shrugged while Allyson was giving me an evil smirk.

"That's Claire's ex-boyfriend, Zeke." Allyson said but looked at me while saying it and Clayton noticed this.

"Why are you looking at Hayden like that?" Clayton asked Allyson and she shrugged before turning to Claire, who was advancing towards her.

"What was all that about?" Clayton asked me with his chewing gum making a pop sound in his mouth. I shrugged the same way Allyson did and started doodling in my notebook.

I couldn't help but to keep making the letter 'c' in different fonts. It was making me angry and frustrated at myself. With a sigh, I closed the notebook and looked at the front of the class.

"So, guys I wanted you all to meet Zeke?" Claire announced from beside Kyle who was busy conversing with Josh.

Clayton turned his attention towards her and Allyson, well she didn't look like she cared either way.

"Hi, I'm Zeke." Zeke politely waved at the guys and Kyle looked back at me for I don't know why but he smirked at me before turning back around to face Zeke.

"Hey. It's nice to meet you." Josh smiled while shaking Zeke's hand which was stretched out to shake.

"I'm Josh, by the way." Josh introduced himself and then pointed over at Clayton.

"That's Clayton, the ill-mannered one in the group." Josh spoke, which got him a 'hey!' from Clayton.

Josh then pointed to Allyson who was busy reading a book or something, clearly not interested in the conversation.

"Allyson. You just don't want her to get angry or else all hell will break loose." Josh warned and then was about to introduce Kyle when he spoke up by himself.

"I'm Kyle and I don't like meeting new people." Kyle said with a blank face and a smirk came onto my face by itself.

Oh, how much I love my best friend.

"Okay. Moving on." Josh awkwardly spoke and then looked over at me.

"And that's h-" Josh was rudely cut off by Zeke who looked at me as if I was an entertainment to him, with his evil smile.

"Hayden. We met before." Zeke spoke and Josh just nodded before looking at Clayton and then they both communicated through their eyes which made me look back and forth between them.

"So, we'd better tell you something before you become our friend." Kyle spoke up and I looked at him confused.

Why would he want to make Zeke a friend?

"Yeah. It's something really important." Josh chimed in with Clayton nodding his head.

Allyson looked interested in the conversation now. While Claire, she just looked at the exchange of words between the boys.

"Hayden here, doesn't talk. And we'd like it if you don't become a jerk and tease her about it. If you tease her about it, I'll personally beat you to a pulp." Kyle said with menace laced in his every word. And I just looked at him as if he had gone mad.

"No, not only Kyle but Josh and I would love to beat you to a pulp too as well." Clayton piped in and Allyson clicked her tongue.

"You don't use too and as well in the same sentence, idiot. But I would also like to take part in beating someone." Allyson said with her attention still on her book.

"Yeah whatever. It's my tongue, I'll use anything if I want to." Clayton mumbled which got him a sharp look from Allyson, shutting him up immediately.

"Your friends seem, uh I can't find a word." Zeke muttered loudly to Claire and everyone looked at him.

"Nice." Claire smiled shyly and Zeke quickly nodded his head.

"Yeah, that." Zeke nervously smiled and his eyes locked with mine. I gave him a victory smirk which made him frown.

Who'd know what these guys would bluntly say that if he messes with me, he messes with them.

I immediately picked my notebook and wrote in big letters before showing it to Zeke, and only him.

"And if you hurt Claire, consider yourself a dead man. she's mine."

Claire being oblivious to what I wrote and showed to her ex-boyfriend, smiled towards her friends and then her eyes fell on me. I gave her a smile but she just looked away.

I sighed and the teacher came into the classroom, and with that the class began but I didn't pay any attention to what the teacher taught.

All my attention was on a certain girl that made my heart flutter and the walls surrounding it break every second she's near me.

She had no idea what she made me feel and I wanted her to know.

I guess I need some planning to do.

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles,leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
-Maya Angelou    

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