Royal Blood: Mikayuu

By flxrxsxj

139K 5.7K 2.3K

The queen and king of the vampire kingdom have arranged a marriage for Mikaela Hyakuya, the vampire prince, t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chaper 11

5.4K 259 114
By flxrxsxj

AN: HEY, GUYS! Today was the last day of my trip, and I'm going to make my way back home. It's like a 15 hour trip. T_T which is I suppose a good thing because I can write! I won't have access to the Internet for 5 hours straight though T_T but I'll update either tomorrow or Sunday! Thank you for commenting and leaving lovely things~ You guys are so freaking sweet!!! Ah, I hope you guys are liking this so far. Don't forget to vote or comment. :)

     The shattering glass was overheard upstairs loud and clear in Yuu's room. He perked up, and glanced over at Mika as Yuu found him forcing him down by the chest. "It's nothing. The maids probably dropped a vase. Go back to sleep," Mika begged as he got up from the bed, staring at the door in Yuu's room.
"THEIF!" A male voice beamed from down stairs. Mika looked back at Yuu, and both made a run through the door. They dashed down the stairs and before stepping onto the last step, they were blocked by the Ichinose's royal guards.
"Prince Ichinose, Prince Hyakuya, I'm going to have to ask you to stay put for your safety," one of the male guards demanded, swinging his sword out. Mika scoffed, and shoved the guards out of his direction with ease as he made his way into the darkness and vanished into the shadows.
"M-Mika!" Yuu called out to him, and attempted to follow him until a guard took ahold of his forearm and gripped it tight enough he thought his blood circulation would stop.
"I can't let you go any further, Prince Ichinose. There's a thief in this household. It's too risky," one of the guards explained. Yuu gave a dirty glare at the man and pulled out of his grip, sprinting towards the same shadows Mika, without thinking, walked into.
"Mika?" Yuu whispered out to Mika into the pure darkness. He couldn't see where he was heading until he felt someone grab him by the back of his collar and shoved him against the nearest wall. The back of his head ached in pain for it bounced back on the wall. He couldn't make out who the stranger before him was, and the only observation he could make was heavy, shaky breaths blowing in his face. Yuu extended his arm and plastered his hand to the wall, struggling to flick the light switch on. The light bounced off the stranger's bold, blue eyes and gazed up to Yuu. He wore a black cape with a worn out, dark t-shirt and pants, and muddy combat boots. Yuu stared into the boy's eyes and noticed he had a recognizable, tan face. "Eren?" Yuu implored. Eren gave Yuu a dissatisfying look as his pulse increased dramatically.
"Yuichiro?! What the hell are you doing here?" Eren breathed, slightly raising his voice.
"I could ask you the same thing," Yuu retorted. Eren let go of the grip he had on Yuu, and backed away slowly, taking one small step at a time before his back slammed against the wall parallel to the one Eren shoved Yuu against.
"My grandparents and I don't have enough money," Yuu sighed as he heard Eren confide. "We've starved for 3 days, 3 days straight. Do you know how that feels like?" Yuu slowly blinked twice, processing the words that came out of the poor boy's mouth. He pitied him. Yuu never experienced starvation nor apprehension since everyday, Yuu gets fed with a silver spoon and even takes it for granted, but Eren, hell, he battles everyday to get clothes on his back. Finding a grain of salt would satisfy the family as much as Yuu getting a car for his birthday. He snatched the the bag Eren had hung over his shoulders, and opened it. Inside the bag was his mother's favorite vase, a tiny, rectangular picture frame, many silver spoons and forks, golden coins, a long loaf of bread, and canned vegetables. Yuu tossed the bag back to Eren, and relaxed a bit knowing that his intentions weren't life threatening.
"Go, and take the bag with you," Yuu insisted, giving him a reassuring smile.
"R-really?" Eren stuttered in disbelief, and took off his hood to take one last, focused look at Yuu as he nodded in approval. 'Thank you,' he mouthed, taking a run towards the nearest window. He jumped out while the rustling of bushes faded. Yuu let out a great sigh, and sunk down to the floor, his back to the wall.
"You're very kind, Yuu-Chan," Mika's voice echoed through the pitch black room. He emerged from the shadows and stood above Yuu.
"It was nothing, really."
"You probably changed his life," Mika gloated, ruffling Yuu's hair. Yuu thought about the possibility of changing his life. It was nothing since he could've considered giving him a loan of thousands of dollars, but he didn't act on it.


Yuu was seated across the dinning room table from Guren and two guards on both sides of him. Anger reflected off of Guren's face, and he never took his eyes off of Yuu, not even to blink.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Guren screeched, slamming his palms on the table. He furrowed his eyebrows, and clenched his teeth. "You let a criminal get away!" Guren grimaced. He marched up to Yuu and grabbed ahold of his hair and raised his head. Yuu eyed the guards with the same emotionless expression on their face. Did they pity him? Who knew? Were they angry at Yuu's decision? You'll never know. He looked into the savage glow in the guard's eyes as he shrugged. "You're useless," Guren complained as he let go of Yuu's head of hair.
"I don't regret anything," the naive boy blurted out to the back of his father. Guren shook his head in disapproval, and motioned the guards to follow him out of the room.


Dinner was as unpleasant as their previous conversation. Yuu didn't even have the temerity to ask his father to pass the bowl of mash potatoes. "Can I be excused?" Yuu's words hung on the awkwardness that filled the room.
"I would if I were you," Guren growled, chewing on the left over mash potatoes Yuu was craving. He walked towards the door, and before making contact with the door knob, he turned back around to face his father.
"I'm glad I helped them. I would've regret not helping them, so I'm not sorry," Yuu concluded. Guren let his fork drop onto the table, and clasped his together, pressing his hands towards his face.
"What has Prince Hyakuya taught you?" Guren questioned.
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing. Forget I said anything."
"I would've done it regardless," Yuu murmured.
"Go to your room," the furious man hissed.
"Gladly," Yuu huffed. He stomped his way out, and sped the rest of the way to his room.


"Your son is getting married in two weeks. And with a vampire," Kureto informed Mahiru.
"I've heard. This going to be very difficult considering the vampires are against us," Mahiru sighed. The vampires didn't support what Kureto and Mahiru were up to whatsoever. Controlling every seraph in the area, and taking over the world, has always been a dream that only those two shared.
"Glad to see you're concerned about your son," Guren taunted.
"What?!" Mahiru exclaimed. She broke out of her gaze, and took a glance at Kureto, who looked just as puzzled as she did.
"What's wrong?"
"N-nothing. I was daydreaming is all," Mahiru quavered. Kureto shot her a suspicious look, and continued doing his research on the wide screen. "Who is that?" Mahiru asked Kureto, gazing up at the screen.
"Mikaela Hyakuya, he holds the first trumpet."

AN: dun dun dun! If you guys haven't seen the show lately or don't read the manga and are hella confused, message me or comment XD
Oh, and I feel like my book cover sucks -.- what do you guys think of it?

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