Sisters after Misters

By certifiedcliche

324K 15.8K 1.7K

Aurelia Ellingson and Willow Ellingson are more than sisters. They're each other's best friends, cheerleaders... More

The new guy
The popular life
First meetings
Library coversations
Birthday invitation
The birthday party
Secrets of the past
Crushes and liking
The graffiti prank
The drive home
Midnight phonecalls
Museum visit
The book exhibition
The beach
High school insults
Night of the party
Knight in armour
Home visits
Post effects
Matters of the heart
Coming over
The game
Paper plane
The ex boyfriend
Heated conversations
The kiss
A new relationship
Sisters before misters
Late night texts
The party
Tryst with the past
Burger with a surprise
Dancing away
Lunch with his father
Bad news
The aftermath
Peace and blessings
A love like that
Realization dawns
Cheated upon
Old love is back
One step ahead
Forgotten girl codes
Jealousy and insanity
The story of us
The end
The middle
The beginning
Author's note


4.2K 246 35
By certifiedcliche

I sat still outside the operation theatre. I saw their bloody, badly injured bodies get wheeled inside the hospital. I saw the doctors, nurses, people, my parents, Aurelia, Blake and everyone around rush until the scene was a blur. I saw the operation theatre light go red. I saw everyone put their hands on my shoulder, hug me, but I didn't feel anything. I saw their parents enter the corridor after half the operation was already over. I wanted to feel angry at them, yell at them but I couldn't. I was numb, incapable of feeling anything. I saw as the doctor came out of the room and shook his head. I heard when he said,"Sorry, we couldn't save either of them." I heard how all the mothers erupted into howls and saw as all the fathers cried silent tears. I was aware when Aurelia came up to me, tears streaming her cheeks as she hugged me and said how she was so sorry. I felt nothing. I saw when Blake started filling out the paperwork, being the only sane person around here. I watched as still as a hawk. I saw Jess and Lindsay's bodies being wheeled into the mort. I said nothing, did nothing, showed nothing. The cold steel bench started becoming less foreign to me.

But then I smiled. The officials had called me first. My name had been saved as the first number in Jess' Emergency numbers list. She had loved me. But then the smile disappeared when I realized that I had lost the two of them. The only two people whom I loved as much as they loved me- they were no more. Realization comes sinking upon me and it is then that my first tear comes pouring out. I wail and shriek and run behind my best friends' bodies. Aurelia comes up to me to hold me and I push her aside as I run madly into the mort. I rush inside to see the four bodies there and I immediately run up to Jess.

My beautiful, amazing best friend. She was going to do so much in life, she was going to be a wonderful woman. Now she lies across the bed with multiple scars across her face and stitches covering her lips.

I hold her lifeless hand and cry on it. "Jess? Jess? Please wake up baby, please wake up. You can't leave me like this? We were going to go on a road trip, remember? Stop with all of these jokes? Why the hell are you being so stubborn? I'll call you chess then. Don't you remember how much you hated that nickname? Jessika I beg of you, please wake up." I don't realize how loud I'm shouting until my throat starts to hurt. But I don't care. I rush off to Lindsay's bed. I trip in between and my heel twists, but I go to my other bestfriend.

"Lindsay, you were the smart one of us, weren't you? You used to understand me, if you don't, who else will? Both of you have left me, who do I have in this world now? Come back Lindsay, come back to me. I love you. I promise I won't mess with your make up anymore, I swear Lindsay, please don't do that! Please, I beg of you, don't leave me!" Her face is swollen beyond recognition but I know this is my friend. I bundle up my hair and pull it in frustation. Tears streaming down my cheeks, I howl at the moon, at the sky, for taking away what meant the most to me. I collapse on the ground and shriek, yell, until nothing is left of me.

Aurelia and my mother watch me from the door and they both are crying profusely. Why are they crying? They didn't know, no one knew Jess and Lindsay like I did. They didn't love them, they didn't just lose their lifelines like I did. They had no right to cry, they didn't know pain like I did.

I sit on the ground for a few moments before a few nurses pull me away and usher me towards my family. I see Blake standing there, watching me with concern and pacifying everyone there like the man he is. That's the last thing I see before my vision blurs and all that exists is darkness.

Willow faints in the nurses' arms and then falls forward onto Blake. He holds her and I sigh out of relief. Petty issues aside, Willow needs all the support from everyone around here. He takes her into his arms princess style and we carry her towards the car.

I give my last greetings to Mr and Mrs. Crawford and Mr and Mrs. Jackson who look broken, though not as much as Willow. I knew Jess, Lindsay and Willow shared a bond greater than sisters. She was closer to them than she was to me. Though it was unnerving at times, everyone was happy to see them. But no more. My heart aches at the sight of Willow. Obviously, life will get tougher from now.

I pray for everyone near the small cross in the hospital. I feel someone's warm presence behind me and then their hands on my waist.
I turn around and hug him. "Blake, this is so sad. I don't know how we'll handle her. How will we fill the loss?" I weep into his shirt.

"It's okay Auri. We'll handle things together. I'm here now for you, ain't I? Your family is mine. I promise, we'll take care of her together." He says as he strokes my hair, his tears also falling on my arm.

We stood there together for a while until he guided me away. All the blood had been cleaned up and the corridors and it was back to it's dark, nonchalant self. Hospitals have always scared me. You could come here all fine and well, but there was no guarantee that you'd go back the same way. Or even go back at all. It is the most contradicting place. On one side, mothers of new born babies cry with deligh while the mothers of their dead kids weep in sorrow. Where the walls hear more prayers than that of a church. Where lovers reunite and close people get divided. Hospitals are dangerous and they scare me, and now they just got scarier.

Writing this was sure difficult. Your views now? Do you think Willow is gonna change, or is she going to strike back stronger? See you next update!

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