Why us?

By maxd01

68.7K 4.6K 1.9K

Zane went for a run and was attacked by a monster. He woke up three months later with his parents dead and h... More

Chapter 1 - What happened to us
Chapter 2- No bringing your sister a rabbit
Chapter 3- Zane you have a lovely wolf
Chapter 4- Zane goes for a run
Chapter 5- Zane talks to Melody
Chapter 6- Sorry for running Olivia
Chapter 7- Bully me? I don't care
Chapter 8- I have servants?
Chapter 9 - Zane falls apart
Chapter 10 - I won't kill you David, that's all I promise
Chapter 11 - Zane finds a kitten for Olivia
Chapter 12 - Zane tells Olivia about what happened
Chapter 14 - Keep the pups busy
Chapter 15 - Zane talks to the Luna
Chapter 16 - DA sends out his decision
Chapter 17 - Pretrial hearing
Chapter 18 - Tessa is my Girlfriend
Chapter 19 - Mike finds his mate
Chapter 20 - Loner family and David and Leon what?
Chapter 21 - David and Leon what???
Chapter 22 - Contempt of court and decisions
Chapter 23 - What just happened?
Epilogue - Jolene finds out about her sister

Chapter 13 - Abby's mama-wolf reacts

2.4K 186 47
By maxd01

~~~ Meeting at the school

Thankfully there was the school safety officer in the room as well. The simple fact there was law enforcement there would also keep the urge to rip people apart under control. Moments after everyone had walked in the secretary showed them into a conference room with a large table and plenty of chairs around it. The principle was already at the head of the table, "Please have a seat. I have talked with the student counselors. Before I get into what they recommended I want to talk to you and get both sides. It's why I wished you would have brought your children as well." She looked at Mike and the others on their side of the table.

Abby looked back at the principle and she was not looking either amused or happy, "I discussed this with our doctor and she strongly recommended keeping her away from the ones who assaulted her. After the threats made and the suggestions of rape I will not have either of my children in the same room with them." When she used the term 'them' it sounded like she had spit it out.

David's father yelled back, "I have talked to David and I believe him when he says your brats attacked him and Leon. He said the Zane boy deliberately tried to pick a fight with him in the lunch room. He started this and not my son." He was getting ready to stand when the principle spoke.

She wasn't a large woman, actually she was rather small and gray, but she had authority behind her, "That is enough from all of you. If you refuse to try and talk like reasonable people, I will have you leave and kick everyone involved out until this is resolved. Is this understood." Her voice snapped out like the cracking of a whip.

Even Kadrian and Esther had to be impressed by the authority in her voice. Every wolf in the room automatically turned and looked at her. Mike gave her a rather harsh smile, "Sorry ma'am, we will do our best." *Thank god, she isn't a wolf, or we might be in trouble...* He sent to the others.

Esther mentally laughed. *I would be worried about my job! She would make one hell of an elder though.* She gave the woman more respect than she had expected to since the principle did come across as dominant.

David's father glared at Mike, "If you can keep them from slandering my son's good name I will do my best." David's mother had an arm around David as if to comfort him. It was rather obvious to some in the room it was mostly for show. They all knew her and her opinions on something, so they knew she couldn't believe anything bad about her son.

Mike started to glare at David's father before the principle spoke again, "I will say this one more time. All of you keep a civil tongue in your mouths or else. I have the school records for all involved with me and if needed I will break them out and start explaining the facts of life to all of you." David and Leon were pains in her ass though she couldn't treat them differently until something formal was written down.

The officer cleared her throat, "If needed Mrs. Smith I can call for one of the detectives to come and sit in as well if you wish?" Hopefully if they came, it would keep the room down to a low simmer. The charges and counter charges were enough to make everyone pissed off and upset.

Mrs. Smith contemplated the Officer for a moment, "I don't think it will be needed but thank you for the offer. This meeting is only for the school side. I do not wish to have this getting involved with the legal issue." She turned back, "I'm going to ask questions and I expect honest answers from everyone." Again Mrs. Smith looked around the room to see what the reactions might be. From David and Leon's parents was blatant disbelief their children could do anything wrong. On the others faces it was honestly far scarier. Almost across the board she was getting some very chilling vibes from them. The only two who weren't as scary were the twin's parents, but there was a determination to protect their children. She knew Tessa and Oscar and they were very good kids.

Kadrian cleared his throat, "Mrs. Smith here is a verbatim transcript of everything the children told us yesterday. It includes what Tessa told us about what happened. There are pictures of the bruises she was left with as well." He slid the folder down the table to her, "If you need we will bring the children in later and you can talk to them. Oh, there are recordings of what was said as well."

Mrs. Smith quirked an eyebrow at the folder, but she did pull it towards her. She had been dealing with Mr. Mac Tire' Dona for many years and though a bit odd he was a very good person. If anything happened with his extended family, he was quick to step in and take care of business. If one of the teens did wrong, he dealt with it. If one of his teens was an innocent victim, he also dealt with it, "Thank you and I will let you know."

She turned back to the other set of parents and wanted to laugh at their staring at Kadrian, "David tell me your version of what happened."

Before David could speak his mother spoke this time, "It is not fair for you to question him in front of them since their children aren't here. If you are going to question my son I don't want them in the room or they have their children brought here." She glared at the others and tried to look elegant as she looked down her nose at them.

Mike ended up staring at her as he tried to figure out if she honestly cared about her son or not. Granted she didn't know what they were but the fact Zane had damn near throttled her son should mean something. He leaned back in the seat he was in and all he could do was stare at her. *Kad, it would resolve one issue though how we explained the bodies would be somewhat difficult.* He was almost temped to do it.

Abby snarled at David's mother, "Why the hell would I want my children in the same room with the brats who sexually assaulted her? Give me one good reason? The only reason I'm here is to hopefully keep my daughter from having to see the ones who assaulted her." Damn it, even with the Luna's presence her momma-wolf was struggling not to kill the bitch, "On top of it your precious little baby has pushed my children around before. He is a bully and a chicken. If he thinks he is stronger than someone else, he will push them around. You and your husband are no different. I refuse to be in the same room with cowards like any of you." She stood and slammed the door to the room open and walked out with her mate next to her.

Simone's parents stood up as well. Her mother spoke, "You are no longer welcome in our shop. Good bye and good riddance you self-centered bitch." They stormed out of the room as well. They were no longer going to deal with either family.

The Luna had forced Abby and Brandon to leave or one or the other would have attacked. They were very junior but for their children they would have. When Simone's parents stood and stormed out, she hadn't been expecting it. *Kadrian I told them to go back to the pack house.* She was giving David and Leon's mother's a very cool stare, it was almost as if she was saying they weren't worth the hassle. That would get them going.

The others on their side couldn't help but be impressed. As the scents of the others filled the room it was enough to make their wolves want to cover their muzzles with their paws and even sneeze to clear the stench out.

Mrs. Smith traded looks with the Officer before looking around the room, "In this case I see no alternative to removing all the children involved from school. From what I understand based on what I have been told Simone and the twins did not assault the others. Those three will be expected to come back to school tomorrow. This is unless a valid reason is given for them not to come back now. I will have their various teachers provide assignments to ensure the others do not fall behind. They can get notes from their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walpert take your son and leave please. Mr. and Mrs. Baker take your son and leave as well. This is to keep your groups from encountering each other. Officer please escort them from the building."

She turned back to the others, "Wait five minutes and then you can leave. I would have liked to have resolved the school portion differently but as of now I do not see it happening." She stood and walked out of the room with all the folders she had including the one she had been given. When she did look at it she almost laughed since she found a thumb drive which appeared to have the entire conversation with the police and the others on it. For that Mrs. Smith had to shake her head. They were some odd people, but they did take family very seriously.

~~~ Taking the kitten to the vet

When Mike came out of the school with the others he found Abby and Brandon waiting in his vehicle. They had keys to it since they used it when they were doing things for him. He climbed in and rolled his neck, "I need to take the darn kitten to the vet. I have a feeling right now is not a good time to talk to our kids. If you want to take the rest of the day off and try and relax do so. If you need go for a run and hunt, talk to the keeper of rabbits. If you want to wait we can go together. Maybe even some of the rest of my team as well." Now that was a good idea since it would be good for all of them.

Abby leaned forward, she was in the back seat with her mate, and pressed her hands onto Mike's shoulders. She took a moment to give his shoulders and part of his neck a light massage since she knew it would help, "I think it would really help Mike, a hunt and we can see about ordering some additional rabbits. Between Zane and his team this weekend and what we might eat today they are going to take a good hit." They normally kept plenty of rabbits but when wolves got worked up they tended to go through a number.

Mike dropped his head forward and let her work on his shoulders since he needed it, "Don't worry about the rabbits, I will take care of it and I might even see about going and finding a cow." They kept some of those for hunting but most of the time if you wanted to hunt a cow you had to pay for it. Rabbits didn't cost much to raise and keep but cows and such cost much more. They had goats and a few other prey animals as well.

He finally leaned back and headed towards the pack property. Taking the silly kitten to the vet was going to be interesting. He had tried to get close to the kitten the night before and the damn thing hissed and spit at him. Mike hadn't been pleased and could only hope eventually the cat would eventually accept him. He didn't care if it came to him and preferred if it didn't but as long as it settled for simply glaring at him when it was older would be fine.

The other two had to admit a cow sounded rather good and they didn't have a problem helping to cover the cost, "It would be rather nice to be honest Mike. I have to admit right now I don't think a rabbit would really work. A cow would be very enjoyable." Brandon could almost imagine bringing a leg of the cow to his mate. His wolf was looking really excited about doing it.

Mike waited until they pulled up to his house, "I will see about setting it up for this evening." Even as he was letting them out Melody came out of the house with a small box and after greeting the other two hopped into the vehicle, "I have the kitten and Zane suggested I help you take it to the vet." She flashed him a cheeky grin when she said it.

Mike glowered at her as she climbed in and settled down. Once she was belted in he pulled away from the house and headed towards town. Before heading to school, he had found a vet which was highly rated online and made and appointment. The kitten might not appreciate it, but he had decided to schedule a flea bath as well at a local Pet Smart. He was not going to deal with fleas or ticks even for a brief time.

Melody simply settled back in the chair. As they were driving she was petting the kitten in the box. As Zane had asked Oscar the two of them had looked up taking care of a kitten and worked up a list of items needed. They would need to talk to the Vet to make sure it had what was needed. Wolves simply didn't deal with cats like this.

~~~ Zane and the rabbits

Zane had finally ended up picking Tessa up and tucked her in next to his sister, "Give her the comfort you can Liv. I have some chores which I have been assigned." He stroked Tessa's hair for a moment before briefly touching Liv's shoulder and did his best to silently leave the room. Now he was out of the room he let loose with a frustrated snarl. Both Zane and his wolf wanted David and Leon dead. Yes, they knew it wouldn't be good for the pack but damn it they wanted them dealt with, so they weren't an issue. Since he had been assigned to help the keeper of the rabbits he headed in the cage direction.

Eventually lunch had rolled around for which he was glad for. Zane honestly wanted a shower after dealing with those bloody things. He was sure he stank of rabbits and their poop and pee. Even his wolf was almost whining in the back of their mind at the messes they made. How the hell the keeper could do it they didn't know and didn't want to. He was a junior wolf and many of the workers were both junior wolves and pups after school.

Zane had to admit he had learned some about what they had to do and the work they had. There were quite a few rabbits and trying to deal with them required a great deal of work. It wasn't just feeding them but breeding them, cleaning up after them, making sure they were healthy and deciding how many were available for hunting. Zane had a feeling he was going to be given an intensive over view of how the junior pack worked. From what he understood not all of the wolves worked directly for the pack or how could there be income. Most had some chores for the pack outside of work. It appeared to be with most wolves including the more dominant wolves as well.

Once he was done he finally decided to go to their house and get clean. The idea of smelling like bunny crap for the rest of the day just didn't appeal. *Simone, I'm going to my house to get clean. I will just fix myself something to eat.* He should have known better than to tell anyone, but he was still getting used to the whole pack thing.

Once he was done with the shower and dressed he headed downstairs and almost growled since everyone, other than Tessa, was there. There was a pile of sandwiches on a tray as well as some cold drinks and other food. He sighed, "Guys, I could have made some food for myself. I didn't need all of you to come over and cook or make sandwiches or whatever." He flopped down in a chair though he didn't pout. Zane had a feeling if he had Simone would have flicked his lip and teased him.

This time it was Simone who spoke, "Zane how can we not come and support you? You had to tell Olivia what happened. Right now, she is dealing with Tessa and we know Oscar is also dealing with what happened to his twin. It impacts you even more than it does us since you are the leader of our little group." She stood and walked over and wrapped her arms around Zane, "We know you care but we also know how scared you are. Don't push us away please."

His wolf forced him to relax into her arms when Simone hugged him. Zane's arms slowly came up and wrapped around her and held on. He sat there for several minutes before finally letting her go and leaning back, "I'm starving and thanks for the food." He knew Oscar had been involved but who else he had no idea. As hungry as he was Zane didn't care for the moment. All he wanted to do was to eat and maybe go and relax before his Uncle came home. Zane knew Melody was with his Uncle at the Vet's.

Eventually lunch was over, and Zane was feeling in the need of some time alone. He did know Oscar would remain even if he went to the room he shared with his sister, "Guys, I need some time to myself. Thank you for being here and eating with me but I need time alone." He frowned at Oscar when he tried to take Zane's plate, "Relax and I'm going to help occasionally. I might even decide to cook once in a blue moon as well." There were a few things his mother had taught him to make which he was thinking about.

Once everyone left Zane settled down in what he had come to think of as his chair and let his body relax. If Oscar needed him he would tell him. *Uncle Mike I ended up having to tell Liv about what had happened. She wanted to know why I was home on a Monday and threatened me with not letting me into her room.* It had both scared him and greatly upset both him and his wolf. *She is not happy with what happened as well and right now Tessa is curled up with her. Tessa is very upset with what had been said.*

Mike was at the vet's since they were waiting to get the silly cat seen. Both had eaten before going to the vet's, since Mike needed the food and Melody had been hungry as well. Once they had eaten they fed the kitten and headed to the vet. It was shortly after they had walked in when Zane had contacted him. *Zane the meeting this morning didn't go well. As of now, until the legal aspect is resolved, you, Melody, and Rico are suspended. Homework will be brought home and you should be able to get the notes from your team. The principle stated Tessa, Oscar, and Simone will report to school tomorrow. We are looking into it, but they might have to go.* Mike wasn't happy with the idea and knew Zane would be far less happy.

Zane did tense up and a frustrated sound came from his mouth. *Just frigging wonderful Uncle. Take care of the kitten and I need to think. I don't want them out of my sight but if it was ordered then they are going to have to go.* He broke the connection. *Oscar, I'm going for a run. I will be back and don't follow. I need to think and talk to someone.*

Zane stood and walked to the porch. He stripped his clothes off and shifted. Once he had he went for a run. He wasn't gone very long or far since the Alpha had ordered them to stay relatively close to the property. Once Zane had worked off some of his irritation he headed to the pack house and headed to medical. He needed to think about how to handle this though he did have an idea. To really figure out how to handle this he needed time to just talk with his wolf. Since he was in this shape he could curl up with his sister and not be bothered.

Once he was allowed entrance he carefully hopped up on the side of the bed Tessa wasn't on. She was curled up with Olivia and they were quietly talking. *Tessa can you please tell Olivia I need to think? I came here since I know I won't be bothered unless Olivia needs something.* He settled down and rested his head next to his sister's side and closed his eyes and let his ears relax. Once he was relaxed he moved closer to his wolf and they started talking. Zane was sure Tessa would notice he was busy and let Olivia know.

Tessa reached over and stroked his head and let him start talking to his wolf before she spoke, "Olivia, Zane is talking to his wolf. He knows he won't be disturbed here in your room unless it is urgent. Please just let him be." She had no idea what Zane was discussing with his wolf and wasn't going to ask.

Liv rested her hand on part of Zane's head and tried to relax, "Thanks Tessa for letting me know. Can we keep talking or should we be quiet?" Tessa had been answering some questions for Oliva about the pack and other issues. It was helping since it allowed her to see everything from a more normal view. Well to her a normal view since the junior wolves were more relaxed than the dominant wolves.

Tessa blushed since they had been talking about Zane. He was really cute, and she liked him and not just for protecting her and Oscar. Even with the wall he had tried to build to keep others away he had still shown he cared, "Well somethings we can but others not right now." Her voice was quiet when she spoke.

Olivia had already figured out Tessa had a small crush on her brother and it amused her. Then again, she had a crush or two as well. They had been talking about some of the boys they had found interesting. Olivia had been carefully picking Tessa's mind about the wolf pack and what some of the things meant. Even with having been helped by both Oscar and Tessa they hadn't talked about just what pack meant. Now she had enforced downtime, she was starting to ask questions. Eventually she might talk to Mrs. Esther but for the moment Tessa would do, "That is fine, now about..." They started talking some more until Olivia needed to sleep.

~~~ Video footage and the detectives

By now the detectives had received the video footage from the mall. It didn't show the hallway unfortunately, but it did show who was both entering and leaving the hallway. They knew the approximate time of when the attack happened, so they started a half hour before the assault and started making notes. As they were watching they noted general descriptions of who had entered and left the hallway. Close to the time of the reported assault they found the two boys entering the hallway. Two or so minutes later the young teen had entered the hallway. It wasn't but maybe three or four minutes later when the others involved approached the hallway.

There wasn't any sound, but they figured when the group suddenly vanished down the hallway it was when everything happened. One detective let out a low whistle, "Damn but they moved fast. I almost didn't see the boy react." He had perked up and then shot down the hallway. Based on the angle of the camera they could see his face and he honestly looked like he was out for blood. The oldest girl had a sort of 'oh crap' expression on her face as she shot down the hallway as well.

It was maybe two or so minutes before the group came out. The oldest boy had his arms around the younger girl and he looked like he wanted blood, "Damn he looked about ready to go back and deal with those two. The twin looks about ready to cry as well," The first detective commented, and they rewound the video and started making more notes. Both really wished they could see down the hallway, but they did have the images the doctor had taken of the girl's chest and she had forming bruises. Since she was very pale the bruising had formed quickly.

Once they were done with the video they made notes on who had indicated they had either seen or heard something. Now was the fun and excitement of the interviews. They broke up and started going to each of the witnesses to interview them. Chances were good they wouldn't have much information, but they had to work all the angles. It was going to take some time for them to get all the information and submit it to the prosecutor for review.

~~~ Zane talks to Damien

Eventually Zane woke up and silently hopped down from the bed. He picked up his bundle of clothing and left the room. Since he wanted to be in his wolf form he dropped the bundle off to one side of the porch. Somehow, he knew Mike and Melody were back from the Vet, but he needed to talk to Damien now. *Damien, I need to talk to you. Do you have some time please?* He waited on the back porch until he had a response.

Damien had arrived home from school not very long ago and had just finished a snack before doing his homework. When Zane contacted him, he could tell Zane was serious and did need to talk. *Give me a couple of minutes and we can go for a short run before talking.* He stripped and shifted. Once he was shifted he headed downstairs. When he found Zane, he was looking somewhat tense which was expected. *Just a run and no hunting. The rabbits have taken a hit the last few days and we have to wait for an order of new ones.*

Zane settled for twitching his ears before standing on all fours. *I'm not in the mood for a hunt and if I need something raw I will raid the fridge at home.* He jumped down from the porch to the ground and settled into a decent lope. He didn't run a great deal before he slowed down and sat down in a small clearing. It wasn't the one he had been drawn to several times and was just a somewhat remote spot.

Damien gave Zane a light bump at the mention of raiding the fridge before he set out with him. They ran in a companionable silence until they found a clearing they could relax in and talk. *How can I help you Zane?* Zane was feeling both more relaxed and comfortable in his fur, but he was also feeling tense.

Zane lifted his face to get the best warmth from the sun. *Those of us directly involved have been suspended from school. Simone, Tessa, and Oscar have been ordered back by the principle. I'm not sure what to ask or how, so I'm going to simply state it. Damien will you please take them under your protection until I'm back at school? This is with their permission of course.*

Damien had lifted his head to the sun as well. Even as a wolf they enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the sun spots on the floor were valued locations. When Zane asked him to take care of and protect Zane's team members for the moment Damien was actually honored. He stood and moved closer to Zane until their shoulders were barely touching. *Zane, I would be honored to protect and take care of them for you. With their permission of course since they are your team.*

Zane leaned against Damien for a short time. *Simone, Tessa, Oscar I need you to come and find Damien and me. I need to talk to you please.* Until they showed up he couldn't, or so he felt, discuss this any further. *Thank you, Damien, for listening. Talking to your mother and father has helped a great deal. It is still hard for me since I'm trying to deal with what happened.* If Damien hadn't slapped him down it would have been harder to go to the Luna, or have her come to him as it was.

Damien yawned and settled down on the ground. *Zane this is what it means to be pack. If it helps until you chose to protect Tessa and Oscar I didn't realize what it really meant. After dad explained it I have to admit I was rather startled since I have been doing something similar. If it helps thanks to you I have also found my junior wolves and started integrating them into my team.*

They finally lapsed into silence until the three showed up. When they did Zane stood up, he had settled down as well, and moved over. He nuzzled all three as well as running his tongue across their muzzles. *I don't know if anyone has told you but you three are supposed to start school again tomorrow. I have asked Damien to take care of and protect all three of you in my place. This is until I can come back to school and take care of you. Once you are out of school I will take back over. Will you accept Damien's protection while I'm not able to take care of you?* He had moved so he was between the twins and they were leaning against him as he was talking.

Tessa was forced to whine slightly as she leaned against the larger wolf. *I want you there, but I understand. I will accept Damien's protection while you are not around.* It was obvious she didn't want to be away from Zane for very long.

Oscar looked at Damien and met his eyes before looking down. *I want Tessa protected as best possible. Simone can watch me when Damien is taking care of Tessa.* Both had been badly impacted by what had happened but Tessa far more so since she had been the one attacked.

Damien had stood and came over and rested his head on Oscar's shoulders. *My team and others will take care of you since Zane asked it of me. You are pack, and pack takes care of pack. All of you will be at my table during lunch.* He lifted his head and howled for a moment. *I need to go back; dad is calling me. I take responsibility for the three of you at school. You can sit with Jason and Margarethe as well. I have recent expanded my protection to them as well.*

Tessa and Oscar jerked their heads up and their joy was obvious. *Oh, thank you Damien. Thank you so much. They will take very good care of you and your team.* Both almost ran the short distance to Damien and rubbed against him in pleasure. They were friends of theirs as well and were so pleased for them.

A moment or two later and Damien turned and dashed away. Zane gave his body a good shake. *Time to head home and do whatever homework might have been brought over. I hope someone took good notes and will make them available.* He lightly bumped Simone before setting off towards home. He had missed training which frustrated him, and he was going to see if he could get some extra since he had to be home currently.

~~~ Homework and fleas!!!

When they reached the house, they found Mindy was sitting on the stairs. Before anyone could growl, grumble, or shift and snarl she held up her back pack, "I was asked to get your homework and I have copies of the notes from the classes you are in as well. Mrs. Esther asked me to collect them. Some you might need someone who excels in chicken scratching to understand but I do have notes." She had been really upset with what Zane had said to her one day. Mindy had honestly wanted to talk and get to know him, and it had hurt.

Zane scratched an ear and with malicious aforethought sent to all there. *Oh crap!!! That damn kitten did have fleas!!!* When everyone flinched he yipped in amusement. *Mindy, we will talk later but again thank you for your help.*

Zane received several growls at his joking from all three. Just for good measure Simone nipped at his tail and growled again. *Not funny Zane. Not funny at all.* She had noticed both Oscar and Tessa reacting before they realized what he had really said.

He worked the door open and headed to his room to pull on some clothes. Once he was done he headed downstairs and found the others already there and changed.

"Great, the fun and excitement of remote learning. If I fail a class I'm going to blame those nut-less idiots." He flopped in a chair and started pulling books from his back pack and glared at the math, "Crap, that damn history thing is due tomorrow!!!"

The others grumbled as well and started getting to work. Eventually Mike came home and found them working hard on the homework. When Melony picked up a set of what he assumed was notes and glared at them he almost lost it, "Melody if you destroy the notes it will not help. I decided to have Abby and Brandon bring some food over from the main house. All of you need the break and I do as well." He gave Zane a good hug which did get him a grumble.

*Zane, I'm so proud of you. Kad contacted me and let me know you talked to Damien. Damien was very pleased you came to him and so am I. To keep all of you somewhat occupied I have scheduled all of you other than Tessa and Oscar to work at the training center while not doing homework. I think it will be good for you.* He turned and sniffed when Abby and Brandon walked in with some baskets heavy with food, "Darn but that smells good. Okay kids put the homework away, so we can set the table." Mike might need to consider requesting permission to move to a larger place at this rate.

~~~ Kad talks to Damien

When Kadrian called for Damien he had turned and hurried back to the house. When he reached his fathers office he closed the door and hurried over to Kadrian and gave him a huge hug. *Zane asked me to watch over and protect Simone and the twins.* It was obvious he was rather touched by the request.

Kadrian wrapped his arms around his son and gave him a good hug, "I'm very pleased to hear it. I'm pleased he feels you can and will take care of them for him. I'm also pleased he feels trusting enough to ask you to take care of them. I had been planning to ask you to keep an eye on them, but this takes care of it." He gave Damien another good hug even as he told his mate what Zane had done.

They stood there for a while longer before Kadrian let his son go. When he stepped back he looked down at his son and realized he wasn't much shorter than Kadrian was any longer, "Son when it is time you will make an outstanding Alpha. Now time for you to go and do your homework." He gave Damien a wry grin when he said it.

Damien almost glowed even though he also had to glower. His father did give praise and it wasn't the sparse or grudging praise. When he said something like it the Alpha meant it, "Thanks dad and it really does mean so much to me." After one last good hug he left the office to go and do his homework.

~~~ The Kitten

While the kids were doing their homework Abby and Brandon brought in the stuff for the kitten. For the moment the little furball was curled up in a small carrier they had for it and was asleep. Abby gently put the carrier down and opened it, so the kitten could come out when it woke. They set up a small place for the food and water as well as the litter box. Eventually they would be able to get it trained to use outside and not need the box.

After they were gone and the others as well Zaneyawned, "Time for bed and both of you can join me. I know you slept better last night Tessa andI understand." He headed towards hisroom and pulled on some shorts and flopped in bed without thinking aboutit. His wolf was starting to impact onhim more every day. When Tessa settledin to the bed he curled around her and was quickly sleep. Oscar was in his wolf form on the other sideand quickly followed the other two into sleep.    

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❝I think we've lost the meaning of family.❞ • • • A few years ago, we tragically lost our parents, and every day since then, my brothers and I have d...
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Ryan was holding my arm and with other arm he was ready to pull my sleeves up again. I immediately held his hand. "Please please do..don't" I tried...