The Kissing Booth (Niall Hora...

By Gottalovecupcakes

78.4K 1.5K 191

High school was duh, high school. NO ONE WANTED TO GO. It was hell that every teenager had to wake up at 5 in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part One
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part Two
Check it Out

Chapter Seventeen

1.3K 27 1
By Gottalovecupcakes

"I'm waiting." I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms, watching him stare at the ground.

"At that senior party I caught him and Gaby making out. I was so pissed I just ran away and I told the few guys who I thought were my friends but they were seniors and never told me what really happened to Gaby. Plus, they only invited Louis and I so we could join the team. Anyways, that's why I got so drunk. The last thing I remember was Gaby saying she had cheated on me with Louis a while back and it was still continuing. After that I kept my distance from the both of them. The next day Louis came to my house and said stuff like how he knows what happened and how I planned it out and mean things like that. I just brushed it off because after that, everything was cool again." He ranted on.

"But why is he mad now if he knows you were too wasted to remember anything?" I asked him. "He doesn't know I can't remember it, only Zayn, Fin and you know." He pointed out.

"Then tell him! He shouldn't be hating on you for no damn reason!" I yelled. "So you believe me?" He said with the most hope in his eyes. "Of course I do. It explains so much now! You were as clueless as me when everything happened." I thought aloud. "And you deserve a big apology. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, we're even now." He grinned. "Fine, we're even. Now let's get going before this date becomes some soap opera finale." I laughed along with him at my little joke.

"So we are on a date?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Unless you don't want it to be, I mean-" "IT'S A DATE." He quickly cut my sentence short before pulling me by my hand.


"I think this was our best date so far." I couldn't stop smiling. We had an amazing time with the snorkeling and the cute seafood restaurant. We also extended the day with a mini boat ride which was us riding in circles till we gave up and allowed the water to take us around.

"So there'll be more." He nodded with a slight smirk creeping on his face. "Maybe." I shrugged with his jacket raising up along with me.

Before I could even laugh at myself trying to be smooth, I was pinned against the outside wall of my room. "You meant yes." He huffed before kissing me. I tilted my head, playing with the hair on his head as he deepened the kiss.

"Goodnight to you, Horan." I smiled, teasing him by pulling on his bottom lip ever so lightly. "Mm, goodnight Harris." He mumbled before giving me another short kiss before I opened the door to my room.

The room was pitch black, but I didn't care. As much as I've denied it, I missed Niall. I missed being with him and sharing stories. I missed kissing him whenever I wanted. But most of all, I missed the feeling I get whenever he would smile at me.

My heart almost stopped when the lights suddenly flickered on, exposing my girly moment and a half naked Harry. Correction, a pissed half naked Harry.

"Where were you?" He asked slowly letting the words leave his mouth. "With Fin and Zayn, duh." I replied nonchalantly throwing my bag to the side and kicking off my shoes.

"Oh really? Because I went to that water park, alone of course since Lou wanted a day with Taylor and Will went with Jesse some where, and I saw Fin and Zayn. But they were alone...?" He taunted.

"Maybe you saw them when I was in the bathroom then." I tried to keep my acting face on as I tied my hair in a bun and started washing my face. Harry had followed me to the bathroom, staying at the doorway, slouched against it.

"Oh? So you just wanted to cock block there date." He pretended to understand.

"They weren't on a date, date." I rolled my eyes as my annoyance level grew. "So they just decided it would be okay if they sucked each others faces off on the line to the water slide." He kept the same attitude, nodding way to much.

"Obviously yes since I wasn't there. It was the only opening to do that. I thought you knew that they pretty much started to date yesterday." I mimicked his ongoing attitude.

"Esme, stop lying to me! I went on a total of seven rides with them and you weren't even near by! Where were you that was so bad you can't even tell me?!" He shouted.

"FINE, I was with Matt! Okay? Are you happy now? Are you finally pleased with yourself?!" I screamed back before storming to my bed and shutting the lights off.

Psh, I hope he falls for all I care.

Okay, I do care, but I hope he stumps his toe! Why does he even care where I was? I specifically made it clear to him that I didn't want a relationship with anyone at the moment.

Anyone who's name isn't Niall Horan anyways.


I had purposely gotten up at five am to beat seeing Harry and the others. Instead I did something Esme Harris rarely did and that was go to the gym. I actually felt more awake and energized, even keeping my healthiness by eating oatmeal and fruits for breakfast.

But I was alone now. I didn't mind it though, I was a loaner. Ha.

"Esme? I would've never guessed you to be here. Near the gym." Mr. Victor said, scaring the living day light out of me.

"Awe thanks Mr. V." I said with sarcasm.

"Oh shush. I was looking everywhere for you, I need a favor."

"You know I got your back Mr. V! I can get you a girl in less than an hour. By the time we're done here, you'll be the cruise player." I patted him on the back.

"I don't need you to help me pick up girls! I'm engaged! I can't believe you thought-. You know what, never mind. I wanted to talk to you about this fourteen year old, Elena. Last night she tried to commit suicide by jumping off the boat and slitting her wrists. I was hoping to pull you away so you can talk to her?" He explained.

"Anything to help someone who was in my shoes. Just lead me to her!" I smiled a little, still a small tug on my heart from hearing the news. Poor girl.

(A/N Hellloooo beautiful readersss!!! Thanks for reading (:

And heyy I have a twitter


so follow me because I'm a small account and yeah, lol.

More updates soon 😘

Oxox, Dee)

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