You Again

נכתב על ידי PrettyLittleLana

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Super-Star Natalie Tatar is living the dream as an actress and singer. Her life is perfect. Until she has to... עוד

You Again
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Mini-Chapter/Chapter 4 1/2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Natalie's Date
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Katerina's POV
Chapter 15 (Part One)
Chapter 15 (Part Two)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

147 3 0
נכתב על ידי PrettyLittleLana

Okay, so I haven't updated in a while and I said that I wasn't going to update my stories, but then I decided I should just ignore my family problems and just do what I do best. Write, which isn't even that good, but whatever. So, in this chapter,  something BIG happens between Zayn and Natalie and secrets are revealed. Natalie is stuck on One Direction's tour bus longer than expected and she is comforted by someone you wouldn't really expect. Harry goes on a date with someone. Okay, read now, my lovelies.

I wake up to see my room all packed up and ready to go for today. Today, the boys and I are moving onto the tour bus. So, when Zayn and I got back yesterday, we got yelled at by Simon and then were sent off to pack up our things. We laughed the whole way back on the plane and in our rooms. For the first time in a while, Zayn and I felt like actual friends.

The boys laughed at us for getting yelled at by Simon and we just told them because we're awesome, we get to be in trouble. We are, according to Louis, the Bradford Bads. Like that makes any sense, we're still going to embrace it.

At dinner, it was kind of awkward since we did make out before we came down to dinner. But we still ate and talked like it was regular and we totally didn't almost just sleep with each other. Doniya gave me the evil eye most of the time because she knows I kind of broke Zayn's heart, so that's still not forgiven.

"Natalie! Simon wants to talk to us!" Harry yells up. I groan again. He probably wants to talk about how that wasn't right and how I should think about my actions before I actually do something.

"Coming!" I yell to Harry as he jets out the door. I slowly fold the last piece of clothing and set it in my suitcase before I walk to the living room to only find Harry and Simon.

"What's going on?" I ask while joining Harry on the couch. The rest of the boys must be coming down. Or Harry just happens to be here when Simon admits to being my long lost father. Sure, Simon looks nothing like me, but my mother is pretty messed up; she could have dreamed up some mystery man who looks like me. I have a weird imagination. Might wanna get that checked.

"Well, the management and I were thinking that you and Harry should 'date.'" Simon puts air quotes around date.

My eyes almost pop out of my sockets. Dating Harry Styles? Not going to happen! The one time Zayn and I snog, someone has to go ruin it by telling me I have to date his band member. What a better way to ruin a soon-to-be relationship than dating his best mate. I mean, I might as well get married to Harry and tell Zayn to suck a fat one while I'm at it, right?

I chuckle dryly but quickly stop when I notice no one else is laughing with me. "You've got to be joking?"

"No," Uncle Si replies. My jaw drops a little more.

"Gee, thanks, Natalie. I feel so loved," Harry exclaims sarcastically. I back hand his stomach even though I know he won't feel shit. He's not as toned as Romeo, but the boy has muscles. Nice muscles.

"So, work out any differences and get dating. Oh and Harry, get rid of any rumors that you're dating Taylor again," Simon demands while he gets up from his comfy spot on our couch. "I never will quite get what you see in her."

"Simon, can't we talk about this?" I desperately yell to Simon as he opens the door. He shakes his head with a smile in his bastard face. I love Uncle Si, but he can be a big, pain in the ass.

"Oh and turns out you'll be with the boys longer on the tour bus," he adds before closing the door. A groan and a couple of cuss words escape my mouth without permission by my brain.

I was originally supposed to be rooming with the lads on their tour bus for 1 week so my tour bus could be fixed from the last time I was in it (don't ask), but apparently that won't be happening. I bet its done right now. They are just not going to let me on it until Harry and I really get into our relationship.

Ugh, life.

"So I guess you can carry out your word when you said you'd be my fake girlfriend?" a voice cheekily asks behind me.

"So you have to sleep with him?" Romeo asks with disbelief coating his words. I shake my head letting giggles escape my mouth. "Lucky, I've trying to do that ever since I met him."

"Romeo, it'a not like that. I just have to fake date him until the tour is over," I explain once more to my best friend who's back in England.

Like any desperate girl would do in my situation, I told my best friend all about the Harry dilemma and the Zayn problem. Romeo being Romeo, he made it more dramatic. Something along the lines of 'I have always loved Zayn and I couldn't hold it in any longer. And Zayn loved me back. After we confessed our undying love for each other, Simon came in and forbid us from ever seeing each other again. Just to make sure, Simon is forcing me to sleep with the one and only Harry Styles so I can fall in love with him and forget Zayn. Then later Zayn and Harry will fight for my love to the death. But before Zayn could kill Harry, I decide that I'm better off with Ed Sheeran so I leave both of them.' Stupid, right? So I may or may not have added the fighting to the death or Ed Sheeran part on my own. I still have dreams too ya know.

So, here we are talking about my life problems. I haven't told Zayn yet. I mean, I would think that Harry told him. He is his best friend. I don't know if he'll be happy or sad or just don't care. I really don't know where we stand after last night. It is so confusing. Are we something or are we not? Of course we're not dating after that little kiss (not little, we snogged each other's face off) but we are definitely not still in the friend zone. Or the enemy zone. Or the frienemy zone. Whatever!

It's not like I don't like Harry, I just really don't want to ruin whatever the hell Zayn and I have going on. I know I'm in love with him and I want to find a way to be with him but fake dating Harry is going to be a major set back.

If I do even start to like Harry that way, any chance of a relationship with Zayn is gone. So, life just got a whole lot shitter. And I wanted to go to the children'a hospital today, but I have to go out with Harry to start rumors about the fake relationship.

"Stop thinking and just go talk to him." Romeo's voice breaks me out of my deep thoughts about the Harry thing. I look at his face on my laptop screen. Romeo shoots me a hopeful look before saying goodbye to me. I sit there 3 minutes after Romeo suggests (more like demands) I go talk to Zayn. After a well debated decision to just go talk to him, get off my lazy ass and make my way to Zayn's room. Hesitantly, I rap my knuckles on his door.

Zayn appears shirtless and sexy at the door. His eyes light up for a moment when he sees me, but then a flash of pain and envy surge through his brown orbs. He says nothing but, "Oh, it's you."

He moves out the way and motions for me to come in. I send him a nervous smile before stepping into his surprisingly clean room. I know we're about to leave today, but I would have expected it to be a little dirty. Because let's face it, dirty literally falls off of boys. No offense to them, but it is so true.

"So why are you here?" Zayn closes the door and sits on his bed while I just stand in the middle of the room awkwardly.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that Harry and I have to date," I tell him after working up the courage.

"But it's just fake dating! It means nothing to me!" I assure him frantically when he makes an expression on face that I can't read.

Zayn lifts his eyebrow and chuckles at my actions. Okay, I didn't expect that. I was expecting... I don't know what I was expecting, it just wasn't that. He's laughing at my attempt to save our relatiobship that isn't even real yet. I guess I was wanting him to smile at my words or tell me we could work through it but no. The bastard laughs at me.

"Why are you telling me this?" Zayn inquires after moments of awkward silence. Okay, that really got me. Doesn't he know that it could affect our growing relationship or his he really that stupid? All the hair product shit that he puts in his hair must be seeping through to his brain because that was just uncalled for.

"I thought you would care," I reply. A nasty smirk spreads across Zayn's face.

"You thought you could wrap me around your finger and break me again? Well it's not working, bitch. I'm too strong for your games now," Zayn spits.

"No, Zayn! I thought because we totally snogged until we were silly made something change between us!" I throw my hands up in the air frustrated. What is wrong with this boy?

"Don't ever talk about that again," Zayn snarls pointing at me. "That was the biggest mistake of my life."

It is like a knife piercing my heart when I hear those words. I think this it feels like to die. But I never got to tell Justin Bieber about how much I love his hair. I show no emotion, but really, it feels like my heart is bleeding. Like it is literally hurting right now. I don't even know how that is possible.

"What?" I croak too stunned to say anything else.

"We all have our mistakes. You confessing to me, you mother getting pregnant and mine is kissing you. You have always wanted to get in my mind to break me. You know how much you had an effect on me. But now I am saying that I don't need you to be happy!"

"Zayn really? Everything isn't always about you and breaking you! Have you ever thought becoming friends with you and kissing you was for me? Because it is!" I yell back at him making a lot of noise.

I bet the other lads are wondering what's going on with us. I can't believe him. Maybe fake dating Harry is good for me. I can learn how to get over this fricktard. He thinks it'a always about him! No! He lied during Truth or Dare that night. He is just a bit vain.

"Why would you want to do that? Huh?" Zayn screams back at me.

I grab the closest thing next to me, which is a hairbrush, and chuck it at his head. He ducks just in time before it hits him, sadly. "Maybe because I don't hate you! Have you ever thought of that? Have you ever thought the only reason I hated you was because you made fun of me and Romeo when we were kids? No, I never hated you just to hate you, I hated you because you hated me!"

"I only started hating you because you acted like a bitch to me!" Zayn argues.

"Zayn, the only reason I rejected you was because I was scared you were going to dump me when I needed you most!" My voice starts cracking as I go on. "I was scared that you were going to hurt me when I was already being hurt. So, I saved myself from that pain. I didn't realize that it would cause you so much pain too."

Even after letting my feelings out, Zayn still looks at me like he's disgusted. "Well, rejection is a bitch," Zayn snarls, but a little softer this time. "You should know that best of all. Rejected by your father, by your mother, by me and most of the school." That pushed me over the edge.

Before I know what I'm doing, I walk over to Zayn and slap him hard on the face and punch him. When he grunts, the boys come rushing in. Niall and Harry restrain me from doing any further damage to Zayn's pretty little body. That son of a bitch. Going there. He knows that is my weakest spot and he still talks shit about it.

"Boys, you wanna know Natalie's little secrets?" Zayn asks them once he gets to his feet. I know that the lads and I are closer now, but I still don't want them finding out about everything until I'm really okay with it.

"Don't you dare, you wanker!" I snap at him. He just smirks and tries to continues on saying what he wants to say, but I get out of Niall's and Harry's grasp and jump on him. I try to rip his hair out, but that doesn't get me far. The lads pull me off before I can do any real damage. Except for when they are pulling me back, I manage to hit Zayn in the crouch.

With his eyes shut and him bending down, Zayn announces, "She was rejected by her mother and father. Her father left them when she-" Before I could hear Zayn finish the rest of my story, Harry drags me out.

"NO!" I scream over and over again while letting some tears slip out. He can't. I'm not ready. He can't tell the boys my story without me.

"Natalie, let's get you cleaned up so we can go out and you can tell me what just happened. Harry helps me to my room while I cry my eyes out on his shirt. He'll probably have to change shirts while I take a quick shower.

"Be quick. They will move our things onto the bus without us," Harry tells me. I nod my head and grab my things.

While I'm in the shower, I think about how I'm going to get Zayn back. Never talk to him again? Never forgiving him for telling and stuff? Beat the shit out of him when we're alone? I think we've got a winner. Zayn has really ruined it for him. Our relationship will never be the same, any way we take it. He just fucked it up for himself. I definitely don't ever want to date him or have a friendship with him, but you never know what happens.

But even though he practically just lodged a knife in my heart...





And I don't think I'll ever get over him.

When I decide that I've been in here long enough, I jump out and dry myself. After putting on my black bra and undies, I put on a dark blue tank vest top and black and white vertical striped shorts. With hipster, nerd glasses on my face, I skip make up and add a gray cashmere beret to my head. After I inspect my clothing, I head downstairs to find Harry on the couch with a new shirt on. I put on my gray TOMS wedges and are on our way (

Once we get past the fans, we catch a cab to Starbucks. After I order a decaf and Harry orders, we sit down to talk about what happened in the house.

"So?" Harry asks. I sigh knowing that I'll have to spill the beans on everything.

"What happened in there was a big mistake and I wish I could take it back. It all goes back to when Zayn and I went to Bradford. No, it goes farther than that. When Zayn and I were younger, we use to be best friends. The bestest friends you will ever find. We would tell each other everything. I told him almost everything.

"When I was just born, my father left my mother because he decided that parenthood was too much for him. They were high school sweethearts and they were always sleeping with each other. One night they forgot the condoms and my mom got pregnant. I was a mistake. That's what Zayn meant. So, I was a spitting image of my father and my mom hated him for leaving her. So, she would..." My voice cracks. Harry puts his hand on mine and gives me caring eyes. "She would beat me when she got high and it really killed me. I thought she loved me and she was really just doing all of that because she was drunk, but she doesn't love me because she doesn't talk to me at all. I haven't heard from her in 4 years.

"I know she has started a family because her husband sent me a card of them together with a little baby in her arms. The card said it was a girl. I know that her husband didn't know that she doesn't talk to me, but it still hurt me badly. It's obvious that she wants nothing to do with me if she hasn't let me meet my sister. So anyway, Zayn and I had a falling out the day I told him I didn't want to be his girlfriend. I guess he really loved me because the next day he bullied me. So, that's where our rivalry started. Then one day when I really couldn't deal with my mother beating me, I told Zayn everything and he promised not to tell. But then he used against me in school.

"So, he also bullied Romeo and that really got to me. So, I just totally rebelled against him when I was fed up with him bullying everyone. Years later, we still hate each others guts. Anyway, so I realized that I don't want Zayn to hate me when I let out my guts to him once again. I realized I was in love with him. Still am in love with him," I mumble the last part quiet, but not quiet enough Harry not to hear. "So, I distracted all of you with something to do. Zayn and I went back to Bradford."

I smile at our fun time at the bowling alley. "We actually had a good time when we went bowling."

"But Zayn hates bowling," Harry cuts in with a look of confusion on his face.

"He hates it because it was one of our favorite things to do when we were best friends. So, we had a good time. We may or may not have sprayed each other with Sprite so we had to go back to house to change. I met his two sister, who are adorable by the way. And I saw Doniya again. She hates me because she knows that I broke Zayn.

"When we were alone in his room, we might have made out before dinner," I mumble embarrassed. Harry's eyes bulge out of his head. He asks me 'seriously' and I shyly nod.

"But apparently, that meant nothing to him when I told him that we were dating. Fake dating. He was totally okay with it even though we totally snogged the day before. I thought it was horrible that he just shrugged it off. Then he goes and tells me that he won't ever love me and that I'm a bitch. Not those words exactly, but close to it. With me being in love with him, that gives me heartache. So, I freaked out on him and attacked him.

"That's the whole story," I finish finally taking a sip of my drink.

Harry stays quiet for many moments just staring at me.

"Say something here, please?" I plead shaking his hands.

"I can make you feel better," Harry just says. I laugh at his attempt to make me feel better. Yeah, the only person that can mend my broken heart is Zayn. We both know that.

"I can fix your broken heart. So, finish and we can go fix it."

He is really going to try to fix me, isn't he? Well, that's sweet and I might as well play along with that.

"Okay, I finished now," I tell him after chugging my hot drink. I ignore my burning tongue and throat while I get up with Harry. We throw away our drinks and walk out the store. "So where are we going?"

Harry says nothing, but laces his fingers with mine. And I don't pull away. I do like Zayn's hands better, but Harry's fit mine perfectly. My hand fits in his like it was made just for him. (see what I did there?) We just walk around talking about random things that actually distract me from the Zayn problem.

Harry was right, he is fixing my broken heart. I know it's really quick considering that I just got broken this morning, but Harry is really a good friend. Harry is really making me feel better. He's really easy to talk to. He will listen to me like no one will ever. He doesn't interrupt me and saves all questions until the end. Then he vents to me and I listen. It's like we take turns while talking.

Then he goes and bought me a dress for our date tomorrow. Yeah, we've already planned for another date. Because we are that in love. No, not in love, but I really do love Harry's company. He's not the man whore they always think he is. He can actually probably be capable of being a good boyfriend.

"So, green or blue?" Harry randomly asks me after we look at shoes.

"Um... blue. I love green, but I can't deny the love for blue," I answer after deep consideration.

"Aww," Harry whines. "You like Niall's eyes over mine." I giggle at his comparison and agree with him.

"Okay, one night stand or long time relationship?"

"Long time relationship," Harry answers like it's no doubt about it. I widen my eyes at his answers. Do you really think Harry Styles would say that? Be honest. I thought he would say one night stand because he seems like the 'I just need someone to fuck' type. I guess looks are deceiving.

"Don't act like you're so surprised." Harry lightly pushes me.

"Well I am," I argue laughing. But my laughing suddenly stops when I see the paps ahead.

"We can avoid them if you want," Harry suggests. I shake my head and tighten my grip on his hand.

"Are you two dating?" One yells when we get closer to them.

"Are you cheating on Zayn?"

"Are you still dating Taylor?"

"No, we just went out one day. My heart belongs to someone else." Harry winks at me while he answers the pap. I shake my head at the cheeky boy and continue on trying to get to the hotel.

"Are you dating?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Finally, we get to the hotel and up to our room. Harry stops me before opening the door.

"I guess this is where I leave you," Harry says leaning on the door.

"Harry, we both live here," I laugh. What is this boy playing at? It's not like he's leaving to go somewhere else and then come back.

"Shut it! I want to make it romantic," Harry replies. "So, tomorrow?"

"Yes, Harry. I will see you tomorrow night," I confirm holding back my laugh. Before I know what's happening, I see Harry leaning in for a kiss. Oh, I'm not ready to get over Zayn this quick. I just had the fight with him today. But if this will make Harry happy, I guess I have no choice but to.

I close the space between our lips and plant mine on his. He wraps his arms around my waist as he deepens the kiss between us. I keeps my hands on his chest. His very toned chest. Harry isn't a half bad kisser. In fact, he's the best kisser I've ever kissed. And that's including Zayn; he was a great kisser by the way.

After a few seconds of pure bliss, Harry pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"Too soon, wasn't it?"

"Just a little," I agree. "But on the bright side, I actually liked it." I rise up one more time to give Harry a quick peck on the lips before opening the door. We laugh at the whole awkward situation on the way in. Right after I slip my shoes off, I see everyone is on the couch watching the news. All eyes are on us. Well, this is awkward.

"Hi, guys," I greet, waving. All of them, not including Zayn, waves to us hesitantly.

"You guys move quick. You two are already on tonight's news. And twitter is blowing up," Liam informs us.

"Great, we'll be in my room," I tell them grabbing Harry's hands.

I stop when I hear the voice that totally screwed me over.

"I'm sorry, Natalie. I was totally out of line," Zayn apologizes with full sorrow in his voice. So he's not faking. That makes me feel better. NOT. I still hate him and love him, so I won't be talking to him any time soon.

After I don't talk, Zayn whines, "You're seriously not going to talk to me?"

Not saying anything, I flip Zayn the bird and continue on to my room. I hear him blow up on about how I'm a total bitch and he told the other lads that apologizing to me wouldn't do anything. He was right, he knows me well. And that's one of the things I like about him. But I really need to get over him.

"Harry, check your twitter," I command while jumping on my laptop.

Liam was right, it is blowing up. There are many tweets asking if Harry and I are dating with photos attached of our day. Man, our fans work fast. I wasn't expecting it for another day. Huh, that just proves how dedicated they are. This is exactly why I want to give back to them and show them love. So, I'm going to go to the children's hospital and visit them, even though they probably don't have twitter accounts.

I scroll down to see a few tweets of hate towards me. I try to ignore them but fail miserably when I find myself looking at the tweets and saying that they are right. Harry demands for me to  just skip over those tweets when he catches me looking at the few.

@NatalieTatar: I had a fun day with @HarryStyles. It was probably the best day of my life, Harbear.

@HarryStyles: Same for me, @NatalieTatar. Hope you like the dress

With those tweets, twitter starts treading #Hatalie.

"Hatalie?" Harry asks with confusion coating his voice.

"Hatalie! You gotta get with the fans, Harry."


So, that was a suckish chapter, but whatever. At least I updated. I haven't been writing to my best because problems at home, so I apologize for that. I will try to write better and everything. So, sorry Zatalie fans, but Hatalie is taking over. And the other boys will get in the action, just keep reading. The next update won't be a chapter, just Harry and Natalie's next date. And Natalie and the boys do move into the tour bus now. Info on the tour: It's going to last 6 months and they are traveling all over the world. The tour doesn't actually start until two days after Harry and Natalie's second date. So, just wait, and then there will be great stuff. Also, I'm throwing in a boy group and a girl who totally can sing and Natalie discovers them. Who should they be? Okay, until the next update...


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