Forever As One (a Jerza fanfi...

By strawberrypolkadot

19.8K 787 223

Erza Scarlet, a guard from Milkovich Palace, meets Jellal Fernandez, Prince of Fiore. Erza accompanies her y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ~ Final

Chapter 16

624 20 4
By strawberrypolkadot

A/N: I'm feeling nice, so I'm not gonna leave you guys hanging for five more days XD how annoying would that be? XD Okay, you probably wanna know what's going to happen next, so.... I'll stop blabbing now~!

I'm sorry...... Erza.......

A large amount of black energy blast around in the temple, and the sacrifice screamed and a few seconds later when the energy was gone, a man with midnight blue hair and black eyes. He glared at Jellal, who seemed worn out. "That stupid boy. He was trying to keep me in." He grumbled and Clarita, let go of Erza's neck and walked over to him kissing him.

"Clarita, it's been quite a long time since I've seen you're beautiful face." He said charmingly and she giggled. "José, come, we're leaving. Let them rot in here." She said and after the family walked out, the guards filed out one by one.

Erza and Jellal were left tied to the rocks, and they looked at each other. "I'm sorry..... I'm so sorry." He said tears streaming down his face. "I-It's okay, Jellal." Erza said softly. He shook his head. "It's not okay! I put the world in jeopardy because..... I couldn't see you hurt." He finished and her eyes softened. "Jellal, you did what you thought was right. I would've done the same thing." She replied, tears in her own eyes.

"But we can still stop them...  if we do enough searching, we might be able to find a way to stop them!" She exclaimed weakly, trying to bring hope. "If  we can get out of here, that is." He mumbled and she sighed. "You're right. If we can get out of here." She said as she started tugging on the chains weakly. Being already weak from hunger and from the draining she took earlier when Clarita was taken out of her body.

The next day, Jellal was frantically trying to break the metal chains that bound him.

"You aren't going to break those chains like that." Clarita said, coming out of the shadows. Erza shook in fear while Jellal tensed and glared. She looked at the ground softly. "I wasn't evil, once upon a time. But the moment I kissed Charles, his evil intents were stronger then my good ones, so I quickly turned into what you see now. I don't want to do use this weapon, but Charles is like a disease..... Once you fall in love with him..... you can't get cured. I can't go back to the way that I am now." She sighed and walked up to Erza who still shook like a leaf in the wind. She detached the cuffs and went to Jellal and did the same. He fell to the ground on his knees and crawled over to Erza, who was much weaker then he was that moment, and Clarita looked upon them both with soft eyes. Here are your things. You have two weeks and five days before we can fully activate the weapon." She said and threw their things onto the floor. "I have to go, before they find out where I've gone." She said and walked away, leaving the temple.

Jellal put his cloak on and took their money, and put the other cloak around Erza's shoulders and he put her onto his back, standing up. He slowly looked around to make sure no one was there and he dashed out of the temple, which was, to his fortune, not that far away from Hargeon. He excited the temple, but when he turned around, he no longer saw it. Thinking that he may need to go back later, he made a small pattern out of rocks and then he left, making sure nobody was coming.

He dashed to Hargeon and sat down at a small restaurant and poked Erza awake. She groggily opened her eyes and nearly closed them again when he sighed and kissed her, making her eyes snap open. Her face was red and he motioned towards the small menu on the table. "You have to eat." He said casually, even though there was a slight blush on his cheeks.

They ordered something that would satisfy their empty stomachs that didn't cost too much.

When their food arrived, they gobbled it quickly and paid before leaving.

They walked together peacefully through the town, seeing as it was darkening outside and they would have another eighteen days to look for ways to stop Clarita and Charles.

They wandered into the small forest near the city. They huddled together and fell asleep, enjoying the first real and enjoyable sleep in a long time.

 * * * * *

The next day, they woke up to footsteps. Their hoods were down so the person wouldn't be able to see their faces.

Jellal got ready and jumped up, startling Erza. She jumped up as well and stood behind Jellal, her hood falling down.

A big man with a sword pointed at Jellal's chin stood there. "Stop! Don't move! What are you doing here?! I've never seen you in Hargeon before! Are you a fugitive from the law?" He asked and Jellal stood still, in front of Erza in a somewhat protective manner. 

Erza stepped forwards, her eyes wide.

She put a hand to the sword at Jellal's neck and the blue haired man's eyes widened. "What are you doing?!" He hissed, not liking how the man could just move his sword and chop Erza's hand off.

She lowered the sword, her eyes still wide. The man's eyes were also wide. "E-Erza?" He asked and she nodded. He  crushed her in a hug, and Jellal glared, jealousy flashing through him. Erza pulled away, tears in her eyes, and a bright smile on her face.

"I'm glad to see that you're alright.... Simon....." She said and he had tears in his eyes as well. But then they hardened when they landed on Jellal. "Who's he?"

A/N: Yay! Finished! This'll be the last chapter for today, sadly, since I have to go to sleep in, like, thirty minutes, and I still have to take my shower, so that's it for today! I still update nine chapters, and nine pretty long chapters! Be happy! I don't know if I'll have time to write another chapter tomorrow, depends on how much homework I have..... Bye!






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