Getting Her (Rewritten&Comple...

By vividly_dreaming

40.1K 1.4K 415

in which Beatrice Jacobs finally gets the attention from the guy of her dreams and befriends his enemy all in... More

the idea.
sequel news!
author's note


1.3K 64 37
By vividly_dreaming

1 1| g e t t i n g  h e r

Cara Stevenson passed by Tris and for the first time, she didn't say anything. She looked finished and Tris' gaze followed her as she walked past, the friends she had not surrounding her and she frowned, wondering why.

She didn't have much time because one of her best friends Tera rushed to her. A large grin was on her face and she tugged at Tris' arm. "I've got great news!" She said, "Max's waiting for you in the library."

Another heart clench. She felt sick as she walked to the library but the excitement in her heart proved to her that it was all just butterflies. The library was empty when she entered and slightly dark. The librarian had obviously gone for her lunch break. People weren't supposed to be in here.

Her heart thudded.

"Max?" She asked. Silence followed and she stepped further into the room. He appeared behind one of the shelves, a coy smile on his face. She approached him, her heart thudding and when she stopped all she could smell was him. 

"Hi," She said, offering him a smile. He smiled back, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Her skin remained ticklish when she felt his fingers and she met his gaze. There was something unfamiliar in his eyes. A certain....distress she couldn't pinpoint.

"Hi,"He chuckled, his hands not moving from her hair. It was then when she realised how close they were.  Tris held her breath and she realised then that she was scared of this. Not because she was afraid that she was a bad kisser. Or that he wouldn't like her.

She was afraid of what Zayne would do. They were already on thin ice ever since that day at the park and had barely spoken since that day. It was now just a ride to school and back, no hanging out, no talking. But at least she could see him. What would happen if she did this?

"Tris," Max said, his fingers dancing in her hair, right by her ear. She met his gaze and despite how beautiful his grey eyes were, her thoughts didn't dissappear. She was still thinking about Zayne. How was that?

Sensing that she was distraught, Max leaned into her ear, his breath hitting the base of her neck. "Calm down," He whispered, "I won't hurt you."

Biting her lip, she smiled and looked up at him again. This was what she had wanted for so long. She'd wanted this ever since she'd first known that she had feelings for him.

This was what she wanted.

"It's not that," She sighed. Looking down at the ground, she scuffed her boots on the ground. He didn't need her to tell him what was on her mind.


When she didn't answer or actually look at him he clenched his jaw and nodded, stepping back. "Great," He huffed, "Just great."

Panicking, Tris grabbed his arm before he could move far and pulled him closer to her. The brave act was shocking to her as well but she didn't regret it when Max's lips quirked. Her hands went to the back of his neck and her stomach whirled with butterfly at the heat of his hands around her waist.

"I'm not letting you get away," She whispered, "I've waited too long and-"

He cut her off by pressing his lips onto hers. They were cold in a way she liked and her heart had skyrocketed. It was happening. She was kissing him. His hands rubbed her waist, pulling her as close as he could and her hands were in his hair, her fingers a tangled mess in his brown locks.

His hands travelled downwards and he lifted her up from her thighs. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, not breaking contact and she felt him smile. She was doing nothing but smiling in her head.

Minutes later, the pair walked out of the library. Tris tried no to look flustered and bit back her grin, staring at the ground instead of the boy who stood beside her. He noticed how she shied away from him and he pulled her close by the waist.

"Hey," He tilted her chin so that she was looking at him. He smiled gently, "Just know....he really did love you."

Tris frowned at this and before she could say anything, he gave her a quick peck on the lips and walked away. Confused, the girl reached into her pocket when she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. Her heart jumped. It was Zayne.

"Meet me in the car park immediately after class," He said when she'd answered, not even greeting her or waiting for a greeting. "We need to talk."


He drove her to the spot they'd had they're first date. They sat in the car as usual like below and stared at the view. At the sunset. Tris thought of what she would say to her mum when she arrived home late. Again.

She thought of that because she was scared of having whatever conversation she was meant to have with Zayne.

"I heard about your kiss with Max," He said, green eyes on the steering wheel. Tris opened her mouth to say something but he held up a hand. "That's not what I wanted to talk about."

She raised an eyebrow, "What did you want to talk about?"

The blonde stayed quiet for a long time and the radio played a slow tune. Tris opened the window, feeling overheated in the car. A breeze blew in, smelling of the sea and grass, calming her down slightly.

Her mind was spinning and before she knew it, she cut in before he could speak. "Well I think it's something we should talk about," She tried to smile at him reassuringly, "It's not something you can just brush off."

Zayne didn't speak. It was her cue to continue.

"I just want to help you understand that I really like Max," Tris said firmly, "You're my friend Zayne and I really love having you with me. We can't end because of your feud. Please."

She squeezed his hand, hoping he'd understand. Tris searched Zayne's eyes, to see if he understood. 

"I won't be around Tris," He answered distantly, squeezing her hands. A frown fell onto her face but that wasn't all. "I wanted to tell you that I'm leaving."

Something pierced Tris chest and her mouth fell open. "Wh-what?" She asked, her heart dropping, "What do you mean you're leaving?"

"I'm planning on majoring in business and I found someone who would be willing to sponsor me," Zayne answered, "He's taking me to Italy for a 3 year internship program."

She failed to understand. Much like he did when it came to Max. "Why do you need a sponsor?" She asked dumbly. Tris was aware of how shallow she was sounding. "Zayne, you're rich."

Without realising it, she was shaking. He was leaving?

"Tris," He put his hands on her arms, squeezing gently, "This would be good for me. A head start."

"B...but you're the one who didn't want to leave high school," tears had formed in her eyes, making him look blurry, "You're a king Zayne. And you're just gonna leave?"

"I wasn't going to," He answered, looking down. She knew what came after that. He wasn't going to leave but she'd pushed him away by kissing Max. By rejecting him.

The tears finally spilled and Tris helplessly grabbed onto him again. "I'm sorry Zayne. I'm so sorry," She cried, "Please don't go because of me. Please."

But even as she cried, she knew it was too late. He'd made up his mind already. He was leaving her. And it was all her fault.

An hour later, after silence and more crying, Zayne pulled up outside her house. With red rimmed eyes, Tris glanced at him and smiled. They'd met a month before and he was already so important to her that she'd just cried at the fact that he was leaving.

It was raining. A light shower that made the world look darker. It was 11 pm. Zayne chuckled and turned to look at Tris.

"I remember the first time I saw you," He said.

"It was beginning to rain and I was sitting on a bench, waiting to go home," Tris smiled but frowned when he shook his head.

"It was in class. You didn't notice me because you were so captivated by Max Grey," He sighed, "I was so jealous of him because of you. I am so jealous of him because of you."

Tris didn't think. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer, pressing her lips against his. It was a short kiss but she felt it in her gut and through her body.

Her kiss with Max was one filled with nothing but lust. The one with Zayne, this kiss, was passionate. It had more emotion. It mirrored what this really was. Max was just a crush, a face she liked. 

Zayne was a heart she loved.

When they pulled apart from each other, neither of them smiled. Tris just kissed him again, once this time and left the car. Zayne remained in the car, watching her dissappear behind the door before slamming his hands against the wheel.

Leaning back, he ran a hand through his hair and cursed. Trying to regain his composure, he took in a deep breath.

Inside the house Tris sat on her bed, holding onto her pillow. Her mum and dad were fast asleep. She was shocked when she'd heard her dad's deep snores coming from their room but she hadn't thought about it much.

All she could think about was Zayne. Zayne who had entered her life and offered her a ride. Zayne who had taken her to a party and made sure she was safe. Zayne who had done so much for her and she didn't even realise it until he was going.

She fell asleep that night with tears in her eyes and the memory of Zayne's lips on hers on replay.


Double updates musawa?
I have so much free time I can't even neglect my kids anymore so yeah, here ya go.

Please vote and comment! I'd really appreciate it



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