Getting to the Other Side ✔

By HiddenUchiha_

434K 17.1K 4.6K

Yoshima Senju is the princess of the Senju clan. She always has had the dream of becoming a Shinobi, but her... More

Chapter 1: Mystery Boy {Edited}
Chapter 2: The Dream for an Alliance {Edited}
Chapter 3: Iwa Senju {Edited}
Chapter 4: "I won't allow you to go to war."
Chapter 5: Getting to the Other Side
Chapter 6: Blooming Love
Chapter 7: Founded Out
Chapter 8: "I am Madara Uchiha!"
Chapter 9: Depressed
Chapter 10: Can't Get Over You
Chapter 12: The Arranged Marriage
Chapter 13: Captured
Chapter 14: Sick
Chapter 15: Back With You
Chapter 16: Verge of Death
Chapter 17: The Awakening
Chapter 18: Spending Time Together Again
Chapter 19: Broken Again
Chapter 20: Gotten Over You
Chapter 21: Izumi Uchiha
Chapter 22: The Battle Begins
Chapter 23: Rivalry
Chapter 24: The Assassination
Chapter 25: Pain and Sorrow
Chapter 26: The New Clan Leaders
Chapter 27: 3 vs. 3
Chapter 28: Death
Chapter 29: Reaching Peace
Chapter 30: Peace
Chapter 31: Rejected
Chapter 32: Advice
Chapter 33: Yoshidara
Chapter 34: Love at First Sight
Chapter 35: "Hello Yoshima."
Chapter 36: Happy Anniversary
Chapter 37: Mito and Hashirama
Chapter 38: Time to Seal the Deal
Chapter 39: The Proposal
Chapter 40: Preparing for the Wedding
Chapter 41: The Wedding
Chapter 42: Complete
Chapter 43: The Tiny Heartbeat
Chapter 44: Shadow
Chapter 45: Murdered
Chapter 46: Kidnapped
Chapter 47: Escaped
Chapter 48: "I'm Pregnant."
Chapter 49: It's time
Chapter 50: The Battles Begin
Chapter 51: Gone
Chapter 52: Gone (Part 2)
Chapter 53: Gone (Part 3)
Chapter 54: Gone (Part 4)
Chapter 55: Alive
Chapter 56: Back to You
Chapter 57: Found
Chapter 58: Trust
Chapter 59: Reunited
Chapter 60: The Village Hidden in the Leaves
Chapter 61: Hate
Chapter 62: Suffering
Chapter 63: Left
Chapter 64: Tough
Chapter 65: The Wrecked Village
Chapter 66: We'll get Through this Together
Chapter 67: Suspicious
Chapter 68: Emotionless
Chapter 69: Miwa Uzumaki
Chapter 70: Tobirama's in Love
Chapter 71: Emotions
Chapter 72: A Month Away
Chapter 73: Coming Home
Chapter 74: Returned
Chapter 75: Together Again
Chapter 76: Notice Me
Chapter 77: Family
Chapter 78: Evil
Chapter 79: Following Dreams
Chapter 80: Goodbye
Chapter 81: Invasion
Chapter 82: Different
Chapter 83: The Last Time
Chapter 84: Broken Promises

Chapter 11: "Her name is Shizuko Uchiha."

7.2K 276 98
By HiddenUchiha_

Yoshima's P.O.V

I think I've gotten over Madara.
It's been a month since I was at the river bank with Hashirama.
Now I'm eating well, training, smiling...
Oh who am I kidding! I'm still in love with Madara. I think my father has bought the fact that I don't like Madara.

Today my father was going to make an announcement in the courtyard to the rest of the clan.

My mom put me in a yukata, and father made sure Tobirama and Hashirama were in the battle gear.

"I can't be in battle gear..." I whispered frustrated.
"It's okay Yoshima! You look really cute!" Hashirama said patting my head.
"Facing the rest of the clan and I look cute,"A vein popped on my forehead, "...great.."


Wow... We have a lot of clan members...

I stared at the hundreds of members within the courtyard and blushed.

Tobirama and Hashirama stood at my left and my mother stood at my right with father on her right.

"Hello fellow clansmen. Today I bring you here to discuss some matters..."

What was father up to...

"We are in a full out war with the Uchiha. We must be prepared at anytime to fight!"


"We have discovered something very interesting about the Uchiha. Just like the Senju, they too have a daughter in the main household."

My eyes widened. So Madara lied about the amount of siblings he had...

"This girl is Yoshima's age and is being well secluded from the rest of the world."

A girl, like me... In the Uchiha.

Gasps and whispers were heard throughout the group of Senju.

"Her name is Shizuko Uchiha."

A thought of Madara in girl version came to mind. I shook my head and came back to reality.

"Killing her wouldn't be the downfall to the Uchiha clan, but she's the reason they are still fighting. Like us, they want to protect that precious someone so they won't have to enter the battle." Father looked at me and I blushed.

Is he really planing to kill her?

"There's also the two boys from the main family... Izuna and Madara Uchiha." Father said in a deep and angry voice.

"Madara and Izuna have a rivalry with my two sons, Hashirama and Tobirama."

"Two months ago, the eldest, Madara, first activated his Sharingan."

The events of two months ago appeared in my head and I looked down. Hashirama placed his hand on my shoulder and I gave him a light smile.

"Madara Uchiha has already killed many skilled clansmen and will be able to take down more if we don't take him down soon. He'll surely grow up, surpass his father, and bring down the Senju if not stopped." What was father trying to get at...

"We must eliminate the Uchiha." Eliminate?

"We need to make sure there is none left so we can live freely."

"If Madara or any Uchiha is seen, don't hesitate... Kill them."

I knew father was mad, but I didn't know he was this mad. He wants us, to eliminate a whole clan, from the face of the earth...

"The war will be over once the Senju eliminate the Uchiha!" Father yelled putting his fist in the air causing the clansmen to cheer.

I know that this isn't the right thing to do... Why father?

Madara's P.O.V

"Madara!" Shizuko ran into my arms, hugging me.

"How has your day been Shizuko?" I asked her as we sat in her room.  For the past month, I've been preparing for the assassination mission.  I'm leaving tonight.  I can't fail.

"Horrible as usual. Mother and father will never let me out!" Shizuko had black silky hair, black eyes, and pale skin. She was beautiful.

"What?" She asked confused as I stared at her.

"You are really beautiful." She started to blush.

"Stop it Madara!" She said giggling.

"Let's go out." I said and her eyes widened.

"Mother and fat-"

"They don't have to know. It will be our little secret." She was silent for a bit.

"Madara!!!" She tackled me down and hugged me.


"I'm really thankful!" She said smiling.

Yoshima's P.O.V

After that announcement in the courtyard, I was walking around the area of the clan's houses.

Madara dying? Father can't be serious. Maybe I can talk to him about an agreement! I doubt it will work...

"I'm so sorry!" A voice said as I fell to the ground.

"Princess Yoshima! I'm so sorry!" I looked up to see a brown haired boy with brown eyes.

"It's fine!" I said getting up and dusting my clothes.

"I'm Haru Senju!" He said with a smile.

"Another child in the Senju clan?" I said confused.

"There's a bunch!"


"Yeah! Do you want to see them?"

"Umm... Sure."


I was shocked. There are other children in the Senju clan?! I'm pretty stupid for not thinking about that at all.

"Thank you..." I said and Haru started to blush. He had walked me to the main household.

"I didn't do anything! There's no reason to say thank you princess!" He said embarrassed.

"You opened my eyes, and call me Yoshima. Not princess." I said with a light smile.

"O-Okay!" He smiled.

I waved at him and he waved back.

I entered the household meeting Tobirama.

"You made a new friend?" He asked.

"I think so. Tobirama, did you know there are other children in the Senju clan."

"Yes of course! Even with your seclusion you should've known that. They are sent to the front lines."

"What?" I said with my eyes wide.

"That's just how life goes." Tobirama said.

"It shouldn't go like that." I said angry. I'm going to give father a piece of my mind.


"Father!  You put more children on the front lines?!" I asked as I stormed into the room.
"Who told you this?" He sighed.
"Tobirama!  You can't be doing such a thing!"
Father was getting angry, "They are warriors fighting for the clan!  They'll always be."
"Children shouldn't be sent!"
"What can I do Yoshima?!"
"Make an agreement with the Uchiha!" I yelled and father laughed.
"An agreement?  With the Uchiha?  Are you trying to show we are weak?"
"It's best for the clan's future."
"You received some freedom and you apparently know all about the world?"
I stayed silent..  I was terrified, yet confident in my words.
"Or is it that, you don't want Madara to die?" He said.
I stayed silent, frowned, and blushed.

Father slapped me across the face.

"How dare you have feelings for him?!" He said and I felt tears stingy my eyes.
"Father stop!" Tobirama said running into the room.
"Yoshima, you'll never see Madara again.  He left you!  He's the enemy!  Why don't you understand anything!" He yelled.

"Yoshima, I have no choice, but to do this...  You'll never see Madara again.  You are having an arranged marriage." He said leaving the room as tears streamed down my face.

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