The Bet.

By MariaFiallo_

77.8K 1.4K 308

(Before you read this, as my own experience while writing this story, don't let the cliche title fool you. Em... More

Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
title of your story
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter twenty Four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
The Bet is on hold.
There was a mixup.
It's 2020.

Chapter Fifteen

1.7K 36 4
By MariaFiallo_

Chapter Fifteen :


Christine's P.O.V

My heart was beating at its fastest paste. Everything around us went blank as if only me and Lucas where to be standing here, in this gigantic ball room, alone. My heart said yes, but my mind said no.

How would I, Christine Marie Osborne. Be with a guy like Lucas? he's popular, handsome, has a good sense of humor, and could have any super model he wanted...why in the world would he want to be with me? why me?

"I ... uh, I-"

I got interrupted by a sudden grab, I was starting to get dragged away from Lucas while he had a confused look on his face. Who in the world was pushing me away.

"John, Luke...What are you guys doing" I said as I heard both boys giggle.

John finally stopped grabbing me by the arm and turned to face me, we where in the back of the ball room. Not many people where here . . . actually, no one was here at all.

   "Well we got you a present." Luke said with a smirk.

My eyebrows furrowed. "A present? um thank you?"

I was a bit surprised at the boy's gesture, I mean they could be pains in the ass. But why would they want to give me a present. "There better not be a cake exploding when I open the box" I warned as I started unwrapping the box. It was about a 10 inch square box, with princess wrapping paper.

"Oh trust me, there wont be a cake explosion." they smiled

I eyed them for a minute, and then opened the box.

 "AHHHH !" I yelled as I fell down to the floor. Luckily for one heard me.

"TARANTULA!" I yelled to the boys in a soft whisper. "Why in the world would you guys do that?"

They laughed. " I don't know, just to see your reaction." they smirked.

I stood up and looked inside the box. Holy macaroni, holy scrambled egg, holy potato sack, holy chicken soup, holy pizza box, holy tomato sauce, the tarantula...the tarantula, the damn spider who almost killed me was missing.

We suddenly heard a loud scream...HOLY COW IT WAS AUNT BRITTANY'S SCREAM. She is scared, no scratch that. TERRIFIED OF SPIDERS. The three of us went to the dance floor where we heard the loud scream. "Is everyone okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Ye-yes, I just saw a...SPIDER!!!" some girl screamed pointing at the tarantula in Aunt Brittany's head.

"Tarantula" John corrected.

Then the lights shut out and the Dj spoke. "Okay guys! time to BRING OUT THE CAKE !"

"AHH GET THIS THING OFF MY HEAD, AHH !!" Aunt Brittany screamed, as soon as you know it, she was touching her hair in a wild way trying to shake of the tarantula. That's when I saw that it flew onto the cake. Onto my cake.

The chef who was bringing out the cake got freaked out and ended up falling to the floor as the cake who had MY NAME on it flew onto the air. How nice.

" NOOO ! " I yelled in slow motion as the cake fell onto some old woman.

Everyone got quiet. "Where's the spider. . ." the Dj spoke.

I narrowed my eyes. " I-I don't know."

There was a tense sensation, that's when we heard another scream. From Julie.

" AHHH THERE'S FIVE OF THEM!" She pointed at a group of tarantulas heading our way. Everyone started running everywhere. Someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the ball room. I could feel that the person who grabbed me, pulled me outside. Everything was dark and I could feel the shivers going through my skin and the goosebumps I was starting to feel. Also, how soaked I was starting to get. It was raining.

"Uh whoever you are, don't rape me." I gulped

     "Dam babe, how rude." Lucas smiled

Then I heard thunder lighting which made me flinch. "Um I'm wet." I said as I pointed at the sky.

"Don't get all freaky on me." He smirked as he covered me with his jacket and embraced me for a hug.

"Not like that loser, I meant that.. nevermind." I was enjoying this hug too. I could smell his cologne which made me a little woozy. It was the type of smell that would make you drool. The way both of his hands where wrapped around my neck and back in a tight way made me feel safe.

"We should probably get um, going cause its... Um its raining." he stuttered.

I smiled, "Yeah, yeah I know cause of...mother nature."

Gosh we where dorks.

We both headed into his car with a comfortable silence, both of us where soaked, and both of us where dripping wet. Everything was fine, it was a 24 minute car ride and the silence was kept on by the music In his car. When he parked outside my house he got out and opened the door for me.

"Hey um Christine, you wanna.." he paused. "Come over my house for some hot chocolate. Its raining and well yeah."

I sighed and giggle. "It wont rain inside my house Lucas." I paused. "I would love to have some hot chocolate."

He smiled and walked me over inside his house. As I walked in, it had his smell. It smelt some homey and just everything about this house was wonderful.

"Are you going to stand there and admire my house or are you going to drink some hot chocolate?" he asked coming from the kitchen.

I suddenly walked inside his kitchen and saw a shirtless Lucas. My teenage harmones needed to control their selves.

"I-uh. Thanks." I stuttered. DAM YOU STUTTERS.

He smirked as if he knew what was going on. Asshole. He then handed me the cup of hot coco.

"Your house looks nice." I complimented. actually scratch that, your body looks delicious. Christine, stap.

"Thanks, we got the idea from a Jamaican rapist. Funny thing, I haven't seen any around."

My eyes widen. "You have seen them too?! oh my god. I knew it, I knew it wasn't an illusion!" I smiled.

That's when it had to happen, the light went out. "Holy." I whispered.

"Its fine, the power just went out because of the rain." he said as he turned on some candles.

Oh gosh, is it me...or is this just romantic gosh this is just, perfect. He's perfect. Makes me want to .. GOSH I REALLY NEED TO STOP.

He walked past me and went to sit down in a bean bag in front of the fireplace. I followed along leaving my hot coco behind.

Then something came to mind. "Where's Sophia?' I wondered as shivers went through me, I was really cold.

He replied with a blank face. "With aunt Jessica, Christine" He paused as I looked at his brownish green eyes, they seemed dark, like the time we.. kissed. "Are you cold. Cause.. hold on."

He went upstairs real fast and came back down even faster, it was hilarious because he fell at the last step.

"Haha" I laughed, "Are you okay?"

His face got red as a tomato, i'm glad that I wasn't the only one that got like that when embarrassed

"Here" he said as he gave me one of his shirts, It was black, it was cute. "Its the longest shirt I have, you can wear it while I put your clothes in the dryer." he smiled

I looked at him funny. "You know I live.. right next door."

He shrugged. "Its like a freaking jungle out there. Put it on or don't, I don't care" he said as he turned on the radio.

I sighed and walked into the hallway bathroom, it had a few candles so I could see. I stripped off my clothes and tried on Lucas's shirt. It was smooth and warm. And it smelled just like him.

I walked out and most of my legs where revealed, his expression didn't change though. I mean it shouldn't have anyways, he has seen plenty of girls naked.

I sat next to him in the bean bag. There was a fire place in front of us, and candles all over the place.

As I was staring at his delightful eyes something got in mines. "Holy shoo-lee-bob I think something got in my eye, it burns." I whined.

He turned and faced me. "let me see" he said as he leaned in closer. Our faces where inches apart. And his lips look so soft and gentle right about now.

Control yourself woman !

He looked inside my eye, gosh just staring at his delightful twinkling eyes made me drool.

"You have an eyelash." he said as he took the eyelash of my eye.

I blinked a few times, "Th-thank you." I stuttered

There it was again, that comfortable silence we always would stumble upon. His eyes darted straight on mine, his breath tickling my face with a warm breeze, the fire reflected on his eyes making them twinkle and the soft music playing in the background.

"Christine. . ."

I raised my index fingers between his lips and hushed him before he could say anything. His eyes furrowed in confusion.

"The answer is yes." I whispered.

He looked confused again.

Why does he have to look so cute doing that.

"Yes, I will go out with you." I smiled.

 He then grabbed me by waist and made me sit next to him, I was sitting next to his bare body, his soft white milky skin was right next to mine, his cologne was all over the place... That scent I couldn't get enough of. His arm was around my shoulder and we where both sitting in the same bean bag in front of the fireplace. But my heart really started pounding when his arm stretched out on my thigh.

"Well then, you got lucky, cause now I'm your boyfriend." he smirked.

Yes, hell yes you are.




bye sexiesss ;3


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