Life with Tunechi: Third book

By StarCrossed81

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This is the third book, Loving Tunechi, Living with Tunechi and now this one!!I still sometimes feel like I'm... More

Life with Tunechi
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

chapter 2

1.6K 36 3
By StarCrossed81

Friday morning I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off . I sighed reached out to grab my phone to hit snooze. Wayne wrapped his arms around me, "where the fuck you think your going." I turned to face him snuggling into his chest. "Your daughter has a doctor's appointment this morning." Wayne ran his hands up and down my back. "Remember that we are meeting Drake and Jade tonight." I nodded. "Yeah I remember, Mrs. Rosa will be here to watch the girls." Wayne yawned closing his eyes. "The one day I ain't going to the studio your burning out on me." I rolled my eyes, "you could get your lazy butt up and come with me." Wayne shook his head. "Too much attention." I shrugged, "Well I'll be back for lunch, you want me to stop and get something. Wayne shook his head no, "You want me to watch Fallon?" I shrugged standing up, "if you want."

I returned with Maliyah and sat in the bed sitting indian style feeding her. Wayne turned his head toward me. "She is a greedy lil momma." I grin at him, "I know just like her daddy." Wayne made a face. "Why all her bad traits gotta come from me?" I laughed at him , "Cause its true." Wayne rolled over and sat up. "You want me to hold her while you get dressed.?" I leaned down kissing Maliyah's forehead before I handed her over to him.

After taking a quick bath I changed into some bluejeans, a long sleeved black top that had lace sleeves, and my sliver Toms. I threw my makeup on and brushed my hair just hitting a couple of wild spots with my straightener. I went in Maliyah's room and grabbed her black leggings with a purple and black ruffled top. I grabbed her from Wayne changing her diaper and putting on her clothes finishing it off with those cute socks that looked like they had shoes on too. I sat on the bed and put Maliyah a headband in her hair before turning her around to face Wayne. "How cute is she?" Wayne bit his lip grinning. "As cute as her daddy?" I made a face at him. "Umm no, as cute has her mommy maybe." Wayne arched his eyebrow at me and I grinned walking to sit beside him on the bed. "Your not cute baby, your sexy." I arched my eyebrows up and down and Wayne busted out laughing. "Girl you stupid." I laughed leaning in to kiss Wayne bye. He grabbed Maliyah back out of my arms. "You keep your momma in line little girl." Maliyah started cooing at Wayne and I rolled my eyes. "Ugh dont' tell me she is going to be a daddy's girl."

As I entered the pediatric clinic I felt people staring at me. I rolled my eyes making sure Maliyah's car seat was still covered up by her blanket. We hadn't released her picture yet. Wayne was thinking of releasing some family pictures in some magazine that has been on him. I walked up to the receptionist checking in before I went and sat down in a back corner sitting the car seat down and peaking under the blankets, Maliyah was knocked out. I looked down and saw some gossip magazine and saw a picture of Wayne and I when I was still pregnant, not being able to resist I picked it up reading the article. The pictures they had on the cover and in the article had been taken about a week before I had Maliyah. The article was mostly guessing on the sex of the baby which was reported to have been a girl. I rolled my eyes, anyone who had seen me shopping would have known that. The article also tried and make a guess about when and where our wedding would take place. I shook my head, no wonder I was getting strange looks.

When we were called in the back Maliyah was the perfect little girl. She received a perfect checkup, I thanked Dr. Hilson as we exited the exam room. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator in the parking garage I felt like I was being watched. Nervously I started walking faster and hit Wayne's name calling his cell. "What's up baby, Maliyah do OK." I nodded quickly as I heard footsteps behind me. "I think somebody is following me." Wayne barley let me get my last word out before he went all protective on me. "Where are you." I sighed. "I'm in the parking garage walking to the car." I hit the unlock button on my keys trying to figure out how I was going to get in with the car seat at the same time. "How far are you from the car." I grabbed my handle practically shoving Maliyah's seat in and getting in myself. As I slammed my door hitting lock I looked up and saw her. I sighed. "It's ok baby its nothing." I hung up on Wayne before he could say anything and threw my phone down in the cup rest. I turned Maliyah's seat right and opened my door stepping out.

"Why are you following me?" Dhea wasn't looking at me but in the car at Maliyah, her blanket had slid forward and you could see some of her face. I stepped blocking her view. "Hey I'm talking to you, what the fuck do you want." Dhea looked up at me like she just realized I was there. "He's not over me you know, he will never be" I rolled my eyes, I have had enough of her. I let out a breath. "Look Dhea, I don't know what the fuck your problem is. I don't know if your slow or what, but Wayne has been over you for a while now honey." I flashed my ring at her. "I'm the one with his ring on my finger, I'm the one who just gave birth to his child, I'm the one laid up with him every night not you." Dhea shook her head. "You stole my life." I started backing back up to the car, she was making me nervous and I could so see her trying to kill me and taking off with my child. "Look I'm sorry you think I've stolen your life, but Wayne has moved on Dhea, you need to move on too. Your acting like a crazy person." Dhea made a move to step toward me when out of nowhere a car pulls up and people start jumping out.

I jump in my car hitting the lock button again ready to burn out when I saw Rasheed. I sighed, Wayne must have freaked out I glanced down at my phone and saw he had been texting and calling. I reach over buckling Maliyah in the front seat not wanting to get her out of the car to move her to the back. I hear a knock at my window and roll it down. "I'll let Wayne know your OK, but you might want to call him on the way home." I nodded at Rasheed, I dreaded telling Wayne about this. I started backing up seeing that two other guys were walking with Dhea to what I assumed was her car. How the hell did she know I would be here?

As soon as I pulled out I called Wayne. "Maci what the fuck, are you ok." I nodded, "Yeah how much Rasheed tell you." Wayne let out a breath. "He just said you was good, and you would be calling so you best start telling me what the fuck is going on." I sighed. "Well I called you because I felt like somebody was behind me in the parking garage. I made it to the car and somehow managed to get Maliyah's seat in past the steering wheel. I locked the door, and when I looked up there she was in my damn window." Wayne was quiet a second. "Who was in your window." I let out a deep breath. "Dhea." I sat there for a minute waiting on a reaction from Wayne. "What you say. Dhea was at the clinic." I frowned, "yeah baby, she was saying you wasn't over here, never would be. Said I stole her life. I don't know she kinda freaked me out. I half expected her to try and kill me and take off with Maliyah." Wayne was quiet. I shook my head. "I'm pulling up at the house come help me get Maliyah out."

Wayne met me in the garage going to the passenger side to get Maliyah. He grabbed her car seat walking up on me pulling me into his arms. "Why can't she leave us alone?" Wayne shrugged leaning in to kiss my forehead. "I don't know baby, but it's going to come to an end." As soon as we walked in the kitchen Fallon ran up on me. I leaned down pulling her into my arms. "Hey baby, did Wayne fix you breakfast." She nodded at me. "Mhm, we ate pancakes, cause mommy hates pancakes." I shoot Wayne a look, he was pulling Maliyah out of her car seat looking at me like he had no idea what Fallon was talking about." I laugh. "OK, I got ya'll two. I think I'm going to cook liver for lunch." Fallon starts making a face, "ewww no mommy, that nasty." Wayne laughed. "I like liver don't know what you talking about." I walked past him on my way to the living room. "Your punishment isn't food related." Wayne arched his brow at me.

Rasheed showed up at the house a little later and him and Wayne went upstairs to the office to talk. I had decided to cook enchiladas and Mexican rice. Fallon was sitting at the table putting a puzzle together and Maliyah was sitting in her swing yawning. I called Adrianna while I was cooking, I had to tell her about this shit. "Hello, do I know you." I rolled my eyes as she answered her phone. "Bitch you know me. I'm still pissed at you by the way." Adrianna laughed. "You know you love me." I sighed. "I guess, so psycho bitch Dhea ran up on me at the clinic today." Adrianna cut me off, "what the fuck you say she did what." I laughed. "You sound like Wayne, I swear ya'll should brother and sister." Adrianna let out a huff, "excuse me get back to the crazy bitch." I told her what happened earlier and she was shocked. "Maci that bitch is crazy, you need to start taking Rasheed everywhere with you, that's some scary shit." I groaned, I bet that was exactly what Wayne and Rasheed where discussing now. Damn-it.

When Wayne and Rasheed came back downstairs I nodded at Rasheed as he left. Wayne walked up on me. "How much longer baby I'm starving." I shook my head. "Why was he here." Wayne sat down sighing. "Just letting me know his version of today." I let out a deep breath pulling out the stool beside Wayne and leaning my head on his shoulders. "And?" Wayne turned his head to kiss my forehead. "And I think Rasheed needs to follow you around for awhile until shit calms down" . I roll my eyes walking to the fridge grabbing a water and Wayne a beer. "Great." I grabbed some flavor putting it in my water shaking it up. "Baby she had to have been watching you to know you'd be at the clinic today don't you think." I shrugged frowning at him. "I really don't want to think about it." Wayne shrugged. "Ok fine, but the shit is going to stop."

As soon as I made my plate, Maliyah woke up. I sighed grabbing her and going to sit in the living room. Wayne brought Fallon's plate in the living room and put it on her table before coming to sit beside me. I glanced at his plate, he had heaped full. "Ain't we going out to eat tonight?" Wayne shrugged. "Your point." I rolled my eyes at him. "Like I said greedy, like your daughter." Wayne laughed, "If you say so." After Maliyah ate I sat her in the swing and went and grabbed my plate.

Later that night I was upstairs getting dressed. Wayne had changed into some lose fit jeans, his high top Jordans, and a black truckfit tee. I had chosen to wear some skinny leg jeans, a off the shoulder leopard print shirt, with some black ballet flats. I had ran a straightener through my hair and put my makeup on. Mrs. Rosa had the girls downstairs and Wayne was on the balcony smoking. "You ready baby." Wayne stood up walking up on me. "Your the one taking so damn long." I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck getting on my tiptoes giving him a kiss. "Quit complaining, I do all this for you."

Drake and Jade arrived at the restaurant shortly after we did. "What the fuck took ya'll so long." I glanced at Wayne, Drake laughed. "Man you know females slow as hell." The guys thought they were hilarious but Jade and I glanced at each other and rolled our eyes. "I can't wait to see Maliyah." I laughed. "We can ditch these two and go hang with the girls." Jade laughed, "I'd be afraid of what the two of them would get into." Drake eyed Jade. "Girl we did just fine before we meet the two of you." I made a face, "Ya'll was a hot mess, well Wayne was, hell Wayne still is." Drake busted out laughing and Wayne grinned at me throwing his arm around me leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Just wait till I get you alone." I laughed up at him and he winked at me. "You two are too freaking cute." Jade said resting her head against Drake's shoulder. Drake rolled his eyes. "Maci maybe, Wayne hell no."

After eating we decided to met back up at the house so Jade could see the girls, Drake had came to the hospital after Maliyah was born so he had already met her. On the way home Wayne glanced over at me. "So what was that about me being a hot mess." I laughed. "Hell you know its true." I glanced over at him. "Today you look sexy, the other day when you was in those fuzzy red shoes, and that yellow hat, omg, I thought I'd die of embarrassment and I wasn't even with you." Wayne busted out laughing reaching out for my hand. "I'm a free spirit don't hate." I squeezed his hand. "I guess."

Drake pulled in behind us and I excused Mrs. Rosa for the night. Wayne paid her on the way out thanking her for everything she does for us. The guys went outside to smoke and Jade and I went in the living room where Fallon was playing with her doll house in the corner. Maliyah was asleep in her bassinet. Fallon came running up to us and I introduced her to Jade. "Fallon this is Ms. Jade, can you say hello." Fallon grinned up at Jade. "Hi Ms. Jade." Jade laughed, "Hello cutie, what have you been doing." Fallon shrugged, "playing with my princess castle." We sat talking a few more minutes before Fallon got bored with us and went back to playing. I could hear Maliyah moving so I went and got her feeding her a bottle right quick. When she was done, I burped her and handed her over to Jade. "Here ya go, Ms. Maliyah." Jade held her making sure she was covered up. "Aww she is so tiny and adorable." I smiled at her. "Yeah I'm pretty proud of her." Jade laughed. "So you two plan on having anymore?" I laughed shrugging. "We said we might, Wayne don't care one way or the other." Jade laughed. "Well what about you." I sighed. "I kinda want to try for a boy, but when we have all 6 kids in the house together, hell no." Jade busted out laughing. "I'm just kidding, but still when they are all together its wild."

The guys came back in and we sat in the living room talking for what seemed like forever before Jade and Drake left. Fallon had long ago fell asleep and Wayne had carried her to her bed. I had Maliyah laid on my chest leaned back on the couch. Wayne had walked them outside and when he came back in he came and plopped down beside me. "You look exhausted." I shrugged. "You looked fucked up." Wayne smirked at me, "its a possibility." I laughed at him. "It's been a long day with stalkers, and dinners." Wayne sighed, "I know Maci, I promise you its going to stop." I leaned my head against his shoulder. "I don't want you around her either if that's how you plan on stopping shit." Wayne laughed. "So jealous, but I've already spoken with her." I sat up looking at Wayne crazy. "Excuse me, you did what!" Wayne made a face pulling me back down to him. "Chill the fuck out, you think I'm going to let something go down between you and my daughter and just let it slide, fuck no." I sighed looking up at him. "Wayne." He cut me off. "Look baby that shit scared the fuck out of me, you called saying you felt like somebody was following you, then you tell me your good and wont answer your damn phone. First off don't you ever fucking do that again." I rolled my eyes. "Second off I don't know what delusions that bitch has about us getting back together but I think something you said to her today might have actually hit home to her cause all she did when I talked to her was apologize for scaring you." I made a face, "of course she would tell you that." Wayne shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it, its over, and I'm ready to go to bed."

Wayne stood up reaching down taking Maliyah. I followed him and watched him lay her down in her crib, patting her back until he was sure she was good and knocked out. Wayne walked past me to the room and sat on the edge of the bed kicking off his Jordans. I walked in putting my shoes in the closet and went in the bathroom to change my clothes. I threw my clothes in the hamper walking back out in nothing put my bra and panties. Wayne had threw his shirt in the floor and nodded at me when I walked out. "Umm you can have some of this when you learn to pick up after yourself." I put my hand on my hips pointing at the mess Wayne had made. He stood up and walked to his shirt acting like he was going to grab it but instead he turned and grabbed me. I let out a shriek trying to get out of his grip.

Wayne laughed, "ain't so bad now are you?" He started trying to tickle my ribs, and I am extremely ticklish. "Wayne stop!" I was laughing, crying, and screaming at the same time. When he stopped I laid my head against his chest. "Your so mean to me." Wayne laughed. "I don't think so baby girl, I'm the exact opposite. Your ass is spoiled." I laughed wrapping my arms around his waist. "So you made me that way." Wayne leaned down running kisses over my collar bone. "Oh yea, you going to blame me." I grinned up at him. "Mhmm, you know you did all this." Wayne laughed pulling me toward the bed. "Well come here and let me spoil you some more."

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