The Bet.

By MariaFiallo_

77.8K 1.4K 308

(Before you read this, as my own experience while writing this story, don't let the cliche title fool you. Em... More

Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
title of your story
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter twenty Four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
The Bet is on hold.
There was a mixup.
It's 2020.

Chapter thirteen

1.9K 40 5
By MariaFiallo_

Chapter Thirteen

This chapter is dedicated to Ashleyrand13 for her wonderful comments. She lights up my day with her comments. (:


Lucas's p.o.v

I've have fallen responsible for every thing. I was still thinking at the fact that I opened up to Christine yesterday, I still have no idea why I was telling her my secrets, I had no idea why I have decided to help her get back at Julie. Was it the fact that I ended up caring for Christine? no. Was it because I felt over protective of her? maybe. Or was it because I wanted to  make Josh mad too? I have no idea, but what I do know is that I wasn't going to let nobody hurt her, even though I was going to end up hurting her the most.

"Stop thinking, you're making me uncomfortable." Jake whispered

I squinted my eyes towards him in disbelieve. "How is my thinking making you uncomfortable?" I asked as I sat up in my desk. We where in Mr.Trenchbook's class and it was Friday, Christine's 18th birthday.

Jake shrugged. "I don't know. But do you know what you're going to get Christine?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes at Christine.

"Yeah I got her a card, but i'm going to get her something else. I don't know it, maybe a neckless or something?" I said in a hushed tone.

"Maybe birthday sex. Cause guess what buddy? the bet's deadline is due NEXT FRIDAY. And guess what that is? the day of the dance. So you might as well just do it now. " Jake whispered with a smirk.

     "Dude, no!"

He shrugged "Whatever,"

"Hey Christine!" I whispered and made her head turn around

I leaned into her for a  side hug and whispered in her ear "Happy birthday Babe." As I hanged her the birthday card. But this wasn't the only thing I was going to give her.

"Thank you so much. Are you coming to my Party?"

"Party? of course. Will Josh be on my d*ck?" I smirked.

She paused and smiled. "He'll be there. Mostly drunk though. But at least it will be worth it."

"Okay, where is it at? your house or..?" I asked

"My mom called me two hours ago, she told me she had booked a hot spot at the hotel 'Vermont'. That's where we will have the party.

"Hotel Vermont? isn't that hotel around the city? expensive."

"Yes, and I know! it was what my mom had planned. There's a theme. It's masquerade. It'll be fun!" She said overly excited.

I smiled, "Yeepee"


Christine's p.o.v

"This just doesn't look right. Am I getting fat or something?" I asked Adriana as I tried fitting in a navy dress.

"We both know you're far away from that" She sighed.

"Help me! pick out another dress this is hideous. You are so lucky you already have a dress, I envy you." I admitted shyly.

Adriana had gotten a peach strapless knee length dress. On top it had some glitter and then it was spoofy on the bottom. Her masquerade (Mask) was gold. I'm pretty sure Adriana will look beautiful once she puts everything on.

"Fine, i'll be right back."


A few minutes have passed since Adriana left. Where the heck could this girl be?

"Back" She said sounding heavy. "I was looking through the store and this one dress was just standing out. It will be perfect for you." She said as she handed me the dress.

It was a red dress. It was a bit tight around my thighs, and it was up to knee length and had a glittery touch on top. It was like Adriana's but the color was red. "Here put this gold neckless on" She instructed me.

I tried it on and grabbed the neckless as I carefully landed it on my neck. Holy shit you would never believe it. Bloody hell, it actually fit.

                 "Oh my-" I said as I looked in the mirror.

"Let me see!"

I opened up the dresser door and as Adriana look me from head to toe, I could tell she was speechless.

"It looks gorgeous! we are taking it! how much does it cost?" she asked with a lighting sparkle in her eyes.

I gave her the hold on signal as I went into the dressing room and took the dress off as I started putting back my clothes on. " Um" I said as I opened the door with the dress wrapped around my arm. "Let's just put it back, kay, cool."

"How much?"


"12?! Twelve bloody dollars?!" She asked.

"No, 12 would probably be the cost of the red mask, more like 120 bloody dollars.." I admitted

"I'll pay for it." a too familiar voice said.

My eyes widen with surprise. "Josh? what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was actually in the mall shopping for some Xbox video games at game stop but on my way, I saw you coming into this store. I kind of lost you at first but then here I am" He explained with a smile.

"Ye-yeah, hey Jo-josh," Adriana studdered. Yuck.

He nodded at her existence and then took the dress of my hands.

"Where are you going with the dress?" I asked as I followed him out of the hall.

"To ride unicorns with hot Hollister models. What do you think Princess, i'm going to pay for the dress. And that's your birthday gift from me to you. It's too beautiful for it not to be worn by a beautiful girl." He smiled.

"Gosh thanks Josh, but to be completely honest, you sound like a girl."

"Do you want the dress or not Osborne?" She said in an overly tired voice.

"We are calling each other by last names now? Yes I do want the dress PARKER."

"You are just mad my last name is sexier then yours." He smirked.

I sighed. "Not at all"


"There it's done." Brittany said "You look gorgeous, happy birthday sweetheart."

"Thanks Aunt Britt. You're the only one who knows how to do makeup" I smiled.

"Okay, now go get Adriana so we can leave, the limo is ready."

Gosh this day was wonderful and it hasn't even started. First today in the morning I got all these compliments and happy birthday sayings at school, I got only ONE birthday punch because I threaten that if anybody punched me in the arm for birthday punches they would get punched back. Then Josh buys me this gorgeous dress, then surprisingly my Aunt who's not really my aunt but I feel as if she is shows up at my house, and now I'm having an expensive party with a limo. Oh my god.

I hurried out the bathroom and saw the figure that stood before me on their mobile phone. It was Adriana and she looked amazing. "Oh my god."

My words interrupted her off the phone "Oh my god. You LOOK BEAUTIFUL."

"I look beautiful? more like you! The red lipstick really does bring out your eyes!"

"Alright girls you both look beautiful now let's go." Aunt Brittany said in a laughing manner.

We headed down the stairs and when I got down stairs I saw Josh, he looked so handsome with his black tuxedo and a black mask. He looked so handsome as his black hair was combed into a perfectly fit style instead of his usual messy type of look.

"You look fla-flawless" He studdered.

"Thanks" I blushed. I don't care if I just blushed. If a guy says I'm flawless, best believe I will blush.

"So do you Adriana." He smiled.

She was blushing like crazy. "Okay let's go to my PARTY ! WOO."


"Wow baby!" I said as I got out of the limo. Everyone was speechless. There where like a zillion people outside. And I could even hear the music from the outside.

"Wait so where's the party? is it like in a hotel room or something?" Josh asked.

"No, it's actually in a big ball room." Aunt Brittany's eyes twinkled. "This hotel has everything. You are so lucky Osborne."

"Tell me about it" Josh said as he placed his hand with mine.

This was so odd. Okay I know Josh wasn't my real brother, we weren't even blood. But why do I feel so weird. I have no idea.

As we headed in, everyone's eyes where on me, and Adriana too of course. I greeted people that I never really talked to. I saw some of my friends for school. I saw Julie, that b*tch had shown up to my party. Probably Josh invited her or something. And then I saw these two handsome guys standing out. I'm sorry but this is my party and I'm going to mingle.

When I was walking towards the two handsome guys, someone yelled out.


That's when  everyone got crazy. the music got loud, it was all fun and amazing. Lights where everyone, the room was filled with people there must bee like a billion. Everything was just awesome.

"Special shout out to the birthday girl!" The DJ announced as everyone's eyes darted on me once again causing everyone to applaud and scream with enjoyment. I walked up to the mini stage where there was a band playing and spoke in the microphone.

"Hey! How's everyone enjoying the party so far!" I yelled.

Everyone screamed in excitement. I guess that shows that everyone's doing good.

"Okay, well have fun, get drunk and have the night of your LIFES !" I yelled with a smile hanged on my face. As I got out the stage someone approached me from behind

"You look beautiful." The familiar voice said.

I turned around to face the person. "Oh my god hey Lucas! you look so handsome! I never thought I would see a bad boy wearing a tux." I smiled.

"Well don't take a picture, I'm only doing this because- well Jake is wearing a tux too." He said as he was obviously trying changing the subject.

"I see, but why are they hiding all the way in that corner when they should be dancing. Jake and Adriana do make a quite cute couple, so they should just dance or show off." I smirked.

He sighed. "Yeah.." he then scratched the back of his neck looking nervous. "He's just, embarrassed."

My eyebrow raised in confusion. "Why would he be embarrassed? Adriana is beautiful."

He then responded fast. "Indeed, she really is, but he kind of has this reputation to be...popular-"

I cut off his sentence. "So his reputation is much more important than Adriana? she's a human, she has feeling's for god sake" I said as frowned and eye brows furrowed.

Suddenly the Dj spoke. "This song is requested by the young man standing with the birthday girl!" He smiled as he pointed at Lucas. A slow song came up, everyone grabbed a partner and started dancing. The song that was playing was "kiss me" by Ed Sheeran.

My eyes then widen as Lucas got a smirk. This was the exact song that me and him danced to when I was at his house.

"Want to dance? let's see if you're better this time, I doubt it though" He smirked.

I smiled at him as he walked me over to the middle of the dance floor. He gripped up one of my hands, as he then laid his other hand on mine. while I laid my free hand on his shoulder. I decided to get a bit comfortable so I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat which gave me that comfortable feeling.

"You smell...nice. But you dance horrible." He said as he twirled me.

"Well I'm pretty sure a shower with soap creates the smell.. you know? a shower. Ah never mind you probably haven't heard of those." then I smirked. " But I dance better than you."

"Ha!" He laughed as he leaned closer to me. For the next four minutes we slowed dance until the song was over.

He then grabbed my hand and led me out of the ball room. 'Where we-"

He kept on walking me out the ball room and that's when we landed outside. I could feel it was outside because I shivered at its coldness.

"Where are we?" I asked as I felt him put a jacket over me to cover me from the coldness.

Suddenly, Christmas lights came up. We where in a garden where there was a pool and slow music played. He then grabbed my wrist and made me sit down as he did as well. In the table there was pasta. And soda.

"What's with this now."

"That's the pasta I made for you the other night. The one you couldn't eat because my aunt's dog jumped on you." He smiled wickedly.

"Oh my god. You re-remembered." I studdered.

"Oh and have this." he said as he got out a present in wrapping paper.

I looked at him oddly. I thought he already gave me the happy birthday card as the present. What are you up  to Braxton.

"I thought- Oh f*ck it. I said as I smiled, I tore open the wrapping paper within seconds and then saw what he got me.

I then threw the present at his arm "Really Braxton?!" I giggled. "Who would get an 18 year old a sex toy for her birthday.. only you. Only you."

"First of all ouch." He said " And second of all. Open the dam dildo. There's something in it. I just put the present in the dildo to trick you." He laughed. "And man that sounds so fudging wrong.." He laughed again.

I picked up the sex toy from the floor and opened it. It had a bracelet and rings inside.

The bracelet was silver and it had a little audio thing on it. Like a charm bracelet. Then there where rings. One of them said "You're beautiful", the other one said "sexy can I?"

"Aww thank you." I said as I embraced for a hug..

"Press the audio button." he said.

I pressed it and his voice appeared. At first I couldn't understand what it said, but then I got the hang of it. It said "Don't let no one bring you down Babe, you're much more better than that." As I heard his words. My heart went weak for his presence. That's when I realized how much of a help Lucas was. At first he was a jerk. Wait, let me rephrase that. HE WAS A BIG ASSHOLE. But now, he's my prince. And I don't even care if that sounds corny. He's what I wanted.

I then just looked over at the fact that we where still hugging. He then pulled away, I didn't want it to happen. I wanted to feel his touch all over again.

"Thank you so-"

That's when he grasped the jacket pulling me closer, our faces where inches from each others faces. "You talk so much. Just shut up Osborne." as he cupped my face with his hands. His lips then pressed gently on mine. I had a heart stopping sensation as I felt his soft gentle lips on mine. My first kiss was being given by the correct person. The right person.

As my eyes fluttered shut. I bet he could feel the rapid paste of a machine gun which was my heart beat going all over the place. I then opened up my mouth so he could take over. I couldn't stop it, I couldn't fight it. The way his tongue moved in the exact same motion as mine. I was totally enjoying this. I even moaned. I could feel him smirk knowing that I was enjoying this way too much for my liking.

His tongue grazed my bottom lip and I felt him smirk again at how easily I widen my mouth for him. I just gave in.

He then deepened the kiss with his warm delicious lips. My hands where placed on his neck and I pulled him closer, not even sure if it was possible. He then tilted his head side way letting me explore every inch of his delicious hot mouth. I heard him moan, which made hot sparks flare through me, knowing he was enjoying this as much as I was.

God, what was I doing this whole time? I needed this. I needed him. I needed that kiss. But only from his lips. And the best part is, he kept deepening the kiss.

I then got uncontrollably sad at the fact that he had backed away from the kiss. We where both breathing hard and the effort we made in that kiss. I needed more. I wanted more. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted to feel his touch on mine.

We where both just staring at each other. His eyes had darkened. They weren't the color of green I was hoping to see. More like dark pitched green. Which had an emotion I couldn't really put my finger on. I couldn't concentrate on anything but him. The way coldness was shivering through our bodies, The way I could feel my cheeks heat up. I probably looked like a red balloon.

The cold air rushed between us. His lips where lushed with pink in them. The way his cheeks  where swollen with a touch of pink that made him look even sexier, how was that even possible.

Our quietness got interrupted by Josh. "Let's get inside princess. Aunt is looking for you." he coughed as he gave dirty looks to Lucas.  I followed Josh while Lucas followed behind me.

I walked into the ball room. Everyone was dancing. The song "Cant hold us" by Macklemore was playing. Most people where drunk. Even Aunt Brittany as she shook her leg in a rapid paste. Was that supposed to be called dancing?

Josh had disappeared, and Lucas wasn't behind me anymore. Then Adriana rushed over to me and dragged her arm around my neck. "Lets PARTAAYY."

I then took her arm off. " You partied too much. How many drinks did you have?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Like three, or four. Maybe eight. Nope wait.. twelve.."

I sighed. "Where's Jake" I asked impatiently.

She shrugged again. "I don't know. He said I was embarrassing him and then he called me a nerd in front of Patty Robinson."

"Patty Robinson?" I mocked.

"Yeah, that popular girl that went out with Jake last year." She said furiously.

I then grabbed her and took her to a near by couch. "Okay, you are not going to drink no more. Are we clear?" I asked in a serious tone. "I'm going to find Jake and straight things out. You stay."

She nodded. "Kay, get me a glass of whiskey while you're at it."

I rolled my eye's and walked away. I was so excited to tell Adriana about my first kiss. But no bloody way I would tell her while she was drunk. She'd probably tell the world. Now where's Jake, Lucas and Josh.




Okay like I said, I changed "Francisco lachowski..who was lucas. And made him into Drew roy. OKAY GOODBYE ;D



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