Unspoken - {A Larry Stylinson...

By Bellanote34

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Harry Styles is know world wide for singing with One Direction. So stress comes with the job right? After too... More

Unspoken - {A Larry Stylinson love story}
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Eighteen

9.1K 208 297
By Bellanote34

Chapter Eighteen  

Louis' POV 

I bounced across the stage, singing as I did so, I felt so alive tonight. I wasn't sure why, but I felt really good, my talk with Liam helped a lot. I know I had been a little mean to Liam, but talking about that night, it helped me a lot. I still wasn't ready to tell Harry, but with Liam, it felt nice to get it off my chest.

I finished singing and grinned, the crowd going wild, we only had one song left to sing for our set. I was ready to get to bed, even if it was on the bus, any sleep would be good. From here, we were heading to Nottingham, we also had the day off tomorrow. I was planning to asked Harry to go shopping, spend a little time with him, I thought it'd be nice.

I smiled and listened tho the others talk, I made a brief statement, soon the notes of What Makes You Beautiful was playing. I smiled softly and looked over at Harry, he was watching Liam sing, waiting for his cue. I always love Harry's solos, he would sing them so well, and with so much passion.

I tapped my foot lightly, thinking as I sang along to the song, I began dancing around the stage with the others. Niall ran past me and smiled, he grinned and ran back, putting his arm around me. I got lost in the music for a little bit, I soon heard Harry's voice, his solo filling my ears.

I turned my head and looked at him, my gaze become transfixed, he looked so beautiful. I couldn't explain it, Harry had this look to him, but I only saw it when he was singing. Maybe he happy, or relaxed, either way he seemed at home on stage. I shook out of my thoughts, just in time for my cue.

The song was soon over, we were all saying good bye, I waved lightly as I walked off the stage. As soon as I was off stage, I realized how hot I was, and how sweaty. I grabbed a hand towel laying on the side, wiping my face off, my breathing heavy. I took deep breathes, my heart beating fast, it had been a good concert.

"You sounded great tonight, Harry." I said softly and looked over at Harry.

"Thank you, Lou." Harry said and grabbed a towel "So did you actually."

I grinned slightly, walking down the hall with him, he thought I sounded good! I bit my lip as we walked, trying to keep in a scream, I felt all giddy inside. This morning, me and Harry had brushed hands, I could feel something in that touch. I know, me and Harry had held hands, but this was different then that.

I had felt a spark, I had never felt that with Harry before, or with anyone for that matter. I was just so giddy today, more then I had in a while, I felt like nothing could bring me down. I grinned widely as we headed into the dressing room, setting the towel on the side, I froze when I saw someone in the room.

"E-Eleanor?" I stuttered.

What was she doing here? I thought things had ended between us! What could she possible want from me? I swallowed thickly, looking at Eleanor, she had a smirk on her face. I could tell she was up to something, I mean, why else would she come and find me? I didn't have anything left for her.

Eleanor smirked, getting closer to me, I had to admit I was a little intimidated. I swallowed hard, taking a step back, anyone could tell I was uncomfortable. The last time Eleanor and I saw each other, it didn't end well, which is why I was scared. What if we had another fight in front of everyone?

The boys didn't know about the fight, well, except for Liam. I had told Liam a lot, i had also told him that me and Eleanor broke up, mostly because I thought we had. I swallowed thickly as Eleanor got close, she smiled and leaned forward, kissing me on the lips. No! Not in front of Harry!

"El!" I said and pulled away, swallowing thickly "Get in the hall. We need to talk."

Eleanor smirked and nodded, she grabbed her purse and winked at me, heading into the hall. What the hell was I going to do? I knew what I had to do, but I was scared, she was already pissed off at me. I sighed lightly and grabbed my jacket, along with my wallet and phone, I quickly left the room and into the hall.

Eleanor smirked, looking at me, I could tell this was going to end badly. I had to break it to her gently, although, I was going to leave out the Harry part. Maybe, I could tell her we've just been growing apart, which was kinda true. I just didn't know what else to say, I wasn't in love with her anymore, I was in love with Harry.

"What do you want Eleanor?" I asked coldly.

"Can't I come see my boyfriend?" Eleanor asked, the word making me cringe.

"We are over Eleanor." I said blankly "Please leave before I have Paul throw you out."

Eleanor pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing slightly, I swallowed thickly as I watched her. She drew closely, looking at me in the eyes, I was trying hard not to show how scared I was. She smirked and started to laugh, backing away from me, I didn't get it. What was her problem.

Eleanor laughed some more, reaching into her purse, pulling out a sealed envelope. Why was that for? A letter? It had writing on it, but it was upside down, I couldn't read who it was addressed to. Why was she showing me this? What game was she playing at here? And why did I have a bad feeling about this?

"I guess I'll just mail this.." Eleanor said and laughed as she began to walk away "Bye Louis."

I swallowed thickly, watching her leave, I had a really bad feeling about this. Who was that letter for? I but be someone I know, or maybe not, she could be tricking me. I bit my lip gently, chewing it as the dressing room door opened, the other boys began coming out. What was I going to do?

Nothing. That's what I was going to do, that's all I could do really, I just had to sit and watch. I sighed lightly, reaching up and running a hand though my hair, I didn't what to tell the others just yet what was gong on. Liam on the other hand, he would want to know, he would know what to prepare for.

"You okay, Lou?" I heard Niall asking me.

"Yeah.. Just tired." I whispered.

I slipped on my jacket and sighed, heading towards the stage back door, I just wanted to sleep. I stepped outside and looked around, taking in a deep breath, I need to talk with Paul. I wanted to keep Eleanor away, which meant her not getting though security, which meant I had to tell him why.

I sighed lightly and headed to the bus, opening up the bus door, stepping into the dimly light tour bus. Right now, all I wanted to do was sleep, and that's what I was going to do. I yawned lightly and headed to the back, I stopped at the bunks and stripped off, crawling into bed. I could be bothered to change, to me, to wasn't worth it. 

I just wanted to sleep my troubles away.. 


Harry's POV 

I turned over in bed, groaning lightly, we were finally back in London for a little break. For the past few days, Louis had been acting rather odd, and I wasn't quiet sure why. It was all a little strange, he started acting like this after seeing Eleanor, what could she have said to him.

Maybe she threatened him, or maybe not, it was hard telling really. Then again, why would she threaten him? Maybe he told her that he kissed me, she might be mad at him, and probably me for that matter. I didn't know what to do, everything was so messed up, why couldn't I just remember what happened that night?

If only I could remember, then maybe everything would be better, just maybe. But how would I get it back? I don't know what to do, I've tried everything, the last tome I was here I slept in the bathroom. I had no such luck, I was hoping it would trigger something, but sadly it didn't.

I rolled around in my bed, pulling the blankets closer to me, I wasn't ready to get up yet. I sighed lightly, burring my head in the pillows, I wanted to sleep but I was finding it hard. I groaned lightly and sat up, looking around the room, it felt a little lonely here. I sighed quietly, running a hand though my hair, maybe all that would change with Paris.

I yawned and looked around, I heard my phone ring and grabbed it, Liam's name and picture flashed on the screen. What does he want so early? I yawned and looked at the clock, it was already ten o'clock, which was later then I thought. I shrugged lightly and looked at my phone, pressing the answer button, wondering what Liam wanted.

"Morning Harry!" Liam said cheerily.

"Mhm.. What do you want, Liam? I was sleeping?" I grumbled.

"Well get dressed and get out of bed. We have work to do. I'll be there in twenty." Liam said and hang up.

I groaned lightly and set my phone down, flopping back on the bed, why does Liam have come over? I'm still tired, all I wanna do is sleep, is that to much to ask? Yes, apparently so. I sighed lightly and sat up, swinging my legs over, I had no reason to complain. Liam was trying to help me, and I really needed it, I couldn't do this alone.

I got out of bed and went to the dresser, I pulled out some clothes and yawned, setting the clothes on the bed. I stripped out of my pyjamas and into my clothes, wearing jeans and a shirt, I also grabbed a hat to wear. I fixed my hair as I stood in front of the mirror, carefully putting the hat on, I didn't look half bad.

I smiled lightly and turned around, heading towards the door, I just hoped this planned worked. I really wanted to impressed Louis, to showed him I really cared, not putting on an act. I jogged down the steps, heading into the kitchen, I looked around for something to eat. I opened the fridge, grabbing an apple from the shelf, biting into it.

I stood there for a few minutes, eating my 'breakfast', if you could even call it that. I finished my apple and threw away the core, I soon heard a knock at the door, I figured it was Liam. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone, I jigged back down, grabbing my keys as I headed for the door.

I opened it and smiled, Liam was waiting there for me, I could see Zayn in the back of his car. I smiled softly and waved at him, he was looking a little sore to be honest, I shrugged it off and checked my mail box. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, there was a letter inside, I reached in a pulled it out.

It was from Eleanor.. 


So what did you guys think? I hope you like it. I think I have five chapters and a epilogue left to do for this story so hope you enjoy it! :) 


- Katie xx

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