The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)

By Jaee_101

4.1M 152K 41.6K

Zaria is young girl with big dreams. Beginning her senior year in high school, she has to balance graduation... More

Cast Call.
My Typical Morning
The Day Goes On.
The Day Goes On Pt.2
"Relationship Status" P.1
Meet up.
Relationship Status Pt.2
Relationship Status Pt.3
After The Fact .
After School Ends
Where Did You Come from? (Just Dewayne's Pov)
Friends Pt. I
Friends (Part II)
New Beginning
It's Over
It's Over (Part II)
The Name Game.
Run Away .
Run Away Pt.II
A Small Piece Of Rebellion
Z's Rebellion
Fairy Godmother.
Suspicious Behavior
Making It Official Pt.1
Strike One
I Got Chu
Reunited (Making It Official Pt2)
Mall and Chill (Dewayne's Pov)
A New Outlook
Click Out
The Invite
Crunch Time
What Happens now?
First Day on the Job
Ugly Truths.
A/N (Not an Update)
Business And Such.
Date Night Pt.I
Startin Somethin' (Date Night Part II)
Before I Release This New Update..
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)
Guess Who? (Pt I)
Guess Who (Part II)
Conclusion to the Beginning.
Conclusion to the Beginning Pt.II
A Slight Shift
Trying Again
Trying Again Pt. II
Let's Go
Old Memories Equals New Ideas
The Start of Big Things
Start of Big Things Pt.2
Catch up
Catch Up Pt.2
Game Day
I'm Glad You Came
Calculations Pt.2
Out My House!
I'm Right Here
The Day Off Pt. 1
A Simple Conversation
What Goes Around...On the Other Side
So About Tonight...
The Preparation
Something About The Night (Pt.1)
A/N & Face Reveal
Something About The Night (Pt.2)
Back to the Norm

The Dilemma.

42.7K 1.8K 174
By Jaee_101

Dewayne's Pov

I sped down the highway still mad as hell. I cannot believe what just happened.

For the past 20 minutes, Tracey has been the only thing attacking my thoughts. Out of all the sacrifice and prioritizing I did , she would turn around and do the unforgivable, with a nigga she know I can't stand.

Why would she even cheat? I gave her everything, treated her like a queen, and still managed to never even think about being with someone else. Plenty of girls threw themselves on me daily, but even with the arguments and petty shit, I was only with her.

Clutching the steering wheel harder I thought back to the dinner. How the fuck did he just come from nowhere? Just thinking about that scumbag made me want to pound his face in all over again.

Why would she do this? Better yet, how could I be such a fool?

Almost all our relationship was a lie. For two years, she kept saying she loved me but was probably out sleeping with Javonte. Shit maybe, he was waiting for her at his place sometimes while she was with me.

I don't get it. Why even stay with me, why be in a monogamous relationship in the first place.

What did I do to her? I mean, I was faithful, full of ambition, and actually valued her.

But if she wants a wack nigga who has no priorities that's on her.

I laughed bitterly out loud. I warned her.

Funny thing is, I thought that me and her would pass a great milestone for my birthday this year. For majority of our "relationship", I was out here by myself for the most part. My mom and majority of my family stayed back at home to take care of my grandma who had gotten sick. She sent me here to go into high school. Once I got here I was able get a job at my uncles construction company. This helped me pay for school and send money back home to my mom since she was struggling. I was able to finally save up and get my own crib and have money to fly my mom and siblings out so they could stay live here, once my grandma wasn't sick anymore. So trust me, it was a big deal for my mom and Tracey to meet. And to know the night I finally have everything set up, and am ready to present her to my family, I end up getting played. Shits crazy.

I tried so hard not to fuck up her trust and be the best boyfriend I could be. But how can one keep being faithful and invest so much into a person who obviously feel the same way ? It doesn't work like that and all it takes it one time for something like that to happen for me to not trust her anymore. If she didn't want to be with me, she could have sat down and talked to me been straight up. Instead, I wasted my time.

I finally reached home and went straight up to my apartment. As soon as I made it inside, I went straight to my closet pulling out all Tracey's shit.

I tossed all her clothes, shoes, purses, lingerie and makeup that had accumulated over time into a box not giving a fuck what happened to them. Next I went to grab all the pictures she had framed of us and toss them into the box. I tossed that shit across the room, meaning to put them in the box, but I heard it hit the wall extra hard and it shattered in the corner next to box. Oh fucking well.

I laid across my couch still fuming. To think after my mom came out here finally to live, and I made it a priority to introduce my mom to my girl. Big fucking mistake.

My birthday is over at this point, and to make matters worse I didn't even get to enjoy it. All I did was get embarrassed and end up fighting.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again, I know it is probably Tracey. I don't understand why the fuck she would even call me. Does she think we gon have a pleasant ass conversation about the weather?


I felt my phone vibrate 5 more times. Reluctantly I took my phone out and saw my mom's number flash on my screen.

I picked up the phone . "Hello?"

"Boy, I been calling you trying to make sure you were okay! After things got really crazy I went to go look for you. Next thing I know you just stormed off. Without telling anyone anything. Please just tell me you made it home safely." My mom fussing at me, making me instantly feel bad.

"My bad. I really just needed to get as far away from that drama as possible. If I had of stayed I would have ended up in jail. I couldn't be around her or that dude. But, I shouldn't have just left you like that."

She sighed, "Baby, I'm not mad at you for needing to get away, that was a lot, even for me. I understand you needing space, I was just worried about you. Me and all your friends were trying to look for you. Don't worry about me, your friend Devon was nice enough to drop me back off at my hotel."

"I'm glad you're back safely. But still I should have at least taken you home you are supposed to be staying with me until you find a place anyway." I said feeling guilt washing over me.

"Stop being so hard on yourself, D. This isn't the time for that, especially given everything that just happened. I understand and I'm not mad at you, I couldn't be. As long as you're in safely and not out doing something dangerous I'm fine. And I will be coming to stay for a while, but given I have your brother and sister with me I got the closet hotel I could find near the airport. It's a lot for them to be traveling like this so I wanted them to rest as soon as possible. Besides I wanted you to enjoy your birthday, we will be over there to see you soon enough."

"How are they?" I said lighting up a little. My younger sister and brother were my entire world, and I couldn't wait to see them.

"Both are sleeping.  Your uncle came by to watch them for me and he said about an hour into toy story they were both out cold. That's fine with me after I get comfortable I'm going to snuggle up next to them and knock out myself." She laughed making me smile.

Even though it was a bad night, I was happy to know they were safe.

"That's good I can't wait till I see them, I probably come and take y'all out soon. Y'all have to learn more about the city."

"They're just going to be beyond excited to be around they're big brother again! Trust me you won't have to do much to make them happy. No need to stress yourself out."

"I gotta do it big for them, they need to have fun. I know it's rough on them having to leave home and not getting to see me, I'm just trying to make up for lost time."

"And you will, I know it. But I want you to focus on yourself to you still got school and other priorities."

"For a while, my priorities have been all messed up." I sighed

"...I know you're at a really low place after tonight, and I'm sorry this happened like this to you. But don't be too hard on yourself. I know it's rough right now but you'll get through it, in time."

"I'm straight I'm just trying to chill on being stupid again. I don't want to deal with it anymore, I rather just be by myself."

"Well hey, there's nothing wrong with taking time to be with yourself and heal. It gives you more time to work on you and protect your energy. You weren't stupid, because you didn't cheat. It's okay to hold yourself accountable for not seeing sighs but don't project your relationships failure on yourself, it wasn't your fault. Just take it as a life lesson and move forward. You'll find someone better, when the time is right."

"All I learned from today is that people are fraudulent. I'm cool on the whole relationship thing. I hate drama and liars. I'm done with this whole day."

"In life you'll be surrounded by people. You'll find that there are some people you make connections with are only meant to be around for a season or a purpose. That's why you have to trust your instincts and pay attention to signs. People like her, are seasonal. Whether it's because they are liars or toxic you will outgrow them especially as you elevate. But not all people are like that. You also had some great friends there, who didn't feed into the drama and wee genuine. So something you should take away is while there are some toxic people out there, there are still a few gems who will support you and continue to be a positive asset to your life. Those are who you keep around. But I never want you to again put yourself in a position where you put your future and aspirations on the back burner for anyone else, that isn't love. But don't worry I believe in time you'll find that."

"You really think so ?"

"Of course, I do! It may be even closer than you think. But until then, just try to focus on other things take time to sort out your feelings and focus on your upcoming season! I'll try to make to as many games as I can. Also don't forget to come by I have your cake and gifts. You might want to hurry up, once your siblings realize it's here they might eat everything up."

This time I laughed, "Fasho. I'll stop in this weekend probably."

"I'm looking forward to it."


Zaria's Pov

After the room was cleared of Trailer Track Weave and Sloppy Joe-vonte, finally left, I got up and got my stuff. The girls did the same .

I couldn't help but feel a little pissed, like because he his whole birthday got ruined behind the very person who should have known better. Thats some fucked up shit.

Like girl, does she not realize some females be searching far and wide for a person, who has goals, ambition, and knows how to treat a women. And on top of that he was faithful. What more could you want?

Out of my peripheral vision I saw Tre and Dev finally rise from their seats. While both of them looked pissed off, I could tell they were just glad it was over.

"Sorry for all the drama ladies. We didn't even get to finish eating." Tre said sincerely.

"Yea but don't even worry the next time you come, there won't be any drama. That shit is dead." Dev said .

"It was no big deal, it would have been awkward as hell eating while you watching someone getting the holy ghost beaten outta them. With all of the pipin hot tea, I wouldn't have been able to finish my
pasta. Especially since everything played out like a love and hip hop episode." Stacey said, finally finding her voice after everything.

Despite the tension of tonight unfortunate events, everyone laughed in spite of themselves.

" Dewayne was beating that dudes ass, by the time he was done ole boy looked like a dented tootsie roll. Ole spider monkey looking ass, nose look like you sniffing planets." Stacey said while gathering her purse.

"Chill out with these jokes. You over here killing me." Tre said laughing. "But since 'toddler built' destroyed the dinner, and we gotta go check up on Wayne before he put someone in a hospital. This is where we gone have to call it a night." Tre said sadly.

"That's okay. We all have school tomorrow anyway so it's not like we can't plan something else, on a more drama-free scale. And please go see about Dewayne, I can't even imagine what he's feeling right now,"I said completely understanding.

"Definitely. " Dev said.

"And even though we didn't eat, I still get to take my cheesecake to go, so I'm all good." Candy said, "Wayne is going to need friends right now."

We all agreed, and exchanged hugs. Even though tonight didn't end well, I couldn't help but worry about the Dewayne. I wanted to check on him but I figured he would probably just prefer space at the moment. I'll give him some space and let him talk when he's ready, that is if he even feels comfortable to talk to me.

Narrator's Pov.

When Stace gave Devon a hug she felt a surge of heat course through her. While he seemed mad from what she could tell, he looked so good. She couldn't help, but still crush on him the entire night. Not only could she admit he was really good looking, he was also hilarious. Still, she wasn't the one to rush things based off her past experiences with boys. It caught her off guard when he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and spoke softly.

"Even though this isn't how I envision our first date, I know I'll get the chance to make it up to you. "He said smirking, "You looked beautiful tonight. After I got and make sure Wayne straight i'll probably text you. That cool?"

'Sure that's fine. See you later Devon." she said coolly, but he saw right through her. He knew sooner or later he would be able to witness her letting her guard down and showcasing her true emotions. He couldn't wait.

He kissed her cheek and gave her one last hug, loving the feel of her body molded against his. "Bye." he said while she stood in a daze, just what he wanted. He walked away with a smirk knowing he had finally come across the girl he wanted.


Tre watched as Candy walked towards him, and he felt his eyes trace every curve on her body. Silently, he praised god for her decision to wear that dress. She was beautiful, and he knew that there was a brewing connection between them and he fully embraced the idea of them growing into something deeper than friendship.

He noticed everytime they locked eyes she would look away, but he caught her looking at him on multiple occasions.

He bit his lip and looked her expectantly. "Do I get a hug before you leave or are you still mad at me for earlier?" he said smirking.

She rolled her eyes but walked over to him and gave him a small hug. Before she could pull away he latched an arm gently around her waist.

"You still owe me a date." he said teasingly, loving that he could feel her breathing quicken.

"I never said I would go out on a date with you." she said bluntly.

He fought the impulse to kiss her right there, her and that smart ass mouth are gonna be the death of him.

"But I never asked you. " He said and she gave him an incredulous look.

"What are you-"she began, but stopped short when she felt warm soft lips or her cheek. The realization hit her, He kissed her cheek. Although it was a simple gesture, it had her feeling a type of way. He hugged her one last time and when he pulled back his hand wandered down the length of her waist. "You look amazing in this dress by the way."

She just stood there in shock. He smiled knowing he had gotten her again.

"I gotta go mamas but I'll see you tomorrow. I'll let you know what time I'm picking you up our the date. Drive safe." he said finally before moving from close proximity. He then walked away and caught up with Dev was. They both paid for their plates and headed the restaurant door.

As soon as thy got into the car, they both looked at eachother and smiled big. "NIGGGGAA."


Thanks for being patient, I have updates up as promised. Be sure to read, comment and enjoy!!

I lovveee y'all.

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