Fighting Fire

By DakedaShanay

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Lillianna: All I could think about was what happened in he's office. He kissed me and I didn't freak out. I a... More

Chapter 1: Lillianna
Chapter 2: Detective Skyy
Chapter 3: Lillianna
Chapter 4: Detective Skyy
Chapter 5: Detective Skyy
Chapter 6: Lillianna
Chapter 7: Lillianna
Chapter 8: Lillianna
Chapter 9: Lillianna
Chapter 10: Lillianna
Chapter 11: Detective Skyy
Chapter 12: Lillianna
Chapter 13: Detective Skyy
Chapter 14: Lillianna
Chapter 15: Detective Skyy
Chapter 16: Lillianna
Chapter 17: Detective Skyy
Chapter 18: Detective Skyy
Chapter 19: Lillianna
Chapter 20 Detective Skyy
Chapter 21: Lillianna
Chapter 22: Lillianna
Chapter 23: Lillianna
Chapter 24: Lillianna
chapter 25: Detective Skyy
Part II
Chapter 1: Lillianna
Chapter 2: Lillianna
Chapter 3: Detective Skyy
chapter 4: Lillianna
Chapter 5: Lillianna
Chapter 6: Lillianna
chapter 7: Detective Skyy
chapter 8: Lillianna
Chapter 9: Detective Skyy
Chapter 10: Detective Skyy
Chapter 11: Detective Skyy
Chapter 12 Lillianna

Chapter 26: Lillianna

39 1 0
By DakedaShanay

Chapter 26


                After filling out 15 minutes of paper work Dr. Hartman finally called me into her office. I took a seat on the sofa in front of her chair.

                “Hi I’m Jill Hartman,” she introduced herself.

                Jill Hartman was a gorgeous woman in her mid-forties. She looked good for forty years old. Long jet black hair, hazel eyes, and flawless olive skin. I suddenly felt like I was in a photo shoot.

                “This is not going to work,” I said more to myself than to her but she clearly heard me.

                “You must be really upset,” she questioned.

                “Yea I am.”

                “Lillianna Hoffman right?” I nodded my head. “Do you like to be called anything other than Lillianna?”

                “Just call me Lillianna,” I informed her.

                “I sense that you’re angry about being here.”

                You damn right I was angry. I was sitting in front of freaking Angelina Jolie. How was this perfectly beautiful woman going to help plain old me. I don’t know why I agreed to this. It’s Skyy’s fault and I was going to let him know that tonight.

                “Yea I am.”

                “We can talk whenever you’re ready, there is no pressure.”

                “I have to be here to get my job back,” I informed her. 

                “We can start there,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Do you like your job.” I simply nodded my head and she continued to ask a series of question relating to my job.

                I either answered her yes or no. After an hour I was free to go with a schedule to meet the next week. I wasn’t so thrilled about it but what else could I do. I wanted my job back. On top of that I could only ride around in an ambulance if I was in therapy.

                After getting Dr. Hartman to sign my paperwork informing my captain that I was indeed in therapy I headed to the station. I wasn’t working and I hadn’t plan to but the captain was shorthanded and asked me to ride with Trina.

                “Your back,” Sonny smiled as I walked passed him.

                “Yep,” I said as I walked to the break room where everyone else was sitting watching TV and having the rookie make them lunch.

                “Hey Trina it looks like I’m riding with you today,” I inform her as I took a seat next to her.

                “Sweet. It’ll be just like the good old days before you left me for truck,” she joked causing me laugh. “So how’s sex with the detective” Trina asked.

                I haven’t told Trina much about my sex life largely because I always see her when I’m on my way out the door. I haven’t really been staying at my own home, primarily because I’m avoiding my family.

                “It’s really good sex,” I added.

                Trina laughed as Trent took a seat next to us.

                “I’m going to pretend like I didn’t hear that,” Trent blurted out causing Trina and I to laugh. “Where the hell have you been Anna?” Trent question. “And what are you doing here?”

                “She’s been staying at her boyfriends and Chief put her with me today,” Trina explained.

                “Am I going to have to have a chat with this guy,” Trent said causing Trina and I to laugh all over again.

                We both knew Trent was all talk. Trent was no fighter like Kent is. He’s more of a sweet talker.

                “So how mad is the family with me?” I asked.

                “Pam is too focused on Dre. Dre is focuses on saving her marriage or the money her marriage brings. Tatyana on the other hand probably wants to hurt you.” Trent explained.

                That sounds about right. I wasn’t ready to face any of them yet.

                I spent a full 12 hours at the station and by the time I reached home I wasn’t in the mood to drive to Skyy’s place. I sent him a text and rolled over and went to sleep. I was shocked when I woke up and I had no text from Skyy.

                I showered and dressed then headed to Skyy’s place. I had this gut feeling that something was wrong. Skyy always text back and the fact he didn’t worried me. I rushed over to his place and found his door unlocked. I called out for Skyy but no answer. I walked in and was greeted by Candy. I rubbed her head and then flipped on the lights. I expected to find Skyy’s newly unpack living room but I didn’t. It was empty.

                “What the hell!” I said to myself

                I searched the house starting with the kitchen. Everything was gone and same with his bedroom and the bathroom. The last room I check was his office. The office was too empty only the painting of my mother was hanging on the wall.

                None of this made sense, why was all of his stuff gone.

                I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number.

                “This phone has been disconnected,” I hung up and dialed the number three more times and got the same message.

                This had to be a mistake. I lead Candy out to my truck and then drove to the police station. If Skyy wasn’t at his home, most likely he was in his office. I left Candy in the car and rushed into the station. I got to his office to find Blake moving in.

                “What the hell is going on?” I asked Blake.

                “Detective Kyle Skyy left for Seattle earlier today,” Blake informed me.

                That’s when the first tear dropped. This couldn’t be. I couldn’t believe a word Blake was saying so I rushed to Kent’s office.

                “Please tell me he’s not gone,” I cried.

                “Lilly I’m sorry,” Kent pleaded.

                I lost my balance and fell to the floor sobbing. He promised me he wasn’t leaving. He lied to me. He left me without as much as a good bye.

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