I am Katrina Stark ( an Aveng...

By Avengers5408

17.9K 290 25

We all know the Avenger's stories but did you know about Tony Stark's little sister, and how she came to be t... More

Chapter 1- 1991
Chapter 2-Stark
Chapter 3- Friends
Chapter 5- Sorry doesn't cut it
Chapter 6- ShortCuts
Chapter 7- Finding You
Chapter 8- Tahiti 2.0
Chapter 9 - Xavier Academy
Chapter 10- Family You Never Had
Chapter 11- Belonging
Chapter 12 - Mystery Man
Authors note
Chapter 13- Gut feeling
Chapter 14- Madness
Chapter 15 - Here at S.H.I.E.L.D we are family
Chapter 16- Eyes everywhere (2006)
Chapter 17- You forgot
Chapter 18- Inseperable
Chapter 19 - Letting you go
Chapter 20 - Moving On
Chapter 21- And me?
Chapter 22 - I love you
Chapter 23 - A day to remember
Chapter 24 - Change of Plans

Chapter 4- Halloween At S.H.I.E.L.D

1.1K 21 4
By Avengers5408

First of all guys I just want to apologize for not updating in like- I think two months now I can't remember- I sorta got bored from writing and school is just messed up. So to treat you guys I'm putting up a Halloween special because I feel like it and hopefully you enjoy. Thanks loves, XOXO

"Arabesque" Natasha's voice commanded Kat as she quickly got into formation trying the best she could to maintain the perfect balance and keep her legs at an accurate position.

It had been a little under a year since Kat was brought into S.H.I.E.L.D, and since then she has been trained by Natasha Romanoff, one of the best agents they have on the field.

They hadn't gotten off to the greatest start with Nat's attitude and Kat's stubbornness, but Phil and Clint managed to find a way to work things out.

At S.H.I.E.L.D they tried to give Kat the best of education so that she could maintain a successful mind and keep fit just incase they ever needed her as an agent; which they did.

"Excellent." Kat made a sigh of relief as she gracefully lowered her leg and straightened her posture.

"Now Jete!" Nat said suddenly and Kat groaned to herself. She was so ready to give up and her body aches.

She began to run from one end of the room and near the middle she attempted to do a Jete but she underestimated herself and hung her head low as she did it making her posture look poor.

In failure she groaned and hung her head back not wanting to hear Nat's rants on how she should improve,
"I don't even understand why we need to do this it isn't helping me in anyway and for Petes sakes it's Halloween!" she mumbled quietly to herself but clearly caught the attention of Nat.

"Ballet helps you clear your mind. It's the only thing that allows you to focus, you have to understand that I'm doing this to improve you." She said politely although there was a hint of frustration in her voice.

"That doesn't make any sense and that's not fair I'm almost eight, younger than all of the agents here and yet you push me harder than any agent I know here! Why are you-" Her angry comment was cut off by the red head when she snapped up to look at Kat and by now any agent could tell that Kat was bound to die.

"Why am I being such a bitch? Why am I pushing you so hard? Why? Because I see potential in you Kat and I know it sucks to be trained as a kid and lose everything you have. But you learn to not feel that pain anymore, don't let it bother you because it doesn't matter!
The only thing that matters in this world is staying alive, this world we live in Kat it's a game! And there's no end to it." She yelled at her Making Kat just freeze where she stood with her ballet slippers laces falling lose due to poor tying skills.

"I'm sorry Nat I didn't -"

"No one ever means to Kat, it's just something we do." Nat began to calm down and walk around the room as she tried to let her anger radiate off, a habit of hers.

"Um Nat if you don't mind me asking.... You mentioned you were trained to know ballet... But why? And when were you trained?" The curiosity struck her as she spoke her thoughts.

"It's not a story you want to hear..." She began avoiding contact with Kat.

"I-I'm sorry Nat that was stupid of me" Kat quickly apologized and walked over to the bench to pick up her clothes bag.

"Another day kid I promise" Nat sighed quietly and walked over to Kat to give her a simple smile. Even the slightest crack of her lips meant you were something special to Nat. Anyone could see that Kat and Natasha had a special bond.

Kat mirrored the smile and adjusted the duffel bag straps on her shoulder as she began to head out of the room, she turned her head back to say something but there was no one there. Just her and the lousy dance room. And the air.

"Happy Halloween Nat" she said softly before closing the door behind her.

Fury's POV:

"Sir there seems to be a disturbance in your office upstairs" Maria had just been recently monitoring the floors of the Triskelion where My office was currently being moved to.

"Explain Maria" I huffed out in annoyance. The day was already long enough with the council all over my back on this new project, Tahiti I believe it was called, and whatever it was I thought it was just outrageous that they needed-

"Sir I can't actually see it, the security cameras have been disabled along with the audio" she turned to meet my eyes now with a concerned expression. My jaw clenched as I pulled out my intercom and asked for backup to my office.

"Sir it could be anything out there, we need to be prepared for the most. I mean how is it possible that someone can break into the Triskelion's security, obviously a mastermind. Sir just be careful" she warned after her long ass speech. Not to be rude but I am just beyond frustrated and with this whole issue now I know I have a lot of homework.

I walked swiftly over to the elevator with the swat team trailing a few meters behind all assembling into formation.

The elevators swung open and thankfully empty as we filled the lift.

It took a while to get to the 21st floor but it also allowed me to think of how I'd handle this situation.

The elevators swung open once again and I directed the team to my room with my hand right over my gun ready to pull it out at any given moment.

As one agent kicked upon the door I looked around the room and was dumbfounded when everything seemed to be in place.

My eyes then directed to my desk with my chair facing the window. My jaw clenched even tighter. Someone was In my chair.

"Move and I'll shoot" I warned with complete authority in my voice as I brought my gun out and cocked it right at the target.

The chair swung suddenly to face us, the person was wearing an eyepatch, had black clothes and gloves on and a cape. What?

"Jesus, Nick it's just-"

Before any of us could realize what had just happened our eyes darted towards Katrina's shoulder which was now bleeding rapidly as her face grew pale and she looked up at me with a shocked expression. Shit.

I ran over to the chair and checked for her pulse. It was still there but very faint. I breathed out a short sigh of relief although on the inside I was panicking for my life.

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