The Kissing Booth (Niall Hora...

By Gottalovecupcakes

78.4K 1.5K 191

High school was duh, high school. NO ONE WANTED TO GO. It was hell that every teenager had to wake up at 5 in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part One
Chapter Thirty-Five: Part Two
Check it Out

Chapter Ten

2K 52 4
By Gottalovecupcakes

Zayn's POV

Why was I so nice? It was nine in the frickin' morning and I was at school. On a holiday. Ugh.

"Zayn? What the hell are you doing here?" Matt's head shot up on my wind shield. "Maybe some theatre club meet up." Someone, I think Lucas, snickered. "I should be asking you the same question." I tried to change topics.

"We had football practice, now why are you here?" Matt answered, growing impatient. "I'm waiting...for a girl." I sort of lied. Hey, Esme and Fin were girls! "Someone on the cheer leading team? Because that means you have great taste." Jett smirked.

I nodded, causally pulling out my phone to text Esme.

To: Esme H.


"Well I hope everything works out for ya, see you around." Matt patted my car before leaving. Phew, thank The Lord.

"Now why are these dumb asses here?" West literally yelled. Shit shit shit, I could make out Niall that was driving and my heart was about to explode. "Soccer practice, dickwad." Will yelled back through the window.

After some more deadly glares being exchanged the footballers drove off. What was this, some Romeo and Juliet shit if I'd say so myself.

Esme's POV

If I hadn't gotten Zayn's text I'm pretty hella sure Fin and I would've been caught. We both sat back up after Will said the coast of clear and Niall parked when we started pulling our bags out from the back. "I'm going to Zayn's car in case they come back." Fin mumbled, definitely upset for lying to her boyfriend.

"Can we just talk about how close that was?" Niall laughed softly, handing me my suitcase. "Nope, I don't wanna talk about them." I smiled as he pulled me closer to him with his arms around my waist.

"Good." He mumbled before kissing me. It was nice to know I had someone kind of like a boyfriend. But it would be nicer if he actually was. Sigh. "Maybe I'll attempt to climb up to your balcony tonight?" He grinned.

"I have tons of homework to start, but maybe tomorrow you can." It was true, I had like two essays to write in a limited amount of time. "Cool, see you tomorrow." He kissed my cheek before we parted ways.

"You two sicken me." Zayn gritted through his teeth as he pulled into drive as I laughed in response. Stupid butt.


"Good afternoon students! Before I send you home, I would just like you to know what jobs and parts of the musical you'll be doing. The jobs are outside in the bulletin board, if there's any questions retaining about your part, I'm available to speak to! Remember that tomorrow you all report here for a days worth of rehearsals." Mrs. Frank announced before shooing us away.

Of course I was with my buddy Zayn since we both came from Chemistry, and since we were all the way in the back of the auditorium, we slipped away before Mrs. Frank could finish.

"YEAH! I'm singing! What, what!" Zayn cheered. "I'm happy for you my gay best friend." I stuck my tongue out at him and he ignored it.

Harris, Harris, Harris...

"Aha! I'm doing hair and makeup with Alice, whoop!" I joined the happy dance. I could've ended up with something crappy like stage hand.

During my cheering something, better yet, someone picked me up and threw me over there shoulder. And I only have two words. Matty ass.

"Matt, c'mon." I mumbled, trying to wiggle away. I sighed and looked up to see the rest of them following behind. Was this some sort of meeting? And I think I have an idea of what it is. Ugh.

I was set perfectly on a chair and I noticed my surroundings; the balcony. "So we don't like this, not hanging out with us, thing." Jett cleared the air. Hmm, I was close.

"I apologize for finding friends that care about how I feel, I'm so sorry, I feel horrible." I replied emotionless. The balcony went silent and they all stared off for awhile. "Are you dating him?" Matt finally asked.

"And what if I said yes? Then what? Would you disown your best friend? If you never wanted me with him in the first place, you shouldn't have kept my hopes up this long!" I stood up and walked off.

"What'd they do to you in there!?" Zayn panicked. "They asked me stupid irrelevant crap that I rather not talk about." I said as I felt my cheeks get hot. Ugh, why were they suddenly so irritating now?

"Come on, someone needs to go make me some coffee at her job now." Zayn grinned, pushing me outside. Ew, work.


"Esme, can you help that customer?" Wilson begged. I sighed and hopped off the counter, sliding my phone in my pocket. Little did he know I was telling Fin everything that happened because my poor baby was sick. Sad face.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I plastered my fake happy smile on my face at the old lady. "Can I have a pumpkin spice latte and a slice of coffee cake?" She asked. I nodded and entered in the prices before saying, "That will be $7.86!" She handed me the money before I started on the coffee.

What human liked pumpkin spice lattes? No offense but I hated pumpkin spice. Icky.

"Here you are, enjoy your day!" I continued to fake smile, handing her the food.

I sighed again, hiding in a corner so my boss Wilson wouldn't find me again. I'm such a horrible employee. The door chimed, queuing Wilson's senses as he yelled my name. "UGH." I groaned, appearing again.

It was the one and team of Rosewood High. I would be happy if it wasn't Louis waiting patiently at the counter. I casually stood in front of the cash register, waiting for him to speak.

"Uh, Niall, wanna take this one?" He looked back at the swarm of sweaty guys. The blondie perked up, making his way past the others. "Hey babe, I didn't know this is the coffee joint you work at! How are you? I haven't spoken to you all day!" He smiled. Asdfgjkl, he called me babe.

"I'm at work, it sucks balls." I mumbled. "Awe, when do you get off?" He asked, setting his soccer ball on the counter. "At eight aka in three hours." I answered with a smile.

"Esme, this isn't some flirting shop! Get to work!" Wilson glared. "Yeah, yeah!" I waved him off. Niall laughed and said, "Can I pick you up and go see a movie then?"

AH, first date? Maybe? WHERE'S FINELY WHEN I NEED HER.

"Sure. But before I loose my job, what can I get for you sir?" I said changing into my fake happy self. He laughed again and analyzed the menu.

"Eight caramel iced coffees and ten of those yummy chicken salad sandwiches you guys make." He ordered. "That will be a total of $21.75!" I spoke cheerfully. "Will, I'm broke." Niall complained. Will rolled his eyes and handed me the money.

After filling up the coffee cups and getting ten flipping chicken salad sandwiches before giving it to Wendy the waitress. Ha, she was meant to be a waitress with that name.

"Esme, I need you to get more whipped cream from the back!" Wilson shouted. And this was my life, getting whipped cream from the walk in fridge. FML.

"Hey now, hey now, this is what dreams are made of!" I sang as I got the can and handed it back to Wilson as he laughed at me. "I wonder why I don't fire you." He started to say. "Then I remember I need you to run tables for Susan because she's running late."

My happy self faded and I groaned, taking the apron from Wilson's hand. Again, FML.


The coffee house was empty like it usually was around eight at night and in five wistful minutes, I'll see Niall at the door ready to pick me up from this hell.

"Night Eddy!" I yelled at the college student who worked the late shifts doing the usual studying. "Bye Esme." He mumbled, focusing on his book. The door chimed and I turned around to see my smiley kinda boyfriend. Oh how I wish it was official.

"Ready?" He said, holding out a hand for me to take. I smiled because I'm frickin' holding hands with NIALL.

"So you never told me what you're doing for the musical crap." I said when I got into his car. "I'm singing, durf. Thanks for paying attention to me!" He pretended to be hurt.

"You're very welcome. What song are you gonna sing?" I asked after laughing a little. "I'm thinking Ed Sheeran because that guys fuckin' amazin'. Maybe Lego House or Firefly." He nodded to himself.

"Oh my gosh, do Firefly!" I begged. "Ahaha, alright, for you." He smiled softly. "And what movie would you like to see? Romantic comedy, maybe just a Romance or-" "I'm into thrillers and adventures." I interrupted him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry for my manly choices!" I gushed. "No, no! I'm actually happy you like those kind of movies because even though I love me my chick flicks, I rather some exciting movie." He explained.

Phew, good.


"And then he walked me to my door and since it was raining, he had his arms around me so I was like pressed against his body and he had his coat over our heads and he kissed me good night and left me with his jacket and HE CALLED ME HIS GIRLFRIEND." I ranted like a little girl with a little girl crush. I was never this girly, what happened?

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you!" Fin squealed. We were never this girly together, Fin was my brosif.

"You two young ladies should not be discussing personal matter in the theatre. We have literally a week till show time so I expect you, Esme, to start working on what you'll be doing for our acts hair and makeup, and you Finely, you need to start working with Zayn on your duet!" She instructed.

"Zayn's actually in the bathroom right now but we've already picked Need You Now by Lady Antebellum wise Esme here was asking me how I'd like my hair." Fin said, leaving her speechless. She just let out a "humph" before walking off.

"You got Zayn to sing Lady Antebellum?" I stared to crack up. "Do I look country like to you? We are NOT singing Lady Antebellum!" Zayn walked in.

"I lied to shoo her away. If I told her Hate That I Love You by Rihanna and Ne Yo, I would've spent right hours explaining to her who Rihanna and Ne Yo are!" She pouted making us laugh.

"I think you two are gonna knock socks off but I must go take some snooty booty Chloe's hair and makeup choices, I'll be back later." I sighed. "Ta ta my love." Fin waved with wiggly figures.

"Babe!" Niall screamed, grabbing me from behind and lifting me up with a hug. "Hey Ni. And how would you like your hair and makeup done?" I asked when I turned to face him. "Mmm, anyway you want it to be as long as it's done by you." He mumbled, kissing me softly.

"MR. HORAN AND MISS. HARRIS-" Mrs. Frank literally screamed. "BLAH!" I screamed back at her as she glared at us.

"She's crazy, I swear!" He chuckled. "But hey, come listen to my cover."

He took my hand, intertwining our fingers as he pulled me back stage. We stopped at two seats with a guitar on one. I remembered one night in Skype he played his guitar till I fell asleep.

I sat on the empty seat, him on the other as he fixed himself to the guitar.

"This one, goes out for my beautiful girl, Esme." He said in a deep voice. Holy fucdge!

Matt's POV

"I'm mad that we're stuck with stage hand. I don't want to paint shit!" West complained. "There's better things to worry about like Zayn and Fin. Why couldn't they sing different songs for, huh?" Lucas sounded irritated.

"Where the hell is Esme." I mumbled, searching the crowd. "Dude, she obviously hates us for intruding with her an lover boy so just drop it. If anything bad happens you know we'll be there in seconds." David said.

"I don't understand how she's not aware of his past." Jett shook his head in disbelief. "Or maybe she is and Esme being Esme wants to fix him and make him all better." West added, earning glares from the rest.

"Oh no, not like that! Ew! I would kill her and then kill him if that happened!" He yelled.

"Hey, um, you guys need help with your batch?" Harry stuttered. We gave him blank stares until he finally mumbled out, "Sorry, never mind."

"Na man, we actually need an extra hand. Frank gave us an extra ten because David and West here though it'd be cool to paint them red instead of blue." Jett kind of grinned at him, handing him a paint brush.

"Cool." Harry nodded awkwardly. I continued to stare at him, wondering why the hell did he want to help us.

So I blatantly said, "Why the hell are you helping us for?"

He looked up, a tad nervous. "I dunno, there's so much hate between our teams, and since I don't have anything to do with it, why can't I sorta be friends with you guys. I mean, it's stupid to hold a grudge for like three years and you guys haven't even spoken, but I'm not apart of that hatred, so I guess I thought it'd be okay. Oh, and Niall really does like Esme. I won't lie, at first it was just another hook up, but then he started to actually like her. He's never dated since.... Ya know, Gabby and all, so I'm actually proud of him." He ranted.

"You're still dating the girl that fucked with Esme, so there is a little tension." David spoke up. "Who Chloe? HELL NO! I dumped her the second she said those things, she's just a stupid groupie now." He said as though disgusted.

"Oh, then....welcome buddy!" West yelled.

(A/N: Since I reached about 432 Reads I thought I poop out another short chapter to hold you all for three weeks of no updating. AND I APOLOGIZE REALLY, BUT IT'S EITHER I PASS AND ENJOY MY SUMMER OR FAIL AND RETAKE THE REGENTS IN AUGUST. LIKE I'M DELETING MY TWITTER APP AND EVERYTHING. I just hope you all understand. I can't thank you enough for reading even if it's "only" 430 something Reads. Just THANK YOU!

I promise I'll be back with lots of updates <3

Since I'll be gone, lets think up crazier numbers like:

800 Reads

25 Votes


I know this is impossible but whatever!

Thank you so much, I love you all!

Ox, Dee <3

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