I Don't Wanna Live Like A Bro...

By bmtharemylife

14.7K 716 244

Katherine (Kathy) just moved to Sheffield for Senior year. She is pretty much having to start her life all ov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note - I'm So Sorry Guys
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 25

353 20 9
By bmtharemylife

** Zahara's P.O.V. **

** The Next Morning **

I pulled the car up to the parking lot and parked it, body shaking slightly as I turned off the car then sat there. I just stared in the direction of the tennis courts, swallowing thickly as my heart pounded. My palms grew clammy and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. The doctors had warned me not to head back, that I was not ready, but my parents argued with them for hours, and eventually threatened to sue them. The doctors gave in, after giving me tons of medications and advice, and how to keep my feelings under control, and now here I was, sitting in my car in the school parking lot.

I opened my purse, grabbing one of the pill bottles and opening it up, popping two into my mouth. I wouldn't feel the effects till later, but the doctors said it worked. Besides, it wouldn't get me as high as if I had actually smoked weed or took the extracts of it. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, calming myself down. I grabbed my book bag, transferring the bottles of pills to the pockets in my book bag and hid my purse, stepping out of my car and closing the door solidly behind me. My car keys disappeared into my pockets after I locked the car. I wore a loose fluffy skirt, black ruffles lying under a lighter layer of black lace. A black choker necklace rested on my throat, the skull in the center standing out against my outfit.

A dark smoky eye and cat eyes hid the bags under my eyes, and my bangs covered bits and pieces of my eyes too, helping people not notice my bags. I could see the streaks of reds melded with the blacks and I faintly smiled, relaxing a little bit as I started towards the school. As soon as I entered through the doors I tensed up again, my pink tongue darting out to slightly wet my black lips. My knee high boots made loud thuds against the floor as I walked, and my neck prickled as everyone stared at me.

"Did you hear what Luke did to her?" I heard faintly from somewhere.

"No, but I heard it was horrible... I wasn't here yesterday." A voice responded, and I kept my head held high, my black corset straightening my spine out of pain. Yet, I took a silent comfort from the pain, almost as if I enjoyed it. The pain between my legs seemed to be fading away more and more, and I felt the effects of the drugs I had taken about twenty minutes ago kick in.

"I heard it was gory, she was bleeding everywhere."

"From where? I don't see any scars or cuts or bandages." Someone responded softly, as if I didn't have ears. I casted a glare at the two girls, scaring them into silence. I looked back at the ground, heart pounding as I walked up to my locker. I opened it and took a deep breath, nearly bursting into tears.

Kathy and Oli had put a bunch of pictures, cards, candy, and even cigarettes in my locker. I let out a soft sigh of appreciation, grabbing the cigarettes and storing them in a secret compartment in my belt/skirt. I looked through the cards, laughing as I noticed the gang's signatures and a bunch of money from Nicholls. I stored away the money and carefully packed the cards together, putting them in the little shelf at the top of my locker. I took the pictures and used my magnets to post them throughout my locker.

It was when Kathy and I were hanging out at the party. The most recent picture was of me standing in front of the school, kissing Sam. There were a total of twenty pictures, and in every single one of them me and Kathy were smiling and laughing. Unless it was of me and Sam.

'She notices more about me and Sam than I thought.' I smiled at the thought and someone laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Guess who?" It was Kathy. I turned around and smiled, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you." I whispered, and she hugged me back, slipping a lighter into my outer pocket of my book bag.

"Always Z, you're a part of my family now, we have to look out for each other." She said as we pulled apart. I smiled and grabbed the lighter, slipping it into the pocket the cigarettes are in and putting my book bag in the locker. I closed the locker and looked to Kathy.

"Wanna go take a smoke or two?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Let's go." I nodded and we walked away towards the back of the school where we could smoke in peace. Luke was nowhere to be seen, and that made my day, so far so good.

** Oli's P.O.V. **

** Lunch**

I sat down at my usual table and waited for Kathy to arrive and sit down with me. Well, I mean, after everything I think she will be avoiding Luke like he was the plague. I looked over and saw that Matt and Lee entered the cafeteria. They must know what happened yesterday. I wonder what they are going to do about it. I noticed they weren't walking towards the same usual table. They were walking towards my direction. I just stared at them as I saw them sit down in front of me.

"Uhh hi" I said no knowing what else to say.

"We're sorry Oli. I never thought Luke could have manipulated all of us to think such a thing. I'm so sorry I thought you were just a stupid loner. Honestly, I, well we, came here cause what Luke did was extremely wrong. Also because we had always heard from Kathy that you were such an amazing guy and that if we had spent some time to get to know you we would have agreed." Nicholls spoke. I slowly nodded while listening.

"It's ok man. It's not your fault if Luke did what he did. You guys had no idea what was happening." I justified them. It was true, they had nothing to do with it. It was all Luke's work and his little gang.

"Yeah, but still. We could have listened to Kathy before to find out the truth ourselves. I also want you to know that nobody is on Luke's side. He's the true dickhead. And to think that we thought he changed. Phh... bullshit." Lee explained.

"C'mon guys, I said it's not your fault. C'mon let's not think about him. So, what kind of music do you guys listen to?" I asked randomly just to change the subject.

"Rock and metal." Nicholls answered.

"Same." Lee just replied. I started to smile at their answers.

"No way." was all I was able to say.

"You listen to that too?" Lee asked surprised. I smiled nodding.

"Oh my fucking god. I totally forgot. Lee, Kathy even told us that we shared the same music taste. We are so stupid." Nicholls said while mentally face palming himself. I chuckled at his comment.

"You guys ain't that bad after all." I commented.

"Yeah, and you ain't that much of a stupid loner after all." Nicholls replied. We all started laughing at the same time.

"Who would have ever guessed? The popular kids becoming friends with the school loner. Kinda weird eh?" I said. They both nodded.

"You're right." Lee said. I looked at my bag that was half open and noticed my notebook. A question immediately popped into my head.

"Do you guys play any instruments?" I asked curious. They both nodded.

"I play the drums." Nicholls answered.

"I play the guitar. Do you play anything?" Lee said.

"I don't play any instruments but I can sing pretty. Well, it's more like screaming and growling but yeah." I told them.

"That's sooo cool man!" Lee exclaimed. I chuckled while scratching the back of my neck. Maybe we could actually become friends. Maybe we can make a band and play gigs. I mentally laughed at myself.

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool." Nicholls said. I looked at him confused. "You know, make a band and play gigs." He explained. Ohhhh... I must have said that out loud, my bad. I should pay more attention to what I think and not say shit out loud.

"Yeah, it does sound like a cool idea." I commented. Before we could continue I heard the door open and people all of a sudden started to whisper. I turned around and saw Zahara with Same right next to her. I gave her a mild smile while she came over to us and sat down next to Lee.

"I'm not liking all these people talking who knows what about me." She mumbled under her breath. I felt sorry for her. She didn't deserve anything. But stupid Luke had to make her pay for it. I swear to god if I was strong enough I would have already killed him, since the moment the name Kathy left his mouth.

"None of us likes it. C'mon Zahara in a matter of 3 days maximum they will find someone else to gossip about. They have nothing better in their lives. Just let them be." I told her.

"You're right. So where is your princess Oli?" She asked me. My princess? what was this, a fairy tail? What am I supposed to be, Prince Charming?

"I don't know, she should be coming soon." I answered trying not to pay that much attention on the princess part.

"Dude, please answer this one curiosity. Do you like her?" Sam asked me. I immediately felt stared at and judged. I started to feel my cheeks slightly burn. burn? Oh no! I can't be blushing! Not in front of them. What do I even answer, I mean c'mon they are all friends with Kathy. Do I say yes? Do I say no? Uh, fuck it let's just be honest.

"Yeah, I do. Don't say anything though. I don't want her to find out. I don't want to ruin our friendship." I said softly. Huge smiles appeared on their faces.

"I KNEW IT!" Nicholls yelled. I did nothing other than slowly shake my head.

"Don't worry man, we won't say anything to her." Sam told me. I nodded my head knowing that I could at least trust him. After a bit I felt somebody cover my eyes. The hands were cold and soft. I placed my hands on top and immediately understood who it was. I took a grip of her hands and smiled.

"Hi Kathy." I said. She let go and sat down right next to me. The rest at the table gave me innocent smiles and I knew exactly what they were thinking. She had this beautiful, white smile on her face. God, she was so pretty.

"So how are you guys?" She asked. Everybody mumbled back the "I'm fine." She smiled and nodded. When she nodded a small piece of hair fell in front of her face, and as she pushed her hair back behind her ear, I realized that was the ear with the music notes. The music notes were so pretty on her, it seemed like they were suppose to belong to be a part of her.

I suddenly fell out of my dozing off when the whole cafeteria became silent. Even everybody else at the table stopped talking at were staring at the entrance. I turned around and noticed such a hateful figure. Luke was standing in the doorway, staring at everyone. However, the moment his eyes made contact with mine, only pure hatred was visible. He started walking and sat at what used to be the popular table. Now it was nothing but dust and empty space. After a bit everybody started slowly going back to their own conversations. I looked back and stared at everybody at my table. Zahara was still staring at Luke, her eyes round and glossy. I casted a look at Luke, and I noticed he was staring back at Zahara. The look on his face made me want to puke. It was a look of smugness and pride, as if he enjoyed destroying someone so strong. Zahara turned back towards us and quietly got up, saying a small goodbye to Kathy before leaving. When she left I had noticed the tears on her face. I glared back at Luke, satisfaction starting to grow in my chest. Look how easily the table's flipped. Now I was happy with everybody and Luke became the loner of the school.

"So you coming over today? We almost finished the project." Kathy asked me, though I noticed she was kind of distracted by the exit Zahara had taken. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course, where else would I go?" I responded.

"I don't know, your house and sleep?" She said. I chuckled at her response as I thought it was very ironic. All I wished I could do at my house was sleep but I'm forced to stay awake because of my father.

"Nah, you're more interesting." I commented and smiled. A light shade of pink started to grow on her cheeks and she smiled and tried to cover her face.

"We can see you blush Kathy, you can't hide it." Nicholls said with a grin on his face.

"Oh shut up dude." She said trying to remain under control.

"Did any of you guys buy Halo 2?" Sam asked. As soon as I heard the name he got my attention.

"Yes! I already finished the game, it took me such a long time. I honestly can't wait for the next one. They did such a great job on the graphics." I commented. Sam and I talked a bit more on the game when Kathy started to giggle. I turned around to face her and I raised an eyebrow.

"You are such a geek Oli!" She said still laughing.

"I may be a geek, but you're friends with me." I answered.

"Yeah, I guess I should reconsider the reason why I'm friends with you." She said in a serious tone.

"You know why we are friends. It's because you're fucked up and I'm one of the only ones that accepts it." I replied. She looked shocked.

"You didn't." She said surprised.

"Oh yes I did." I told her grinning like a little child.

"Fine then. I hate you!" She said, crossed her arms on her chest and turned around in her seat so her back was facing me.

"Nooo, I'm so sorry Kathy. I'm the fucked up one. You're perfect. All hail Kathy." I said trying to get her to forgive me.

"I still hate you." She said. I frowned but then an idea came to my head. I hugged her from behind and place my mouth next to her ear. "You're beautiful" I whispered softly so nobody could hear what I said and I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She turned around as a dark shade of red formed. She hugged me back and smiled.

"I forgive you Oli." She said finally.

"Yeaaayyy!" I exclaimed happily. Sam suddenly on how it was time to leave cause class started in just a few minutes. We got up and collected our stuff. "See you after school Kathy." I said as I left for my last class of the day.

** I hope you guys liked the chapter. Also, I wanted to say sorry for the veryyyy long wait. It was about time that you guys had a new chapter. I will try my best to write and update the story more often now. Also, Happy Halloween to everybody. Feel free to give me any kind of advice ** 

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