His Brother

By Sinsie

16.7K 454 55

Meet Izzy, she is a loving, caring, shy and a nice person. she never gets into trouble. That is until she fin... More

His Brother
chapter 2 - in the woods i go
chapter 3 - a day
Chapter 4 - ticklish or not
Chapter 5 - What a night
Chapter 6 - ice skating
Chapter 7 - Nice Ride To The Party
Chapter 8 - Drama In The house
Chapter 9 - Drunk In the Party
Chapter 10 - Mornings Oh Mornings
Chapter 11 - Telling Him
Chapter 12 - You Ice Cream Stealer!
Chapter 13 - Soaked and Drenched
Chapter 14 - Forget It
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - What? Why?
Guys, listen up. This is IMPORTANT
Chapter 17 - Be Mine
To clear things up...
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Im so sorry? (Like really)
Chapter 20 - Good to Bad
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - I Love You
Chapter 24 - Not Exactly A Good Day
Chapter 25 (1)
I'm sorry...
Chapter 25 (2)
The end (as in I've stopped writing this).

Chapter 21 - Just a Casual Day

219 5 2
By Sinsie

Chapter 21

"Oh gosh, Iz, you're soaking wet."

"Clearly," I said in a gloomy voice. "Was that really necessary of her?" I complained, twisting my hair to get the water out of it.

"Lets go, we'll get some towels to dry you off," Mason put some money on the table to pay for the food and we were on our way out. Before we could even exist the door though, a hand grabbed onto my shoulder.

"I am so sorry for that, Lily isn't usually like that. Take your money back it's the least we can do," Ms. Smith smiled at us and gave us back our money. "I am so sorry about this, really."

"It's okay, Ms. Smith, I understand that this isn't a usual thing, if it were then Mason probably wouldn't have brought me here," Ms. Smith pulled me into a tight and I said a quick thanks before we left.

"That was one hell of a day wasn't it?" Mason asked while driving.

"Sure was, who would've thought that they'd get water poured on them? Anyways lets not focus on that for today it's supposed to be fun and good day isn't it? And it's only 2, we can do something else."

Then the best song of all time came on the radio, and I, being me, decided to sing along.

"ARE YOU FEELING WHAT I'M FEELING CAUSE IT'S REALLY FEELING RIGHT DON'T WAKE ME IF DREAMING I COULD STAY HERE ALL NIGHT I CAN FEEL IT I CAN FEEL IT," I sang as I played the air drums, rocking out to the song. This was so childish of me, but I can't help but break out into a song when it's on. (Guess the song :3)

Mason seemed shocked that I was singing after I had water dunked over me, but shook it out. "Where should we go to finish off the day?"

"Shh! Don't interrupt me when I'm singing!"

After I finished singing the song, I went to thinking about what we could do. I thought of nothing in that small amount of time. "I've got nothing."

"Well neither do I, this place was the best I could come up with, and look how it ended," he gestured to me. "We can stay in the car for a bit guess it's only 2 after all."

I nodded my head. "I guess we could...but wouldn't it be better if we had pizza to enjoy our time in the car together?" I wiggled my eyebrows, which Mason chuckled at. "I remember we passed by dominos when coming here and it's not that far away."

"I'm not walking to dominos, do you know how hot it is out there?" I put my hand on Mason's shoulder and gave him a look, which asked if he was stupid; because clearly he was not aware of the car we were sitting in.

"Babe, no one's walking. We are in a car," his mouth turned into an O and soon I was giving him directions to dominos.




"No, no, babe Hawaiian is the best."


"Fine. We'll have pepperoni," Mason told the lady in front of us, who didn't look like she wanted to watch us argue over the pizza topping anymore.

We got our pizza and went back to Mason's car. We didn't even take that much time to walk to the car, but we were sweating beasts by the time we were in the car.

"It's hot out there."

"Exactly why I didn't want to walk."

"We didn't walk you dumbass," I stuck my tongue out to Mason. I opened the box of pepperoni pizza and dug right into my first slice. "This is really good," I spoke, pointing to the pizza in my hand. Mason laughed and leaned into me.

I froze for a moment, but soon that shock was gone when he took a bite out of my pizza. "Hey! Get your own pizza this is mine! Shoo!" I gobbled up my piece before Mason could get another bite out of it. We both continued to eat all the pizza in the box and talk; soon we were left with only a box.

"We should go back home, the traffic was pretty bad coming here, and it's already 4," Mason suggested.

"It's 4 already? Okay then, we don't have anything to anyways," I shrugged. Mason started driving and we went through more traffic.

I got really bored while Mason was driving so I decided with the sharpie I had and with the pizza box, to draw a picture of Mason looking silly with his tongue out. I drew more and more of these and soon there was no more room left on the box.

"Have you been taking care of little Cinnamon?" Mason asked out of nowhere.

"Of course, who would I not? I'm not some evil witch you know?" I elbowed him a little bit.

"No one can be sure, I mean you might be brewing death potions up in that creepy attic of yours, and who can trust you with little puppies when no one knows if you're an evil witch or not," Mason laughed a bit, putting his giant hand on my head.

"Well if I had one of my 'death potions' here right now, you'd be dead."

"If the driver dies, you're likely to die too, Iz," I saw Mason smirk from beside him and I rolled my eyes. "You left Cinnamon with Maze and Aron, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

Mason shivered. "I can't imagine the things Cinnamon is going to see in the presence of those two, his innocence is going to be destroyed by the time we get back."

"Oh yeah, I never thought of that. I feel so bad for him, gosh the things they would be doing in front of him."

When we got to my house, we went in to see Aron and Maze sleeping on the couch with Cinnamon sleeping beside Aron's foot.

When I was about to wake the two up, Mason stopped me saying, "Hold on, don't wake them up yet," Mason ran to the kitchen and got some whip cream out. He put some on both Maze's and Aron's hand and tickled their noses. Slowly, their hands moved to their noses and their whole faces were covered in whip cream. Neither of them woke up after that, so Mason went with his other plan.

He got out a pair of earphones, and on the loudest volume he played the sound of llamas screaming. "Oh, my gosh! What is wrong with you?" Maze screamed as she shook herself awake. Right after came Aron screaming like a girl.

"Ha! That was perfect!"

"For you," Aron said grumpily and walked to the bathroom with Maze following along. The movement of the couch caused Cinnamon to wake up. He ran to Mason and me and started going around both of us.

"Aww hello there, how was Aron and Maze, and what did they do to you?" I picked Cinnamon up and held him.

Boom! The sound of lightning shook the house and Mason jumped.

"I am staying at your house tonight, okay?"

"You're scared of lightning?"

"Really scared."


heeeelooooo so im proud to say that i actually finished this chapter xD. i thought it was going to be one of those chapters i take months to finish because i keep procrastinating and school keeps on giving us too much homework, but yay i finished!
so how was/is your daaaaay? hope it was good if it wasnt then there's tomorrow :3


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