Just For Show (EDITING)

By rayelliswriter

588K 17.8K 3.4K

{Harry Styles Fanfiction} When someone hands you the opportunity to make your dreams happen, would you take i... More

Just For Show
Chapter 1 - " I'm Harry"
Chapter 2 - " Take the offer"
Chapter 3 - " what the hell are you doing here?"
Chapter 4 - " just listen"
Chapter 5 - " you're a rock star, go trash a hotel room"
Chapter 6 - " welcome to our new apartment"
Chapter 7 - " I do love her, just not in that way"
Chapter 8 - " all hale to your queen"
Chapter 9 - " what happened to the good girl image?"
Chapter 10 - " I'm sick of all these lies"
Chapter 10 - " distract me"
Chapter 11 - " I'm not always an ass Cailin"
Update! (Important!)
Chapter 12 - " and here I thought you were a good girl"
Chapter 13 - " you're not going out with him Cailin!"
Chapter 14 - " so what's up with you and the brunette?"
Chapter 15 - " I've been lying and hiding things from Lia"
Chapter 16 - " I lost her"
Chapter 17 - " try not to be so pathetic on stage tonight"
Chapter 18 - " the way I never treated you, right?"
Chapter 19 - " do you think we'll ever be friends again?"
Chapter 20 - " please Carter"
Chapter 21 - " what happened to your face?"
Chapter 22 - " so what's with the brunette?"
Chapter 23 - " you're wearing my shirt?"
Chapter 24 - " I do care about you"
Chapter 25 - " do you think I'm good enough?"
Chapter 26 - " and am I the only guy, Cailin?"
Chapter 27 - " I'm sorry I didn't save you"
Chapter 28 - " he's a better actor then anyone ever thought"
Chapter 28 - Author's Note
Chapter 29 - " Kiss me"
Chapter 30 - " he was lost because you were with another guy"
Chapter 31 - " I hate slow dancing"
Chapter 32 - " it'll be our secret"
Chapter 33 - " everything's going to be okay"
Chapter 34 - " I told her I was with you"
Chapter 35 - " what's it like in England?"
Chapter 36 - " 3..2..1..."
Chapter 37 - " that's not packing. That's just throwing shit into a suitcase"
Chapter 38 - " well he can just get over it, can't he?"
Chapter 39 - " if you want go ahead Harry. It's not like you have a girlfriend"
Chapter 40 - " get the fuck out"
Chapter 41 - " someone like you doesn't change"
Chapter 42 - " please don't leave me"
Chapter 43 - " your surprise is inside"
Chapter 44 - " I'm so sorry for your loss"
Chapter 45 - " you look beautiful"
Chapter 46 - " he's been good to me"
Chapter 47 - " I'm a lot more into brunettes"
Chapter 48 - " you can't do that to me!"
Chapter 49 - " you're still the same asshole you've always been"
Chapter 50 - " look at yourself"
Chapter 51 - " Happy Birthday!"
Chapter 52 - " all I wanted was the truth"
Chapter 53 - "I need time to grieve"
Chapter 54 - " you promised you'd never leave me"
Chapter 56 -" it's helps you keep your mind off things"
Chapter 57 - "I hate you because I still love you"
Chapter 58 - " for a night we'll never forget"
Chapter 59 - "I forgive you"
Chapter 60 - "I'm starting over"
Chapter 61 - " one of us"
Chapter 62 -
Chapter 63 - "what are you doing here?"
Bonus Chapter and Sequel Info
Not For Show Details (Just For Show Sequel)

Chapter 55 - " what did he do?"

5.8K 201 14
By rayelliswriter

" what's going through your mind?" Liam asked as he continued driving.

My eyes stayed glued to the busy New York streets. It had only been a couple of minutes since we left my apartment and yet my mind seemed to have stayed there. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. My mind was still processing it all.

" I feel like I can't get my feet to touch the ground" I said.

I saw Liam slowly look over at me through the corner of my eyes.

" I don't know what to do next, Liam" I confessed as I quickly looked in the back seat of his car making sure Toby was okay. It seemed like he was, but I felt like he knew something was off. Usually he was always wagging his tail, but since the night of the birthday, he hasn't. It could have been that he witnessed so much of my crying. I just hoped he didn't hate me for it all.

" you're going to be okay" he tried assuring me but it was no use. My mind was already a mess.

Everything in my life had gone down the toilet and I couldn't find a way to get it back. Emotionally I was destroyed by all the backstabbing. My career seemed to be lost, honestly seeing no future. I mean, who would want to buy an single song from me after all this mess? What modeling agency would want me back after tarnishing my name like this?

Liam drove us straight to his apartment in New York. But as we arrived in front of the apartment building, I noticed a bunch of paparazzi. My heart beat accelerated just at the sight. They were the last people I wanted to deal with. I didn't even understand why they were here in the first place. How did they even know I was going there?

The flashes towards the car only made Toby up in the back seats and start barking towards the window. The shouting of the paparazzi only made him more nervous.

As Liam tried to drive through them towards the garage gates, they didn't seem to let Liam do so. They just stood in front of his car and took as many pictures of me as possible. I tried hiding my face but they still wouldn't stop.

Liam's honking started to budge a little as they slowly started to push each other out of the way. But their cameras were still all pointed to me.

That was the point I couldn't hold my anger in anymore.

" get the fuck out of the way!" I screamed at them as I rolled down my window.

It seemed that at first some of them were shocked even those their flashes didn't stop. After all, I had never acted this way towards any of them. I had always been told by James to keep my head down and not to act out when it came to them. But now I was sick of it all. I was gonna act the way I wanted to and no one was going to stop me.

" what the fuck is wrong with all of you? Leave me the hell alone!" I shouted out as Liam was able to get through the garage gates.

Liam didn't say anything but I could feel the tension between us as we made our way up to his apartment. I held Toby on the leash as we walked towards the hallway. But before Liam could open the door to his apartment, the door was quickly opened.

As I looked at the person in front of me, I froze.

Lia James.

Our eyes connected and I felt even worse now. Everything that I done to her, I was paying for it now which only made me feel sick. I felt embarrassed in every way. I was embarrassed at how I looked, due to the fact that I had been crying for days in comparison to her who always looked drop dead gorgeous. Mostly I was embarrassed because of Harry, even if she didn't know what actually happened. He had done the same thing to her and I had fallen in his traps.

Her eyes slowly moved from mine down to my duffle bag as well as Toby by my side.

" why is she staying here?" Lia asked her brother.

" because she needs a friend right now, Lia" Liam shook his head as he walked past at the door. Toby quickly followed him leaving me alone with Lia.

Lia's eyes made contact with mine again and I quickly looked away not knowing how to react.

" what did he do?" she asked me.

My mind came up with so many answers but none of them were even close to the truth. I didn't know why I was so scared to tell her the truth, but I was. I was embarrassed. I was scared that she would throw it in my face somehow. 

I had betrayed her so badly and never truly apologized for it.

" I'm sorry, I truly am" I said to her before walking past her into Liam's apartment.

I expected her to come in after me demanding an explanation, but she didn't. After a few seconds I heard the door closing. I felt like I could finally breathe. But then tears started streaming down my face again.

When Liam went back into the living room where I was, he put his hands up.

" what happened? What did Lia say?" he asked looking around for Lia.

" nothing" I shook my head trying to wipe my tears away.

Toby came in and laid by my feet. It was funny how much he was able to comfort me just by laying next to me. 

" I brought it all on myself Liam. I had watched Harry do everything he did to Lia and yet I fell into his traps anyways. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have been so blind?" I cried.

" love does that to us" Liam said sitting beside me on the sofa.

More tears came streaming down my face  and I had no control over them.

" how could I love someone who didn't love me back?" I choked out.

Liam stayed quiet for a little bit before responding. But his response made me more confused than before.

" the craziest thing is that I really do think that he loved you back. But Harry didn't know how much you actually meant to him until he lost you" Liam said holding my hand.

I cried for another hour before Liam could say anything. He just sat there with me letting me cry on his shoulder.

" you know what you need?" Liam said to me.

" what?" I questioned.

" we're going out for a couple drinks and we'll see what happens from there" Liam said.

I smiled at him knowing that, that was truly what I needed.


I suck I know! It's been almost 3 weeks with no update and this update just sucks, I'm so sorry my loves :/

I've just been so busy with my school and personal life that it's been kind of crazy to keep up with this fanfic. But don't worry I still plan to finish this book my next month. (chapter 63 is the last chapter)

since I didn't update for like 3 weeks, expect an update early this week!

how did you guys like the new cover? I made it myself hehe I kind of love it so I hope you guys do too 

spread the love <3

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