Charming and Awkward

By Jenleighna

1.7M 66.9K 12.5K

James slid his hand to the nape of my neck, holding me steady against his lips. His other hand stayed on my w... More

Authors note!
Chapter 1: Don't Feel Sorry For Me
Chapter 2: Who Is That?
Chapter 3: I Want Attention Too
Chapter 4: And You Could Fire Me
Chapter 5: Puns Are Stupid
Chapter 6: Just Stop The Car!
Chapter 7: Chaos
Chapter 8: There's No More Room
Chapter 10: Sand On Your Cheek
Chapter 11: Having Trouble Breathing
Chapter 12: Take Me Home
Chapter 13: Will We Figure This Out?
Chapter 14: Your Boss Sounds Like a Jackass
Chapter 15: I Want You To Come Find Me
Chapter 16: Cuddle With Me Instead
Chapter 17: You're Not Here With Me
Chapter 18: All In
Chapter 19: Let Me Be Here
Chapter 20: End Of Me
Chapter 21: Write A Letter Next Time
Chapter 22: The B Word
Chapter 23: Red Scarf
Chapter 24: I Like A Little Crazy
Chapter 25: Lemonade and Non-Showers
Chapter 26: I Was So Scared
Chapter 27: What Are You Thankful For?
Chapter 28: Blue
Chapter 29: You Know What?
Chapter 30: I Don't Want Your Heart To Break For Me
Chapter 31: Save Me
Chapter 32: I'm Still Here, Vi.
Chapter 33: Growing Up
Chapter 34: You. I want you.
Chapter 35: I Fell In Love With You After

Chapter 9: He Doesn't Trust Me

47.3K 2K 474
By Jenleighna


Something wet and warm licked my cheek.

I opened my eyes to find Chaos standing on my chest, his tongue hanging out as he panted, his tail wagging, and his wide blue eyes tell me he's been up to no good. "What did you do?" I grumbled, wrapping my hands around him and setting him on the other side of the bed.

My bare feet touched the carpet of my bedroom floor and I stood up. I ruffled my hand sleepily through my hair and yawned. Chaos had jumped off the bed and was now running ahead of me. As I walked through my apartment, I noticed nothing out of place.

That was until I walked in the kitchen. Somehow he got underneath the cabinet where I hid his food and now it's all over the kitchen floor. He barked at the mess on the floor and sat down on his butt. He looked at me with wide eyes. "What? You did this, I didn't."

He barked again.

I sighed and started to clean up the mess. "Looks like I'm going to have to hide it somewhere else." I muttered to myself.

After I finished cleaning, Chaos slowly walked up to me and sat back down at my feet. Feeling a little bad, I bent over and picked him up. "You need some training, don't you?"

As I was carrying him back to my room, my phone buzzed with life on my bedside table. Juliet's name appeared on the screen. I sat Chaos down on the bed and answered it. "Hey." I said smoothly.

"Hey, I thought you'd be in class this morning. I was going to leave a voicemail."

"Class was canceled." I plopped down and Chaos was immediately in my lap. "What's up, Juliet?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you I'll be home in a couple of weeks. I want to make plans for lunch or something."

"Of course." I ran a hand over my eyes and the second I stopped petting Chaos, he barked.

"Is that a dog?" Juliet asked.

I placed a hand on top of his head and he started wagging his tail. "Yeah, I got a dog. We're kind of twins."

"Because you're both dogs?" She teased.

I breathed a laugh. "So funny."

My friendship with Juliet is great. Because that's all it is, friendship. Maybe there were a few points where I wanted more, but I haven't felt that way in two years. Now she's like a sister. I want to protect her like I do Meredith and I want her to be happy too. It was weird at first being friends with a girl, apparently it's unheard of. Guys and girls can be just friends with nothing attached.

As Juliet was talking, my phone beeped twice, telling me I have another call. "I have to go, I have another call." I glanced at the phone and I didn't recognize the number. It could be a client.

"Okay, well you know my number. Have a good day, James."

"You too." I switched the call over to the new one, "Hello?"

"James." Violet rushed, "I'm glad you answered."

"Is everything okay?"

She sniffled and breathed. "Not really. It's a lot to explain, but I hurt myself during gym and my mom isn't answering her phone. And I really hate to ask, but could you pick me up? I know you have class and it's your day off—"

"Don't worry about that. I'll be there in fifteen minutes, okay?"

She breathed with relief. "Thank you so much."

I hung up the phone and got dressed to leave. Not really caring, I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I was really too tired to care. I grabbed Chao's leash and snapped it onto his collar.

I'm glad he loves car rides.

We made it into the car and drove off in the direction of my old high school. Somewhere I haven't been in over two years and hoped I'd never have to go back again. But it was for a good cause.

Chaos was surprisingly calm sitting in the passenger seat. Usually he's standing against the window and barking at passing cars like it's actually going to do something. At least he was adorable doing it.

I could see the sign to the high school already.

As I drove through the gates, I saw Violet standing on the curb in front of the main entrance. She had an icepack over her shoulder and her cheeks were really puffy. When I put the car in park in front of her, I jumped out and jogged up to her. "I feel so bad, I'm sorry—"

"It's okay." I smiled a little, hoping to ease her mind, "What happened?" I picked her bag up from the ground and timidly pressed a hand to her lower back to guide her to the car.

"I dislocated my shoulder and the nurse had to pop it back into place."

I opened the door for her and Chaos jumped in my seat to make room. "I've had a dislocated shoulder before. Worst pain I've ever felt."

Once she was inside, I handed her the bag. I closed the door and ran to my side and got in. Chaos found a seat in my lap of course. "Tell me about it."

"Are you okay now?" I pulled out of the school and onto the main road.

"Yeah. It's just when it first happened I thought I broke my arm. It freaked me out and all I could think about was the pain."

Chaos walked across the center console and soon settled in Violet's lap. "I'm glad you called. I told you to use the number whenever."

"I know, thank you. I've just had the worst day and it doesn't seem to get better. I just want to go to bed."

"If I told you Chaos decided to decorate my kitchen floor with his food, would it make you feel better?"

I saw her smile from the corner of my eye. "Immensely."

At least I got her to smile.

My phone rang for the third time in the past hour. I kept it propped up on the center console so I could read it. Cristin's name flashed across the screen. I let it go to voicemail. One: I'm driving and two: Why would I answer it? If it weren't for my dad, she wouldn't have my number at all. I couldn't care less if I had her number.

We drove the rest of the way in silence.

I pulled into her driveway and parked. She pulled her bag from the floor and rummaged through, I think in search of her keys. She huffed in frustration, but continued searching. "I forgot my keys. Today just keeps getting better and better."

Violet opened the car door as to get out, but I caught her wrist. "What are you doing?"

"Getting out of the car?"

"No, I mean you can't just sit here. You can come back to my place and I'll bring you home when your mom gets home or your brothers."

She shook her head and pulled her wrist from my hand. "It's okay."

Chaos started barking, which was unnerving on its own.

"Come on, it's fine. It's too cold for you to sit out here."

Her face softened and she sat back in her seat. Chaos finally stopped barking and curled back in her lap. "I cause too much trouble."

I backed out of her driveway again and started on the journey back to my apartment. "You haven't caused any, don't worry so much. I honestly don't mind. What kind of friend would I be if I let you sit there?" Friend. That's the first time I've called her my friend and I quite liked it.

"It doesn't matter. I'm the one who forgot my keys like an idiot."

"You're beating yourself up."

"I know because this isn't me. I'm always on top of everything, I'm organized, I never forget anything—"

"Violet." I interjected, "Breathe. That's all you can do."

She sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She repeated the action until she felt calm. Or at least I hope so.

I stole a glance in her direction. She had her eyes closed and she sank in her seat. She had a fist clenched on her thigh and I could feel her tension. My heart was thinking instead of my brain, so I timidly reached for her hand and uncurled her fingers before wrapping mine around them. I squeezed gently and I expected her to jerk away.

But she didn't. Almost when I thought she was asleep, she tightened her hand around mine.

Violet kept a tight grip on my hand until we got to my apartment. She let go before I could park the car. I got out and walked to her side so I could get Chaos from her lap and grab her bag. Right when I sat Chaos down, he was already tugging on the leash.

We walked in silence until we reached the apartment. I unlocked the door and let her in first. After closing the door, I unhooked Chaos's leash so he can live up to his name and cause more of it.

"How's your shoulder?" I asked.

"Better." She touched the top, "It's still throbbing though."

"Do you need anything?"

She stood in the center of my living room and turned in a circle. "No, thank you." When she came to a complete circle she walked up to me, "Is this weird?" She had dropped her voice down to a whisper.

"Is what weird?" I whispered back.

"Me being here. In your apartment."

My brows rose and I stifled a laugh. "No, it's not weird." I held her hand on the way over here and she thinks being in my apartment is weird? If she finds this weird, I can't imagine what she thought about that. "If you're not comfortable here—"

"I'm fine. Just thought I'd check with you." She smiled a little, "Would it be possible to get more ice?" She held up her melted bag of ice, "This isn't really working." Now she laughed.

"Yeah, one second." I grabbed the bag from her hand and gestured to the plush black couch, "Make yourself comfortable."

Violet nodded and I walked into the kitchen to retrieve her ice. I dumped out the bag filled with water and replaced it with solid ice cubes. Then I wrapped a towel around it and brought it out to her. She was sitting on the couch, leaned back with a hand over her shoulder. I sat next to her and handed it to her. She thanked me and pressed the pack to her shoulder.

It was weird seeing the calm and collected Violet turn into a fumbling mess that was oddly adorable. Not everyday is a good day and I know that better than almost anyone. Just something about the way her voice shook when she was talking earlier made my heart tug. Or the way her cheeks were rosier than usual because she had been crying from her shoulder. Well, the shoulder pain was probably the fire to the fuse.

"What'd you do pop your shoulder out of the socket?"

She covered her mouth when she started to yawn and then used her good arm to unravel the crimson scarf around her neck. "We were playing volleyball and I don't do sports because I always hurt myself. Anyway, of course the ball was coming straight for my face and the girl beside me lunged for it. She knocked me to the ground with all her weight and my shoulder was what broke my fall." She shivered, "The nurse almost couldn't pop it back into place and I really didn't want to go to the hospital. She gave me a pass to go home and that was that."

"Sounds painful."

"I hope I never have to go through that again."

Violet shifted on the couch, resting on her good shoulder and placing her head in my lap.

I froze.

She sighed. "I'm so sleepy."

A lump lodged itself in my throat and I didn't know what to do. She was asleep before I could even speak. Her breath came out even and timed. Her full lips parted slightly as she took in another breath. A string attached to my heart either tugged or snapped completely.

I brushed the hair away from her face and pinched the side of her glasses. It was hard to slide them off, but I managed to do so without waking her up. Now removing myself from under her could prove to be a problem.

Another few minutes passed and I still couldn't figure out if it was safe or not. I let my fingers linger near her neck, feeling her smooth skin under the pads of my fingers. My heart started racing and I quickly removed my fingers from her skin. I swallowed the lump in my throat and steadily slid from underneath her.

She didn't move when her head hit the plush surface of one of my accent pillows.

I pulled the blanket from my recliner and gently eased it over Violet's sleeping form. She breathed another sigh, but didn't wake up. Then I breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't.

When I walked in my room, Chaos was asleep in his bed surprisingly and he didn't move when I got into my own. My phone started ringing again and I already knew it was Cristin. This time I actually answered it. Am I going to regret it? Most likely. I always do. "What?" I said a bit harshly, not that I even cared.

"Oh, look who decided to finally answer his phone." She perked, "I'm calling to warn you actually. Your dad is coming over on his lunch break to talk about a bachelor party or some shit like that. I really don't care, but fair warning. Make sure you're not butt ass naked when he rings your doorbell."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the heads up. That was surprisingly nice of you."

"I'm not always a bitch." She used that same sarcastic perky voice she used when I answered the phone, "And don't think this debt will go unpaid. You owe me."

"Whatever." I hung up and threw my phone to the other side of the bed.

I lay back on my pillow and placed my forearm over my eyes. Sleep was calling and of course I was answering. It took me under in a matter of minutes.

* * *

There were so many things happening when I woke up. First, Violet whispering my name inches above my face, my doorbell ringing, and Chaos was barking too loud to over power all of it.

When I opened my eyes, Violet jumped back a little. "Someone keeps ringing your doorbell. Either it's the cops or really persistent girl scouts." Then she went to Chaos and picked him up in the hopes he'd stop barking and he did.

The doorbell was still ringing.

Shit, my dad. And Violet's here.

How the hell is that going to look? "It's my dad." I stood up and ran a hand through my hair.

"What? Your dad? What am I supposed to do? If he finds out I'm here—"

"Remember that breathing thing I was telling you about?"

She nodded and snapped her mouth shut.

"Just stay in here. He won't be here any longer than he has to be."

Violet nodded again and I walked out of my room, closing the door behind me. Out of all the times for him to come over, it had to be when Violet was here. He'd probably assume I was sleeping with her and she was only using me. That was his direct thought about Lindy. But he clearly can't see past Sara's boobs that he paid for.

I opened the door and he was mid-knock. "It's about time you answered the door. What the hell were you doing?"

"Sleeping." He walked past me and I closed the door, "Not like you care though. Because who needs sleep, right?" I spotted Violet's red scarf on the couch and my heart leaped. I slid behind him and sat on the couch so my side was covering it and leaned further back. "What do you need, Dad?" I asked in a nicer tone.

My fingers met the soft, worn fabric and I balled it up, sticking it under the couch cushion before leaning forward. Resting my forearms on my knees, I looked up at him. He finally sat down next to me. "My wedding is next weekend and I wanted to run some bachelor party ideas by you."

"Isn't that the best mans job?"

He grinned. "Yes, but if I let Joseph plan it, we'll all end up at a strip club that smells like cotton candy and sweat."

I wrinkled my nose.

"Exactly." He sighed, "I honestly don't even care to have one. It's a stupid tradition. But like I said, I'm not letting Joseph drag us to a strip club."


"Would you be opposed to just going to dinner?"

I felt my brows knit together and narrow in confusion. "You came all the way here to ask me that? You couldn't ask over the phone?"

"No, I actually came to see if you wanted to go to lunch too. That new place finally opened across from the company. Thought we could go try it out."

Okay, this was weird. Like beyond weird. "Just you and me?"

He nodded.

Violet's here and I couldn't just leave. I can't believe I actually thought about it. "Dad, I'm sorry, I can't. I have a few friends coming over soon. What about tomorrow or Friday?"

He smiled. "I'll make reservations for Friday."

"Just me and you, right?"

"Yeah, just us two." He stood up and buttoned his suit back up, "I have to get back, I have a meeting to prepare for unfortunately."

Oh, I can't wait to be in his shoes.

Not. "Thanks for stopping by."

He smiled again and left.

That was weird, right? I haven't been to lunch alone with my dad can't even recall the last time I went to lunch with him. If he asked me to go alone, it must be important or maybe he actually wants to better things between us. I can't be the only one who's noticed the strain for three years.

My bedroom door creaked open and Violet popped her head out. "Is he gone?" She whispered.

"Yeah." I bit down on my bottom lip.

Her face visibly relaxed and she stepped out of my room. "You were right. He was barely here ten minutes."

All I felt was myself nodding and her presence on the couch next to me.

"You okay?"

I mentally shook myself and turned my head to face her. "Yeah. He's just acting a bit strange." Then I pointed to her shoulder, "How is it?"

"Better. Sorry for falling asleep on you...literally."

"You needed sleep." I said softly, "It's fine."

"My brother get's out of class in a couple of hours and you can take me home if you don't mind."

My lips tipped up into a slight smile. "I don't mind."

Two hours later, we were walking back to my car. Chaos was happy to go for another car ride of course. Instead of jumping in either my lap or Violet's, he jumped in the backseat and lifted himself on his front paws to look out the window.

"And you're sure your brother's home?"

"Yeah and if he's not, he'll be home soon."

I took the back road to her house again, but kept an eye out for any struggling puppies so Violet didn't jump out of the car again.

Just as I pulled into her driveway and turned off the car, the front door swung open and Gray came storming out. Violet got out of the car, leaving Chaos in the seat, and rushed to Gray. I got out, leaving my door open, and walked up to them. "What the hell are you doing with him? I came home and you weren't here! I was freaking out, Vi!"

"Gray, calm down. I had an accident at gym and he picked me up. It's not a big deal, so calm down!" She surged.

Gray was breathing heavily and I swallowed hard. "She forgot her keys so I took her back to my place—"

"Oh, back to your place? Alone?" Gray advanced, stopping not even a foot away, "You stay the hell away from my sister."

Violet stood between us and pushed her brother back. "He's my boss, you ass! Now stop overacting and step back!" She pushed him again, but he didn't budge.

My heart was going to beat out of my chest. "Nothing happened." I clarified with a strong voice, "She fell asleep on the couch and I slept in my bed. I was just trying to help out a friend."

"Friend? You're her friend now, yeah?" Gray stepped around Violet, but Violet latched onto his forearm, "She doesn't need your pity."

Pity? What the hell? "She needs a friend." I said sternly, "And I don't see why that's a problem."

Something flashed in his eyes that made my blood run cold. "She doesn't need anything from you. I don't care who you are. Stay away from my sister." He grounded the last sentence and I felt it in my bones.

Chaos was standing at the edge of my seat, barking loudly and I'm just now noticing it. "I'm not here to cause problems." I protested, "All I wanted to do was help out your sister."

Violet found her way between us again, but faced me instead. "And thank you for helping me. My brother should be grateful too." She threw him a glare over her shoulder, "I'll be inside in a minute."

"I'm not—"

"Go!" She shouted.

But Gray didn't leave without glaring at me. "Two minutes."

Violet waved him off and faced me again. "I'm so sorry. I can't even apologize enough for that." She sucked in a deep breath and her eyes watered, "He doesn't mean any of it, he's just mad. But I truly am sorry—"

"It's okay." My cheeks were still burning, "He doesn't trust me."

"He doesn't trust anyone." She mumbled. "I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me today. I hope this doesn't effect my internship."

I shook my head quickly. "Absolutely not. Don't worry, okay?"

She nodded and took a step closer. "Thank you."

Another surprising thing happened. Violet wrapped her arms around my torso and hugged me. It stunned me for a second, but I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her gently so I didn't hurt her shoulder. "I meant what I said." I whispered, "I am your friend, Violet."

She stepped back and unraveled her arms from around me. "Good to know." She smiled and backed towards the front door. Gray opened it, letting her in and taking the bag from her shoulder.


FIRST, don't hate Gray, hahaha. There's a reason for his over protectiveness of Violet and you'll find out more about that soon. But I hope you guys liked this chapter. :)

Please vote and comment, let me know what you think! :)

PS I'm gonna start adding music soon!

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