Remember Me? (Percy Jackson...

By Jaguartiger191

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Kristen Black lost her best friend right after their 14th birthday; after she walked into the woods and disap... More

Chapter 1: My Bestie's New Brother!
Chapter 2: Showing Leo around. First and Last stop: Lake
Chapter 3: Unwanted Visit
Chapter 4: Part 2: One More Day Would Suffice...
Chapter 5: The Unforgettable Hangout at the Woods
Chapter 6: Three years later.... (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Three years later..... (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Camping
Chapter 8: Hectic (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Hectic (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Camp Half-What?
Not an Update, Sorry :(
Chapter 10: How?
Chapter 11: A Trace of A Past Long Forgotten
Chapter 12: Somethings coming... and she has something to do with it.
Chapter 13: Finally Broke
Chapter 14: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 15: What Happened?
Chapter 16: Axéchastes
Chapter 17 (Part 1): Campfire Meeting
Chapter 17 (Part 2): Too Late
Chapter 18 (Part 1): The Game
Chapter 18 (Part 2): The Sign
Chapter 19: Time Is Running Out
Chapter 20: Claimed and Reunited
Chapter 21 (Part 1): Prophecy Unveiled
Chapter 21 (Part 2): Only Just Beginning
Not a Chapter ~ Feedback
Chapter 22: Journey Begins
AND I'M BACK: Story Recap
Chapter 24: Dolly's China Bears (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Dolly's China Bears (Part 2)

Chapter 4: Part 1: Presents

21.2K 486 259
By Jaguartiger191

A/N: Okay so I saw a comment yesterday saying that they didn't like how there's swearing in here, but in my defense all I put was the damned word. But I get what you mean, but I wanted to put it because you know. Emotional emphasis and all that. I won't put any worse words other than maybe female dog or something. But really in real life I HATE swearing (Update 05/31/016: yeah fucking right). My brother does it all the time and I get annoyed. But I just thought it'd sound okay in the book. SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME. You know what to do. "Oh my god Leo can fly if he shouts 'Flame On' that's so cool". *Comments*. HAHAH ANYWAY PLEASE. PROCEED. 


~Kristen's POV~

Diana had her arm linked in mine as she dragged me back to the twins and Alyssa, and got caught up in their conversation about which was the better superpower, invisibility or teleportation. Cough cough, obviously it's shapeshifting.

I glanced to my left and noticed Josh was sitting closer to me than usual. Before, I don't think I would have paid it any mind, but right now discomfort began to cloud my mind. I knew he liked me, since Diana has been badgering me about it since she found out, but I never could get myself to see him that way. It was like falling in love with your brother. In other words, weird.

My mind suddenly went to a few minutes ago when Diana said in front of Leo that Josh liked me, and how my mind almost went blank after my ears had been pounded by the sound of my heart beat rising. I had thought about how I didn't like Josh back, and how I wanted to kill Diana for saying it in front of Leo. I had also thought about how I wish it were Leo's name Diana used those words with instead.

I remembered accidentally saying 'but he doesn't like me back' out loud, and my cheeks began to heat up again from the embarrassing memory. I can't believe you said that in front of Leo, you idiot. I scolded myself.

I looked down when I realized what I admitted. I still wasn't used to admitting any feelings like this. But a small smile manage to creep its way onto my face at the thought. I liked Leo. I didn't know how much I liked Leo, but enough to feel my stomach churn every time he was around, both in a painful yet somewhat comforting way. Diana called them butterflies, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to let them continue, or exterminate them.

I couldn't get over the surprise I had felt when I found out he had done so much work to get all of this ready. I was more than impressed, and touched by how much effort he had put into something just for Diana and I. He's just so—

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw Josh looking at me, mouthing 'are you okay?' I nodded, and he smiled before and turning back to the group conversation. I blinked a few times before looking around, and realizing he wasn't here anymore.

"Where's Leo?" I asked out loud. I almost missed the twitch Josh's mouth made at the sound of his name as I looked to Diana. She shook her head.

"No idea. He was there just a minute ago." She said, looking back at the chair behind us.

I nodded, a faint frown on my face. "I'll uh... just go check up on him." I smiled apologetically to them.
Josh gave me a questioning look, but I gave him another smile like I did to the others, and left without another word.

In this situation Diana always told me that usually I would, or should, feel guilty. How could I do that to Josh, falling for Leo, while he was right there? I didn't know what to do either... Leo had told me he felt something, but for some reason I couldn't speak up. I couldn't admit anything. Being annoyed by all the emotions I was meant to feel about it all, I shook away the guilt and kept walking up the stairs.

I knocked on Leo's door, but after hearing no response, I hesitantly peeked in. I expected to see Leo engrossed in some other project on his desk, but the room was vacant. I was going to close the door again until something caught my eye.

I went to his desk and picked up a small pile of photos stacked on the side. One of the pictures were of a lady and a little boy. A small smile grew on my face when I saw the resemblance between the little boy and Leo, and moved to look at his mother's face. She was beautiful. I thought, before turning to the next photo. The three next pictures of the three of us. Diana, him, and I. I felt my cheeks flush when I looked at the picture of him and I in it. We had both been in the park with Diana, and she had taken the picture. Leo was giving me a piggyback ride, and we had both been laughing when the moment was caught on the camera.

I sat on his bed still holding the picture, until I recognized the smell of smoke. I frowned at the thought of Leo using his strange flame power again. To make his own fire... it was weird, incredible, and... frightening. But I got to the point of accepting it. I felt a wave of unease as I remembered him promising me that he wouldn't do it again. So much for a promise. I scoffed mentally, as I looked around his room idly.

"I thought you were looking for Leo?"

I looked up and saw Diana, arms crossed, leaning on the door.

"I was." I said, "But he's not here."
"So... you decided to occupy his room for him?" she said in a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes and she laughed, walking towards me. She took the photos I was holding and looked at them, smiling as she sat beside me. "This was his mom, right?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Aww! Leo was so cute!" she squealed. I laughed and nodded in agreement.

Another minute had passed before Diana spoke up again.
"Okay, go look for Leo now. It's almost time for presents." She said and I laughed again.

"Fine." I got up to leave. I checked every room upstairs, but when he wasn't there, I went back down.

I decided he must have been in the backyard, and right I was. He was sitting on the bench, leaning forward with his arms crossed over his knees. I smiled slightly, thinking he looked kind of cute doing that, but my smile turned into a frown when I heard soft sniffling.
"Leo?" I asked.
His head whipped around, and he smiled at me. I smiled back when I realized he was okay, and walked up to him. But I couldn't help but notice that the tip of his army jacket was brunt away.

I narrowed my eyes at him and kept my arms crossed. "What were you doing?" I suspiciously, but I couldn't stop a small smirk from pulling at my lip.
"Um..." he stumbled. "Nothing." and quickly hid the burnt part of his jacket.
I rolled my eyes and laughed. I took a seat next to him and he turned his head to look me straight in the eye. It wasn't more than a little gesture of looking, but I started feeling those wretched butterflies again.

I looked away, but after the smile grew on my face I looked back up to him. I frowned again when I saw the sad look he gave me.
"What?" I asked with a laugh, suddenly nervous.
"Nothing. I was just... thinking about something." He said.

I continued to frown but I dropped it. Then I remembered what Diana wanted me to tell him, "Hey, Diana said that she wants us inside. It's almost time to open the presents." I smiled.
His eyes lightened up when I said presents.
I started to stand up, but then he grabbed my wrist and I looked at him in surprise.

"Can I uh—... can I give you your gift here?" he stuttered.
I widened my eyes a bit at his question, but nodded and sat back down. He took a small blue box out of his pocket, and held it out to me. In the middle of my nervous fit I let out a giggle as I took the box, but quickly clamped my mouth shut. I hated my giggle. It sounded so weird and squeaky, like a choking squirrel. I looked down at the box and carefully opened it.

My mouth dropped open as I took in what was inside. It was a beautifully cut blue gem (a sapphire?) the shape of a tear drop. I took it out carefully and admired it as I held it up against the sun.I looked in awe as it glittered in a mix of dark and light blue. I had forgotten who I was standing with or where I was, as I sat entranced by the blue until a voice interrupted me.

"So... do you like it?" Leo asked. I looked at him and almost laughed at the nervous look on his face. I was just about to nod, but in the midst of the emotional storm in my mind, I decided to do something else.
"No." I sighed.

My grin widened as he stiffened, and I laughed. "I love it." I said, and hugged him. I felt his arms close around me as he hugged me back, and smiled. There go the butterflies again. I thought, but this time let them stay.

"You know, you got me real worried there." Leo scoffed.

I pulled away and looked up at him, suddenly caught in his brown gaze. "Thank you." I said softly.

"Don't mention it." He smirked back. I smiled down at it again.

"You're not pulling my leg right?" He pushed. "You really do like it?"
"Yes, Leo." I laughed exasperatedly, looking at him.
"An oath I keep to never lie." I grinned. He laughed and nodded. "Okay, okay, fine. I'm glad." His smirk returned. I bit the inside of my lip, unable to look away, knowing that I've been staring for too long, before pulling quickly away and laughing nervously.

"Uhm.... where did you get this from?" I asked, looking back at the necklace. "This looks expensive. You didn't steal it, did you?" I narrowed my eyes in teasing suspicion.

"God no." Leo laughed. "I made it."

"You made this?" My eyes widened in disbelief.
"I got da skillz, girl." Leo said in an attempt of the "hood" accent, and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't remove the grin from my face. "I don't know how you did it but... it's beautiful. Really. Thank you." I said, tracing my finger along the gem. I thought about the burnt smell in his room, and understood why it was there.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked closer. "Is it real?"
"The gem?"
"Yep. The silver too."
"Where'd you get them?"
Leo shrugged. "Had them for a while, collected from different places and people. Decided this'd be the best way to finally use it."

"Every time I see you two, I feel like I'm interrupting something."

We both turned around to see Diana looking at us from the door. I turned to Leo and mouthed "oops". He shot me an amused grin before standing up.

"Come on guys, we're waiting for you." Diana said, her voice teasing, and disappeared into the house.

"You coming?" He asked, and held out his hand for me to take. I frowned, but smiled. This side of Leo... almost Prince Charming like. It was different, borderline weird, but I liked it. I took his hand and we walked back into the house, joining the crowd that in fact had been waiting for us around the living room table. I gave an apologetic smile to my mom as I passed her but she just smiled back. As I left Le to join Diana, she smirked at me but I rolled my eyes, and turned away quickly to hide my smile. I looked up and saw Josh. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back.

"Girls, smile!" I looked to see Mrs. Collins hold up a camera and Diana had thrown her arms around me as we both grinned, waiting for the flash.

"Kristen." I turned and Diana looked at me with a straight face. "You may open your present first." She nodded.

I narrowed my eyes at her and smirked. "You sure?" I raised my eyebrow. After five seconds of possibly contemplating it, Diana looked at me and shook her head. I laughed and passed her the first box with her name on it. Her eyes shone and she grinned. "If you insist." She said, and started opening the box.

As the wrapping fell to the table I realized that the tag also had my name written on it, and I watched in anticipation as Diana tore it open. We both gasped as Diana pulled out two dresses, one lavender and one sky blue. We immediately knew which one was whose as my favorite color was blue, and hers was purple. We squealed as we felt the soft fabric in our hands, surprised that they reached just above our knees and went to check the name tag and saw that they had been from each of our parents. We quickly ran to give each of them a hug.

Once we finished opening all the presents, we had a large pile of random trinkets, books, and torn up wrapping paper on top of the living room table. I looked at my arm and stared at the cute little jeweled bracelet Josh had given me. I knew the jewels weren't real, but they still glittered and it was really pretty. I looked down and touched the sapphire necklace, and my cheeks heated up again.

Leo had also given Diana a necklace of an amethyst, and I was once again shocked by how much talent this guy must have.

After Diana and I blew the candles on our cake, everyone sat around the house eating and laughing. Soon it was 4PM, and everyone began to leave. Diana and I, by instruction of her mom, stayed at the front door and thanked each one of them.

I looked around to see who was left, and it was just Josh, Zach, Alyssa, and to my surprise, the three girls whom Leo had said he had talked to. I frowned, not really knowing if I was glad or not they were here. No one in my family except for Diana knew who they were, so who invited them? I felt as though someone punched me in the gut when I made eye contact with a certain red-head as she sent a smirk my way. I swallowed, trying not to seem or look as nervous as I felt. A specific memory of being backed against a hallway wall flashed through my mind before I felt a hand grip my left arm.

"What is she doing here?" Diana muttered, narrowing her eyes.
 I shrugged. "Leo said they had talked to him earlier."

"Those vultures." Diana spat.

"Vultures?" I looked at her, not understanding her reference.

"I don't like vultures." She seethed, before walking up to them. I was about to hold her back, but it was too late.

"Hey guys." Diana said cheerily.
"Hi." Brittney put on a big smile.

"Hey um, I just thought maybe if you didn't notice, the party's already over." Diana shrugged, with a huge sympathetic smile on her face.

"Oh don't worry, we know." Elise had nodded her head. I looked at her. I could have been friends with her and Analee, but they stuck by Brittney like glue. Then again I'd only be friends with them if Diana had first. I've come to accept that I'm not one for introductions.
"And you know, I kinda have to close up. Help my mom clean up and stuff." Diana smiled, nodding her head.

"Oh, we could stay and help." Brittney gave her a mocking smile.

"Look, Britt." Diana said in a sickly sweet voice. "I'm not one to be rude but uh.... get out."

Brittney raised her eye brow and Diana kept up her smile.

"Please." my best friend added mockingly.

"Aren't we welcomed guests?" Brittney gasped, placing her hand over her heart dramatically.

"No." Diana said curtly, dropping her smile. "I don't like you."

 I looked at her from the back in shock at her bluntness. She's never afraid to say what she thinks, but I have no idea how she did it. I wanted to cut in, but felt rooted to my spot.

"Look, we don't mean to cause you trouble." Analee had come forward, shooting a glare at her sister.

"We're here for Leo." Elise cut in, smiling.

"Leo?" Diana said, surprised, and Elise nodded again. 

"I heard my name." Leo walked up from the other room, and his eyes widened when he saw the three girls practically surrounding Diana. Diana had a look of mischief in her eyes as she walked up to him, and put her arm around his shoulder.

"Sorry sweeties. But Leo's mine." She said, and Leo looked at her in confusion.

"You're pathetic." A scoff had come from Brittney's direction. Leo looked at her in surprise but she had been looking down at her phone the whole time.

I was about to look back at Diana until something about what Brittney was doing made me freeze. All over her arms stray threads were hanging, and her fingers seemed to be moving in a repetitive motion, one that looked as though she were... weaving? I blinked, but when my eyes opened all the thread had disappeared, and she stood there again typing away on her phone. Did I just imagine that? I frowned.

"Pay no mind to her." Analee sighed, snapping me out of my confusion."We've accomplised out goal, we'll leave you in peace." I only just caught her somewhat knowing look towards Leo, before she and her sisters headed towards the door.

"Please, let me show you out." Diana smiled as she looked at Brittney.

"Enjoy your day, mutt." Brittney smiled back.

Diana's mouth twitched, but she smiled back and tilted her head mockingly. "Well aren't you sweet, Brat."

Brittney's mouth began to open until her sister interrupted. "Brittney, silence." Analee said curtly before following her. I watched as she quickly stopped next to Leo as she passed him and muttered something. I looked in suspicion at Leo's widened eyes, and watched as all the girls headed out the door. Just as she stood at the door, Elise me a small smile. "You'll be okay."

I frowned at what she said, but before I could ask her what she meant Diana closed the door.
"Good riddance." She sighed.

"I thought you were about to rip them apart, D." Zac came out from the kitchen laughing.

"Well I didn't see you about to come on in and help." She accused him.

"You're pretty terrifying on your own." Josh added in, following his brother. Apparently all three of them had listened in from the other room. Thank goodness our parents were busy outside, or Diana could have gotten into trouble.

 "Remember that." Diana winked at them and laughed. She came up to me. "You okay?"

I gritted my teeth and nodded, wishing I did what she did and defended her.
"Don't sweat it. I like getting on their nerves." Diana grinned at me, as though she read my mind.

I looked at Leo, and he looked like he was staring off into space. I guessed Diana realized who I was looking at as she pushed me towards him.

"You okay?" I asked quietly. He looked at me with wide eyes before nodding quickly. "Yeah, why?"
"No reason." I shrugged, but the question ate at me. "What did she tell you?"

"Nothing important." He shrugged, almost a little too quickly. I nodded slowly, but decided to drop it.

"Anyway, all of sudden I feel exhausted." Diana sighed dramatically, yawning. Fake. I thought, narrowing my eyes at her. That yawn was fake. Diana, what are you trying to do now?

Again it seemed as though she read my mind as she winked at me and looked from me to Leo and wagged her eyebrows. I stopped the urge to throw the nearest thing near me at her, and gave her an innocent smile as I felt my cheeks get warmer.

"See you later Dian." Leo smiled at her as she started going up the stairs. She held her fingers up to make the 'peace' sign as a way to say goodbye. I heard someone clear their throat and I turned look at the twins and Alyssa still standing there.
"So what do we do now?" Alyssa asked, in her different and noticeable British accent, even though she was born and raised here.
"Well..." Diana said, stopping and looking back. "You can go home... stay here and watch TV, hang out with Kris and Leo, or something. Just, don't bother me. Really tired..." she said lazily.

Josh smirked mischievously at Zac and then Alyssa joined in. "Well, I guess that settles it. I think we'll hang out with Leo and Kris" Alyssa said, taking a seat on the couch next to the twins.
Diana nodded slowly, then walked—crawled up the stairs. We heard a door shut, and then Alyssa and the twins stood up and I looked at them, puzzled. "Where are you guys going?" I asked.

Alyssa laughed then scoffed, "What? Darling, do you really think we're gonna not annoy Diana and actually listen to what she tells us to do?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Besides. I think you and Leo want to hang out by yourselves" she winked and I caught Josh glaring at her. I looked at Leo but he seemed distracted by something. I rolled my eyes and made a serious face at Alyssa and shook my head. She laughed but put her hands up in defeat.

"Whatever, but I still want to prank Diana."
"What should we do?" Zac asked.
Josh smirked and went into the kitchen, coming back with a can of whipped cream from the fridge. "Anyone got a camera?"
Alyssa smiled as she pulled out her phone.
"Sweet." Josh grinned and looked at Zac. "Let's do this?"
I raised my eyebrow, "Won't that be a waste of whip cream?"

He frowned, "Don't you guys have tons of it?"

"Good point... whatever. Go ahead she could use more excitement today. Just promise me one thing." I laughed.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding a little unsure.

"Don't forget to send me the pictures" I smiled, and he winked as he grinned back.

"You got it."

I watched as the three crept up the stairs. Once they disappeared behind the wall I looked at Leo.
"Don't you want to join them?" I asked.
"Do you?"
I shook my head. "I've done that plenty of times already."
He laughed. "You? Kristen Black? A prankster?" He mocked.

"Don't underestimate me." I scoffed. Though he was right. The amount of influence Diana has had on me is more than I'd like to admit. But I don't regret any of it, or else I would even have been able to talk to Leo or any of the others.

Let's just say... I had gotten quite used to being alone as an only child growing up.

"Of course not." He chuckled. "So what do you want to do now?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. What do you want to do?"
He shrugged back. "Wanna go to the lake for a bit?" He asked.

I looked at him in surprise, as the main things on my mind were to play a board game or something. But I didn't hesitate to nod, only then to smile when he sighed in relief. Was he afraid I'd say no?

"Let's go then." He grinned and ran for the door. I laughed as I ran after him. Lead the way, and I'll follow. I felt surprised by my own words, but smiled at the poetic ring it had to it.


A/N: SOME things may get confusing, but just ask me below and I will try to answer all of your questions :)
BUT, if some of the answers you ask will require me to spoil the story, then I won't answer it because MWUAHAHAHA SUSPENSE and all that cruelty so yep you'll just have to keep reading <3 

HOPE YOU'RE LIKING IT SO FAR!!!!! AND SERIOUSLY GUYS PLEASE COMMENT <3 I love seeing those exclamation points and smiley and frowny faces <3 

THANKS AGAIN FOR READING, NEXT CHAP'S UP IN 7 DAYS. But don't answer the phone when Samara calls.


~Mari  \(+.+)/

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